iPhone 5s Touch ID Hack

Hack the iPhone 5s Touch ID for a cash reward

Hack the iPhone 5s Touch ID for a cash reward

By about 3 hours ago.

Now that the iPhone 5s is officially in the hands of Apple fans, one of the first features that everyone will be toying with is the Touch ID fingerprint sensor. Unlocking your phone with your fingerprint is certainly a fascinating prospect, but many users expressed their concern about the safety of the new security measure when Apple revealed it earlier this month. Well, one man has made hacking the iPhone 5s Touch ID more than a concern — he’s made it a challenge. More →

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Grand Theft Auto V Sales $1 Billion

Crime pays: Grand Theft Auto V rakes in $1 billion in three days

By about 5 hours ago.

Crime pays: Grand Theft Auto V rakes in $1 billion in three days

Grand Theft Auto V has broken into gamers’ minds and has stolen their hearts. Take Two Interactive, which publishes Rockstar Games’ hugely successful Grand Theft Auto franchise, announced on Friday that sales of Grand Theft Auto V have generated $1 billion in revenue in just three days, making it the fastest game in history to reach the $1 billion milestone. Rockstar released GTA V this past Tuesday and the game was immediately deemed a massive hit after generating an estimated $800 million on its first day of sales and after scoring an extremely high 98 out of 100 on Metacritic. The fun of GTA V is that it lets gamers behave as immorally as they please in an open world setting that bears a striking resemblance to contemporary Los Angeles. Take Two’s press release follows below. More →

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Hit List

Twitter IPO Launch

Twitter IPO likely to raise $1 billion, may happen before Thanksgiving

By about 6 hours ago.

Twitter IPO likely to raise $1 billion, may happen before Thanksgiving

Twitter filed with the SEC for an initial public offering last Thursday, and although speculation about Twitter’s future began immediately, the social networking site has yet to announce when it will actually go public. According to Reuters, that day might be less than two months away. One source told Reuters that Twitter could raise over $1 billion in its IPO, and that it will come before Thanksgiving. Despite the enormity of this deal, the amount of money that Twitter is speculated to raise for its IPO is less than 1% of Facebook’s record-breaking $105 billion IPO last year. It still remains to be seen whether or not Twitter will focus as aggressively on ads as Facebook has since it went public last year, but one thing is certain — your favorite Twitter apps are about to undergo some serious changes.

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Valve Steam Box Console Teaser Site

Valve teases upcoming Steam Box console in new website

By about 7 hours ago.

Valve teases upcoming Steam Box console in new website

Valve has been building up a lot of goodwill in the gaming community with its popular Steam online store and now the company is preparing to enter the hardware arena. We talked about the less-than-subtle hints dropped by Valve CEO Gabe Newell last week at LinuxCon, and now the company has made a more official gesture by setting up a teaser webpage dedicated to Steam’s impending move into the living room.  More →

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Game Changers

Microsoft CEO Ballmer Google Criticism

Ballmer calls Google a ‘monopoly’ that should come under antitrust scrutiny

By about 8 hours ago.

Ballmer calls Google a ‘monopoly’ that should come under antitrust scrutiny

Microsoft has been flushing money down the drain trying to make Bing a legitimate threat to Google over the years but outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer says there’s a very good reason for it: If Microsoft doesn’t try to compete with Google in the search realm then no one will. The Verge reports that Ballmer on Thursday lashed out at Google and called its dominance over the search market a monopoly that should face some kind of antitrust regulations. More →

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Google Play App Revenue

Google Play app revenue rockets to more than half of iOS in August

By about 9 hours ago.

Google Play app revenue rockets to more than half of iOS in August

Distimo’s new August survey offers yet another snapshot of just how quickly Google Play is narrowing the gap behind iOS in app revenue generation. Last March, the split between the two platforms was 75% – 25%. By August, that split had tilted to 65% – 35%. This means that Google Play now generates more than half as much revenue as iOS. Of course, it is possible that with the new iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c, Apple may be able to slow down Google Play’s market share gains during the last quarter of 2013. This is going to be one of the most interesting aspects of the iPhone 5c gambit — is the new model going to help Apple at least postpone the day when Google Play becomes the highest grossing app platform? More →

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Apple A7 Chip Manufacturer Samsung

Apple sticks with Samsung for the A7 chip after all

By about 10 hours ago.

Apple sticks with Samsung for the A7 chip after all

Apple may not like it but manufacturing partners like Samsung are hard to find. iFixit and Chipworks both teamed up to tear down the iPhone 5s and found that the device’s A7 processor was indeed manufactured by Apple’s longtime partner and more recent arch-nemesis Samsung. Chipworks says that it found design and manufacturing processes on the A7 that are unique to Samsung chips such as the Samsung Exynos Application processor found in the Galaxy S4. In addition to confirmation of Samsung manufacturing the A7 chip, we’ve also been hearing reports that Samsung will supply Apple with components for its second-generation iPad mini so it seems the companies still have a good working relationship with one another despite being at each others’ throats in both the marketplace and the courtroom.

