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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


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Clarkville was formerly known as Kaiapoi Island. The district lies between the north and south branches of the Waimakariri river, and commences about three miles from the borough of Kaiapoi. It is in the Eyreton riding of the Ashley county, and the village had a population of 253 at the census of 1901. The district, which was first settled about the year 1858, has a public school, post office, a library of 1200 volumes, and two churches. It is a fine agricultural district, and potatoes and wheat are the principal crops.

The Post Office, Clarkville, is conducted at the local school, and has existed since 1882. Mails are received and despatched three times a week. The local schoolmaster, Mr W. H. Herbert, acts as postmaster.

The Public School, Clarkville, was established about 1880. It contains a large classroom and two porches, and has accommodation for ninety children; there are sixty-two names on the roll, and the average attendance is fifty-seven. The headmaster's residence of eight rooms is situated on the section, which is an acre in extent.

Mr. William Henry Herbert, Headmaster of Clarkville Public School, was born in 1857 in Northamptonshire, England. He was brought by his parents to Lyttelton in the ship “Matoaka,” in 1861. Mr. Herbert was educated in Christchurch, graduated M.A. from Canterbury College, and became a teacher at the Boys' High School in 1882. A year later he engaged in private teaching, and held various positions till he was appointed to Clarkville in 1889. Mr. Herbert was married, in 1886 to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Stocks, of Messingham, Lincolnshire, England, and has one son and three daughters.

The Wesleyan Church at Clarkville was removed in 1897 from Kaiapoi, where it had been originally erected by the Bible Christian denomination. The entire cost of the property, including a quarter of an acre of land, was £266. Services are conducted every Sunday by the ministers in charge of the Kaiapoi circuit. The building has seats for 150 persons.

Butcher, Henry Robert, Fellmonger, and Farmer, Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi Island. Mr. Butcher was born in 1841, and is the eldest son of the late Mr. Thomas Butcher, of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England. He was educated at the Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe, and was afterwards for about three years with Messrs Smith, Payne and Co., bankers, of London. He then acquired his father's leather and currying businesses at Wycombe, and opened branches at Whitney, Oxfordshire, and at Beckenham in Kent, which he carried on until he left for New Zealand in the s.s “Doric,” which landed at Lyttelton in 1884. On his arrival he proceeded to Kaiapoi Island, and purchased his present business, which was then carried on by Messrs Webster Bros. The property comprises about thirty acres of good land, well under cultivation, and the fellmongery is supplied with modern machinery, driven by steam, including a first-class labour-saving fleshing machine. Mr. Butcher owns a flax mill, and also a sheep farm of 48,000 acres at Strathmore, Waiotapu Valley, in the North Island, managed by two of his sons. He has been a member of the Church of England synod for the past twelve years, and a lay-reader for fourteen years, and was on the school committee for several years. Mr. Butcher is married and has five sons, the eldest of whom is a partner in the fellmongery business of Bowron nad Butcher, Napier.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. H. R. Butcher.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. H. R. Butcher.

Bollington, Thomas, Farmer, “Oakfield,” Clarkville; Postal address, Kaiapoi. Mr. Bollington was born in Bollington, in Cheshire, England, in 1834, and came to Lyttelton by the ship “British Crown” in 1863. Having selected forty-five acres of land, he settled in the district in which he has since resided. Mr. Bollington has been constantly employed in growing potatoes, grain, and other crops on his property. He was married, in 1859, to a daughter of the late Mr. Edwin Sutton, of Bollington, and has two sons.

Clothier, George Charles, Farmer, “Firgrove,” Clarkville. Mr. Clothier was born, in 1860, in Christchurch, and was educated at Mr. Wake's school, Kaiapoi. He has always been engaged in country pursuits since 1887, and has farmed on his own account or in conjunction with his brothers under the style of Clothier Brothers. The firm has imported wrinkled peas from England, and has made a feature of growing seed for the London and local markets. Mr G. C. Clothier has held a seat on the Waimakariri Harbour Board since 1899. He is a strong advocate of cooperation, and is a director of the Working Men's Co-operative Stores at Christchurch and Kaiapoi, and also a shareholder in the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Society. In 1882 he was married to a daughter of Mr Jamcs Ashworth, carpenter, of Kaiapoi.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. G. C. Clothier.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. G. C. Clothier.

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Pea Harvesting at “Highfield,” Kaiapoi Island, 1902.

Pea Harvesting at “Highfield,” Kaiapoi Island, 1902.

