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Vladimir Putin. Mark III Photonics / Shutterstock.com

Putin just forced NATO into Syria’s civil war

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By announcing his intention to provide Syria with anti-aircraft missiles, Putin may have forced NATO’s hand.

Religious right to target Starbucks in Middle East over gay marriage (bizarre)

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Of course, America’s religious right thinks Muslims are demons. So, good luck with that.
Anti-Assad protester via Shutterstock

Syrian opposition unites to fight Assad

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It’s an important step towards permanently removing Assad. Many potential donors have insisted on a unified force, which is now lead by the long time Assad critic and religious ...
Syrian Syria

Turkey forces Syrian airliner down after tip about ‘illegal cargo’

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Turkish military jets forced down a Syrian airliner that was believed to be carrying military equipment.
glen doherty

Navy SEAL’s mom blasts Romney for politicizing death of her son

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Navy SEAL’s mom: “I don’t trust Romney. He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda.”
War from Shutterstock.

Romney again beats the drums of war

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Just when you thought the never-ending budget-breaking wars might end, the Neocons Strike Back, with Romney at the helm.
Mitt Romney

Romney calls for US military role in Syrian civil war

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Mitt Romney is chomping at the bit to get the US into yet another war in the Middle East, this time Syria.
Islam woman veil jihab

“Improperly veiled” woman assaults Iranian cleric

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One of the many problems for women living in Iran is gangs of so-called ‘religious’ thugs who harass them for infractions of the dress code. One particular mullah got more ...
Syrian Syria

Fighting continues in Syria as Assad uses air force to terrorize

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The world’s attention has shifted to other critical issues, but the problems continue in Syria.
Mitt Romney

Let’s not forget that Mitt Romney saw the assassination of an ambassador as an “opportunity”

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Romney says Obama doesn’t care about the death of an ambassador, but Romney’s staff called the death an “opportunity.”
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