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‘I saved my country from nuclear blackmail’

Published: May 17, 2011

Dr Qadeer says no nuclear-capable country has had its borders redrawn.

Pakistan achieved “credible nuclear deterrence” on December 10, 1984, and perfected delivery system in the early 90s, Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan tells Newsweek magazine in a write-up.

In his first piece written exclusively for a Western publication, Dr Khan says that the West should not be afraid of the country’s nuclear programme. He also boasts of accomplishing a remarkable feat by making Pakistan, “a country which couldn’t produce bicycle chains”, a nuclear capable country and a missile power.

According to him, Pakistan’s nuclear weapons had prevented war with India, which he accused of pursuing a “massive programme” solely for the purpose of serving its ambitions of attaining a superpower status.

“Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn. Had Iraq and Libya been nuclear powers, they wouldn’t have been destroyed in the way we have seen recently. If we had nuclear capability before 1971, we wouldn’t have lost half our country after a disgraceful defeat,” Khan said.

While Dr Khan said he was not familiar with the latest developments in Pakistan’s nuclear programme, Newsweek published a commercial satellite image, processed by the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security, which it claimed showed accelerated construction of a nuclear complex at Khushab.

The magazine quoted the think-tank as saying that plutonium from the new reactors would allow a “dramatic increase” in weapons’ production, potentially allowing Pakistan to double its annual production of nuclear weapons.

Accusing western powers of orchestrating a false propaganda aimed against Pakistan’s nuclear programme, Dr Khan said: “I would like to make it clear that it was an Indian nuclear explosion in May 1974 that prompted our nuclear programme, motivating me to return to Pakistan to help create a credible nuclear deterrent and save my country from Indian nuclear blackmail.”

The question of how many weapons are required for credible deterrence against India is purely academic. India, he said, would need just five nuclear devices to wreak havoc upon Pakistan, and Islamabad would need only 10 to “return the favour”.

Published in The Express Tribune, May 17th, 2011.

Reader Comments (78)

  • Faraz
    May 17, 2011 - 8:42AM

    It was bhutto who initiated the nuclear programme.Recommend

  • May 17, 2011 - 8:49AM

    We still admire the great nationalist spirit and devotion you showed us Dr. Qadeer. Its the pathetic Musharaf who brought you shame across the world to satisfy his masters back in US for showing the world that it was Pakistan causing nuclear proliferation. You along the men who have worked hard for securing our interests really need great admiration. May you all live long and see the day you are kept high on grounds for the nation to pay tribute and salute to your services!Recommend

  • AA
    May 17, 2011 - 8:52AM

    Hats off to AQ Khan!Recommend

  • Naveed Javed
    May 17, 2011 - 9:14AM

    Thank You Sir, We owe you!Recommend

  • Jamli
    May 17, 2011 - 9:40AM

    Thanks Qadeer, you saved our soil from blackmailing. This is main reason that America and India eye on to destroy our nuclear programme. American only main focus point to reach our assest and clear the air for indian but our leadership still sleeping on their shoulders.Recommend

  • John
    May 17, 2011 - 9:43AM

    Bhutan, Mayanmar, Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Saudi, Iran, etc all had their borders redrawn because they do not have nuclear weapons?

    And now PAK has its nuclear weapons its borders are secured and PAK is a super power?

    PAK lost half the country not because of India but because Bangladesh people wanted it. In case any doubt, ask the Bangladesh people. East Pakistan was an exercise doomed to failure from 1947 and each one of six point resolution will tell a history behind it.

    Now these nuclear weapons will fuel PAK electricity grid, curb inflation, eliminate poverty, and deter Pakistan Talibans.

    Did he know Kargil happened inspire of nuclear deterrence?Recommend

  • mahmood
    May 17, 2011 - 9:49AM

    “Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression”

    Blatantly false statement – USA, China, Russia, UK, India, Pakistan and Israel have all been subjected to aggression and their nukes didn’t do one thing to stop it.Recommend

  • Biyabani
    May 17, 2011 - 9:49AM

    A great man, hero of the nation. someone whom we are proud of.Recommend

  • Sparkle-
    May 17, 2011 - 9:56AM


  • RizwanTKhan
    May 17, 2011 - 10:04AM

    We appreciate your efforts Dr Sahab.Recommend

  • harkol
    May 17, 2011 - 10:13AM

    It’s more like “I enabled my army to do Nuclear Blackmail of rest of the world, while they meddle in other country’s affairs”.

