www.fgks.org   »   [go: up one dir, main page]

As a member service, the APS includes on this website details of research being conducted by members who are seeking participants in research.

If you are interested in participating, please contact the individual cited in the 'Contact details' section under each project listing. Please do not contact the APS directly.

Please note: The APS in no way endorses, has no involvement in, and is not responsible for the research projects listed. Your participation in any of the projects listed is entirely voluntary.

Current research projects

Psychologists' job related attitudes and perceptions

[posted 20 August 2014; closes 31 May 2015]

You are invited to participate in a research study investigating the job related attitudes and perceptions of Australian psychologists. The study is being conducted by Renee Gentle, Master of Clinical Psychology student, under the supervision of A/Prof Rocco Crino (School of Psychology, CSU) and Mark Boyce.

Before you decide whether or not you wish to participate in this study, it is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will involve. Please take the time to read the participant information sheet carefully and discuss it with others if you wish.

If you wish to participate in this study, please click on the below link which will take you directly to the survey.


If you would like further information please contact Renee Gentle, Chief Investigator in this research on 0438 773 458 or by email at renee.gentle@hotmail.com

Assessing Australian mental health professionals’ competencies for working with transgender people

[posted 12 August 2014; closes 30 Jan 2015]

This research aims to better understand the capacity of Australia’s mental health workforce for engaging with transgender clients. As a counsellor, psychologist, social worker, mental health nurse or psychiatrist working in Australia, you are invited to participate in a brief 15 minute online survey. We are interested in hearing from both mental health professionals who have worked with transgender clients, as well as those who do not have experience in this area.

Your responses to this survey will be anonymous and any reports or publications produced from the findings will be written in ways that ensure your privacy. The survey is not likely to produce distress for participants, though it is possible that a small number of the questions may be challenging in terms of the content. 

Findings will inform training materials aimed at increasing the skill set of Australian mental health professionals to work with transgender clients. If you participate in the survey, you will have the option of receiving information on the outcomes of the study.

Survey link: https://surveymonkey.com/s/mhpcompetency


For further information contact Dr Damien Riggs damien.riggs@flinders.edu.au This research was approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee (Approval #6494). 

Eitology of relational aggression

[posted 12 August 2014; closes 1 November 2014]

The existing literature supports a link between negative early life experiences and the use of aggressive behaviour in adulthood. Less is understood about the developmental and personality-based factors responsible for the onset of relational aggression in adulthood. Relational aggression refers to the use of covert behaviours, such as exclusion, betrayal and to negatively influence how others perceive the victim, and to inflict social harm (Weber & Kurious, 2011).

One variable achieving attention is the concept of moral disengagement, which refers to a cognitive process whereby an individual rationalizes their unjust behaviour, such as moral justification and the attribution of blame (Bandura, Barbaranelli, & Caprara, 1996). Though few studies have considered the impact of moral disengagement in adult relational aggression, there is a clear lack of knowledge within the existing literature about the development of moral disengagement as a consequence of early life stressors in adult community populations, and the combined influence of personality as a risk factor for relational aggression in adult peer and intimate relationships.

It is the aim of the current project to explore how interpersonal experiences early in life influence the development of sociocognitive processes and personality over time, to result in the use of relational aggression in adulthood. 

To participate, please go to https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=161283


This Research is being conducted by Graduate Diploma of Psychology students Amelia Moore amelia.moore@student.bond.edu.au and Courtney Daly courtney.daly@student.bond.edu.au , under the supervision of Kerrilee Hollows khollows@bond.edu.au , Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Gold Coast. 


Mindfulness in current psychological practice

[posted 12 August 2014; closes 31 October 2014]

Despite considerable current interest in mindfulness very little is known about how it is actually being used in clinical practice. The aim of this online study is to investigate what it is that clinicians actually do when we say that we offer mindfulness-based treatment interventions, what we understand mindfulness to be, what its effects are, and how it works.

Any registered psychologist currently practicing in Australia is eligible to participate. Should you be interested in taking part in this research you will be asked to complete an online survey which will take no longer than 30 minutes. All of your answers will remain confidential and you will not be asked to identify yourself in any way.

The survey may be accessed via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/mindfulnessinpractice


Further information will be available in the Participant Information page at the beginning of the online survey. You are also welcome to contact the researcher, Jessica Hondow, at honja002@mymail.unisa.edu.au.

This research is being conducted by Jessica Hondow, Master of Psychology (Clinical) student at the University of South Australia as part of a research project for the requirements of the program. The research is being supervised by Dr Rob Ranzijn, who may be contacted at Rob.Ranzijn@unisa.edu.au.

Prescription privileges for Clinical Psychologists: A mixed method analysis on opinions of holistic mental health care

[posted 12 August 2014; closes 30 June 2015]

Decisions about prescription privileges for clinical psychologists are rife with pros and cons and may have significant implications for psychologists, mental health service users (members of the public) and psychology students in programs that prepare for a career in mental healthcare work. This study gathers opinions of practicing psychologists about possible prescribing rights in Australia and Singapore, given the precedents of prescribing psychologists in parts of the USA.

This is an online survey that takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and anonymous. It has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Board of James Cook University.

If you are interested in participating in this survey, please click on the link below:
Click here to take the survey!


