I più venduti in Organizzazioni non profit e istituti di beneficenza

Manuale su Anatocismo -interessi su interessi- e usura bancaria su CONTI CORRENTI bancari, mutui, leasing... Le uniche 3 cose che devi avere sottomano per riuscire a scoprire se anche la tua banca ha commesso illeciti

Anatocismo Usura
info: marco@fomia.it - Cell 336 79 01 96 - Contiene buono per analisi gratuita - Collana: Quel che è giusto, è giusto. Strumenti per salvarsi l'azienda, la casa, la famiglia, la vita... Le uniche 3 cose che devi avere sottomano per riuscire a scoprire se anche la tua banca ha commesso illeciti, se ti deve ridare dei soldi, se ti ha fatto pagare -per anni e anni- interessi sugli interessi (anatocismo), se ha applicato tassi oltre la soglia di usura (Soggettiva/civile e/o oggettiva /penale) su Conti Correnti, Mutui, Leasing, Derivati, Swap... Nel file, oltre all'elenco dei tre tipi di documenti che ti devi procurare e le avverenze su quali mosse NON fare per non mettere il nemico in allarme, anche un buono omaggio per la pre-analisi gratuita e l'estratto delle perizia certificata di tutti i conti correnti, mutui, leasing, swap, derivati, cartelle esattoriali che ti riguardano. NB I conti correnti sui quali si possono recuperare -in caso di anatocismo/usura- cifre di una certa entità sono quelli che abbiano avuto -ad esempio- un importo minimo di affidamento di 20.000 € per circa 10 anni dai quali indicativamente, dalla nostra esperienza, si possono ricavare statisticamente da 20.000 € in su. Oppure -sempre un esempio equivalente- un importo minimo di affidamento di 40.000 € per circa 5 anni. Insomma, sotto i 150/200.000 euro di affidamento -fido di cassa, anticipo fatture e ricevute bancarie salvo buon fine, castelletto, import/export, etc- anche in caso di usura soggettiva, oggettiva e anatocismo ci troviamo di fronte a spese di gestione per la perizia certificata o addirittura giurata e le conseguenti azioni troppo alte rispetto a quello che alla fine potresti recuperare. E questo per ogni conto singolo conto corrente in un'unica o in più banche. I mutui analizzabili partono da 80.000 euro in sù. Ultima condizione: la prescrizione è decennale, a tornare indietro da oggi o dal momento della chiusura che non deve essere precedente a 10 anni or sono. Quindi anche conti chiusi negli ultimi 10 anni. Sempre che tu abbia ancora la documentazione. E anche se ci sono stati fenomeni di incorporamento o fusione. In caso contrario, non richiederla prima di esserci sentiti!!! Una chicca: anche se il Conto Corrente è rimasto inattivo negli ultimi 10 anni, il diritto al recupero del maltolto è intatto e pertanto recuperabile.

Glossary of Social Economy

Sara Rago
This glossary was developed to be a tool for civil society actors by serving as a reference guide to the terminology used in the social economy, an aspect which is becoming more and more important in the valorization of the roles and activities done in this sector. These subjects in fact, have assumed an increasing social and economic relevance particularly in the developed countries, in which in fact there is an intense debate going on characterized by the diverse visions and perspectives that come from the heterogeneous experiences developed in the different countries. In this context, sharing the same terminology becomes an important component of effective and constructive comparison, as it lessens the risk of misunderstanding and poor linguistic clarity. Terminology clarity also provides the common base necessary for the actors of the civil sphere to strengthen their position in regards to the Market and the Public Administration.

Analisi Tecnica e Trading online - L'Analisi Grafica

Gilbert Sullivan
Finalmente un manuale pratico, chiaro e semplice, sia nei contenuti che nelle spiegazioni, in cui l’analisi grafica è raccontata in maniera dettagliata passo dopo passo senza tralasciare nulla. Si parte analizzandone gli aspetti di carattere generale per poi illustrarne le caratteristiche attraverso i principali metodi di rappresentazione dei prezzi, vengono infine descritti, uno per uno, tutti i modelli grafici conosciuti, dalle figure di continuazione alle figure di inversione. Sono riportati esempi reali per ciascun pattern in maniera tale da chiarire visivamente i concetti espressi a parole.

Come creare e gestire un'associazione

Antonio Gallo
Quante volte hai navigato sul web alla ricerca della soluzione migliore al tuo problema senza mai approdare a nulla? Questa guida pratica ti permetterà di capire come puoi costituire e gestire in modo concreto la tua associazione. In appendice troverai il modello dell’atto costitutivo e dello statuto per poter redigere da te gli atti costitutivi dell’associazione che tu e i tuoi amici volete costituire: associazioni culturali, sportive, no profit e tante altre. Troverai l’indicazione degli adempimenti burocratici che sono necessari per iniziare l’attività associativa, anche verso terzi, e una stima approssimativa dei costi. Il riferimento comprensibile alle norme di legge ti consentirà di muoverti tra le disposizioni legali che regolano la materia, per acquisire un metodo di soluzione autonoma dei problemi che di volta in volta ti si potranno proporre nella gestione dell’attività associativa. Inoltre, in allegato, troverai modelli di statuto, atto costitutivo ed altri, pronti all'uso.

Manuale su anatocismo -interessi su interessi- e usura bancaria su MUTUI ipotecari a tasso fisso o variabile. Le uniche 4 informazioni che devi avere sottomano per riuscire a scoprire se anche la tua banca ha commesso illeciti

Anatocismo Usura
info: marco@fomia.it - Cell 336 79 01 96 - Contiene buono per analisi gratuita - Collana: Quel che è giusto, è giusto. Strumenti per salvarsi l'azienda, la casa, la famiglia, la vita... Gli unici 5 dati che devi avere sottomano per riuscire a scoprire se anche la tua banca ha commesso illeciti, se ti deve ridare dei soldi, se ti ha fatto pagare -per anni e anni- interessi sugli interessi (anatocismo), se ha applicato tassi oltre la soglia di usura usura (Soggettiva/civile e/o oggettiva /penale) su Mutui ipotecari a tasso fisso o variabile. Nel file, oltre all'elenco delle 5 informazioni che ti devi procurare anche un buono omaggio per la pre-analisi gratuita e l'estratto delle perizia certificata del tuo mutuo. NBI Mutui Ipotecari -sia a tasso variabile che fisso- sui quali si possono recuperare -in caso di anatocismo/usura- cifre di una certa entità sono quelli che abbiano un importo minimo di 80.000 €. Sotto questa cifra -anche in caso di usura soggettiva, oggettiva e anatocismo- ci troviamo di fronte a spese di gestione per la perizia certificata o addirittura giurata e le conseguenti azioni troppo alte rispetto a quello che alla fine potresti recuperare. A meno che tu non voglia -a tutti i costi- anche solo fargliela pagare almeno un po'... O che il mutuo faccia parte di altri rapporti difficili che hai già con gli stessi interlocutori.

FERITO E' IL CONDOR - Diari di viaggio in Perù 1998 - 2010

Gianni Maruzzi
Il libro riporta gli appunti dei viaggi di un medico italiano nelle periferie inquietanti di una metropoli sudamericana. Le suggestioni, gli impatti emotivi con una realtà forse volutamente e da sempre allontanata dalla coscienza e dalle responsabilità. Una esperienza che filtra le routines quotidiane del benessere attraverso i contatti fisici, l’ascolto di storie e l’osservazione diretta dei problemi di un paese, il Perù . Il libro intreccia con un filo ideale le vicende e le condizioni dei poveri, la violenza ed il maltrattamento con gli episodi e i gesti di generosità anche solo affettiva tra le persone. Si tratta di 6 viaggi su un arco temporale di 10 anni. Molteplici occasioni per conoscere e parlare anche del Perù “bello”, la sierra blanca del nord , l’Amazzonia del sud...

The Promise of a Pencil : How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change

Adam Braun
The riveting story of how a young man turned $25 into more than 200 schools around the world and the guiding steps anyone can take to lead a successful and significant life.