    He could’ve also said “I also enabled some other countries like North Korea to resort to nuclear blackmail, by proliferating to them too. I was great friends with wonderful democrats like Gaddafi of Libya and Kim of Korea.”

    Suppose he felt it is safe for world if every person in the world had nuclear tech and bomb making capability? He was willing to give the tech way as long as he made money out of it…

    Good Samaritan indeed. And what to say of Pakistan establishment which lets such rogues to roam free, instead of making an example out of them?Recommend

  • Santosh
    May 17, 2011 - 10:13AM

    I have to agree. Perhaps he did. But unlike what the Pakistanis think, the world is more concerned about passing that on to other nations that he did not owe a loyalty to. Patriotism does not justify that. What does?Recommend

  • dextor
    May 17, 2011 - 10:19AM

    Sir we are proud of you…but we are more scared that may be our politicans sold our nuclear arsenalRecommend

  • Hammad Ali
    May 17, 2011 - 10:21AM

    God bless you sir for giving this capability to Pakistan !Recommend

  • Amir Nasiruddin
    May 17, 2011 - 10:39AM

    Hats off to u Sir…

    This is achievement of Great Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto….Recommend

  • Adeel
    May 17, 2011 - 10:48AM

    self glorifying as ever, Dr. QRecommend

  • Sonam Shyam
    May 17, 2011 - 10:52AM

    Well! If Dr.A.Q.Khan believes that countries with nuclear weapons don’t have their borders redrawn then would he stand up and advise the Pakistani army to give up the anti India Jihad in Kashmir, since India is a nuclear power?. The border or the LOC in the case of Kashmir can not be redrawn if we go by the assertion of Dr.Khan. Therefore the Pakistani dream of capturing Kashmir through covert or overt military action is surely doomed to fail.Recommend

  • Yousuf
    May 17, 2011 - 10:58AM

    Salute to our Greatest scientist Dr. A.Q Khan. You will be in our heart.Recommend

  • IamConcerned!
    May 17, 2011 - 11:00AM

    We love you Sir!!Recommend

  • jssidhoo
    May 17, 2011 - 11:24AM

    10+5=15 and the sub-continent goes back to pre stoneageRecommend

  • May 17, 2011 - 11:31AM

    But why you smuggled nuclear equipment to Iran and North Korea Mr.Qadeer Khan? How much money they paid to you for this black marketing and smuggling? Which nuclear nation has occupied their non-nuclear neighbour? Stop this stories which are liked only by our Army and ISI but not common people. Why Pakistan has become a slave of US and Europe and dancing to their tunes with all these nuclear weapons.Recommend

  • Vinayak
    May 17, 2011 - 11:33AM

    Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn.

    Wrong, the former USSR completely disintegrated, in spite of possessing more than 10000 nuclear warheads.

    Had Iraq and Libya been nuclear powers, they wouldn’t have been destroyed in the way we have seen recently.

    If they would have been nuclear powers, then it is likely they would have been destroyed with nuclear bombs.

    If we had nuclear capability before 1971, we wouldn’t have lost half our country after a disgraceful defeat,” Khan said.

    Maybe, instead more likely, it would have been a disgraceful split of the country after a protracted civil-war.Recommend

  • Umayr Masud
    May 17, 2011 - 11:51AM

    Last I remember this guy had published a plagiarized article in The News.Recommend

  • krypt
    May 17, 2011 - 11:59AM

    “Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn.”

    USSR anyone ?Recommend

  • Khalid Javed
    May 17, 2011 - 12:02PM

    Dr. Qadeer Khan is the hero of the nation & millions of people regard him in high esteem & respect despite a concerted campaign and character assassination of this son of soil by some megalomaniac like Pervaiz Musharraf. It is expected from the media that the choice of words should suit the profile of important personality like Dr. Khan. Words like “he boasted, he accused” etc. imply a tilted, prejudiced mind of the writer and mislead the people into wrong interpretations.
    The writer of this story should apologize for use of these derogatory words.