Research supervisor: Dr Claire Thompson

Contact information:
Principal Investigator:                                 
Neo Li Fang                                                 
School of Psychology                                  
James Cook University (Singapore)                 

Dr Claire Thompson
School of Psychology
James Cook University (Singapore)                     

Eating behaviour and associated emotions

[posted 12 August 2014; closes 31 August 2014]

This study focuses on various atypical eating patterns and associated issues such as dieting and affect. We are looking for anyone interested in diet and how this interacts with our emotions.​

The study involves two parts: In the first part, participants are asked to respond to a set of online surveys about their eating, beliefs about eating and emotions such as anxiety and stress (expected time required is 30-40 min). The second part involves participants reporting on their daily eating habits (5 min expected time requirement per diary). Participants will be asked to report at eight random intervals over a one-week period. This study is being conducted by Laura Hayman, Honours student at the University of Sydney under the supervision of Dr Marianna Szabó, Clinical Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in Psychology. 

The study is open from the 23rd of May until the closing day on the 31st of August. The link to the study is: https://sydneypsy.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_bd3OH0X2T2SzsJn​​.


If you would like further information about the project, or have any questions or concerns please email the researchers at lhay5922@uni.sydney.edu.au .

Developmental factors influencing the choice of rural practice for psychology students and psychologists

[posted 24 July 2014; closes 31 August 2014]

We need your help to investigate the developmental factors affecting psychologists in determining their location of practice!

The current study would like to examine which of the distal and proximal factors would impact on psychologists and psychology students when they make their career decision regarding practice location.

If you are:

  • 4th year Psychology students or
  • Master/Doctorate/PhD students in Psychology or
  • Provisional psychologists or
  • Registered Psychologists

We would like to invite you to spend 10-15 minutes to complete an online survey for our study. You will also have a chance to win one of four $50 Coles-Myer Gift Voucher as thanks for participation.

Please click on the following link to access the survey:


Contact Phone number: 0411 057 086 Sara Tse or 
Email: sze-ling-sarah.tse@students.mq.edu.au

Supervisor: Professor Mike Jones (Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Science, Department of Psychology)

The impact of secondary exposure to trauma of Australian psychologists

[posted 23 July 2014; closes 16 September 2014]

Health professionals are increasingly being asked to assist survivors of trauma. Over the last four decades, some researchers have proposed that there is a “cost of caring” that results from this work.

The purpose of the study is to investigate whether indirect exposure to traumatic events is related to traumatic stress symptoms. This project will also investigate whether coping skills, supervision and level of professional experience, has a moderating effect on traumatic stress in psychologists.

All practicing psychologists are invited to participate in this study. If you agree to participate in this research, you will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire, which will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and can be accessed here http://www.deakin.edu.au/psychology/research/noah_mankowitz


If you have any questions about this study please contact the principal researcher:

Dr Rebecca Diehm
School of Psychology, Faculty of Health, Deakin University
Geelong Waterfront Campus,
Locked Bag 20000
Geelong, VIC 3220
Phone: +61 3 52278422       

Thank you very much for your time and interest in this study.


The schema mode inventory for eating disorders: Reliability and validation in a clinical sample.

[posted 22 July 2014; closes 12 September 2014]

This research is seeking participants who currently meet criteria for an eating disorder diagnosis and/or are concerned about their eating behaviours, eating attitudes and/or body image and are aged between 18 and 70 years of age (the EDE-Q will be used to ascertain level of symptoms). Taking part involves answering a number of online questionnaires that will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

The purpose of this study is to describe the construction of the Schema Mode Inventory for Eating Disorders (SMI-ED) and to investigate its psychometric properties in a clinical sample of eating disorder sufferers. More specifically, this study aims to explore the factorial structure of the SMI-ED and test its reliability and validity. Additionally, this study will examine the relationship between different eating disorder symptoms (restriction, binge-eating and purging) and schema modes. It is hoped that the Schema Mode Inventory for Eating Disorders will become a useful clinical tool in the assessment and treatment of eating disorders.

For more information or to take part please follow the link provided below.


For further information you can contact Ms. Tahnee Frahn at tahnee.frahn@student.adelaide.edu.au

This study has been granted approval by the Adelaide University Human Research Ethics Committee (RM No. 0000019008).

Motivations for exercise

[posted 14 July 2014; closes 31 October 2014]

You are invited to participate in an on-line study that investigates motivations for physical activity. This research is being conducted by Ms. Tegwen King and supervised by Professor Chris Pratt at the Australian College of Applied Psychology.

You must be at least 18 years of age and undertake some form of physical activity to participate in this study. The study involves the completion of a quick online questionnaire. If you choose to participate, you will be asked about your:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Physical activity participation
  • Motivations for physical activity.

The questionnaire will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes of your time. Participation in the study is completely voluntary and as an offer of appreciation you can go into the prize draw to win a $150 Coles Myer gift card.

If you have any questions about the research please contact Ms Tegwen King at 221421@my.acap.edu.au  or Professor Chris Pratt at chris.pratt@acap.edu.au .

This research has been approved by the ACAP Human Research Ethics Committee, Approval Number 141200514

For more detailed information on the study before deciding to participate or to begin the questionnaires please visit http://tinyurl.com/motivationsPAresearch


Thank you for considering participation in this study.