Adam Braun began working summers at hedge funds when he was just sixteen years old, sprinting down the path to a successful Wall Street career. But while traveling he met a young boy begging on the streets of India, who after being asked what he wanted most in the world, simply answered, “A pencil.” This small request led to a staggering series of events that took Braun backpacking through dozens of countries before eventually leaving one of the world’s most prestigious jobs to found Pencils of Promise, the organization he started with just $25 that has since built more than 200 schools around the world.

The Promise of a Pencil chronicles Braun’s journey to find his calling, as each chapter explains one clear step that every person can take to turn your biggest ambitions into reality, even if you start with as little as $25. His story takes readers behind the scenes with business moguls and village chiefs, world-famous celebrities and hometown heroes. Driven by compelling stories and shareable insights, this is a vivid and inspiring book that will give you the tools to make your own life a story worth telling.

*All proceeds from this book will support Pencils of Promise.

Grant Writing For Dummies : Edition 3

Beverly A. Browning
Grant Writing For Dummies, 3rd Edition serves as a one-stop reference for readers who are new to the grant writing process or who have applied for grants in the past but had difficulties. It offers 25 percent new and revised material covering the latest changes to the grant writing process as well as a listing of where to apply for grants. Grant writers will find:The latest language, terms, and phrases to use on the job or in proposals.Ways to target the best websites to upload and download the latest and user-friendly application forms and writing guidelines.Major expansion on the peer review process and how it helps improve one's grant writing skills and successes.One-stop funding websites, and state agencies that publish grant funding opportunity announcements for seekers who struggle to find opportunities. New to third edition.

The Only Grant-Writing Book You'll Ever Need : Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets

Ellen Karsh
This book is designed to help nonprofit organizations craft proposals for grants from foundations, companies, and government agencies.

Ellen Karsh, a writer and former director of the Mayor's Office of Grants Administration, in New York, and Arlen Sue Fox, associate executive director for development at Sunnyside Community Services, also in New York, significantly update this edition from 2005 by including interviews with grant makers about how the current economic crisis is affecting their giving and how grant seekers can improve their chances of garnering support.

The book includes a proposal checklist, a glossary of terms, sample grant forms, and a list of Web sites that provide information on grants offered by foundations, corporations, and the government.
--from the Chronicle of Philanthropy

Managing the Non-Profit Organization : Principles and Practices

Peter F. Drucker

The groundbreaking and premier work on nonprofit organizations.

The nonprofit sector is growing rapidly, creating a major need for expert advice on how to manage these organizations effectively. Management legend Peter Drucker provides excellent examples and explanations of mission, leadership, resources, marketing, goals, and much more. Interviews with nine experts also address key issues in this booming sector.

The Cleveland Clinic Way: Lessons in Excellence from One of the World's Leading Health Care Organizations : Lessons in Excellence from One of the World's Leading Health Care Organizations

Toby Cosgrove
This is the future. Join the revolution. Transform your organization the Cleveland Clinic way.

"One of the best healthcare systems in the world."
President Barack Obama

American healthcare is in crisis. It doesn't have to be.The Cleveland Clinic Way is a blueprint for fixing what's wrong with healthcare—and is a must-read for every leader seeking to transform his or her organization.

There's a revolution going on right now. On the frontiers of medicine, some doctors have developed an approach for treating people that is more effective, more humane, and more affordable. It's an approach to healthcare that has captured the attention of the media and business elite--and the President of the United States.

It's all happening at Cleveland Clinic, one of the most innovative, forward-looking medical institutions in the nation.

In this groundbreaking book, the man who leads this global organization, Toby Cosgrove, MD, reveals how the Clinic works so well and argues persuasively for why it should be the model for the nation. He details how Cleveland Clinic focuses on the eight key trends that are shaping the future of medicine. Readers will learn:

Why group practices provide not only better--but cheaper--care Why collaborative medicine is more effective How big data can be harnessed to improve the quality of care and lower costs How cooperative practices can be the wellspring of innovation Why empathy is crucial to better patient outcomes Why wellness of both mind and body depends on healthcare, not sickcare How care is best provided in different settings for greater comfort and value How tailor-made care treats a person instead of a disease

At its core is Cleveland Clinic's emphasis on patient care and patient experience.

A refreshingly positive and practical vision of healthcare, The Cleveland Clinic Way is essential reading for healthcare and business executives, medical professionals, industry analysts, and policymakers. It gives leaders lessons they can apply to their own organizations to achieve results and empowers average Americans to make more informed healthcare decisions.


"A brilliant doctor and leader lays out practical and thought-provoking prescriptions for America's healthcare future. A must-read." -- Jack Welch, former Chairman and CEO of General Electric Company

"The Cleveland Clinic Way is what the healthcare system in this country needs: honesty about the challenges, optimism about our ability to address them, and a focus on solutions. A must-read for healthcare leaders, it's written in clear, inclusive language that makes it just as valuable for the rest of us." -- John Chambers, Chairman and CEO of Cisco

"A pioneer in American healthcare, Toby Cosgrove shows just how the diligence and innovative thinking behind Cleveland Clinic has helped solve fundamental problems most other places barely touch. There are lessons here for everyone--patient, physician, and policymaker alike." -- Atul Gawande, MD, professor at Harvard Medical School and bestselling author of The Checklist Manifesto

"Toby Cosgrove frames the eight important trends that will transform the U.S. healthcare system. The Cleveland Clinic Way is a good road map for those who want to make the U.S. healthcare system better." -- Jeffrey Immelt, Chairman and CEO of General Electric Company

The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life

Lynne Twist

"An inspired, utterly fascinating book….A book for everyone who would like to make the world a better place."—Jane Goodall

This unique and fundamentally liberating book shows us that examining our attitudes toward money—earning it, spending it, and giving it away—can offer surprising insight into our lives, our values, and the essence of prosperity.

Lynne Twist, a global activist and fundraiser, has raised more than $150 million for charitable causes. Through personal stories and practical advice, she demonstrates how we can replace feelings of scarcity, guilt, and burden with experiences of sufficiency, freedom, and purpose. In this Nautilus Award-winning book, Twist shares from her own life, a journey illuminated by remarkable encounters with the richest and poorest, from the famous (Mother Teresa and the Dalai Lama) to the anonymous but unforgettable heroes of everyday life.

Banker To The Poor : Micro-Lending and the Battle Against World Poverty

Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus is that rare thing: a bona fide visionary. His dream is the total eradication of poverty from the world. In 1983, against the advice of banking and government officials, Yunus established Grameen, a bank devoted to providing the poorest of Bangladesh with minuscule loans. Grameen Bank, based on the belief that credit is a basic human right, not the privilege of a fortunate few, now provides over 2.5 billion dollars of micro-loans to more than two million families in rural Bangladesh. Ninety-four percent of Yunus's clients are women, and repayment rates are near 100 percent. Around the world, micro-lending programs inspired by Grameen are blossoming, with more than three hundred programs established in the United States alone.

Banker to the Poor is Muhammad Yunus's memoir of how he decided to change his life in order to help the world's poor. In it he traces the intellectual and spiritual journey that led him to fundamentally rethink the economic relationship between rich and poor, and the challenges he and his colleagues faced in founding Grameen. He also provides wise, hopeful guidance for anyone who would like to join him in "putting homelessness and destitution in a museum so that one day our children will visit it and ask how we could have allowed such a terrible thing to go on for so long." The definitive history of micro-credit direct from the man that conceived of it, Banker to the Poor is necessary and inspirational reading for anyone interested in economics, public policy, philanthropy, social history, and business.

Muhammad Yunus was born in Bangladesh and earned his Ph.D. in economics in the United States at Vanderbilt University, where he was deeply influenced by the civil rights movement. He still lives in Bangladesh, and travels widely around the world on behalf of Grameen Bank and the concept of micro-credit.

Building Social Business : The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs

Muhammad Yunus
Muhammad Yunus, the practical visionary who pioneered microcredit and, with his Grameen Bank, won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, has developed a visionary new dimension for capitalism which he calls “social business.” By harnessing the energy of profit-making to the objective of fulfilling human needs, social business creates self-supporting, viable commercial enterprises that generate economic growth even as they produce goods and services that make the world a better place.

