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Gov. Rick Snyder signs Michigan business/income tax overhaul into law

By Peter Luke | Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 2:37 PM
rick snyder sign.jpg

Snyder and Lt. Gov. Brian Calley call the plan a game-changer for the state’s business tax climate and say it defuses the fiscal “time bomb” that allowed retirees to exempt their pension income from tax.

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mrpike2 May 26, 2011 at 1:29PM

and worst states for retirement: The complete listSeptember 29,2010
By Richard Barrington | Money-Rates Columnist

MoneyRates.com has received a flurry of press coverage plus several questions and comments regarding our lists of 10 worst and 10 best states for retirement.

Some of you asked about specific states that weren't on either list -- or to see the entire list. To let everyone see where their state ranked, here's MoneyRates.com's entire list, from the best state for retirement to the worst state for retirement

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william48433 May 25, 2011 at 3:49PM

How is raising taxes fiscal responsible?

Thank you TEA partiers? We trully are now Taxed Enough Already.

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Grahm May 27, 2011 at 7:42AM

Why should people who receive pensions be absolved from paying taxes? Everyone else who SELF funds their retirement pays taxes when they withdraw their money. I know it is less money in their pockets but it is closer to being fair.

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MichiganPine May 25, 2011 at 3:49PM

"Snyder said the plan defuses what he called the “time bomb” of an aging demographic in Michigan that threatened to push more and more of the state tax burden onto younger wage earners."

This wouldn't be a problem if younger workers were making more, and their education was less expensive.

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getittogether May 25, 2011 at 3:52PM

Perhaps this is why "It is easier for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to enter the kingdom of God" Matthew 19:24. Your time will come Snyder and you'll have to answer for all the people you have impoverished further with this bill.

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CuriousOneMi2 May 25, 2011 at 4:00PM


You have a typo as "Snyder" should be "Granholm." Jobs are increasing now in Michigan after 8 straight years of decline under Granholm.


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michfarmer May 25, 2011 at 3:53PM

Is there anywhere where the full details of this law is at to read. The homestead property tax was for renters also, I wonder if any changes was made to that part of it and not just homeowners...

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HPDinGR May 25, 2011 at 3:55PM

This is great news. Everyone gets a tax increase! And, All these state and education workers that will be let go in the next few months will have so many new jobs to pick from they wont know what to do. Finally these businesses enjoying record profits, can start hiring again. Because we all wondered, why would a business hire anybody when they are paying so much in taxes, I mean it just wouldn't make any sense, but now they are free to hire again! Yippppeeee. Thanks Republicans. Hey, next, can you make sure my grandma has more choices to negotiate her healthcare? She really needs more choices in the free market profit driven insurance world. Say what you will about my grandma, but she is one tough negotiator, she is going to be able to get such a great deal on healthcare in her latter years, these insurance companies better get ready.

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Flippety Flap May 25, 2011 at 3:57PM

So for $15.00 I can go downtown and file a DBA, selling widgets.

I can now deduct many expenses same as any business.

So if I use my car , my phone, my internet to conduct my business I can take a deduction against all my income including a pension even if I sell only 1 widget for $5.00?

Looks like this,

Pension income $27,000 .

58 years old.

Business income $5.00 sold one widget . With reciept

Used Car, phone, fax, stamps, internet, insurance etc.= -$27,000

Total income $27005.00
Total deduct 27000.00

Taxable income $5.00

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landow May 27, 2011 at 11:24AM

That would be a great way to attract IRS auditing. Try it out!

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Russ Thomas May 25, 2011 at 3:58PM

So much for simplifying taxes for everybody. Also I find it amazing how a Republican raises taxes and not one word from Conservatives. It's ok if my party cuts taxes but I'll be damned if I will criticize if they raise taxes. That's what this is folks...raising taxes.

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Gizmologist May 25, 2011 at 4:45PM

No, it's largely closing overly-generous loopholes and moving people back to a more even tax playing field. If you don't like the changes to the pension exemption, then perhaps you can look just South of us at Indiana where the private pension exemption is ZERO and has been for a long time, or any of the surrounding Midwestern states with much smaller exemptions than what we currently have.

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Russ Thomas May 25, 2011 at 4:54PM

Generous loop-holes...that made me laugh. Thanks!

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mrpike2 May 25, 2011 at 6:31PM

When can we expect the overly generous loopholes to be closed for inheritances, farmers and churches?

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HPDinGR May 25, 2011 at 3:59PM

Oh, one more thing, Hey Rick, what private school did you send your kids to again? I'm in the market for a private school, one that values education and the teachers that teach my children, because, clearly, nobody values public education anymore, that darn entitlement program! And have a great summer on your yacht Ricky! I'm sure your waits in the icecream lines will be less and less now that these cone shops can afford to hire more help.

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