Attitudes towards overweight and obesity in mental health professionals

[posted 14 July 2014; closes 31 October 2014]

While there is considerable research on negative attitudes and behaviour towards overweight and obese persons in health care settings, there is limited research on this issue among fitness professionals who may also be approached by overweight and obese individuals to help them with weight loss. The current research project aims to compare anti-fat attitudes and a pro-thin bias in fitness professionals and the general population. Additionally, this study will explore several factors which may contribute to anti-fat attitudes and pro-thin bias such as knowledge of obesity, how someone might make judgements based on appearance, and experience in working with obese individuals.

If you wish to participate in this project, please go to http://research.millisecond.com/socialpsych/CombinedStudy2.web

For further information on this study please contact:
Mr Toby Mizzi at tmizzi@swin.edu.au or 03 9214 4436 or
Dr Sharon Grant at sgrant@swin.edu.au or 03 9215 7221

Health professional’s understanding of premenstrual symptoms and interventions

[posted 14 July 2014; closes 31 December2014]

The purpose of this study is to gather information regarding the understanding and individual experiences of Premenstrual Symptoms, Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. The information will be gathered from women who experience significant premenstrual symptoms, and from health professionals whom these women may approach for assistance. The information gathered will provide insight into experiences of severe PMS symptoms and the knowledge base linked to the management and treatment of such symptoms.  In addition, the information gathered will assist to identify what women with severe PMS perceive as the most difficult aspects of this condition, the impact of severe PMS on general wellbeing, as well as the self-management strategies that they use.

The study will provide an opportunity to reflect as a practitioner on knowledge and understanding of women’s menstrual cycles, mental health and how these two areas of practice can overlap.

 Participation in the study will require the completion of a brief 5 – 10 minute anonymous online survey, which you can access through the link below:

Your participation is very much appreciated and will assist in broadening the literature in this field of practice.

Your participation is very much appreciated and will assist in broadening the literature in this field of practice. Should you require further details about the study or participation please feel free to contact:

Tiana Hankins
Registered Psychologist ǀ Clinical Psychologist Trainee, Curtin University

Dr Trevor Mazzucchelli
Project Supervisor
Clinical Psychologist, Curtin University

Parental grief and sibling suicide bereavement outcomes

[posted 14 July 2014; closes 30 Sept 2014]

Suicide is a major public health problem.  The impact of losing a sibling by suicide on the increased risk of psychopathology and suicide for remaining siblings, ‘the forgotten mourners’ has been largely overlooked.

Our aim is to learn more about the grieving process, its impact on family relationships and bereavement outcomes. Factors involved in the development of complex grief will be explored as they relate to parental communications and connectedness with surviving children and the family's ability to make sense of the suicide death.

We are seeking participants 18 years of age or older who have lost a brother, sister or child younger than 20 years of age to suicide, in the past 5 years. 

Participants may complete a detailed online questionnaire or arrange a confidential interview, in person or by phone.  Online questionnaires may take up to an hour to complete. Semi-structured interviews can be arranged at the participant’s convenience and are expected to be completed in approximately 2 hours.

Participants may choose to enter a prize draw for $100 JB-HiFi or $100 Ticketek voucher.

If you would like further information, or to participate in this study please contact Liz Adams on 0402692755 or via email at: Elizabeth.adams@griffithuni.edu.au for a link to an online survey or to make an appointment for a private interview

Parents who prefer to share their story anonymously can click onto an online survey link here.

Siblings who prefer to share their story anonymously can click onto an online survey at this link

An exploration of the social processes underlying resilient adaptation in young adults: A mixed methods approach

[posted 30 June 2014; closes 1 Sept 2014]

This research is seeking participation from young Australians between 18 and 40 years of age. The aim of the proposed research is to explore, in detail, the construct of social support and how it relates to resilience in young Australian male and female adults.

The findings of the proposed research will enhance the understanding of how social support can facilitate resilient outcomes in the face of stress/adversity in Australian young adult males and females. It is predicted that greater scores on dimensions of social support will facilitate resilient outcomes in young adults.

However, as this research has not been conducted in the context of resilience before, the proposed study seeks to understand:

(1) which dimensions of social functioning best predict psychological resilience, and
(2) what the unique mechanisms underlying social functioning in resilient behaviours are.

The findings of this research have the potential to inform treatment interventions for this population, as well as expand the current theory of resilience and social support. Participants who complete the survey will go in the draw to win a $200 Coles-Myer gift card.

Link to survey: https://acap.asia.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_4GYphB39Wxie26F


For further information regarding the study please email resilience.study.2014@gmail.com

Exploration of mental health clinicians’ expectations of consumers’ recovery and the use of hope-inspiring strategies

[posted 30 June 2014; closes 25 September 2014]

Project Overview

Despite the importance of hope in recovery from mental illness, and that clinicians’ use of hope-inspiring strategies aids consumers recovery, there is a scarcity of available research regarding clinicians’ use of hope-inspiring strategies in practice. Moreover, no studies to date have investigated how clinicians’ expectations of consumers’ recovery impact on the strategies employed.

It is hoped that this research will assist in understanding clinicians’ expectations of consumers’ recovery and how this related to their use of hope-inspiring strategies. Further, it is hoped that this research will enhance understanding of the types of strategies used and the barriers to implementing these in practice.

The participants should be clinicians of all disciplines working in mental health in direct care positions within Australia and overseas.