Clothier, James, Farmer, Clarkville. Mr. Clothier was born in Somersetshire, England, in 1850, and came to New Zealand with his parents in the “Sir George Seymour,” one of the first four ships that arrived at Lyttelton. The family settled in Christchurch for about four years, and then removed to Kaiapoi, where Mr. Clothier was brought up to country life. About 1877 he began farming on his own account, having acquired seventyfive acres known as Cherry's Farm. The property is situated on the corner of two roads, both leading from Eyreton to Kaiapoi, and is known as Clothier's Corner. Mr. Clothier was married to a daughter of Mr. A. Gillies, in October, 1880, and has two sons and three daughters.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Mr. and Mrs J. Clothier.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Mr. and Mrs J. Clothier.

Clothier, Jesse Albert, Farmer, “Willowbrook,” Clarkville. Mr. Clothier was born in 1865 at Clarkville, and was educated at Kaiapoi public school. He was brought up to country life at Clarkville, and has farmed on his own account in the district since 1891, and for five years previously as a member of the firm of Clothier Bros. His property consists of sixty acres of freehold and forty acres of leasehold land at Clarkville, and 200 acres of freehold at Flaxton. Mr. Clothier has served as a member of the local school committee, of which he has been chairman. He was married in September, 1891, to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Edmonds, of Kaiapoi, and has two daughters.

Coup, George, who was formerly farming on Kaiapoi Island, was born in 1836, and is the eldest son of the late Mr. William Coup, of Derbyshire, England, and subsequently of Kaiapoi. He was educated at Ashbourne, Derbyshire, and afterwards joined his father, who was engaged in milling and farming operations. Leaving England in the ship “Sabrina” in 1854, for Sydney, New South Wales, he went mining at the Turon for several years, and in 1860 came to New Zealand and joined his father at Kaiapoi. Shortly after, he went to Gabriel's Gully and worked on the Otago goldfields until 1866, when he returned to Canterbury and purchased a block of land in North Waiparl, and resided there for about six years. Mr. Coup has taken a life long interest in mining pursuits, and holds the position of director of a West Coast gold mining company; he has also considerable interests in gold, silver, and copper mines at Broken Hill, New South Wales, and in Tasmania. He is a trustee of the Kaiapoi Wesleyan church, and was one of the original promoters of the Kaiapoi woollen mills, in which he takes keen interest. Mr. Coup was married to the daughter of Mrs Armitage, of Leeds, England, and has two children living. He is now (1902) on an extended visit to England.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. G. Coup.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. G. Coup.

Coup, Robert, Farmer, Coup's Road, Kaiapoi Island. Mr. Coup, who is the youngest son of the late Mr. W. Coup (lost in the ship “Matoaka” in 1869), was born at Bradley, Derbyshire, England, in 1840, and
Standish and Preece, photo Mr. R. Coup.

Standish and Preece, photo
Mr. R. Coup.

page 442 was educated at Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, and at the Grammar School at Newark-on-Trent. After leaving school he came with his parents to Lyttelton by the ship “Merchantman” in 1855. They proceeded to Kaiapoi and settled down on the present property, which contains eighty two acres of good arable land and is subdivided into nine paddocks under crop and in grass. There is a large ten-roomed house, substantial out-buildings, and well-stocked gardens. Mr. Coup has three other farms, one of 148 acres freehold at Eyreton, one of 505 acres leased from the Eyreton Road Board, and fifty acres purchased by him immediately opposite his present property. He was one of the first shareholders of the Kaiapoi woollen mills and takes great interest in the industry, which has proved such an immense factor in the progress of this large wool-growing district. He has served on school and licensing committees for a great many years, and was also a member of the Eyreton Road Board for several years, and a member of the Ashley County Council for a short term. He joined the original No. 5 Company of volunteers in 1863, was sergeant in 1866, lieutenant in 1868, and resigned in 1870. During his long residence in the district he has been identified with the development of Kaiapoi, and has seen it grow from a small hamlet to its present position.

Giles, Edward, Farmer and Traction Engine Proprietor, Clarkville; Postal address, Kaiapoi. Mr. Giles was born in 1857 at Clarkville, and has always followed outdoor work. He commenced bullock driving at the age of seven, and gained his early experiences in connection with threshing machines when he was thirteen. In 1879 he began farming on his property of thirty-three acres of freehold land, and two years later started a threshing machine, to which he has since added a traction engine. In the year 1868 Mr. Giles, while engaged in bullock driving, had an accident which resulted in his losing one of his legs, but notwithstanding this, he has succeeded in working his plant and machinery in various parts of the district. He has always had a liking for mechanical work, and does most of the repairs. Since 1892 he has been a member of the Clarkville school committee. Mr. Giles was married in 1880, to a daughter of the late Mr. E. Clothier, of Castle Cary, Somerset, England; his wife died on the 27th of January, 1900, leaving one daughter and three sons.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. E. Giles.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. E. Giles.

Hassall, Thomas, Farmer, Hanley Farm, Clarkville. Mr. Hassall was born at Hanley, Staffordshire, England, in 1847, and accompanied his parents to Lyttelton in 1853. The family settled in the Kaiapoi district, where the subject of this notice has been farming on his own account since 1874. Mr. Hassall has been a member of the local school committee for about twenty years, and has held the chair since 1894. He was married, in 1874, to the daughter of the late Mr. J. Keetley, and has eight sons and five daughters.

