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Like Tim Tebow: Do you pray at work?

Someone once told me they never pray - ever - and I was shocked.  I couldn't help but think how lonely and scary the world must be for someone who never talks to G0d.

I pray all day.

I pray when I get up in the morning - nothing formal but if something is on my mind, I talk to G0d.

I pray when I hear sirens.

I  pray when I read or hear a particularly disturbing/sad/moving/emotional story.

I used to pray before tests in school.

I actually don't pray before meals but I pray before I go to sleep.  In fact, if you have trouble falling asleep, say your prayers.  Better than Ambien.

And, I used to pray at work all the time - especially when I was a lawyer - it usually went like this "Please let me get a new job."

So, when I see Tim Tebow pray, I don't think it's strange.  Granted, I never got down on one knee in my office but the fact that he's talking to G0d before 'a big meeting with opposing counsel' is not at all strange or foreign to me.

poll by twiigs.com

Today, I am grateful ~
1/ for the power of prayer
2/ even when G0d says no
3/ and even just to say Thank You.



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    They forgot this rather obvious option in their poll: "No, gods don't exist."

  • In reply to Virgil Starkwell:

    They = Me :)
    It's too late to change the poll but you're right. There is that option too. Thanks for your comment and that pointing out!

  • I work from home, so yes, I can and have prayed like Tebo.

    When I'm out working, I have stopped into churches that aren't locked against looters, because if I were to get down on my knee in the middle of the sidewalk, I'd be hearing a lot of "god" comments, usually with a "damned", to follow.

    I've also said some rushed prayers while working and driving in whiteouts, tornadoes, ice storms and when the car breaks down in the middle of nowhere Interstate USA.

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    I am praying for false teeth and a "Buy One Get One Free" coupon for some Vegas-style hookers.

  • Thanks for giving me something else to pray for Virgil. I hope you find the true God before it is too late because you will meet Him someday and He will be pursuing you for the rest of your life!

  • In reply to cme12e:

    Thanks for giving me something to pray for. I hope you find J.R. "Bob" Dobbs before HE FINDS YOU.

  • No, I don't pray at work or anywhere else.

  • I absoultly pray at work, I would not have it any other say.
    My Lord ans Savior is Jesus Christ!
    That makes Teebow my brother and am very glad to call him that!
    The Lord tells us He will never leave us nor forsake us. Until you really understand what He has done for you, you can't understand. But I am blessed because I know He loves us all.
    Read the bible He willl open your eyes but only if you ask Him!

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