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The public lands we manage at Interior are great places to visit for a vacation or just a day trip. offers a single point of access to information about federal recreational activities and reservations. An interagency collaboration, this site identifies thousands of recreational opportunities by customer interest rather than by the agency providing the opportunity.

National Parks. The National Park System covers more than 84 million acres  and includes 122 historical parks or sites, 74 monuments, 58 national parks, 24 battlefields or military parks, 18 preserves, 18 recreation areas, 10 seashores, four parkways, four lakeshores, and two reserves. Visit the National Park Service website to find a park near you.

Bureau of Land Management Recreation Areas.  The National System of Public Lands offer more diverse recreational opportunities than are available on the land of any other federal agency. On more than 256 million acres of public lands, people enjoy countless types of outdoor adventure. They camp, hunt, fish, hike, horseback ride, boat, whitewater raft, hang glide, drive off-highway vehicles, mountain bike, view  wildlife, take photos, climb, visit natural and cultural-heritage sites and more.

Bureau of Reclamation Recreation Areas.  Annually, more than 90 million visitors participate in a wide variety of activities on Reclamation lands and reservoirs. These activities include camping, boating, fishing, hunting, wind-surfing, sailing, picnicking, wildlife viewing, swimming and sightseeing.

National Wildlife Refuges.  The National Wildlife Refuge System, managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, is a network of habitats that benefit wildlife and provide unparalleled outdoor experiences for all Americans.  Plan your visit today!