Heyward, James, Farmer, “Springfield,” Kaiapoi Island. Mr. Heyward was born in Devonshire, England, in 1834, and passed his early years on his father's farm. In 1853 he was attracted to the Australian diggings, on which he remained about two years. He came to Canterbury in the brig “Gratitude” in 1855, and walked over the Bridle track from Port Lyttelton to Christchurch. Somewhere in the neighbourhood of what is now the Ferry road he had to navigate his way through a raupo swamp. At the corner near the present White Hart Hotel, he hailed the first man he had met since leaving Lyttelton, and asked him if he could direct him to Christchurch. This gentleman evidently saw the humour of the situation, for he replied with a cordial smile: “Well, friend, we are, as nearly as I can guess, just about the centre of the city.” There were then no roads in that part of Christchurch, but only tracks through long tussocks and stunted flax bushes. Mr. Heyward bought forty acres of swamp land at the back of Papanui bush. He fenced and drained this property, but afterwards sold it and bought 100 acres on Kaiapoi Island, where he now resides. Mr. Heyward carries on mixed farming, and crops, on an average, 200 acres; he also shears 1000 sheep, and kills 300 pigs yearly. Mr. Heyward was instrumental in getting the school, and post office and library at Clarkville, and has been on the school committee for years. He was married, in the year 1862, to a daughter of the late Mr. J. Hill, of Stoke Canon, Devonshire, England, and has one son and two daughters.

Standish and Preece, photo Mr. J. Heyward.

Standish and Preece, photo
Mr. J. Heyward.

Smith, Hay, Farmer and Threshing Machine Proprietor, Middle Island Road, Clarkville, Kaiapoi Island. Bankers, Bank of New Zealand. Mr. Smith was born in 1842 at Cruden, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, and was educated at the Errol schools in the same place. After leaving school, he was apprenticed to the butchering trade and worked for Mr. Robert Sutherland, of Peterhead, Scotland, remaining with him for about three years. He then emigrated to New Zealand in the ship “Metropolis,” which arrived at Lyttelton in January, 1862. On his arrival he proceeded with his brother to Kaiapoi and engaged with Mr. Stevenson, farmer, of Flaxton. He then worked for Messrs. Belcher and Fairweather, of Kaiapoi, for about four years, when he rented some church property, near Kaiapoi, and engaged in contracts of various kinds for several years, in conjunction with his brother Charles. In the year 1877, he rented his present property and subsequently purchased it; then, successively, bought the farms of Messrs. Laurie, Whitmere, Taylor, Coutts, and Walls. His property contains 300 acres freehold, of good arable land, and
Mr. H. Smith.

Mr. H. Smith.

page 443 is subdivided into twelve paddocks. Mixed farming is carried on, and there are sheep, cattle and horses. The improvements are very substantial and complete, there being a dwelling of nine rooms, blacksmith's shop with a smith constantly employed, and out-buildings, one of which has about 3400 square feet of flooring and contains a large stock of farming implements. There is a first-class portable engine used for crushing horse and pig feed, also one of Avelling and Porter's compound traction engines for threshing and chaff-cutting, and one of Andrew and Beaven's clover shellers, chaff-cutters, and straw balers. Mr. Smith also owns Mr. Coutts' farm, Coutts' Island, containing 150 acres and Mr. Joseph Todd's farm of seventy-five acres. He has been on the road board several years, has been a member of the school committee, and is an active member of the Church of England.

Mr. Launcelot Giles was born in Somersetshire, England, in 1818, and was brought up on a large cheese and cider-making farm. He arrived in Lyttelton by the ship “Oriental” in 1856, bringing with him his wife and nine children, and after spending a few months on the Stanmore road, Christchurch, bought land at Clarkville. His homestead was built on a sixty-four acre section, which he named Somerset Farm. The original house did duty for many years, and was afterwards replaced by the present homestead. Mr. Giles had had experience in England in connection with threshing machinery, and early imported a plant to the colony. Subsequently he got out more modern machinery and worked his machines for a long period. Mr. Giles was married, in 1838, to Miss Clothier, of Somersetshire. This lady died in 1877, leaving seven sons and five daughters. In 1879 Mr. Giles was married to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Moore, of Eyreton, who, with his two children, arrived at Lyttelton by the ship “Isabella Hercus,” in 1855. Mr. Moore had been a cabinetmaker in England, but became a farmer in New Zealand. At his death on the 8th of March, 1900, Mr. Giles left two sons and one daughter, born of his second marriage. His descendants number 180 persons.

The late Mr. L. Giles.

The late Mr. L. Giles.