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T-Paw endorses Romney

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Tim Pawlenty, former Minnesota governor and one-time serious candidate for the presidency, endorsed Mitt Romney today. In an appearance on FOX News, Pawlenty cited Romney’s record ...

Tim Pawlenty ends campaign

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Tim Pawlenty has bowed out of the presidential race after a poor third place finish in the Ames straw poll yesterday. At this point every national reporter who treated Pawlenty like ...

Michele Bachmann wins Ames Straw Poll

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Michele Bachmann wins the Ames straw poll, Ron Paul takes second place and Tim Pawlenty comes in third place. Below are the final votes for the straw poll via Aaron Blake. Total turnout ...

Big day for GOP Presidential politics

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Today is the biggest day of the primary campaign thus far. Republicans are gathering in Ames to vote in the Ames straw poll. It’s an odd event where an Iowan either buys a ticket ...
The extremism of the GOP field in one clip

The extremism of the GOP field in one clip

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Would any GOP candidate accept a raise in $1 in revenue for $10 in cuts. Everyone refused to take the deal. Meanwhile, TPM has put together the top five moments from tonight’s ...
Pawlenty tries to elevate himself to presidential level

Pawlenty tries to elevate himself to presidential level

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Check out the latest epic-ish web video from Tim Pawlenty’s Michael Bay Imitation Department. The video is title “Experience Matters” and the closing slide punchline ...

Tim Pawlenty – International man of mystery

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It’s desperate times in Iowa with one week left before the Ames straw poll and Pawlenty is desperately trying to turn any bunt into an infield home run. PAWLENTY: On the trade ...

Pawlenty busted for misleading spin

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It’s pretty early in the cycle for reporters to be getting so sick of your campaign’s spin that they start doing posts actively debunking your claims and making clear to ...

Did team Pawlenty drop the “Bachmann is unstable and on meds” story?

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It goes without saying that we’re not big fans of Michele Bachmann on this blog. We cover the GOP presidential campaign from a progressive perspective and tend to have a lot of ...

NYT destroys the Pawlenty record

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In today’s New York Times, reporter Trip Gabriel goes after the heart of Tim Pawlenty’s argument for why he should be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, ...
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