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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. William Albert Paxton Clarkson

Mr. William Albert Paxton Clarkson, A.R.I.B.A., is the eldest son of the late Mr. Samuel Clarkson, one of Canterbury's earliest colonists. He was articled to Mr. J. C. Maddison, and, in 1886, went to England, where he further prosecuted his studies until 1890. After being admitted an Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Mr. Clarkson visited South Africa and Australia. Since establishing himself in business in Christchurch, he has designed and supervised the erection of many public buildings, which have added much to the architectural beauty of the city; for example, the Temple of Truth, now the Choral Hall, the warehouses of Mr. Robert Malcolm, and Morrow, Bassett and Co., in Cashel and Manchester Streets, the block of shops in Colombo Street for Messrs Reece and Sons, warehouses and offices in Cashel Street, and (in conjunction with Mr. F. J. Barlow) Tonks, Norton and Co.'s premises, Hereford Street, besides a great number of private residences in various parts of Canterbury. Mr. Clarkson is the president of the Christchurch Association of Architects.