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Zen Centers

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"Un Zen méridional" Dogen Sangha

A small group dedicated to transmitting the teachings of Gudo Wafu Nishijima roshi, of which Michel "Yudo" Proulx is a Dharma heir, in Montpellier, Southern France.

A Single Thread

A Single Thread is a small but beautiful Buddhist householder practice that started about 10 years ago in our backyard. Literally! We converted our garage, built a little solitary hut and an eco-friendly lu and offer as much practice as a small sangha can do. We are small but dogged about Buddhist practice. Our main focus is to bring the teachings and practices of Buddhism into the Householder life. We offer many of the traditional practices of silence and sitting but make room for babies, dogs and various lifestyles. We learn the traditions but do what is possible. Most of us have families, jobs, children, pets and lots of stuff to do and take care of every day. A Single Thread makes allowances for the household life without watering down the power of the Dharma.

Albuquerque Zen Center

Rinzai Zen urban practice center in the lineage of Kyozan Joshu Sasaki, Roshi.

  • Website: http://www.azc.org
  • Email: office@azc.org
  • Telephone: 505-268-4877
  • Address: 2300 Garfield SE
  • City: Albuquerque
  • State/Province: New Mexico
  • Zip Code: 87106
  • Country: United States'
Anchorage Zen Community

The Anchorage Zen Community and its practice space, Uto-an, are committed to providing authentic Soto Zen Buddhist practice and teachings to all who are interested. We welcome people of any faith or background who are interested in cultivating compassion, awareness, and wisdom in their daily lives. Our schedule includes daily zazen and chanting, regular instruction for newcomers, study groups, prison volunteer work, and teisho (dharma talks); we also hold one-day sittings, sesshin, precepts ceremonies, and more. We are a non-residential community, voluntarily maintained and supported by our members. Koun Franz, Resident priest.

Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

Soto Zen practice; Taigen Dan Leighton


Our practice center generally follows the tradition of the American Zen teacher Joko Beck. We also draw on the teachings of the Soto Zen tradition in which were trained and ordained (Suzuki Roshi lineage). We include other Buddhist teachings and contemporary work in psychology, interpersonal neurobiology, language, the sciences of complexity and ecosystems, the arts, and philosophy. Zazen—meditation in silence and stillness—and shared inquiry are at the heart of everything we do, and everything we teach.

Arcata Zen Group

The Arcata Zen Group is a Soto Zen Buddhist sangha practicing on the North Coast of California. The AZG has been active since the 1970s. Maylie Scott Roshi, our teacher and founding abbess of Rin Shin-ji/Forest Heart Temple, passed away in 2001. Currently AZG offers an active zazen and sesshin schedule, inviting visiting teachers for sesshin and dharma study, and various community projects, including prison and jail outreach and the Humboldt Area chapter of the BPF (Buddhist Peace Fellowship).

Arizona Ko Dai Ji Temple

Our school of Zen is based upon the Soto Zen traditions as taught by Soyu Matsuoka Roshi, founder of the Chicago and Long Beach Zen Centers. We are a mixture of individuals with many different religions who choose to practice meditation and follow the Dharma. Kozen Sampson, Sensei.

Ashland Zen Center

At Ashland Zen Center we offer formal Zen Practice in the tradition of Zen master Shunryu Suzuki. Soto Zen

Association Zen de Montreal

The Montreal Zen Association is a member of the International Zen Association founded by Master Deshimaru in 1970.The Association is administered by a board of directors made up of monks, nuns and bodhisattvas who practise at the dojo and who act as directors on a volunteer basis. To become a member of the Association, a annual membership fee of 30 $ is payable. Members can attend the sesshins organized by the dojo, borrow books from the library and benefit from a substantial grant to attend winter or summer camps at La Gendronnière and IZA-affiliated temples.

Association Zen Internationale, Michigan

The International Zen Association was founded by Master Deshimaru in the 1970s. He put all his faith and energy into it, transmitting the Buddha-Way and Zen practice to the West. By founding the Gendronnière temple in 1979, he has given us an unmatched gift and tool whereby we can practice the Buddha-Dharma and spread it in a world that needs it more and more. The commitment to take care of what we have received and to pass it on to future generations so that peace and compassion become a reality, is nothing less than actualising the bodhisattva vows.