In this book, Yunus shows how social business has gone from being a theory to an inspiring practice, adopted by leading corporations, entrepreneurs, and social activists across Asia, South America, Europe and the US. He demonstrates how social business transforms lives; offers practical guidance for those who want to create social businesses of their own; explains how public and corporate policies must adapt to make room for the social business model; and shows why social business holds the potential to redeem the failed promise of free-market enterprise.

Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits : Real-World Strategies That Work

Ilona Bray

 Getting tax-exempt status for your nonprofit organization is just the first step toward succeeding in your mission -- ultimately, your nonprofit's effectiveness depends entirely on your ability to raise money. Fortunately, Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits will show you how.

Featuring advice and stories from over 40 experienced fundraisers, foundation staffers, journalists, and more, this edition of Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits offers strategies for raising donations from individuals, companies, and institutions, and covers the tools and staff you'll need to get the job done. Find out how to:

work with individual donorsanalyze the donor baseplan special eventssolicit grants from foundations and corporationsget media coverageuse the Web to further fundraising goalsstart a side business to raise funds

Best of all, Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits contains expert advice written in plain English, cutting out the jargon and "consultant speak" that's all too common in many nonprofit books.

This latest edition is updated to include new information on using crowdfunding to support your nonprofit's work, holding online options, and making sure your nonprofit's website comes up high in viewers' search results.  And, you can read the latest studies on who gives the most and get the latest tax figures related to charitable donations.

Nonprofit Kit For Dummies : Edition 4

Stan Hutton
Tips and techniques to help your nonprofit thrive

More so now than in years past, a significant number of nonprofit organizations have experienced a major decrease in funding and contributions. Nonprofit Kit for Dummies, 4th Edition caters to these organizations and shows you how your nonprofit can thrive and survive even in the most unpredictable and uncertain economic climate.

This new edition of Nonprofit Kit For Dummies offers tips and information on everything you need to navigate the process of setting up and effectively running a nonprofit organization, including: hybrid corporations; employee performance reviews; IRS regulations; social media; nonprofit marketing and fundraising; building cash reserves and risk capital; online research and fundraising; and much more.

Covers raising money, applying for grants, and developing the perfect mission statementDetails on how state laws vary, how to conduct program evaluations; and how to conform to accounting standardsCD includes forms, worksheets, templates, and more—plus stronger, more specific examples of organization plans and resources to guide organizational financial systems and procedures

Whether you're thinking about starting your own nonprofit or are already working in the sector, Nonprofit Kit For Dummies is a valuable source for getting the latest information and practical advice on running a prosperous nonprofit organization.

Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase.

How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation (National Edition)

Anthony Mancuso
The process of becoming a tax-exempt organization may appear intimidating, but with How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation, you can do it quickly, easily, and with confidence.

This bestselling book includes complete instructions for obtaining federal 501(c)(3) tax exemption and for qualifying for public charity status with the IRS. It will help you:

. complete an IRS tax-exemption application
. prepare articles of incorporation
. write the bylaws of your nonprofit
. fill in minutes of the organizational meeting
. understand your state's specific nonprofit requirements

This edition is completely updated to reflect the latest changes in the law, and includes contact information for finding updated state-specific instructions. You'll also get information on new online services and options related to forming your nonprofit. Plus, all the forms you need are included in this complete guide. Forms are available to download at nolo.com.

Forces for Good : The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits

Leslie Crutchfield
An innovative guide to how great nonprofits achieve extraordinary social impact. What makes great nonprofits great? Authors Crutchfield and McLeod Grant searched for the answer over several years, employing a rigorous research methodology which derived from books on for-profits like Built to Last. They studied 12 nonprofits that have achieved extraordinary levels of impact—from Habitat for Humanity to the Heritage Foundation—and distilled six counterintuitive practices that these organizations use to change the world. This book has lessons for all readers interested in creating significant social change, including nonprofit managers, donors and volunteers.

Leslie R. Crutchfield (Washington, D.C.) is a managing director of Ashoka and research grantee of the Aspen Institute. Heather McLeod Grant (Palo Alto, CA) is a nonprofit consultant and advisor to Duke University’s Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship and the Stanford Center for Social Innovation. Crutchfield and Grant were co-founding editors of Who Cares, a national magazine reaching 50,000 readers in circulation between 1993-2000.

Blessed Unrest : How the Largest Social Movement in History Is Restoring Grace, Justice, and Beauty to the World

Paul Hawken
The New York Times bestselling examination of the worldwide movement for social and environmental change

Paul Hawken has spent more than a decade researching organizations dedicated to restoring the environment and fostering social justice. From billion-dollar nonprofits to single-person dot.causes, these groups collectively comprise the largest movement on earth, a movement that has no name, leader, or location and that has gone largely ignored by politicians and the media.

Blessed Unrest explores the diversity of the movement, its brilliant ideas, innovative strategies, and centuries of hidden history. A culmination of Hawken?s many years of leadership in the environmental and social justice fields, it will inspire all who despair of the world?s fate, and its conclusions will surprise even those within the movement itself.

Fundraising For Dummies : Edition 3

John Mutz
The fun and easy way to raise money for your cause

Fundraising For Dummies, 3rd Edition shows you how to take advantage of the latest strategies and resources available for raising money through everything from special events to online donations, in both good and bad economic times. The authors teach you how to market your organization using the most up-to-date tools and technologies available through the Internet. This expanded edition also offers information about philanthropy and tax law.Contains new tips and techniques for creating materials that bring in contributions and support for the more than 1.4 million charitable and nonprofit organizations in the United StatesExplains how to use social media to keep donors and volunteers engaged through Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Web technologiesCovers grassroots online fundraising and how to host big events on a shoestring budget

You'll also find tips on negotiating without alienating donors and developing long-term organizational goals. All these strategies are what makes this resource indispensable!

Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations : A Guide to Strengthening and Sustaining Organizational Achievement, Edition 4

John M. Bryson

Praise for Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations

"This is an immensely valuable resource for leaders, professionals, researchers, and other participants in public and nonprofit settings. Anyone professing competence in public and nonprofit management needs to know what Bryson says about strategic planning and management." —Hal G. Rainey, Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor, University of Georgia; author, Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, Fourth Edition

"John Bryson recognizes that strategic management is what is called for today—meaning strategic planning must be linked to leadership, stakeholder involvement, the budget process, system redesign, and performance management. This is a tall order, but John's updated book delivers the goods and comes at just the right time!" —Beverly Stein, president, Public Strategies Group; former chair, Multnomah County Board of Commissioners (Oregon)

"This volume provides a practical theory of how to accomplish the political work of leading organizations through strategic change. The theory is a comprehensive synthesis of research on strategic planning and management. There's no better single reference point for choosing an approach to strategic planning and carrying it through to a successful conclusion." —Michael Barzelay, professor of public management, London School of Economics and Political Science; coauthor, Preparing for the Future: Strategic Planning in the U.S. Air Force

The Billionaire Who Wasn't : How Chuck Feeney Secretly Made and Gave Away a Fortune

Conor O'Clery
Chuck Feeney was born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, to a blue-collar Irish-American family during the Depression. After service in the Korean War, he made a fortune as founder of Duty Free Shoppers, the world’s largest duty-free retail chain. By 1988, he was hailed by Forbes Magazine as the twenty-fourth richest American alive. But secretly Feeney had already transferred all his wealth to his foundation, Atlantic Philanthropies. Only in 1997 when he sold his duty free interests, was he “outed” as one of the greatest and most mysterious American philanthropists in modern times. After going “underground” again, he emerged in 2005 to cooperate on a biography promoting giving while living. Now in his mid-seventies, Feeney is determined his foundation should spend down the remaining $4 billion in his lifetime.

Nonprofit Bookkeeping & Accounting For Dummies

Sharon Farris

Your hands-on guide to keeping great records and keeping your nonprofit running smoothly

Need to get your nonprofit books in order? This practical guide has everything you need to know to operate your nonprofit according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) — from documenting transactions and budgeting to filing taxes, preparing financial statements, and much more. You'll see how to stay organized, keep records, and be prepared for an audit.

