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The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters

The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters, #21, Captain America
The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters, Captain America


Thanks to the super-soldier serum, Captain America is the best that a human being can be – super-strong, super-fast, super-agile, doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and has a Nintendo DS Brain Training age of 20. Not bad for a guy who’s technically in his 80s now. And, well, dead. Yes, Captain America – at least, Steve Rogers, the Captain America that people have been growing up with ever since Double-yuh Double-yuh Two – is no more. He was shot by a sniper at the end of 2007’s massive Civil War cross-over and unusually for a comic book icon, is still dead. But let’s take this opportunity to briefly remember the hero that he was: created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon as a ra-ra tool in the Second World War, Cap really came into his own in the 1960s, when Kirby and Lee thawed him out and put him in charge of The Avengers. In a post-9/11 world, the juxtaposition of a man with a rigid moral compass in a world going to hell in a handbasket led to some of the best Captain America comics in years. For that reason, it can’t be too long before the old super-soldier serum flows through Steve Rogers’ veins once more.


The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
He is America. Or, rather, he is the American flag. Clad in red, white and blue chainmail, with a red, white and blue invincible shield demarcated by a giant star and initialed, wing-tipped head piece.
The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
Matt Salinger – son of J.D.! - played him in the low-budget version, while there’s plenty of speculation about who might play him in Captain America: The First Avenger, which is due in 2011, and subsequently the Avengers movie. We’ve gone over this in great detail, so for our top Cap tips, go here.
The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
Stephen Colbert, of cracking US political satire The Colbert Report, is a huge Cap fan. When Rogers was killed, Colbert eulogized him on his show – and he has one of two replica metal Cap shields, commissioned by Marvel to mark the event, hanging in his studio.
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The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
The 50 Greatest Comic Book Characters
