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Church of Norway

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Alternate title: Norske Kirke

Church of Norway, Norwegian Norske Kirke,  established, state-supported Lutheran church in Norway, which changed from the Roman Catholic faith during the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.

Unsuccessful attempts were made to win converts to Christianity in Norway during the 10th century, but in the 11th century Kings Olaf I Tryggvason (reigned 995–c. 1000) and Olaf II Haraldsson (reigned 1015–30), each of whom had been baptized outside Norway before becoming king, forced many of their subjects to accept Christianity. Olaf II brought clergy from England to organize the church. After he was killed in battle, he became a national hero and was eventually canonized as Norway’s patron saint (1164). The country was primarily Christian by the end of the 11th century. In 1152 the church was organized nationally, with the seat of the archbishop in Nidaros (Trondheim).

The Reformation was brought to Norway by Christian III, king of Denmark and Norway (reigned 1534–59), who was converted to Lutheranism as a young man. Norwegians officially accepted the new faith in 1539. Roman Catholic bishops and clergy who would not accept Lutheranism were forced out of the church, and the church’s property was taken over by the government. By the end of the 16th century, the church had been reorganized, and Lutheranism was accepted by most of the people and clergy.

During the 17th century Lutheran orthodoxy prevailed, but in the 18th century the church was influenced by Pietism. A work with a Pietistic emphasis, Truth Unto Godliness, an explanation of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism published in 1737 by Erik Pontoppidan, a Danish-Norwegian Lutheran professor and bishop, extensively influenced Norwegian religious life for about 200 years. A Pietistic revival from 1797 to 1804 was led by Hans Hauge, a peasant’s son who experienced a religious conversion when he was 25 years old. Although laymen were legally forbidden to preach, Hauge did so throughout the country and established brotherhoods that met for religious study and prayer. Despite being opposed by some of the clergy and being imprisoned several times for his activities, he and his followers remained within the Church of Norway and influenced it greatly. The work of Gisle Johnson, a theology professor from 1849 to 1873 who combined Lutheran orthodoxy and Pietism, also influenced the clergy and laity and led to the establishment of mission programs.

In the 20th century the church experienced theological disagreements between liberals and conservatives. During World War II the bishops and clergy led the Resistance movement against the Nazis, who attempted to control the church after defeating Norway. The bishops gave up their state offices, and almost all the clergy resigned from their parishes, but they continued to work with and were supported by the people. After Germany’s defeat, pastors returned to their churches, and the state church again resumed functioning.

Today Norway is divided into dioceses, each headed by a bishop, with the bishop of Oslo as the primate of the bishops. The king and the Storting (parliament) retain power to determine church organization, practices, doctrine, and education. The king has complete freedom in appointing bishops and pastors, and the government has refused to authorize changes in church organization requested by the bishops that would allow more autonomy for the church. Although Norwegians since 1845 have been able to legally withdraw from the state church and join another (or no) church, nearly 90 percent retain official membership.

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