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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Clarkson And Ballantyne

Clarkson And Ballantyne (William Albert Paxton Clarkson and Robert Anderson Ballantyne), Architects, 207 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Telegraphic address, “Clarkson, Christchurch.” Bankers, Bank of Australasia. Private residences: Mr. Clarkson, “Ellaston,” Rugby Street, Merivale; Mr Ballantyne, Glandovey Road, Fendalton. This business was established in 1899, and is located in Mr. R. D. Thomas's building in Hereford Street. Many of the buildings which now adorn the city and suburbs have been designed by Messrs Clarkson and Ballantyne during their partnership, notably the Agricultural and Industrial Hall, Manchester Street, Bank of Australasia, the Provincial and Waimate Hotels, and Mr. T. Coverdale's beautiful residence, “Clitherbeck.”