Athens Zen Group

The Athens Zen Group is a sangha (community of practitioners) affiliated with the Atlanta Soto Zen Center. Its purpose is to provide a supportive environment for cultivating the practice of zazen as well as to offer group and individual dharma teaching. This environment includes a teacher, a meeting space, instruction in zazen, and a community of committed practitioners.

  • Website: http://www.athenszen.org/
  • Email: info@athenszen.org
  • Telephone: (706) 583-9582
  • Address: Rubber Soul Yoga Revolution, Suite #1400, 675 Pulaski Street
  • City: Athens
  • State/Province: Georgia
  • Zip Code: 30601
  • Country: United States'
Atlanta Soto Zen Center

Incorporated as a 501c3 in 1977, continuous operation offering Zen meditation and dharma study, formal training for lay practice in the lineage of Rev. Soyu Matsuoka Roshi (1912-1997). His successor Taiun M. Elliston formally transmitted by Rev. Shohaku Okumura Roshi, serves as current abbot and guiding teacher of ASZC and the Silent Thunder Order (Mokurai Shu) of Disciples and Priests of Soto Zen Buddhism and its network of centers in the US and Canada.

  • Website: http://www.aszc.org
  • Email: secretary@aszc.org
  • Telephone: 404-532-0040
  • Address: 1167 C/D Zonolite PlacePO Box 133241 30333-3241
  • City: Atlanta
  • State/Province: Georgia
  • Zip Code: 30306 -2001
  • Country: USA'
Atlantic Soto Zen Center

Zen practice has a long and wonderful history extending back over 2500 years. If you are looking for a place to practice Zazen and enhance Zen training please note that the Atlantic Soto Zen Center in central Halifax, Nova Scotia offers a range of Zen practice opportunities every Sunday morning from 6:00 a.m. until Noon. Everyone is welcome to take part in any one or all parts of our Sunday service. Our Sunday morning services are presently held at the Dalhousie Multifaith Centre, 1321 Edward Street (corner of Edward St. and University Avenue). Rev. Tesshin James Smith

Auckland Zen Center

The Auckland Zen Centre is a Buddhist community supporting authenic Zen practice and training in Auckland City, New Zealand.

Austin Zen Center

We follow the path of Soto Zen. Zazen, zendo forms and practice discussion or dokusan are supported in our daily practice schedule. The Saturday morning program is ideal for beginners to start. Dharma talks generally occur on Saturday mornings or as special events found in our calendar. Ceremonies (including ordinations), sesshins and periods when classes are offered are listed also in the calendar. Classes are described on the classes page. Lay or priest ordination and priest training are offered by agreement with the head teacher.

  • Website: http://www.austinzencenter.org/
  • Telephone: 512-452-5777
  • Address: 3014 Washington Square
  • City: Austin
  • State/Province: Texas
  • Zip Code: 78705
  • Country: United States'
Autumn Bridge Dojo

Pracice: "Learning the Tao whith the Body" ("Shingaku Do"-Dogen Zenji) is the practice of the Chinese Internal Arts of Movement of the Nei Ch'ia Chuan Shu, in the context and ground of traditional Zen and the Tao practice. an expression of te teachings of the late Shifu Yuan Chueh, and Augusto Alcalde (Roshi) who is a dharma heir in the lineage of Yuan Chueh since 1974. Augusto, responding to his former teacher in Hawaii, reincorporated the Internal Arts of Movement to his own teachings into the Soto-Rinzai Zen lineage, in which he is a Dharma Succesor of Aitken Roshi.He teaches in Argentina, Chile, Mexico and other places on this wounded Mother Earth.The Dojo is guided by Augusto Alcalde Roshi, Dharma Succesor of Aitken Roshi (and heir of the Monk Yuan Chueh).Visitors welcome.

