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Dunderdale sworn in as PC Party leader

Premier Kathy Dunderdale was sworn in as the leader of the Progressive
Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador by party president John Babb
at a rally Saturday at the Convention Centre in downtown St. John's. Photo
by Gary Hebbard/The Telegram

Premier Kathy Dunderdale was sworn in as the leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador by party president John Babb at a rally Saturday at the Convention Centre in downtown St. John's. Photo by Gary Hebbard/The Telegram

Published on April 2, 2011
Published on April 2, 2011
Topics :
PC Party

As hundreds of supporters waved "Dunderdale 2011" placards, Premier Kathy Dunderdale was formally sworn in as leader of the PC Party.

Dunderdale delivered a speech heavy on Newfoundland and Labrador pride to the crowd, and trumpeting the accomplishments of the government in the past eight years.

"It's not by being meek or weak that we have come so far," Dunderdale said. "The destiny we share is the destiny we control."

Dunderdale, PC Party President John Babb and others all said that the rally marks the kickoff of the 2011 election campaign. Voters in the province will go to the polls on Oct. 11.

But the weekend of party unity and spirit was marred by the absence of former premier Danny Williams.

A video message from Williams to the party faithful was only played for delegates behind closed doors Saturday morning.

Williams taped the message — which also featured an appearance by comedian Mark Critch — to be played at Friday night's tribute dinner in his honour.

In a statement e-mailed to The Telegram, a spokeswoman for Williams said he was "disappointed" that the message was not played at the dinner, which was open to the media.

The video has since been posted online on Youtube.

When asked about this, and the ongoing talk of a rift between herself and Williams, Dunderdale said it was a scheduling issue, and that's the only reason it was played during the Saturday morning session.

The Williams video can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmKII8jyIa4


  • Username
    - April 4, 2011 at 11:15:29

    Message to Just Saying. "You hit the nail right on the head with your comments on Dunderdale. If she isn't a fool she seems to be playing the part . She and the rest of her caucus have really over-estimated their popularity this time. Dunderdale feels that she will not lose any support, Boy is she ever wrong!! I spoke with many coffee groups and the general consenus is that she will lose big times at the polls come October.

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  • Username
    Frank Blackwood
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:48:52

    Congratulation Kathy!

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  • Username
    Just Saying
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:48:45

    Better enjoy it while you can Dunderdale it won't last. I can't believe how Danny is being treated.She wasn't put in the premier's chair by the people but she can be punted out of it. We will never have a great leader like Danny. I guess a little power goes to some people's heads. She does not come across as any kind of a leader. Tom Marshall should of been in that job not her. Her on the stage with Harper clapping away made me sick to watch.She looked like a fool.

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  • Username
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:48:28

    for the most part, the accomplishments of the past 8 years have been the result of Danny Williams. give credit where credit is due cathy.

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  • Username
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:48:21

    for the most part, the accomplishments of the past 8 years have been the result of Danny Williams. give credit where credit is due cathy.

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  • Username
    Steve Winslow
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:47:38

    Here's the real Dunderdale! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BL1xhWAxo0

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  • Username
    P F Murphy
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:45:28

    "It's not by being meek or weak that we have come so far," Dunderdale said. Who's the "we" who has come so far and not been meek or weak? It seems to me that there was only one backbone that brought us "so far" and the rest only rode the coat tails. Or perhaps it was some of the anti-Newfoundland and Labarador Conservative candidates who have now recovered from their various ill healths and their need to restore their family relations which will no longer suffer if they are stationed in Ottawa vs St John's? Or could it have been all those brave people who wouldn't run to be Premier so we were left with the care-taker? The Danny brand holds its value while the Kathy barnd is a penny stock whose value is dropping quickly with October soon to arrive.

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  • Username
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:42:55

    For sucking up to Harper after campaigning against him in the last election and seeing your spineless caucus members swoon for your new friends in Ottawa, you lost my vote Kathy….I could add: for not releasing details on Muskrat Falls project, the screw up with the Liz Matthews appointment (or non-appointment) and distancing yourself from the guy who you owe your job too – the list goes on. I didn’t always agree with everything Williams did or said (or the manner in which he did or said things), but you could never doubt his integrity and passion for this place. You have zero creditability.

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  • Username
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:41:57

    I think Dunderdale has jumped the gun with her relationship with Steve. Steve has shown his lack integrity when it comes to promises made during elections and his failure to keep them. If he was serious in dealing a loan guarantee with NL on the Muskrat Falls, then he should have done so in the months prior to the forced election which everyone new was a for gone conclusion. Now he is dangling the prospects of a loan guarantee like a prize carrot for prize NL, MP seats for his party. I am not a huge Danny fan. But it must be said that Danny has made enormous strides in setting the stage for growth and prosperity in NL and a general pride in ourselves as a people again. I just hope Dunderdale does not erode those gains and change the momentum of our province. If we can just maintain our current economic pace and strength and prevent that course altering ( I told you so ) I can see the NL people placing her on a pedestal equal or greater than Danny but in her own right.

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  • Username
    - April 3, 2011 at 16:38:38

    Behind closed doors,should be Blunderdale's theme song next october. Danny was more interested in makeing a comedy skit for 22 min. on CBC then speaking to the Harper loveing conservatives. ABD__ANYTHING BUT DUNDERDALE next October.

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