Tag Archives: avengers

Thanos Keeps Rising: First Appearance In Iron Man #55 Hits Record $9000

A copy of Iron Man #55 CGC 9.8 white pages has just sold for $9000 at comic book consignment and auction site Comiclink, a record for this issue by a significant margin.  This 1973 Marvel comic plotted by Jim Starlin, …

Quicksilver, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, and Avengers: Age Of Ultron – Tuesday Trending Topics

Some interesting tidbits here from Brendon’s talk with Aaron Taylor Johnson about Avengers: Age of Ultron.  Johnson did also spare a few words for an update on his involvement with the Avengers sequel, Age of Ultron, and the character of …

Who Won San Diego Comic Con? We Have The Answer – And Everything Comic-Related Bleeding Cool Got Up To In One Massive Post

Data courtesy of Bleeding Cool’s Mark Seifert, based on some serious jigging around with Bleeding Cool page views. With the films and TV, Marvel won San Diego. Without them, it was an easy win for DC Comics. They say that …

Joss Whedon Scowls At The Scarlet Witch Cowl

Well, Wolverine lost his cowl in the X-Men movies. Now it looks as if Scarlet Witch will lose hers too for Avengers: The Age Of Ultron.

Marvel Studios Aren’t Done With Loki Yet – He Could Be “The Big Bad” For A Long Time

Will Loki get the upper hand in the next Thor movie? Will he secretly be behind the bad things that are going down? Or will he rise back up and take control as the movies keep coming?

Liveblog: Marvel Studio’s Comic-Con Panel For 2013 [UPDATED — With Video]

Holy crikey do they have a lot to live up to this year. Can they do it? I’ll be reporting live. Expect surprises.

The Avengers Vs X-Men Battle We Should Have Always Had

From today’s All New X-Men;That’s the weather battle we were denied in Avengers Vs X-Men! The god of thunder vs a snowball!You betcha. Comics courtesy of Yesteryear Comics, San Diego. If you’re in town for the show, why not pick …

Marvel’s Agents Of SHIELD Premiere Date Revealed

Get ready to set your DVRs.

Would You Buy “Coulson Lives” Binoculars Or Christmas Stockings?

On June 27th, Marvel trademarked the phrase “Coulson Lives” for a number of activities; Apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; audio books; audio recordings; audio and visual recordings; video game software; computer programs and software; consumer …

Avengers 2? The Vision? Vin Diesel Gives Clues To His Secretive Marvel Movie Matters

This is all going to seem mighty anticlimactic when we learn he was up for a part in Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel 2.

Preview Clip: Phineas And Ferb And Spider-Man And Iron Man And Thor And The Hulk

This preview clip from the mash-up special Phineas and Ferb:Mission Marvel, shows that the Avengers have had their powers mixed up.

Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – DC Comics Dominates Top Ten For A Change

It’s the weekly chart that measures Wednesday and Thursday sales each week, to measure the purchases of those who just can’t wait until the weekend to get their comics. It was a weak week this week, many comic retailers concluded. …

Tomorrow Avengers: A Late Introduction To Marvel’s Guardians

Elizabeth Heyman writes; It feels odd, at this point, to be posting anything about Guardians of the Galaxy that doesn’t directly refer to the upcoming big budget film. However, with two books published within a week of each other that …

League Of Extraordinary Victors

Victor Mancha Victor Von Doom (Doombot) Victor Shade (Vision) Has a superteam ever have three people with the same Christian name before? No wonder he wants to change it… Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently exhibiting Jason Atomic‘s Satanic …

Sixteen Thoughts About Sixteen Of Today’s Comics – Batwing, Shadowman, Avengers, Deadpool Kills Deadpool, Ten Grand, Dexter, Pandora, Phantom Stranger, Transformers, GI Joe, Victories, Emily And The Strangers, Abe Sapien, Batman Inc, 47 Ronin And Dark Skullkickers

  Lucius Fox in Batwing lives in a house that is smarter than people. Which may be a bad thing for invaders, but not necessarily a good thing for the regular inhabitants when the lampshade fills in the crossword when …

Robert Downey Jr. Will Return As Iron Man For Avengers 2 and Avengers 3

Marvel has just answered one of the key questions of the immediate future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe:  Robert Downey, Jr. will return as Iron Man in The Avengers 2 and 3. “I am Iron Man.” Tony Stark’s famous closing …

The Trouble With Time Travel – Age Of Ultron, New Avengers, Avengers, Uncanny Avengers And Fantastic Four (SPOILERS)

I like time travel stories. I love the shapes they make in my head. From All You Zombies to Bill And Ted’s Excellent Adventure to Making History to The Time Traveller’s Wife to Continuity Errors to Robocop Vs Terminator. When …

Joss Whedon Says There’s No Loki In The Next Avengers

Tidying up on the Tom Hiddleston confusion of late last year.