Bainbridge Island Meditation Group

Order of Buddhist Contemplatives; Rev. Master Teigan Stevens

Baltimore Dharma Group

BDG is a small, lay Zen practice group. We seek to open a gate to the practice of peace, understanding and love, for self and others. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Bamboo in the Wind

Bamboo In The Wind's purpose is to express, make accessible, and embody the wisdom and compassion of Buddha. Our Sangha is a welcoming community of Buddhist practitioners who are supportive of all Buddhist schools and particularly devoted to the practice of Zen. We are dedicated to the teaching of awakening and liberation of all beings. Sojun Martin, Head Teacher

Bay Zen Center

The Bay Zen Center offers a non-denominational approach to cultivating mindful awareness and presence in the activities of daily life. It is open to beginner and experienced practitioners and people of all traditions. Our practice is down-to-earth, practical, and centered in the understanding that it is in the heart of our daily life—in the workplace, at home, through relationships, in the community—that we can learn to engage with clarity, intelligence, and love. The foundation of our practice rests in the Zen Buddhist tradition, but we are open to teachings from other wisdom traditions. Diane Eshin Rizzetto

  • Website: http://www.bayzen.org/
  • Telephone: 5105963087
  • Address: 689 62nd St
  • City: Oakland
  • State/Province: California
  • Zip Code: 94609
  • Country: United States'
Beginner's Mind Zen Center

Beginner's Mind Zen Center is a neighborhood zendo in a quiet residential area near California State University at Northridge. It offers lay practitioners and interested individuals a daily program of meditation in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition as transmitted by Shunryu Suzuki-roshi.The name comes from the Zen Buddhist term “beginner’s mind,” which describes an openness, eagerness and lack of preconception in living one’s life.

Benevolent Street Zendo

A sitting group of the Boundless Way Zen Sangha

Berkeley Buddhist Priory

The Berkeley Buddhist Priory is a temple following the Serene Reflection Meditation (Soto Zen) tradition. It is a branch of the Order of Buddhist Contemplatives, an international Buddhist Order, and is affiliated with Shasta Abbey, located in Mt. Shasta, California. The Order of Buddhist Contemplatives and the Berkeley Buddhist Priory were both founded by the late Rev. Master Jiyu-Kennett.

Berkeley Zen Center, Shogakuji

The Berkeley Zen Center is a place where people practice zazen together daily, with the support of the Zen Center community, under the guidance of abbot Sojun Mel Weitsman Roshi.Meditation, which is called zazen, or sitting in stillness, is the center of our practice, following and adapting the traditions of Soto Zen Buddhism. At BZC our everyday activity, as it extends from zazen, is the field where practice finds its full expression.

Big Mind Western Zen Center

We’re here on a very clear mission. To pass along to you the deep and profound truths of Zen Buddhism that were passed down to us. Zen is one of the most ancient and widely respected wisdom traditions. Why? Because for over 2500 years the Buddha’s insights and views have stayed as relevant to the day-to-day lives of regular people as food, sleep, hope and love. And taking a few minutes to meditate each day adds to your life in so many ways. Dennis Genpo Merzel, Guiding teacher.

Bijapur One Drop India

The Bijapur One Drop India Community School is a semi-monastic community for boys ages eleven through fifteen. Bijapur One Drop India was established in 2000 by Venerable Bhante Bodhidhamma, Zenji, a long-time senior student of Venerable Shodo Harada, Roshi, The Abbot of Sogen-Ji Rinzai Zen Monastery. At present, thirty boys live in the community. The boys live as novice monks, maintaining a supportive daily schedule of sutra chanting, sitting meditation (zazen), schoolwork, cleaning routines, sports, recreation, and peer social interaction. Rinzai

Bisbee Lotus Sangha

The group we now call Bisbee Lotus Sangha began sitting in December of 2004. We have gathered every Sunday to sit and chant since then. Several of the initial members of the group were and are, students of Pat Hawk Roshi, dharma heir to Robert Aitken Roshi. With Pat’s sincere and very enthusiastic encouragement and availability to help us ask, and occasionally, answer appropriate questions, we began to practice here in Bisbee in an informal association with the Zen Buddhist Diamond Sangha. Pat Hawk, Sensei.

Black Moon Zendo

A place where all those wishing to practice zazen are welcome. Rinzai/Soto. Adam Genkaku Fisher, founder.

Black Mountain Zen Centre

Based in N. Ireland, the practice of Black Mountain Zen Centre is Soto Zen in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi and we are affiliated to San Francisco Zen Center. We are guided in our practice of the Buddha Way by Ryushin Paul Haller Roshi, an authorised Dharma Heir of the Suzuki Roshi lineage.We emphasize the practice of Zazen (meditation) as the essence of Shakyamuni Buddha's practice,together with the practice of precepts and the cultivation of Compassion and Wisdom.

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