Participation Procedure

Participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire which can be found here, which will take up to 35-40 minutes. Participation will not affect participants’ employment or academic standing.


If you have any further questions in relation to this research project, please contact Kelly Bramstedt at the following email address: k.bramstedt@cqu.edu.au  or Professor Kevin Ronan, CQUniversity at the following email address: k.ronan@cqu.edu.au or by phone 07 4923 2144.

Practice-based exploration of complex trauma

[posted16 June 2014; closes 1 Sep 2014]

Complex trauma refers to multiple, sustained, or repeated traumas. Often debated with regards to diagnosis, conceptualisation, efficacy research and treatment guidelines in comparison to single incident or discrete traumas, this research explores a practice-based approach to real-world, complex clients.

Psychologists with at least five years’ experience working with complex trauma are invited to participate in a study investigating how clinicians conceptualise and treat this client population. The study involves a 60 – 90 minute semi-structured interview and will ask participants to reflect on their own clinical practice and previous/current clients. Participants will be entered into a draw to win one of three $50 vouchers as gratitude for your time and interest in the study.

The research is being conducted by Michelle Hourigan as part of a Masters of Psychology (Clinical) being undertaken at the Australian College of Applied Psychology, under the supervision of Dr Vanessa Beavan.

For more information about the research project or to express interest in participating, please contact Michelle Hourigan by email at 175500@my.acap.edu.au or phone 0438 645 123.

Alternatively, the research supervisor Dr Vanessa Beavan can be contacted by email at Vanessa.Beavan@acap.edu.au.

Psychological well-being among online and telephone counsellors: Coping behaviour and perceived stress

[posted16 June 2014; closes 31 Oct 2014]

Telephone and online counsellors are invited to take part in an anonymous online survey about your stress and coping. This includes paid or volunteer counsellors who provide remote forms of assistance to clients, including via telephone, video, email, online chat, & VOIP.

This survey is being conducted by Dr Jo Abbott (National eTherapy Centre Content manager) and Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology student Chloe Bradford.

Research has found that stress can affect counsellors’ wellbeing but little is known about the stress and coping strategies of telephone and online counsellors.

By completing the survey, which is part of a research study being carried out at Swinburne University of Technology, you will be able to:

  • Share your experience of managing stress in your counselling role
  • Help improve knowledge of support needs of counsellors and
  • Contribute to research knowledge of telephone and online counsellors’ stress and coping strategies

To take part click on the link to the survey


For further information you can contact Dr Jo Abbott on (03) 9214 5866 or jmabbott@swin.edu.au

The role of callous-unemotional traits in intimate relationships

[posted16 June 2014; closes 15 Oct 2014]

Researchers from Bond University are conducting a study to investigate personality characteristics associated with intimate relationships. The information gained from this research will contribute to what is already understood about how individuals with differing traits function in intimate relationships.

If you are over 18 and currently in a romantic relationship, you and your partner are invited to participate in this study by completing the survey found by clicking on this link


If you have any questions about this research or wish to be informed of our research findings, please contact Tamara Hageman, tamara.hageman@student.bond.edu.au or Dr Bruce Watt bwatt@bond.edu.eu. The BUHREC protocol number of this study is RO1783.

Parenting and child outcomes: An exploratory study of the impact of autism symptoms

[posted 21 May 2014; closes 31 November 2014]

Do autism symptoms influence parenting?  Help us find out!
This study investigates whether parent symptoms of autism and parent well-being influence the behaviour and daily living skills of their typically-developing child.

Who can participate?

If you meet all of the following criteria, you are invited to participate:

  • Families consisting of a mother and a father living together at home with at least one child aged 5 -11 years, who does not have an autism spectrum disorder or another disability
  • One or both parents also have a close relative with an ASD (e.g. another child, or a sibling or parent) OR has a diagnosed ASD themselves.

What is involved?

Both parents complete questionnaires about themselves, which can be accessed online or sent by post.

The primary caregiver completes questionnaires about their typically-developing child, which can also be accessed online or sent by post.
The child’s teacher can be invited to complete two questionnaires about the child.
Each family will receive a Coles-Myer Gift Voucher (value $20) as thanks for participation.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please contact:

Lindsay Pamment - Research Assistant, Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre  
03 9479 3271 or L.Pamment@latrobe.edu.au

UHEC approval 13-0671

Identifying genes that contribute to anorexia nervosa

[posted 15 May 2014; closes 30 November 2014]

The Anorexia Nervosa Genetics Initiative (ANGI) study needs more participants to search for the genes behind anorexia nervosa. We have 600 and need 600 more.

If you have ever suffered from anorexia in your lifetime, please go to https://angi.qimr.edu.au/ and complete the survey.


Those eligible will be asked to provide a blood sample, from which we can analyse DNA markers and look for the genes predisposing anorexia. Anyone across Australia, of any age, is able to participate. We encourage you to pass information about this study on through your networks.
If you need further information, please email the ANGI team at angi@qimr.edu.au or call 1800 257 179.

Intensive treatment of paediatric OCD: Improving access and outcomes

[posted 22 April 2014; closes 1 Jan 2017]

Dr Lara Farrell and her team at Griffith University, Gold Coast and Mt Gravatt, are conducting a study that seeks to determine whether D-Cycloserine enhances the effectiveness of an intensive cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) for children and youth (ages 7 – 17 years) who experience obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

 Another aim of the study is to examine whether D-Cycloserine works best when given either before or after CBT.

