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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Coup, Robert

Coup, Robert, Farmer, Coup's Road, Kaiapoi Island. Mr. Coup, who is the youngest son of the late Mr. W. Coup (lost in the ship “Matoaka” in 1869), was born at Bradley, Derbyshire, England, in 1840, and
Standish and Preece, photo Mr. R. Coup.

Standish and Preece, photo
Mr. R. Coup.

page 442 was educated at Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, and at the Grammar School at Newark-on-Trent. After leaving school he came with his parents to Lyttelton by the ship “Merchantman” in 1855. They proceeded to Kaiapoi and settled down on the present property, which contains eighty two acres of good arable land and is subdivided into nine paddocks under crop and in grass. There is a large ten-roomed house, substantial out-buildings, and well-stocked gardens. Mr. Coup has three other farms, one of 148 acres freehold at Eyreton, one of 505 acres leased from the Eyreton Road Board, and fifty acres purchased by him immediately opposite his present property. He was one of the first shareholders of the Kaiapoi woollen mills and takes great interest in the industry, which has proved such an immense factor in the progress of this large wool-growing district. He has served on school and licensing committees for a great many years, and was also a member of the Eyreton Road Board for several years, and a member of the Ashley County Council for a short term. He joined the original No. 5 Company of volunteers in 1863, was sergeant in 1866, lieutenant in 1868, and resigned in 1870. During his long residence in the district he has been identified with the development of Kaiapoi, and has seen it grow from a small hamlet to its present position.