Begin with the basics — understand common financial terms, choose your accounting methods, and work with financial statements

Balance your nonprofit books — set up a chart of accounts, record transactions, plan your budget, and balance your cash flow

Get the 4-1-1 on federal grants — find grants and apply for them, track and account for federal dollars, and prepare for a grant audit

Stay in good standing with Uncle Sam — set up payroll accounts for employees, calculate taxes and deductions, and complete tax forms

Close out your books — prepare the necessary financial statements, know which accounts to close, and prepare for the next accounting cycle

Know what to do if you get audited — form an internal audit committee, follow IRS rules of engagement, and keep an immaculate paper trail

Open the book and find:

The difference between bookkeeping and accounting

How to maintain a manual or computer record-keeping system

Ten vital things to know when keeping the books

Do's and don'ts of managing federal grant money

How to prepare for an audit of your financial statements

IRS Form 990 good practices

The most common errors found during nonprofit audits

How to figure out employee payroll deductions and taxes

Uncharitable : How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential

Dan Pallotta
Uncharitable goes where no other book on the nonprofit sector has dared to tread. Where other texts suggest ways to optimize performance inside the existing paradigm, Uncharitable suggests that the paradigm itself is the problem and calls into question our fundamental canons about charity. Author Dan Pallotta argues that society's nonprofit ethic acts as a strict regulatory mechanism on the natural economic law. It creates an economic apartheid that denies the nonprofit sector critical tools and permissions that the for-profit sector is allowed to use without restraint (e.g., no risk-reward incentives, no profit, counterproductive limits on compensation, and moral objections to the use of donated dollars for anything other than program expenditures).
These double-standards place the nonprofit sector at extreme disadvantage to the for profit sector on every level. While the for profit sector is permitted to use all the tools of capitalism to advance the sale of consumer goods, the nonprofit sector is prohibited from using any of them to fight hunger or disease. Capitalism is blamed for creating the inequities in our society, but charity is prohibited from using the tools of capitalism to rectify them.
Ironically, this is all done in the name of charity, but it is a charity whose principal benefit flows to the for-profit sector and one that denies the nonprofit sector the tools and incentives that have built virtually everything of value in society. The very ethic we have cherished as the hallmark of our compassion is in fact what undermines it.
This irrational system, Pallotta explains, has its roots in 400-year-old Puritan ethics that banished self-interest from the realm of charity. The ideology is policed today by watchdog agencies and the use of "efficiency" measures, which Pallotta argues are flawed, unjust, and should be abandoned. By declaring our independence from these obsolete ideas, Pallotta theorizes, we can dramatically accelerate progress on the most urgent social issues of our time. Pallotta has written an important, provocative, timely, and accessible book--a manifesto about equal economic rights for charity. Its greatest contribution may be to awaken society to the fact that they were so unequal in the first place.

The Practice of Management

Peter Drucker
This classic volume achieves a remarkable width of appeal without sacrificing scientific accuracy or depth of analysis. It is a valuable contribution to the study of business efficiency which should be read by anyone wanting information about the developments and place of management, and it is as relevant today as when it was first written.

This is a practical book, written out of many years of experience in working with managements of small, medium and large corporations. It aims to be a management guide, enabling readers to examine their own work and performance, to diagnose their weaknesses and to improve their own effectiveness as well as the results of the enterprise they are responsible for.

Leaving Microsoft to Change the World

John Wood

John Wood discovered his passion, his greatest success, and his life's work not at business school or helping lead Microsoft's charge into Asia in the 1990s but on a soul-searching trip to the Himalayas. He made the difficult decision to walk away from his lucrative career to create Room to Read, a nonprofit organization that promotes education across the developing world. By the end of 2007, the organization will have established over 5,000 libraries and 400 schools, and awarded long-term scholarships to more than 3,000 girls, giving more than one million children the lifelong gift of education.

If you have ever pondered abandoning your desk job for an adventure and an opportunity to give back, Wood's story will inspire you. He offers a vivid, emotional, and absorbing tale of how to take the lessons learned at a hard-charging company like Microsoft and apply them to the world's most pressing social problems.

Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations : A Practical Guide and Workbook, Edition 2

Michael Allison
Your total guide to putting a powerful management tool to work in your organization

Why strategic planning? Because a well wrought strategic plan helps you set priorities and acquire and allocate the resources needed to achieve your goals. It provides a framework for analyzing and quickly adapting to future challenges. And it helps all board and staff members focus more clearly on your organization's priorities, while building commitment and promoting cooperation and innovation

But to be effective, your plan will need to address the special needs of the nonprofit sector. And for more than a decade, Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Organizations has been the number-one source of guidance on all facets of strategic planning for managers at nonprofits of every size and budget.

This thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded edition arms you with the expert knowledge and tools you need to develop and implement surefire strategic plans, including tested-in-the-trenches worksheets, checklists, and tables--in print and on the companion website--along with a book-length case study that lets you observe strategic planning in action. Packed with real-world insights and practical pointers, it shows you how to:

Develop a clear mission, vision, and set of valuesConduct SWOT analyses and program evaluationsAssess client needs and determine stakeholder concernsSet priorities and develop core strategies, goals, and objectivesBalance the dual bottom lines of mission and moneyWrite and implement a solid strategic planDevelop a user-friendly annual work planEstablish planning cycles, gauge progress, and update strategies

Home Business Tax Deductions : Keep What You Earn, Edition 3

Stephen Fishman
Keep your hard earned money in your home business! Completely updated for 2013 returns. Tax deductions are essential to any business, especially when your office is also your home. Don't spend thousands on an accountant turn to Home Business Tax Deductions and do it yourself! Home Business Tax Deductions will help entrepreneurs write off: - a home office - start up and operating expenses - vehicles,meals, entertainment, and travel - health insurance and medical bills - inventory - equipment This edition of Home Business Tax Deductions is completely updated with all the latest tax information, eligibility requirements, and deductions for 2013 returns, including up to date information on how the latest laws could affect a home business.

Creating a World Without Poverty : Social Business and the Future of Capitalism

Muhammad Yunus
The winner of the Nobel Peace Prize outlines his vision for a new business model that combines the power of free markets with the quest for a more humane world--and he tells the inspiring stories of companies that are doing this work today. In the last two decades, free markets have swept the globe, bringing with them enormous potential for positive change. But traditional capitalism cannot solve problems like inequality and poverty, because it is hampered by a narrow view of human nature in which people are one-dimensional beings concerned only with profit. In fact, human beings have many other drives and passions, including the spiritual, the social, and the altruistic. Welcome to the world of social business, where the creative vision of the entrepreneur is applied to today's most serious problems: feeding the poor, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and protecting the planet.--From publisher description.

On Being Nonprofit : A Conceptual and Policy Primer

Peter Frumkin

This concise and illuminating book provides a road map to the evolving conceptual and policy terrain of the nonprofit sector. Drawing on prominent economic, political, and sociological explanations of nonprofit activity, Peter Frumkin focuses on four important functions that have come to define nonprofit organizations. The author clarifies the debate over the underlying rationale for the nonprofit and voluntary sector's privileged position in America by examining how nonprofits deliver needed services, promote civic engagement, express values and faith, and channel entrepreneurial impulses. He also exposes the difficult policy questions that have emerged as the boundaries between the nonprofit, business, and government sectors have blurred. Focusing on nonprofits' growing dependence on public funding, tendency toward political polarization, often idiosyncratic missions, and increasing commercialism, Peter Frumkin argues that the long-term challenges facing nonprofit organizations will only be solved when they achieve greater balance among their four central functions. By probing foundational thinking as well as emergent ideas, the book is an essential guide for nonprofit novitiates and experts alike who want to understand the issues propelling public debate about the future of their sector. By virtue of its breadth and insight, Frumkin's book will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of public purposes and private values that animate nonprofit organizations.