The study also aims to explore important cognitive or thinking mechanisms in children and parents/guardians that may be associated with the development and maintenance of this anxiety disorder.

Eligible participants will receive a comprehensive assessment, including psychiatric review, in addition to 3 x intensive therapy sessions followed by weekly follow up sessions for 1 month after treatment.

For more information, or if you would like to refer at client please contact us on (07) 5552 8317 or ocdbustersgc@griffith.edu.au.

The study is supported by the National Health and Medical Research Committee and has received ethical approval from Griffith University (GU Ref No: PSY/A4/13/HREC).

Research on diet and behaviour in children with and without ASD

[posted 22 April 2014; closes 31 October 2014]

Research has shown that diet, behaviour, gastrointestinal and sleep problems can impact children's quality of life. We are conducting a research study investigating how diet, behaviour, gastrointestinal and sleep problems in children with and without ASD might be related across cultures. Parents or carers of children aged 4 to 11 years from Australia, the United States and Bangladesh are invited to complete a series of online questionnaires and a 3-day diet diary. Participation is anonymous and may take up to an hour of your time. Responses can be saved and continued later if the same computer is used.

To participate, go to: http://tinyurl.com/n3u6soa


For more information, please contact Miss Stephanie Mertins at smertins@students.latrobe.edu.au.

This study is being conducted by Stephanie Mertins under the supervision of Associate Professor Amanda Richdale as a part of the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre at La Trobe University. This research will contribute to Stephanie's thesis as part of a Master of Clinical Psychology degree. It has received La Trobe HEC approval (13/R72). 

Psychiatric treatment for men with depression and insomnia: The SOMNA treatment trial

[posted 26 March 2014; closes 31 December 2014]

The University of Sydney’s Brain & Mind Research Institute (BMRI) at Camperdown has developed a treatment trial available for men aged 50 years and over who are experiencing symptoms of depression and insomnia. This trial offers eligible participants a free psychiatric assessment and development of an individual care plan with ongoing management over three months, in accordance with beyondblue depression treatment guidelines. In addition, trial participants will be randomly allocated to one of two internet-based programs that focus on sleep problems and insomnia. The aim of the trial is to evaluate whether an adjunctive internet program focusing on insomnia-based CBT is effective in improving sleep and mood problems in comparison to depression treatment alone. Funded by beyondblue and supported by the Movember Foundation, the trial will be recruiting male patients over the next 6-12 months.

Trial participants do not require GP referral in order to join the study. APS members who have male patients aged 50 years or older, with depression and sleep problems, that are seeking immediate specialist treatment, are invited to contact the SOMNA Treatment Trial team on (02) 9114 4002 or somna.bmri@sydney.edu.au, or visit the study website (www.somna.com.au) for more information.

How are therapists intentionally using humour for therapeutic benefit

[posted 12 March 2014; closes 29 August 2014]

Ever use Humour Intentionally in Therapy?

Are you a Registered Psychologist with at least two years' experience in therapy?

Are you willing to share your experience of using humour intentionally in the therapy room?

This research project is designed to gain an understanding from those in the field about their use of humour therapeutically. Your experiences will help identify how and when intentional humour is beneficial, or not. It is hoped that features elicited from psychologist interviews will contribute to theoretical understanding of how and when humour is used. The research is being conducted by Ms Nicolee Beaumont of ACAP, toward the degree of Master of Psychology (Clinical). It is being supervised by Dr. Fiona Ann Papps, a lecturer in the School of Psychological Sciences at ACAP.

If you are interested and can spare 60 - 90 minutes of your time, then contact Ms Nikki Beaumont at 175037@my.acap.edu.au. As a participant, you must be an English speaking, registered psychologist with at least two years experience in therapy.


If this doesn’t suit you, but you think someone you know might be interested, then please forward this email.

This research has been approved by the ACAP Human Research Ethics Committee: approval no.: 115090114

OCD? Not me! Curtin on-line OCD treatment for young people

[posted 26 February 2014; closes 30 April 2015]

Researchers at Curtin University have developed "OCD? Not Me!", a new, fully online self-help program for young people aged 12-18 years and currently experiencing the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Interested participants are invited to take a free, online assessment to determine the suitability of the program for their current needs. Eligible participants will receive access to a free, 8-stage online program consisting of information, activities, and tips and techniques designed to help them overcome the symptoms of OCD. The program also provides information and support for parents and caregivers.

We are currently running a research trial to evaluate the effectiveness of this program for reducing symptoms of OCD and improving well-being amongst young people, and reducing distress amongst their parents and caregivers. If you are interested in participating in this research or recommending the program to clients or colleagues, you can find out more at our website: www.ocdnotme.com.au, or contact us on ocdnotme@curtin.edu.au.

This study has been approved by the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (Approval Number HR45/2013).The Committee is comprised of members of the public, academics, lawyers, doctors and pastoral carers.  If needed, verification of approval can be obtained either by writing to the Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee, c/- Office of Research and Development, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, 6845 or by telephoning 9266 2784 or by emailing hrec@curtin.edu.au.

