Blasts target Iran's Beirut embassyCrowds at blast scene near Iranian embassy, Beirut (19 November)

Seven people are reported to have died in explosions which targeted the Iranian embassy in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

File photo: Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott (front left) talks to Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta 30 September 2013Indonesia anger at Australia spy row

Indonesia's president says ties with Australia have been "damaged" by spying reports and accuses PM Tony Abbott of belittling the row.

Rescuers work on a flooded street in the town of Uras, Sardinia. Photo: 18 November 2013Deadly cyclone strikes Sardinia

At least 16 people have been killed in flooding prompted by a cyclone and heavy rain that swept through the Italian island of Sardinia.

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