Starting & Building a Nonprofit : A Practical Guide

Peri Pakroo
Start a nonprofit and keep it running with this practical guide
Rescue a school library. Preserve an endangered species. Support the arts. Whatever it is you want to do to give back to your community, "Starting & Building a Nonprofit" provides the kick start you need.
Filled with user-friendly information, practical advice and step-by-step instructions, this book is your guide through the process of getting a nonprofit up and running. Learn how to:
. pick the perfect name for your organization
. structure a nonprofit to achieve your goals
. choose and obtain a federal tax-exempt status
. create a mission statement
. develop a strategic plan and initial budget
. launch a successful fundraising plan
. recruit and manage board members and volunteers
. hire and train staff
. obtain necessary insurance
. market your organization
. create a winning website
. keep your nonprofit running
"Starting & Building a Nonprofit "goes beyond paperwork -- it addresses the big picture, showing you how to create a solvent, efficient organization that will make a real difference. And the newly revised 4th edition has an updated chapter on building a website for your nonprofit, and updated forms and checklists to help you stay organized.
Are you a California resident? Check out "How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation in California."

The Jossey-Bass Handbook of Nonprofit Leadership and Management : Edition 3

David O. Renz
This is the Third Edition of the bestselling nonprofit management reference and text called the "big green book." Based on updated research, theory, and experience, this comprehensive edition offers practical advice on managing nonprofit organizations and addresses key aspects such as board development, strategic planning, lobbying, marketing, fundraising, volunteer management, financial management, risk management, and compensation and benefits. New chapters cover developments in such areas as social entrepreneurship, financial leadership and capital structure, accountability and transparency, and the changing political-legal climate. It includes an instructor's manual

Managing a Nonprofit Organization : Updated Twenty-First-Century Edition

Thomas Wolf
MANAGING A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION has been an essential resource for nonprofit administrators, managers, and business professors since 1984. It is a classic in its field. But much has changed since it was last updated in 1999, as the United States reels from political, economic, and demographic shifts, all of which impact nonprofit organizations every day. In the current economy, nonprofits are trying to make ends meet. They are responding to technological innovation in the age of social media and viral marketing. Nonprofit administrators, trustees, and volunteers need Thomas Wolf’s solid advice now more than ever. So do the many college and university students preparing for work in the nonprofit arena.

Dr. Wolf’s update of Managing a Nonprofit Organization includes material that tackles the demands and challenges faced by nonprofit managers as a result of the legislative and policy changes enacted after 9/11 and in the wake of the economic collapse of 2008. Highlighting the generational issues facing many nonprofits, as current management ages and a younger generation prepares to take the reins, Dr. Wolf suggests ways for organizations to best manage these transitions and adapt to a rapidly changing world. In easy-to-understand language and with study questions at the end of each chapter, Dr. Wolf explains how to cope with all the changes, giving you everything you need to know to be a highly successful nonprofit leader.

Achieving Excellence in Fundraising : Edition 3

Eugene R. Tempel
The third edition of this acclaimed resource, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, explains the fundraising profession's major principles, concepts, and techniques. With contributions from noted experts in the field, and filled with illustrative examples, this book demonstrates why fundraising is a strategic management discipline and clearly defines each step in the fundraising cycle.

Praise for the Third Edition of Achieving Excellence in Fundraising

"Achieving Excellence in Fundraising brings together the voices of leaders in the field with the research expertise of the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University. This winning combination makes the updated third edition an excellent resource for everyone engaged in nonprofit fundraising."
—John Lippincott, president, Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE)

"This book is the best road map—coupled with creative approaches to the practice of fund development—you will find. The sections addressing donor interest and stewardship alone are worth the price. Take time to enhance your fundraising skills, and, most importantly,increase your fundraising results. Tempel, Seiler, and Aldrich have collaborated on apublication worthy of serious study."
—William C. McGinly, president and CEO, Association for Healthcare Philanthropy

"The third edition of this seminal piece of literature, Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, is a wonderful continuation of a legacy that provides the nonprofit sector with a thoughtful, comprehensive, and well-organized approach to contemporary and ethical fundraising practices. The legacy lives on!"
—Denny Smith, president and CEO, CFRE International

"One of the most significant challenges that the grantee organizations of foundations face is building sustainable resources. Achieving Excellence in Fundraising will help them build the fundraising program they need to do so."
—Steve Gunderson, president and CEO, Council on Foundations

"Today's donors seek new philanthropic experiences. Achieving Excellence in Fundraising couples the importance of good stewardship and relationships with innovation, engagement, and long-term results. This third edition takes a critical new look at a classic sector must-read."
—Brian Gallagher, president and CEO, United Way Worldwide

Give Smart : Philanthropy That Gets Results

Thomas J. Tierney
In the first half of the twenty-first century, giving to family and community foundations alone will be ten times in today's dollars what it was throughout the entire twentieth century. Yet despite tremendous innovation in the social sector, philanthropy's natural state is under-performance. Not since Andrew Carnegie wrote The Gospel of Wealth has a book been written that provides practical guidance for donors to get the most impact from their giving.

Almost a decade ago, Thomas J. Tierney left Bain & Company to co-found The Bridgespan Group, a nonprofit focused on helping donors and nonprofit leaders to develop and execute strategies to accelerate social change. In Give Smart, Tierney pools his hands-on knowledge with philanthropy expert Joel L. Fleishman to create a much-needed primer for philanthropists and the nonprofit organizations they support. Drawing from personal experiences, testimonials, and Bridgespan's case studies, including those of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Give Smart picks up where Jim Collins' Good to Great and the Social Sectors left off and presents the first in-depth, expert guide for engaged donors and nonprofit leaders.

Winning Grants Step by Step : The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing and Writing Successful Proposals, Edition 4

Tori O'Neal-McElrath

Previous Praise for Winning Grants Step by Step

"Warning: this book works. It provokes you to ask the right questions, hand-holds you through practical exercises, and offers a map that includes paths to develop strategic relationships with funders."

—E. Eduardo Romero, Nonprofit Roundtable

"Winning Grants Step by Step is a very practical A-to-Z resource that speaks to the importance of staying focused on your mission every step of the way. The third edition is artfully updated with words of wisdom from grantmakers themselves, as well as updates on the latest processes and buzzwords all grantseekers need to know."

—Heather Iliff, Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations

"With solid advice and clear examples, nonprofit leaders will find it a page turner!"

—Clarence Hauer, senior director, strategy and organizational development, St. Louis Nonprofit Services Consortium

"Winning Grants Step by Step is a gift to nonprofit organizations. The valuable insights and hands-on tools will instantly make any proposal more competitive."

—Alex Carter, Your Nonprofit Coach

"Developing great grant proposals is essential for nonprofit leaders. Winning Grants Step by Step provides important guidance to those who are new to fundraising as well as to anyone who needs a refresher. This new edition of Winning Grants brings updated tips and vivid examples. As an experienced fundraising consultant, I believe it will help my clients and colleagues alike."

—Maria Gitin, CFRE, Maria Gitin & Associates

"As an executive director, fundraising is on my mind every day. It's great to have a resource like Winning Grants Step by Step to use and share with my board, staff, and peers."

—Deborah Menkart, executive director, Teaching for Change

Nonprofit Management 101 : A Complete and Practical Guide for Leaders and Professionals

Darian Rodriguez Heyman
A comprehensive handbook for leading a successful nonprofit

This handbook can educate and empower a whole generation of nonprofit leaders and professionals by bringing together top experts in the field to share their knowledge and wisdom gained through experience. This book provides nonprofit professionals with the conceptual frameworks, practical knowledge, and concise guidance needed to succeed in the social sector. Designed as a handbook, the book is filled with sage advice and insights from a variety of trusted experts that can help nonprofit professionals prepare to achieve their organizational and personal goals, develop a better understanding of what they need to do to lead, support, and grow an effective organization.Addresses a wealth of topics including fundraising, Managing Technology, Marketing, Finances, Advocacy, Working with BoardsContributors are noted nonprofit experts who define the core capabilities needed to manage a successful nonprofitAuthor is the former Executive Director of Craigslist Foundation

This important resource offers professionals key insights that will have a direct impact on improving their daily work.

The Foundation : A Great American Secret; How Private Wealth Is Changing the World

Joel Fleishman
Private foundations have been the dynamo of social change since their invention at the beginning of the last century. Yet just over 10 percent of the public knows they even exist; and for those who are aware of them, as well as even those who seek grants from them, their internal workings remain a complete mystery. Joel Fleishman knows the sector like few others, and in this groundbreaking book he explains both the history of foundations?with their fledgling beginnings in the era of the robber barons seeking social respectability?through to the present day. This book shows how, why foundations matters, and how the future of foundations can provide a vital spur to the engine of the American, and the worldOCOs, economy?if they are properly established and run."