Autism Spectrum Disorders, cognitive and developmental assessments: Case reviews by Australian psychologists

[posted 26 February 2014; closes 30 January 2015]

Cognitive and developmental assessments provide an opportunity for psychologists to pick up signs of autism, regardless of the referral question. Please help us identify autism-specific response profiles and behaviours during testing to be included in a new autism screening tool for psychologists.

To participate, please complete an online case review questionnaire in relation to a child or adolescent (with autism or not) with whom you have already completed a developmental or cognitive assessment. The questionnaire can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/autism-understanding-developmental-cognitive-assessment-case-review

The questionnaire takes 30-60 minutes to complete and it will not be possible for us to identify you, your client or the organisation you work for.

Once you’ve completed the questionnaire, you are able to print a certificate acknowledging your participation. We believe this case review meets criteria for one CPD hour (60 minutes) for AHPRA psychologist registration and APS membership:

  • Peer consultation
  • Active CPD
  • Specialist CPD Activities

ACER has kindly offered a 10% discount on psychology products to participants of this research project (discount code at end of questionnaire). 

For more information, please contact Lydia Meem, Autism Understanding Pty Ltd on 02 4967 3363 or at autismunderstanding@gmail.com.

College of Applied Psychology Ethics Approval Number: 116300114. 

Study of symptom-based subtypes of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

[posted 4 February 2014; closes 30 September 2014]

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a heterogeneous condition which is thought to affect 2% of the population and to be one of the most disabling of mental disorders. Researchers at Nepean Hospital have been attempting to better understand the heterogeneity of OCD by conducting a comprehensive interview-based assessment followed by a 6 month, 12 month and a 2 year follow-up.

If you have patients with a primary diagnosis of OCD who may like to participate, please ask them to call Dr V Brakoulias at the Department of Psychiatry at Nepean Hospital on (02) 4734 2585.

The predictive ability of the identity and self-efficacy theory regarding healthy behaviour and coping choices

[posted 3 February 2014; closes 31 December 2014]

This research will investigate whether your identity as a healthy eater or frequent exerciser, will impact your decisions to engage in certain health behaviours. Use a new and exciting intervention from your own smartphone or computer to enter in the food and drinks you consumed that day, and any exercise. This 2 minute questionnaire will be completed everyday during the week, for 8 weeks. All participants will receive a FREE book - Your Mind Power by Dr Peta Stapleton.

For further information on this study, please contact Dr Professor Peta Stapleton at pstaplet@bond.edu.au.

Understanding the relationship between attachment style, relationship satisfaction, illness behaviour, and psychological distress in couples

[posted 3 February 2014; closes 25 November 2015]

This research investigation is examining the relationship between adult attachment styles, relationship satisfaction, illness behaviours, and psychological distress in couples. Most of the previous work in this area has focused on individuals. Very few studies have sought to determine the relationship between attachment style, relationship satisfaction, illness behaviour, and psychological distress among couples, and how they might interact within the dyadic structure. You must be aged between 25 and 65 years, and currently in a couple relationship - both partners would need to be willing to be involved. 

 The questionnaire should take approximately 30-35 minutes to complete and can be found here: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=158321.


For further information about the study, please contact Assistant Professor Peta Stapleton at pstaplet@bond.edu.au.

Testing an adapted evidence-based parent training intervention for treatment-resistant conduct problems in young children

[posted 2 December 2013; closes 9 September 2018]

Severe conduct problems among young children are a serious public health concern particularly for those with callous-unemotional traits (i.e., lack of empathy/guilt) who respond poorly to traditional interventions and are at risk for severe impairment into adulthood. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a scientifically-supported intervention reducing problem behaviours in children 3 to 7 years old.

We are testing an adapted version of PCIT that addresses the unique treatment needs of young children with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits.

Young children with callous-unemotional (CU) traits benefit from treatment with PCIT, but do not improve as much as children without CU traits. This intervention was adapted to address emotional processing deficits common to youth with CU traits. Families will receive standard or enhanced PCIT.

This research is being conducted within the School of Psychology at the University of New South Wales, and is approved by UNSW HREC (ref # HC13234).

Clinicians are encouraged to refer children who demonstrate:

  • Temper tantrums, disobedience, anger & irritability, low motivation
  • Little remorse, little empathy, shallow emotions, discipline is ineffective

More information can be found at our website: http://www.conductproblems.com/research/treating-child-conduct-problems/

Interested clinicians and parents can contact us at:
Email: preschoolparenting@gmail.com
Ph: (02) 9385 0376

What lights your fire at work? The nature and influence of the health practitioner’s work motivations on key workplace outcomes

[posted 2 December 2013; closes 28 February 2015]

WMike Tyrrell, a PhD student at Centre for Remote Health (CRH), a joint campus of Flinders and Charles Darwin Universities at Alice Springs, seeks to develop a) a useful framework for considering health practitioner work motivations and their influence; and b) a health practitioner’s motivations scale.

These are expected to be useful in the career mentoring, recruiting and supporting of especially (but not only) practitioners considering work in the bush, to enhance job satisfaction and retention. The project needs up to 300 practitioner respondents, each from four levels of remoteness - Major City, Regional, Remote and Very Remote. The benefits from responding are listed on page 1 of the survey (link below). The study has been Ethics approved by Flinders’ SBREC (Approval no. 5669); respondents remain anonymous; it takes 20-25 minutes; feedback suggests most enjoy completing it.

