Tag Archives: image

The Walking Dead #113 And Saga #13, One Hundred Issues Apart

I look at next week’s comics and it’s just something. And, yes, we’re mostly talking Image Comics. Saga #13 and The Walking Dead #113 lead the pack, but there’s also Peter Panzerfaust, East of West, Ghosted, Lost Vegas, Mind The …

Eighteen Thoughts About Eighteen Comics – Tom Strong, Batman Inc, Animal Man Annual, Batman Annual, Uber, Collider, Detective Comics Annual, Morning Glories, Bedlan, Sex, X-Men, Superman Annual, Captain Marvel, What If AVX, Absolution, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Flash Annual

Tom Strong knows the score. So, today, that’s exactly what I did. And here’s what I thought. Grant Morrison’s Batman comes to an end. Not with a bang, but with a moo and a miaow. It’s a time of reckoning, …

Cemetery Cats From Joe Michael Straczynski From Joe’s Comics

From Ten Grand… “CEMETERY CATS, the first illustrated fantasy novel from Joe’s Comics, tells the story of Kristabel, a cat whose fourteen-year-old mistress has passed away. Kristabel follows her mistress to the cemetery where she joins the other cats who …

A Christmas Happy From Morrison And Robertson, Justifying Wonder Woman, That Man Of Steel Moment And Whether Gordon Knows…

My mind is still playing catch up with reality, which is how I missed a relatively long promotional interview with Grant Morrison in USA Today, timed for today’s release of Batman Inc #13, his final Batman comic. In which he …

Lazarus #2 Sells Out Of 35,000 Print Run

For a first issue from Image Comics, that would be a good number. But for a second issue? That’s golden. Image Comics announced that Lazarus #2 has sold out from Diamond Distributor Comics yesterday, and writer Greg Rucka has told …

First Review: Sidekick #1 By JMS And Tom Mandrake

Sometimes I dream of revolution, a bloody coup d’etat by the second rank–troupes of actors slaughtered by their understudies, magicians sawn in half by indefatigably smiling glamour girls, cricket teams wiped out by marauding bands of twelfth men–I dream of …

First Image From JMS And Gordon Purcell’s Protectors Inc

As it says, originally titled Guardians, Protectors Inc is a new creator owned series by Joe Michael Straczynski, Gordon Purcell and Mike Atiyeh, published by Image Comics and Joe’s Comics in November…

How Image Comics Won The New York Times Bestseller List

Image Comics has had half the top 10 bestsellers on the NYT paperback graphic novels list for the year so far, including including five weeks with six out of ten. And for 22 of the 31 weeks so far, has …

A Second Look At Luther Strode Vol 1 or Why Justin Jordan Is So Bloody Hot Right Now

By Hannah Means-Shannon Justin Jordan is a remarkably direct person who seems to shuffle off any traces of affectation, particularly when he gets up in front of people at panels. He’s often more interested in talking about the projects of …

Hellboy Tops The Advance Reorder Charts With His Midnight Circus

Welcome to the front line of comic book retailing. Which comics are heating up so fast that retailers are having to play catch up, upping their orders to cope with new demand, and hoping they’ll have enough when the mobs …

Who Won San Diego Comic Con? We Have The Answer – And Everything Comic-Related Bleeding Cool Got Up To In One Massive Post

Data courtesy of Bleeding Cool’s Mark Seifert, based on some serious jigging around with Bleeding Cool page views. With the films and TV, Marvel won San Diego. Without them, it was an easy win for DC Comics. They say that …

Eleven Thoughts About Eleven Of Today’s Comics – Bounce, Lazarus, Journey Into Mystery, Hawkeye Annual, The Green Team, Superman, Larfleeze, Uncanny Avengers, Superior Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man Team Up, Wolverine And The X-Men

Welcome to another week of Thoughts About Today’s Comics. Limited by time and San Diego, look forward to a fuller selection next week.   I appear to be Spanish impaired. Bounce #3 gives me a bad guy that makes me …

A Comic Shop – That Was The San Diego That Was – And Now, Tomorrow’s Comics Today!

Aaron Haaland writes; Hey Fandom, I’m back from SDCC and ready to read more comics! I had a freaking blast at the con, really getting two free passes each year as a comic shop from Diamond Comics is one of …

Lining Up For A Chog

No, it’s not a line for Mattell. Nor Hasbro. Nor even his favourite Lego. This is a line for John Layman’s Chogs, vinyl recreations of the creatures from Chew, frogs injected with chicken DNA to create an attempt at a …

Image Comics: What’s Next – SDCC Panel Recap

Joseph Schmidt writes for Bleeding Cool: Nick Dragotta, Joe Casey, Amy Reeder, Brandon Montclare, Rick Remender, Ed Brubaker, and J Michael Straczynski were in attendance for the Image Comics: What’s Next? panel, moderated by Eric Stephenson. Brubaker started the discussion …

Swag! It’s Chog, It’s Chog, It’s Better Than Bad, It’s Good

From John Layman and Rob Guillory’s Chog, to the Hello Kitty Uglydolls to, you know, comics, this is my swag so far at San Diego Comic Con… Actually, does free breakfast count as Swag? In that case, here is Bleeding …

Dead Body Road – Is This Justin Jordan’s San Diego?

He’s not even meant to be at San Diego Comic Con. But with Bleeding Cool reports that he’s walked off DC’s Superboy title, news that he’s going to be writing Crossed at Avatar and now that he has a new …

She’s A Rocket Girl… And So’s He. Amy And Brandon At San Diego Comic Con

Joseph Schmidt writes; It’s only Day 2, and Brandon Montclare has already torn a hole in his shoe. His collaborator, Amy Reeder, is telling him he should get shoes like hers, because of “diamond technology.” I show her my TOMS, …