The Resilient Sector : The State of Nonprofit America

Lester M. Salamon

The Resilient Sector makes available in an updated form the concise overview of the state of health of America's nonprofit organizations that Johns Hopkins scholar Lester Salamon recently completed as part of the "state of nonprofit America" project he undertook in cooperation with the Aspen Institute. Contrary to popular understanding, Salamon argues, America's nonprofit organizations have shown remarkable resilience in recent years in the face of a variety of difficult challenges, significantly re-engineering themselves in the process. But this very resilience now poses risks for the sector's continued ability to perform the tasks that we have long expected of it. The Resilient Sector offers nonprofit practitioners, policymakers, the press, and the public at large a lively assessment of this set of institutions that we have long taken for granted, but that the Frenchman Alexis de-Toqueville recognized to be "more deserving of our attention" than almost any other part of the American experiment.

Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan : A Workbook for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, Edition 2

John M. Bryson
Creating and Implementing Your Strategic Plan is the best-selling companion to John Bryson's landmark book, Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. This new edition of the workbook is completely revised and updated and can be used as a stand-alone resource or as a companion to Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. A step-by-step guide to putting strategic planning to work in public and nonprofit organizations, this indispensable workbook includes easy-to-understand worksheets and clear instructions for creating a strategic plan tailored to the needs of the individual organization. From setting up the meeting room to establishing a vision of the future, every step of the strategic planning process is covered. The workbook shows how to:Refine your organization’s mission and valuesAssess your internal and external environmentIdentify and frame strategic issuesFormulate strategies to help manage the issuesCreate, review, and adopt the strategic planAssess the strategic planning process

Making Sustainability Work : Best Practices in Managing and Measuring Corporate Social, Environmental, and Economic Impacts, Edition 2

Marc J. Epstein
NEW EDITION, REVISED AND UPDATED Most companies today have some commitment to corporate social responsibility, but implementing these initiatives can be particularly challenging. While a lot has been written on ethical and strategic factors, there is still a dearth of information on the practical nuts and bolts. And whereas with most other organizational initiatives the sole objective is improved financial performance, sustainability broadens the focus to include social and environmental performance, which is much more difficult to measure. Now updated throughout with new examples and new research, this is a complete guide to implementing and measuring the effectiveness of sustainability initiatives. It draws on Marc Epstein’s and new coauthor Adriana Rejc Buhovac’s solid academic foundation and extensive consulting work and includes best practices from dozens of companies in Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Australia, and Africa. This is the ultimate how-to guide for corporate leaders, strategists, academics, sustainability consultants, and anyone else with an interest in actually putting sustainability ideas into practice and making sure they accomplish their goals.

The Networked Nonprofit : Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change

Beth Kanter
The Networked Nonprofit Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change

This groundbreaking book shows nonprofits a new way of operating in our increasingly connected world: a networked approach enabled by social technologies, where connections are leveraged to increase impact in effective ways that drive change for the betterment of our society and planet.

"The Networked Nonprofit is a must-read for any nonprofit organization seeking innovative, creative techniques to improve their mission and better serve their communities."
—Diana Aviv, president and CEO, Independent Sector

"The Internet means never having to ask permission before trying something new. In The Networked Nonprofit, Kanter and Fine show nonprofits how to harness this flexibility to pursue their missions in partnership with two billion connected citizens."
—Clay Shirky, author, Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations

"The Networked Nonprofit uniquely describes the historical context and the current challenges that compel nonprofit leaders to work in networked ways and offers easy steps to help users exploit the potential of social media and 'working wikily."'
—Stephanie McAuliffe, director, organizational effectiveness, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

"A must-read for nonprofit leaders who want to change their organizations from the inside out by embracing the power of social networks."
—Charlene Li, founding partner, Altimeter Group; author, Open Leadership; and coauthor, Groundswell

"This is a perfect handbook for anyone who wants to leapfrog their current limitations of understanding and find real-world applications of technology to extend their mission."
—Michele Nunn, CEO, Points of Light Institute, and cofounder, HandsOn Network

"Kanter and Fine provide the 'Google Maps' for nonprofits to harness social media to kick butt and change the world."
—Guy Kawasaki, cofounder, Alltop.com, and former chief evangelist, Apple Inc.

"URGENT! Read this book. Take notes. Take action. If you work for a nonprofit, you don't have to do every single thing these seasoned authors have to share, but you certainly have to know what you're missing."
—Seth Godin

Register at www.josseybass.com/emailfor more information on our publications, authors, and to receive special offers.

The Nonprofit Board Answer Book : A Practical Guide for Board Members and Chief Executives, Edition 3

An essential guide to good governance for board leaders at all levels of experience and expertise

This third edition of the bestselling book for nonprofit board members and professionals offers a thoroughly revised and updated resource that answers the most-commonly asked question on board governance. The book covers such topics as board structure and process, board member recruitment and orientation, board-staff relations, and financial management. This new edition includes updated information on topics that have recently increased in importance including new Form 990; dealing with the financial crisis, risk management, and mergers.Shows executives and board members how to be more effective, meet difficult situations head-on, and deal with commonplace challenges with confidenceTopics include information on the viability of for-profit ventures, board retreats, board diversity, fundraising, financial oversight, strategic thinking, and the use of technologyFrom Boardsource the premier resource for practical information, tools, best practices, training, and leadership development for board members of nonprofit organizations worldwide

Offers insight gained from the BoardSource Governance Index Survey, hundreds of board self-assessments, and questions and challenges heard by BoardSource from thousands of nonprofit leaders.

Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation : Edition 3

Joseph S. Wholey

Praise for the third edition of the Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation

"Mix three of the most highly regarded evaluators with a team of talented contributors, and you end up with an exceedingly practical and useful handbook that belongs on the reference shelf of every evaluator as well as program and policy officials." —Jonathan D. Breul, executive director, IBM Center for The Business of Government

"Joe Wholey and his colleagues have done it again—a remarkably comprehensive, thoughtful, and interesting guide to the evaluation process and its context that should be useful to sponsors, users, and practitioners alike." —Eleanor Chelimsky, former U.S. Assistant Comptroller General for Program Evaluation and Methodology

"Students and practitioners of public policy and administration are fortunate that the leading scholars on evaluation have updated their outstanding book. This third edition of the Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation will prove once again to be an invaluable resource in the classroom and on the front lines for a public service under increasing pressure to do more with less."—Paul L. Posner, director, public administration, George Mason University, and immediate former president, the American Society of Public Administration

"The third edition of the Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation reflects the evolving nature of the field, while maintaining its value as a guide to the foundational skills needed for evaluation." —Leslie J. Cooksy, current president, the American Evaluation Association

"This third edition is even more of a must-have book than its earlier incarnations—for academics to give their students a comprehensive overview of the field, for practitioners to use as a reference to the best minds on each topic, and for evaluation funders and consumers to learn what is possible and what they should expect. I've been in evaluation for 35 years, and I used the first and second editions all the time."—Michael Hendricks, Ph.D., independent evaluation consultant

Mission-Based Management : Leading Your Not-for-Profit In the 21st Century, Edition 3

Peter C. Brinckerhoff

The only nonprofit management book you must have-in an exciting new edition

As a nonprofit manager, you have to be more effective and more efficient than ever to win funding and support to ensure your organization pursues its mission, meets community needs, and maintains its budget, while juggling the demands of funders, clientele, boards, staff, and community. This Third Edition of Mission-Based Management provides comprehensive, hands-on guidance that addresses your unique concerns as a nonprofit manager and policy-maker
Addresses the effects of SOX, organizational transparency, new technologies, technology planning, and marketing in today's environmentIs written by a nationally recognized expert who has trained thousands of nonprofit managers in hundreds of seminars on the best practices in nonprofit managementIncludes in each chapter a recap and a list of questions for group discussion

More than ever before, as a nonprofit manager, you want and need practical guidance on how to do your job and run your organization more effectively and efficiently. And more than ever before, Mission-Based Management, Third Edition provides the definitive answer.