Link to survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HPMotivation


The project’s joint principal supervisors are Profs Tim Carey and John Wakerman of CRH Alice Springs. It commenced February 2010 and is due for completion by Feb 2015. For more details, please email michael.tyrrell@flinders.edu.au.

Fluoxetine for the treatment of autistic repetitive behaviours (FAB Trial)

[posted 8 Nov 2013; closes 30 September 2014]

This study investigates the efficacy of low dose Fluoxetine on restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behaviours.

Repetitive behaviours (e.g., stereotypies, routines and rituals) among children with autism are typically associated with high levels of anxiety and self-injury. The use of off-the-label medications such as Fluoxetine (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor - SSRI) is increasingly common in Australia and overseas to reduce the severity of these repetitive behaviours. The FAB Trial is a large clinical study and outcomes will provide evidence for the safety and efficacy of Fluoxetine in children with autism, so to influence clinical guidelines and informed decision-making regarding treatment options for families affected by autism. 

This is a multi-site randomised controlled trial of Fluoxetine versus placebo, funded by the NHMRC.

Participants undergo pre and post treatment cognitive and behavioural assessments then are closely monitored for therapeutic effects over 22 weeks.

Eligibility: Patients between the ages of 7.5 and 17 years with a provisional or confirmed diagnosis of an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Exclusion Criteria: Patients must not:

  • Be on any psychotropic medication, MAOI’s or antidepressants 6 weeks prior to the trial
  • Have a known diagnosis of Rett’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Major Depression or Schizophrenia
  • Have concurrent/comorbid significant medical conditions such as unstable seizures.

For more information, or to request participation, please contact one of the following:

Online video game use problems and disorders in adults – conceptualisation, assessment and relationship with psychopathology

[posted 6 November 2013; closes 21 January 2015]

Online video games are an increasingly popular form of entertainment, however, excessive use has been associated with significant impairment in occupational, educational, social, family and interpersonal functioning, as well as various physical problems.

The present study aims to investigate problems associated with video game use. Adults who identify as having problems associated with online video game use are invited to participate in the study and should call 02 47342581 for further information.  After an initial telephone interview to determine suitability for the study, eligible participants will be forwarded the Participant Information Sheet and Consent Form together with a set of online questionnaires which will need to be completed.  Participants will also be required to attend an interview with one of the study investigators after completion of the online questionnaires.

CONTACT NUMBER: (02) 4734 2581 OR (02) 4734 2585
CONTACT NAME: Ms Mani Viswasam
Email address: Mani.Viswasam@swahs.health.nsw.gov.au

The healthy thinking study

[posted 6 November 2013; closes 31 December 2014]

Many people who struggle with suicidality do not seek help. There is currently a paucity of studies investigating web-based unguided mental health interventions for suicidal ideation, as patients with suicidal ideation have routinely been excluded in trials of internet-based treatments. Self-help can be effectively delivered through the Internet, with unguided self-help having the advantage of being able to be delivered to a large number of people at relatively low cost, with increased convenience, accessibility and anonymity for users.

The Black Dog Institute, in collaboration with ANU, are currently recruiting for a ground-breaking trial of web-based treatment for suicide prevention. This trial, ‘The Health Thinking Study’, will recruit adults aged 18-64 Australia-wide and test the efficacy of a 6-week fully-automated web-based program for suicidal thoughts. The main goal of the intervention program is to help participants decrease the frequency and intensity of their suicidal thoughts via the use of a self-help program. Improvement in suicidality (as measured by suicidal ideation, suicide plans and capacity to cope with suicide thoughts) will be associated with improvement in anxiety and depression and other outcomes associated with suicidality such as burdensomeness and rumination. 

If you would like to express your interest in this trial, please contact Daniela Solomon, Phone: 02 9382 9274 or Email: d.solomon@blackdog.org.au

You may also express your interest via the website at: www.blackdoginstitute.org.au

Therapists’ experience of the therapeutic alliance

[posted 3 October 2013; closes 26 September 2014]

Investigator Phyllis Parr, Student (Doctor of Psychology) 0419 485 818
Supervisors: A/prof. Michael Kiernan (02 6338 4169) and Ms Judith Gullifer (02 6338 4572)
Charles Sturt University


In many ways, it is difficult to articulate what the therapeutic alliance construct actually is, perhaps because many of our responses to clients are driven by processes out of our awareness.

We are interested in talking to you about your experiences of the therapeutic alliance.

Involvement in this research includes:
participation in a 60 minute face-to-face interview and a brief follow-up telephone call.

We would love to hear from you if you are:

  • Interested in sharing your experiences of the therapeutic alliance
  • Registered with the Psychology Board of Australia
  • Have more than five years experience working as a counselling or clinical psychologist and  
  • Work within the Sydney metropolitan area


This study is part of a student research project.

If you are interested in participating, could you please contact:
Phyllis Parr, on 0419 485 818 or 9571 1234 or email phyllis@glebepointroadpsychology.com.

Use of complementary therapies by registered psychologists: A comparison of Australian, UK and American professionals

[posted 14 August 2013; closes 30 November 2014]

The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence and utilization pattern of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) amongst Australian, British and American registered psychologists. It is of particular interest to see whether Psychologists are also professionally trained in a CAM speciality.  Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a category of diverse medical and healthcare systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered as part of conventional medicine and has been defined by the Cochrane Collaboration as “a broad domain of healing resources that encompasses all health systems, modalities, and practices and their accompanying theories and beliefs other than those intrinsic to the politically dominant health systems of a particular society or culture in a given historical period”. This survey is anonymous and will take 10-15 minutes to complete.