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iOS 7 Bug

Video: iOS 7 bug gives everyone access to your photos, contact list and more

By about 10 hours ago.

Video: iOS 7 bug gives everyone access to your photos, contact list and more

Apple’s new iOS 7 software brings a log of great things to the table, but it also apparently brings a few serious security flaws that could expose users. Yesterday we told you about a pretty major oversight from Apple that lets thieves quickly and easily prevent iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners from using Find my iPhone to locate and recover their devices. Since then, another iOS 7 security flaw has been discovered. A hole exposed by Forbes and then flushed out by the security experts at Lookout allows anyone to bypass PIN or passcode-protected lock screens and send emails, update statuses on social networks or access photos, contacts and more. Apple told AllThingsD that it’s aware of the bug and is working to fix it. In the meantime, a pair of videos are embedded below to show you how easy it is to break past iOS 7′s security and run amok on someone’s device. More →

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Apple TV 6.0 Release

Apple TV 6.0 software update out now, includes iTunes Radio, Music Store, Airplay

By about 11 hours ago.

Apple TV 6.0 software update out now, includes iTunes Radio, Music Store, Airplay

Because releasing iOS 7 and two new iPhone models wasn’t enough for one week, Apple has decided to update the Apple TV software to version 6.0 as well. We already knew that this update would allow Apple TV to stream purchased content from the cloud, but that’s only one of several additions to Apple’s set-top box. 9to5Mac reports that the 6.0 update also includes the newly released iTunes Radio, iCloud photos and videos to replace Photo Stream, the iTunes Music Store and conference room mode. Still no news on any new hardware from the Apple TV line, but this should tide over any users of the box in the meantime.

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BlackBerry Layoffs Announcement

BlackBerry announces major job cuts, quarterly net operating loss of $1 billion

By on September 20, 2013 at 3:18 PM.

BlackBerry announces major job cuts, quarterly net operating loss of $1 billion

Time is running out for BlackBerry. The company announced on Friday that it is cutting 4,500 jobs and that it will report a net operating loss of nearly $1 billion in its next quarterly earnings report. The company also braced investors for a major quarterly revenue miss and said its preliminary earnings results show that it generated $1.6 billion in sales on the quarter, or nearly half of Wall Street expectations of $3.06 billion. The company only sold around 3.7 million smartphones on the quarter, a huge drop from the 6.8 million smartphones it sold in the previous quarter. More →

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iOS 7 Vs iOS 6 Poll

Poll finds iOS 7 design is a clear favorite over iOS 6

By on September 20, 2013 at 2:55 PM.

Poll finds iOS 7 design is a clear favorite over iOS 6

Apple device users spoke loud and clear in a poll conducted last month that found people preferred the new design of iOS 7 over iOS 6′s old user interface by a wide margin. A similar poll found that people also preferred the new iOS 7 icons over Apple’s old iOS 6 icons though, so we didn’t know what to think. Now that iOS 7 has been released to the general public and people have had some hands-on time with the new mobile OS, a new set of polls was issued using Input Factory’s “Polar” app to see if opinions have changed. As it turns out, it looks like the early consensus has prevailed — in each of the 19 individual polls asking users to compare screenshots from iOS 7 and iOS 6 and choose their preference, iOS 7 was chosen far more often than the old UI, typically by a pretty wide margin. Polar’s set of polls is embedded below so you can have your say. More →

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iPhone Android Touch Screen Comparison

Here’s why typing on Android phones is harder than typing on an iPhone

By on September 20, 2013 at 2:10 PM.

Here’s why typing on Android phones is harder than typing on an iPhone

With occasionally unreliable autocorrect software and periodically clumsy fingers, typing on a virtual keyboard has never been easy. Take these issues and couple them with slow response time, and it’s no wonder so many of our text messages end up riddled with errors. Cloud gaming company Agawi wanted to know which phones responded the fastest, and so the company set up a series of benchmarks (called TouchMarks) to measure touch responsiveness. More →

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iOS 7 Impressions

Once you go iOS 7, you never go back

Once you go iOS 7, you never go back

By on September 20, 2013 at 1:25 PM.

After three months of waiting, the public finally got its hands on Apple’s new iOS 7 software earlier this week. Surprisingly, since iOS 7 is such a severe change where the interface is concerned, the reception on social media has been overwhelmingly positive. There are definitely some people who aren’t very happy with iOS 7 though, and they’re not shy about it at all. Of course, iOS 7′s new design won’t be universally adored — nothing ever is — but there’s something important to keep in mind when updating to Apple’s new software and I’m not sure I stressed it enough in my iOS 7 review: Give it time. More →

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