The Generosity Network : New Transformational Tools for Successful Fund-Raising

Jennifer McCrea

The Generosity Network is the essential guide to the art of activating resources of every kind behind any worthy cause. Philanthropist Jeff Walker and fund-raising expert Jennifer McCrea offer a fresh new perspective that can make the toughest challenges of nonprofit management and development less stressful, more rewarding—and even fun.    
            Walker and McCrea show how traditional pre-scripted, money-centered, goal-oriented fund-raising techniques lead to anxiety and failure, while open-spirited, curiosity-driven, person-to-person connections lead to discovery, growth—and often amazing results. Through engrossing personal stories, a wealth of innovative suggestions, and inspiring examples, they show nonprofit leaders how to build a community of engaged partners who share a common passion and are eager to provide the resources needed to change the world—not just money, but also time, talents, personal networks, creative thinking, public support, and all the other forms of social capital that often seem scanty yet are really abundant, waiting to be uncovered and mobilized. 
            Highly practical, motivating, and thought provoking, The Generosity Network is designed to energize and empower nonprofit leaders, managers, donors, board members, and other supporters. Whether you help run a multimillion-dollar global nonprofit or raise funds for a local scout troop, PTA, or other community organization, you’ll learn new approaches that will make your work more successful and enjoyable than ever.

From the Hardcover edition.

Social Media for Social Good: A How-to Guide for Nonprofits

Heather Mansfield

Maximize every donation dollar using social-media marketing best practices

With Social Media for Social Good, you have everything you need to get your organization online at all levels: Web 1.0: Websites, e-newsletters, and Donate Now buttons; Web 2.0: Blogging and social networking sites; and Web 3.0: The Mobile Web, texting, and smartphone Apps.

Learn how to access free and inexpensive marketing tools, market via email, use Twitter and Facebook, raise money from new donors, understand the legalities involved in being online, establish privacy settings, and track ROI.

Heather Mansfield owns DIOSA Communications. She has served as Nonprofit Community Manager for Change.org, was named a Fundraising Star of the Year by Fundraising Success Magazine, and serves on the board for the Latin America Working Group.

Grant Writing 101: Everything You Need to Start Raising Funds Today

Victoria Johnson
A Crash Course in Writing Powerful, Persuasive Grants!

"Grant Writing 101 provides straightforward and effective strategies for improving results. It is a wonderful reference guide for experienced fundraisers and an invaluable 'how-to' manual for those starting their careers."
—Emmett D. Carson, Ph.D., CEO and President, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

"This new book is an essential tool in helping nonprofits manage grant writing by keeping it simple, easy, and enjoyable!"
—Barb Larson, CEO, American Red Cross, Silicon Valley

Grant Writing 101 offers quick and easy tactics for getting the funding you need—right now!

Written to enable beginners with little or no experience to hit the ground running, it covers:

Ten tactics for writing a compelling proposal Tips for finding the best grantor for your needs Important components of various types of grants Next steps for when you're approved

Includes samples of grant proposals and budget presentations!

Yours for the Asking : An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management

Reynold Levy
Praise for Yours for the Asking: An Indispensable Guide to Fundraising and Management

"Reynold Levy is a master at persuading people to give money—lots of money—to worthy causes. Now he shares his wisdom with us all—and at a bargain price!"
—Tom Brokaw

"Ren Levy is the master of his trade. He can squeeze big dollars out of a stone and he tells here just how to do it. Anyone raising money for a good cause must read this book!"
—John C. Whitehead, former Co-Chairman and Senior Partner of Goldman Sachs and former United States Deputy Secretary of State

"Ren Levy has written the definitive handbook on fundraising. It should be required reading for boards of directors and senior staff of nonprofit organizations. The lessons learned from Ren's broad experience are equally relevant to corporate executives as they endeavor to establish and strengthen customer relationships."
—Indra Nooyi, Chairman and CEO, PepsiCo

"I have raised money for a living for several decades. But I could not articulate better than Reynold Levy has done in Yours for the Asking the many secrets to successfully acquiring investors. If you wish to learn how to politely and effectively ask for contributions to a favorite organization or cause, you really need to purchase this highly readable, enjoyable and useful book."
—David Rubenstein, Co-founder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group

The Nonprofit Marketing Guide : High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause

Kivi Leroux Miller
A nonprofit's real-world survival guide and nitty-gritty how-to handbook

This down-to-earth book shows how to hack through the bewildering jungle of marketing options and miles-long to-do lists to clear a marketing path that's right for your organization, no matter how understaffed or underfunded. You'll see how to shape a marketing program that starts from where you are now and grows with your organization, using smart and savvy communications techniques, both offline and online. Combining big-picture management and strategic decision-making with reader-friendly tips for implementing a marketing program day in and day out, this book provides a simple yet powerful framework for building support for your organization's mission and programs. Includes cost-effective strategies and proven tactics for nonprofits An ideal resource for thriving during challenging times Fast, friendly, and realistic advice to help you navigate the day-by-day demands of any nonprofit

Written by one of the leading sources of how-to info and can-do inspiration for small and medium-sized nonprofit organizations, Kivi Leroux Miller is,among other things, a communication consultant and trainer, and president of EcoScribe Communications and Nonprofit Marketing Guide.com.

With Charity for All : Why Charities Are Failing and a Better Way to Give

Ken Stern
Vast and largely unexamined, the world of American charities accounts for fully 10 percent of economic activity in this country, yet operates with little accountability, no real barriers to entry, and a stunning lack of evidence of effectiveness. In With Charity for All, Ken Stern reveals a problem hidden in plain sight and prescribes a whole new way for Americans to make a difference.

Each year, two thirds of American households donate to charities, with charitable revenues exceeding one trillion dollars. Yet while the mutual fund industry employs more than 150,000 people to rate and evaluate for-profit companies, nothing remotely comparable exists to monitor the nonprofit world. Instead, each individual is on his or her own, writing checks for a cause and going on faith. Ken Stern, former head of NPR and a long-time nonprofit executive, set out to investigate the vast world of U.S. charities and discovered a sector hobbled by deep structural flaws. Unlike private corporations that respond to market signals and go out of business when they fail, nonprofit organizations have a very low barrier to entry (the IRS approves 99.5 percent of applications) and once established rarely die. From water charities aimed at improving life in Africa to drug education programs run by police officers in thousands of U.S. schools, and including American charitable icons such as the Red Cross, Stern tells devastating stories of organizations that raise and spend millions of dollars without ever cracking the problems they set out to solve.
   But he also discovered some good news: a growing movement toward accountability and effectiveness in the nonprofit world. With Charity for All is compulsively readable, driven in its early pages by the plight of millions of Americans donating to good causes to no good end, and in its last chapters by an inspiring prescription for individual giving and widespread reform.

Performance and Productivity in Public and Nonprofit Organizations

Evan M. Berman
Designed for course adoption as well as professional use, the second edition of this accessible text provides a balanced assessment and overview of state-of-the-art organizational and performance productivity strategies. Public and nonprofit organizations face demands for increased productivity and responsiveness, and this practical guide offers strategies based on current research and scholarship that respond to these challenges.

The book's comprehensive coverage includes: rationale for productivity and performance improvement; evolution of productivity improvement; the quality paradigm; customer service; information technology; traditional approaches to productivity improvement; re-engineering and restructuring; partnering and privatization; psychological contracts; and community based strategies. In addition to updating the examples of the first edition, this new edition also highlights the growing use of enterprise funds, partnership models of privatization, and web-based service delivery. Each chapter concludes with a useful summary and all-new application exercises.

Business Secrets of the Trappist Monks : One CEO's Quest for Meaning and Authenticity

August Turak
In addition to his work as an entrepreneur, corporate executive, and consultant, for the last sixteen years August Turak worked alongside the Trappist monks of Mepkin Abbey, watching firsthand as they undertook new enterprises and sustained an incredibly successful business practice.

Service and selflessness are at the heart of this 1,500-year-old monastic tradition’s remarkable business success, an ancient though immensely relevant economic model that preserves what is positive and productive about capitalism while transcending its ethical limitations and internal contradictions. Combining the lessons he's learned from thirty years of business experience with intimate portraits of the monkns at work, Turak shows how Trappist principles have been successfully applied in a variety of business settings. He demonstrates how the monks and such agnostics as Warren Buffett are wildly successful not despite their fanatical commitment to the highest principles but because of them. Turak also points to other “transformational organizations” that share critical components of the abbey’s philosophy conducive to success.