The survey can be accessed by the following link: https://www.psychdata.com/s.asp?SID=155202


This research is being conducted by Assistant Professor Peta Stapleton (Bond University); please email pstaplet@bond.edu.au for further information.

Towards an understanding of domestic violence in the Australian family law system

[posted 7 August 2013; closes 30 November 2014]

Currently, there is around 40 years of research literature documenting the harm that can be caused to children from witnessing or experiencing domestic violence (DV). Exposure to DV can result in neurophysiological changes that affect childhood learning and development, and is often associated with elevated scores on measures of externalizing and internalizing behaviours. Despite the potential impacts of DV, relatively little instruction concerning this issue is included in most professional training programmes for people (clinical psychologists or legal officers) likely to engage with victims of DV during the family court process.

Psychologists who are currently involved (within the last 12 months) in assessing families during the Family Court Process are invited to participate in an anonymous online survey to examine their attitudes towards and understanding of DV, and their experiences in dealing with DV cases, and how these may influence residence and contact recommendations. If you would like any further information, please contact Donna Roberts on Ph: 08 8313 0461 or email: donna.roberts@adelaide.edu.au  The supervisors for this project are A/Prof Paul Delfabbro and Dr Peter Chamberlain.

You may access this survey at the online survey link:


Using computers to help mental health concerns: What are your thoughts on computers as an extra set of hands?

[posted 30 July 2012; closes 31 March 2016]

Computerised and online interventions are an exciting and innovative progression developed to provide alternative options for people with mental health concerns who are hesitant or unable to attend face-to-face therapy or counselling. But what do professionals working with these populations really think about computer and online therapy?

As a team of researchers from the University of Southern Queensland and Griffith University we are seeking professionals Australia-wide (e.g. psychologists, counsellors, guidance officers, nurses, researchers, case workers etc.) who as part of their everyday practice work with children, adolescents, or adults with mental health concerns.

Even if you’ve never used computerised interventions, we want your opinion.

Participation involves a brief survey that asks about your opinions concerning computerised therapy and information regarding either computerised interventions or healthy lifestyle tips. Participants may also be invited to view a very brief demonstration and answer some additional questions. It should take no longer than 20-30 minutes to complete this research.

Interested participants can learn more about the research or register to participate by visiting our website:



If you are interested in participating, or would like any further information, please contact Caroline Donavan (Griffith supervisor) at c.donovan@griffith.edu.au or Ph (07) 3735 3401  


Children’s adaptation to family litigation and interparental conflict: discerning the risks, resources, and coping processes underlying resilience and vulnerability

[posted 12 February 2013; closes 31 December 2015]

This research is seeking participation from separated families, particularly those that have engaged in mediation or litigation in the Federal Magistrates or Family Court of Australia. To participate, children age 9-14 years and one of their parents are asked to complete a 30 minute online questionnaire. Children will also be asked to complete a brief (5 minute) diary for 5 days.

The aim of the study is to determine the factors that assist children to cope with the stress of interparental conflict. In particular, the research seeks to better understand factors that help children cope following family involvement in the Federal Magistrates Court or Family Court of Australia. The study is examining variables associated with children’s competence, coping, and resilience in order to determine the elements that assist or hinder children’s outcomes following stressful events. This research project is specifically designed to assess risk and resilience in children whose parents are engaged in the Australian Courts.

The research is being promoted in psychology services and community organisation that provide services to separated children and their family. If you can assist by displaying posters and flyers about the research in your service, or for further information, please contact susan.rowe@griffithuni.edu.au or (07) 5552 9121.

The research is being conducted by PhD student Susan Rowe under the supervision of Professor Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck (m.zimmer-gembeck@griffith.edu.au) and Doctor Michelle Hood (m.hood@griffith.edu.au), School of Applied Psychology, Griffith University, Gold Coast.

To participate, please go to www.copingsurvey.wix.com/online.


The research has approval from the Griffith University Human Research Ethics Committee Ethics Protocol Number PSY/B9/11/HREC, until 2015.

How to add a research project

If you are an APS member* conducting research, or supervising a research student, and would like to invite other APS members to be involved in the project, please email the following details for consideration by the APS:

  • A copy of the research proposal
  • A brief explanation of the project (no longer than 200 words) for the website. If an online survey is part of your project, please include a link to the survey.
  • For student research project, the name of the supervisor
  • A phone number or email address so that members can contact you to take part in the research or seek further information
  • A start date and a closing date for the project, as well as an end date for the website listing
  • A scanned copy of the official notification of final ethics approval.  This should include an end date for approval. If your ethics committee only provides electronic confirmation of approval, please contact us for further requirements. 

The above information should be emailed to science@psychology.org.au. The APS reserves the right not to list research projects that are deemed not in keeping with the Society’s scientific and professional aims.
Please note that copies of the survey and consent form will not be added to the APS website. Members who are interested in taking part may contact you using the details provided.

When new research projects are added, members will be alerted via the fortnightly APS Matters email, which is sent to more than 20,000 psychologists.

*Member, Associate Member, Honorary Fellow or Fellow