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Trademark Use Guidelines

Flixster, Inc., together with its other business units, including but not limited to, Rotten Tomatoes (collectively "Flixster," "we," or "us"), provides an online community for movie critics and fans to review and rate movies and to network with people with similar tastes. If you plan to use any of our trademarks or logos, please follow these guidelines. If you'd like to use any of our trademarks or logos in any way that isn't covered here, please contact us.

Our Trademarks and Logos



Trademark Basics

What is a trademark?

A trademark or mark is any word, name, symbol, design, or a combination of them, adopted and used by a company to identify its products or services and to distinguish them from the products or services of others.

Why does Flixster need trademark use guidelines for it's marks and logos?

Rights to a trademark can last indefinitely if the mark is properly used to identify certain products and services. If not used properly, rights in a mark may be lost or improper use may create customer confusion. Because of this, Flixster is taking steps to ensure that its marks and logos are used properly.


General Use Guidelines


When using our trademarks and logos:

  • Do distinguish our marks from the surrounding text in some way, such as capitalizing the first letter of the mark, capitalizing the whole mark, or using a different font or stylization for the mark, such as "The FLIXSTER site is a great way to share your review of a new movie," rather than "The flixster site is a great way to share your review of a new movie."

  • Do use our marks only as adjectives, and never as nouns or verbs and never in the plural or possessive. Acceptable: ROTTEN TOMATOES online reviews are excellent. Unacceptable: ROTTEN TOMATOES is excellent.

  • Do use only the most current version of our logos.

  • Do keep sufficient space around our marks and logos so they appear clean and uncluttered.

  • Do include the following notice: "Flixster, Rotten Tomatoes, the Certified Fresh Logo [insert all marks and logos you reference on your website or in your materials] are trademarks or registered trademarks of Flixster, Inc. in the United States and other countries." This notice should be at the bottom of your home page or at the bottom of the web pages that contain our marks and logos, or in your "About" section if used in connection with a mobile application or set top box. For printed materials, please place the notice in an appropriate location with other legal notices, such as at the bottom of a poster or on the back of a DVD cover.

  • When referring to Flixster as a company or when referring to actions we've taken as a company, capitalize only the first letter in Flixster, such as "Flixster today announced its third quarter earnings," rather than "FLIXSTER today announced its third quarter earnings."

  • Do let us know if you discover that someone is not using our marks or logos properly.


When using our trademarks and logos,please:

  • Don't use any of our marks or logos in the name of your company, product name, service name, or logos such as RottenTomatoesPotatoes or Flixsterliscious.

  • Don't adopt a name, mark, or logo that is confusingly similar to our name, marks, or logos, such as Flickster or Bad Tomatoes.

  • Don't use any of our marks or misppellings of our marks in your domain name.

  • Don't distort or alter our logos by changing the font, color, or approved size proportions.

  • Don't copy the look and feel of our websites or our logos as this could create user confusion.

  • Don't imply any affiliation, sponsorship, endorsement, or other false association with us.

  • Don't attempt to obtain rights in our marks or logos whether by trademark registration, domain registration, or otherwise.

  • Don't use any of our marks or logos on any website that contains or displays pornography, promotes gambling, involves the sale of tobacco or alcohol to persons under the age of 21, or otherwise violates applicable law.


Use of Flixster Logos

Use of the Certified Fresh Logo

We certify films as "Certified Fresh" if they are reviewed by 40 or more Tomatometer critics (including 5 Top Critics) and score at least 75% or higher on the Tomatometer rating system. A film will remain Certified Fresh unless its Tomatometer rating falls below 60%.

The Certified Fresh Logo may be used on posters, packaging, print/broadcast ads, or websites provided the following requirements are met (in addition to our general use guidelines):

  • The Certified Fresh Logo may only be used in connection with films that Flixster has designated as Certified Fresh.

  • The Certified Fresh Logo cannot be altered without prior written permission.

  • The link to the Certified Fresh Logo must go to one of the following landing pages on the Rotten Tomatoes site:

    • The Rotten Tomatoes review page for that specific movie

    • The Rotten Tomatoes homepage

    • The Certified Fresh Movie or DVD web pages

  • To download the Certified Fresh Logo, use the following links:

Fresh Tomato, Rotten Splat and Popcorn Logos
  • The Fresh Tomato or Popcorn Logo may only be displayed in connection with a film if it received a combined score of 60% or better. When using either logo, please display it to the left of the film's score.

  • The Rotten Splat Logo may only be displayed in connection with a film if it received a combined score of 59% or less. When using this logo, please display it to the left of the film's score.

  • When enabled by your platform, the scores must link back to the corresponding movie pages on the appropriate Flixster site(s).

  • The Fresh Tomato, Rotten Splat, and Popcorn Logos cannot be altered without prior written permission.

  • To download the Fresh Tomato, Rotten Splat, and/or Popcorn Logos, use the following links:

Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes Logos

We generally do not allow others to use the Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes Logos. If you'd like special permission for a specific use, please contact us.


Merchandising Requests

Flixster typically does not permit or license other parties to use our trademarks, logos, or other intellectual property in connection with merchandise or other products, including but not limited to, clothing, hats, mugs, and toys.



Rotten Tomatoes maintains data feeds featuring the most current movies and dvds, including current and upcoming releases. In addition to our RSS feeds compiling Tomatometer and Critical Consensus summaries, webmasters can download text feeds that also include links to the reviews pages for our entire catalog of movies, movie showtime links, Certified Fresh flags, database IDs, and other data designed to help integrate our data with your website.

Please review the associated downloads (graphics), enhanced content, and terms of use before using these feeds.

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