The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation and Reporting

Laurence Scot
A complete and easy to understand guide to the fundamentals of how not-for-profit organizations are formed and run, as well as their structure and the unique accounting and reporting issues they face.

Providing you with a comprehensive understanding of how to maintain the "books" of a typical nonprofit entity and comply with numerous reporting requirements, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation & Reporting equips you with everything you need to know to form a Not-For-Profit, setup an accounting system, record financial transactions and report to donors and regulatory bodies.

Topics include:Step-by-step guide to forming a Not-For-Profit and applying for tax exemptionBecoming familiar with unique Not-For-Profit accounting rules such as classifying contributions/grants and recording restrictions, allocation of expenses to programs and supporting services and investment classification and reportingBudget development, payroll processing and accounting for personnel costsShows how to prepare and understand required Not-For-Profit financial statement and their componentsProvides you with a broad understanding of the numerous filing requirement required by donors, grantors and government regulatory agencies

Practical and comprehensive in scope, The Simplified Guide to Not-for-Profit Accounting, Formation & Reporting offers a wealth of practical information to accountants and non-accountants alike for understanding Not-For-Profit financial transactions, financial statements and the many internal and external reports they must prepare.

Creating Room to Read : A Story of Hope in the Battle for Global Literacy

John Wood
The inspirational story of a former Microsoft executive’s quest to build libraries around the world and share the love of books

What’s happened since John Wood left Microsoft to change the world? Just ask six million kids in the poorest regions of Asia and Africa. In 1999, at the age of thirty-five, Wood quit a lucrative career to found the nonprofit Room to Read. Described by the San Francisco Chronicle as “the Andrew Carnegie of the developing world,” he strived to bring the lessons of the corporate world to the nonprofit sector—and succeeded spectacularly.

In his acclaimed first book, Leaving Microsoft to Change the World, Wood explained his vision and the story of his start-up. Now, he tackles the organization’s next steps and its latest challenges—from managing expansion to raising money in a collapsing economy to publishing books for children who literally have no books in their native language. At its heart, Creating Room to Read shares moving stories of the people Room to Read works to help: impoverished children whose schools and villages have been swept away by war or natural disaster and girls whose educations would otherwise be ignored.

People at the highest levels of finance, government, and philanthropy will embrace the opportunity to learn Wood’s inspiring business model and blueprint for doing good. And general readers will love Creating Room to Read for its spellbinding story of one man’s mission to put books within every child’s reach.

Wine to Water : How One Man Saved Himself While Trying to Save the World

Doc Hendley
The captivating story of an ordinary bartender turned humanitarian who’s changing the world through clean water.

Doc Hendley never set out to be a hero. A small-town bartender, Doc loved his Harley, music, and booze. Then he learned about the world’s water crisis, and decided to help by hosting fundraisers. But he wanted to do more and soon found himself traveling to one of the world’s most dangerous hot spots: Darfur, Sudan.

Doc was immediately cast into a crisis zone. The Sudanese government was wiping out entire villages through horrific state-sponsored genocide—and one of the chief weapons was water. By dumping corpses in water sources and shooting up water bladders, Janjaweed terrorists doomed hundreds of thousands of citizens to dehydration, disease, and death.

At just twenty-five years old, Doc was inexperienced, untrained, and in constant danger—but he stepped up to save lives. Alternatively begging international organizations for funding and dodging trigger-happy Janjaweed, Doc began drilling and repairing wells, bringing drinking water to those who desperately needed it. Wine to Water is his story about braving tribal warfare in far-flung regions of the world, and an inspirational tale of how one ordinary person can make a difference.

The Volunteer Management Handbook : Leadership Strategies for Success, Edition 2

Tracy D. Connors
Completely revised and expanded, the ultimate guide to starting—and keeping—an active and effective volunteer program

Drawing on the experience and expertise of recognized authorities on nonprofit organizations, The Volunteer Management Handbook, Second Edition is the only guide you need for establishing and maintaining an active and effective volunteer program. Written by nonprofit leader Tracy Connors, this handy reference offers practical guidance on such essential issues as motivating people to volunteer their time and services, recruitment, and more. Up-to-date and practical, this is the essential guide to managing your nonprofit's most important resource: its volunteers.Now covers volunteer demographics, volunteer program leaders and managers, policy making and implementation, planning and staff analysis, recruiting, interviewing and screening volunteers, orienting and training volunteers, and much moreUp-to-date, practical guidance for the major areas of volunteer leadership and managementExplores volunteers and the law: liabilities, immunities, and responsibilities

Designed to help nonprofit organizations survive and thrive, The Volunteer Management Handbook, Second Edition is an indispensable reference that is unsurpassed in both the breadth and depth of its coverage.

Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations : Winning in the Age of the Elusive Donor, Edition 2

Barry J. McLeish

From a leading expert on nonprofit marketing, the only marketing handbook a nonprofit manager will ever need-now fully revised and updated

In Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition, nonprofit marketing guru Barry J. McLeish shares everything he's learned during more than two decades managing and consulting nonprofits of every shape and size. Skipping all the arcane theory and the business school jargon, he gives you clear, step-by-step advice and guidance and all the tools you need to develop and implement a sophisticated marketing program tailored to your organization's needs and goals.New sections on the new media available to nonprofit marketersTechniques for analyzing your market and developing a comprehensive marketing planMarketing strategies that will support fund-raising, promote new services, and enhance your organization's reputation and visibilityMethods for developing a marketing program that reaches both the consumers of your service and the donors who support your organization

Do you need to breathe new life into your existing marketing department? Successful Marketing Strategies for Nonprofit Organizations, Second Edition gives you the tools, the know-how, and the confidence you need to succeed.

Charity Case : How the Nonprofit Community Can Stand Up For Itself and Really Change the World

Dan Pallotta
A blueprint for a national leadership movement to transform the way the public thinks about giving

Virtually everything our society has been taught about charity is backwards. We deny the social sector the ability to grow because of our short-sighted demand that it send every short-term dollar into direct services. Yet if the sector cannot grow, it can never match the scale of our great social problems. In the face of this dilemma, the sector has remained silent, defenseless, and disorganized. In Charity Case, Pallotta proposes a visionary solution: a Charity Defense Council to re-educate the public and give charities the freedom they need to solve our most pressing social issues.
Proposes concrete steps for how a national Charity Defense Council will transform the public understanding of the humanitarian sector, including: building an anti-defamation league and legal defense for the sector, creating a massive national ongoing ad campaign to upgrade public literacy about giving, and ultimately enacting a National Civil Rights Act for Charity and Social Enterprise
From Dan Pallotta, renowned builder of social movements and inventor of the multi-day charity event industry (including the AIDS Rides and Breast Cancer 3-Days) that has cumulatively raised over $1.1 billion for critical social causes
The hotly-anticipated follow-up to Pallotta’s groundbreaking book Uncharitable

Grounded in Pallotta’s clear vision and deep social sector experience, Charity Case is a fascinating wake-up call for fixing the culture that thwarts our charities’ ability to change the world.

Managing to Change the World : The Nonprofit Manager's Guide to Getting Results, Edition 2

Alison Green
Why getting results should be every nonprofit manager's first priority

A nonprofit manager's fundamental job is to get results, sustained over time, rather than boost morale or promote staff development. This is a shift from the tenor of many management books, particularly in the nonprofit world. Managing to Change the World is designed to teach new and experienced nonprofit managers the fundamental skills of effective management, including: managing specific tasks and broader responsibilities; setting clear goals and holding people accountable to them; creating a results-oriented culture; hiring, developing, and retaining a staff of superstars.Offers nonprofit managers a clear guide to the most effective management skillsShows how to address performance problems, dismiss staffers who fall short, and the right way to exercising authorityGives guidance for managing time wisely and offers suggestions for staying in sync with your boss and managing up

This important resource contains 41 resources and downloadable tools that can be implemented immediately.