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U.S. Department of the Interior
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Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations

The Secretary of the Interior established the Land Buy-Back Program for Tribal Nations (Secretarial Order [signed PDF]) to implement the land consolidation provisions of the Cobell Settlement.  The Settlement provides for a $1.9 billion Trust Land Consolidation Fund to consolidate fractional land interests across Indian Country.

The Buy-Back Program seeks to support tribal sovereignty by providing individual American Indians opportunities to get cash payments for voluntarily transferring their fractional land interests.  Upon transfer, the interests will be held in trust for the benefit of the tribe with jurisdiction over the land.  As an additional incentive to individuals to transfer their fractional interests, each sale will trigger payments to a scholarship fund for higher education for American Indian and Alaska Natives (up to $60 million).

We released an Initial Implementation Plan for the Buy-Back Program, and we are actively consulting with tribes about the plan.  Tribal leadership and involvement is crucial to the success of the Program.  There are approximately 150 unique reservations that have fractional interests.  The Department looks forward to working cooperatively with the tribes and individuals involved to reduce the number of fractional interests through voluntary land sales.  Consolidating trust land bases will facilitate conservation, stewardship, and beneficial use through sovereign nations.
Documents Related to the Cobell Trust Land Consolidation Program

Past Consultations

2013 Consultation 


Seattle, WA - February 14, 2013 Rapid City, SD - February 6, 2013 Minneapolis, MN - January 31, 2013

2011 Consultations

Rapid City, SD - October 26, 2011

Oklahoma City, OK - October 6, 2011

Phoenix Consultation – Sept 29, 2011

Albuquerque, NM – September 27, 2011 

Seattle, WA – September 16, 2011 

Minneapolis, MN - August 18, 2011 Billings, MT - July 15, 2011