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Written by Tibor Klaniczay
Written by Tibor Klaniczay

Hungarian literature

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Written by Tibor Klaniczay

Renaissance and Reformation

In 1367 the first Hungarian university was founded, at Pécs. About 100 years later King Matthias I Corvinus established the first Hungarian printing press. The King became known for his library and his patronage of foreign scholars; during his reign Latin literature in Hungary reached its peak in Janus Pannonius, who had been educated in Italy.

The 16th century brought changes. After the Battle of Mohács (1526) the Ottoman Turks occupied a large part of Hungary and the country was split into three. It is in the era of the Reformation that Hungarian national literature really began. Benedek Komjáti, Gábor Pesti, and János Sylvester, all of whom were disciples of the humanist Erasmus, translated parts of the Bible with philological accuracy. Pesti made a very readable translation of Aesop’s fables and published a Latin–Hungarian dictionary. Sylvester published the first Hungarian grammar and, to show the adaptability of the vernacular to classical verse forms, wrote the first Hungarian poem in couplets. In 1541 he published a translation of the New Testament.

The second half of the 16th century saw the beginnings of Hungarian drama. Comoedia Balassi Menyhárt árultátásáról (1569; “Comedy on the Treachery of Menyhárt Balassi”), a satire by an unknown author, was among the most interesting literary achievements of the Reformation. Péter Bornemisza, the first important Protestant writer in Hungary, gave an entrancing view of Hungarian life, teeming with fresh observations, vivid descriptions, and original comments. His volume Ördögi Kisértetekről (1578; “On the Temptations of the Devil”) offered an interesting consideration of moral and sexual problems in the 16th century. A poem of farewell, written on leaving the country, was one of the gems of early Hungarian poetry. His Tragoedia magyar nyelven (1558; “Tragedy in Hungarian”), though based on Sophocles’ Electra, is a skillful adaptation of the play in the spirit of humanism.

Perhaps the greatest single literary achievement of the Hungarian Reformation was a translation of the Bible by Gáspár Károlyi and others (1590). The translation played a role in the development of Hungarian similar to that of the Authorized Version in English.

Up to the 16th century religious literature seems to have fared better than secular literature, in part because secular literature was not written down. The late 16th-century minstrels were more learned than their predecessors and in many cases were driven to their profession by difficult economic conditions. Perhaps the most important was Sebestyén Tinódi, by temperament more historian than poet. He described the wars against the Turks with remarkable accuracy, but his verse was monotonous. Péter Ilosvai Selymes was the author of a romance, Az híres nevezetes Toldi Miklósnak jeles cselekedetiről (1574; “The Story of the Remarkable Nicholas Toldi’s Extraordinary and Brave Deeds”), which achieved great popularity in Hungary and served as a basis for a masterpiece by János Arany in the 19th century. This romance was the one original piece in the flow of the mere entertainment literature characteristic of the 16th century, the principal genre of which was the széphistória (“beautiful story”), adapted from western European originals. Perhaps the best was the História egy Árgirus nevű királyfiról (c. 1575; “The Story of the Prince Árgirus”) by Albert Gergei, from an Italian original but interwoven with Hungarian folklore.

A great poet emerged in Bálint Balassi (1554–94), who at first imitated Petrarch and various Neo-Latin poets but later displayed originality with a cycle of love poems of great beauty and emotional intensity. His songs of war, while reflecting the vicissitudes of fighting the Turk at the borders of the Christian world, celebrate nature and individual bravery in almost hymnlike tones. The poetry of his last years is imbued with a deep religious feeling; the imagery of the poems of his last creative period (the Coelie cycle of love songs as well as his religious verse) is coloured by Mannerism.

The 17th century

In the 17th century Hungary was still divided into three parts. The first, under Turkish rule, played no part in the development of Hungarian literature. The second, under Habsburg rule, was open to Italian and German Roman Catholic influence; the third, Transylvania, was in close relationship with Dutch and English Protestant thought. The leading Protestant scholar and writer of the 17th century was János Apáczai Csere. His chief work was a Hungarian encyclopaedia in which he endeavoured to sum up the knowledge of his time. The work, published at Utrecht in 1653, marked a development in technical vocabulary.

Effects of the Counter-Reformation

By the end of the 16th century the Counter-Reformation was gaining momentum in western Hungary. A Jesuit cardinal, Péter Pázmány, a master of Hungarian prose, was outstanding as an orator and essayist. His writing was characterized by a vigorous and clear, though far from simple, style, use of popular expressions, and solid argument. His Isteni igazságra vezérlő kalauz (1613; “Guide to Divine Truth”) was a refutation of non-Catholic religious doctrines and a masterpiece of Baroque prose.

Under the influence of the Jesuits, many Hungarian aristocrats returned to the Catholic faith and sent their sons to the Austrian Catholic universities and to Rome. The Italian Baroque, especially the influence of Tasso and Marino, is evident in the work of Miklós Zrínyi, a great Hungarian statesman and military commander. Most of his prose work was an exposition of political and strategic ideas. His greatest literary achievement was an epic, Szigeti veszedelem (1651; “The Peril of Sziget”), in 15 cantos, on the siege in 1566 of Szigetvár, which had been defended against the Turks by Zrínyi’s great-grandfather. Though the influence of classical epics is clear, the work remains profoundly original and Hungarian. Another poet of this time, István Gyöngyösi, composed long narrative poems and also many epithalamia, or nuptial poems. He was inventive and handled rhyme with ease, and his work was read widely during the 17th and 18th centuries.

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