  • Jeans
    May 17, 2011 - 12:27PM

    “We just know that we are safe & secure in our country only because of You”.
    Thanks for this Kind of Act.Recommend

  • May 17, 2011 - 12:41PM

    I wonder how many nuclear devices Pakistan needs. I mean, is 100 enough? 200? After that, can we please stop building weapons and start rebuilding our school system? How many students can you educate for the cost of one nuclear bomb?Recommend

  • Anwar
    May 17, 2011 - 12:54PM

    Total nonsense! The world is now a worse place because of Dr. Khan and his nuclear proliferation. Because of the atom bomb we are dirt poor country and eating grass.Recommend

  • Adeel
    May 17, 2011 - 1:06PM

    @Uzair Javaid…dont you think the so called “american servent” Musharraf be more happy in handing over Dr. Qadeer to IAEA rather than protecting him from the wrath of the world. Dont forget his name was leaked by our friendly brothers from Libya and North Korea. Dr. Qadeer should be more thankful to Musharrafthan anyone. Dr. Qadeer is just a showman…he want to be in media all the time. Mushy took the limelight away from him. I think the emotional people like youshould go back and study the history of pakistan nuclear program and check the contributions of our greatest unsung hero, Dr. Muneer A. Khan…He headed 20 projects and labs for the nuclear program in camparison to just ONE by Dr. QadeerRecommend

  • Abdul
    May 17, 2011 - 1:06PM

    May your shadow remains over us for a long period of time. We love you Dr AQ Khan, you are the pride of this nation.

    I hate Musharaff for bringing a bad name to you and also the media who claimed that u had so much property and bank balance, and latter codnt prove anything. For me, a commoner, you will always be a fatherly figure.

    I SALUTE u Sir.Recommend

  • Abdul
    May 17, 2011 - 1:12PM

    Mr Anwar and Sonam ,
    The world is a worse place now because of US and its policies, not coz of Dr Sahib. We do we hav to do in Iraq, libya, chechenya or palestine.

    His nuclear proliferation was all a drama, no one hav ever proved anything against him. Dun believe anything the media says, its all sold out.

    And Sonam, we will get kashmir back, or even if we dun, we will make sure that Kashmiris get it for themselves. U indians hav killed countless innocent kashmiris, wat right u hav to claims the hearts of those Muslims. The Kashmir issue issue will b solved according to the wishes of the kashmiri ppl, not urs.Recommend

  • faraz
    May 17, 2011 - 1:42PM

    Dr. Munir A Khan laid the foundations of atom bomb, not A Q KhanRecommend

  • Vish
    May 17, 2011 - 2:37PM

    Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn.

    This guy hasn’t heard of the USSR.Recommend

  • ALI
    May 17, 2011 - 3:25PM

    Dr A Q khan is a heroRecommend

  • imran
    May 17, 2011 - 3:42PM

    We love you SirRecommend

  • Fortune Cookie
    May 17, 2011 - 4:25PM

    Can you imagine what the EDHI foundation could have done for Pakistan with only HALF of the expenditure of the army and the nuclear effort?????????????Recommend

  • red hat
    May 17, 2011 - 4:51PM

    We dont need nuclear weapons as much as we need accountable governments, decent education , healthcare and decent earning power.Recommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 17, 2011 - 4:55PM

    @ Fortune Cookie

    Yes. They would have made more fortune cookies…..

    Seriously, do you know even a little about local Non Profit Organisations? Edhi Foundation already has its hands full with all the aid it gets from Pakistanis (local and abroad). Yes. There are other needy organisations…… But how many Pakistani organisations would have survived without a Pakistan???Recommend

  • Waqas
    May 17, 2011 - 5:56PM

    I salute you for your efforts, sir!Recommend

  • Yousaf
    May 17, 2011 - 7:02PM

    I doubt Mr. Khan! there are many other scientist have done great job for Pakistan, in fact from many fields of life but never claimed the credit.

    I don’t think the Army & Establishment can force him to do an apology on National TV without any proof of Nuclear proliferation. He has certainly helped some of his friends.Recommend

  • TD
    May 17, 2011 - 8:54PM

    Dr. Munir did nothing. Only qadyanis support him since he was qadyani. If dr. Qadeer wont have given nukes to pakistan than all these sick anti Dr. Qadir elements would have spent their rest of the lives in indian jails and slavery.Recommend

  • Ahmed
    May 17, 2011 - 9:54PM

    Did you guys forget U.S.S.R. They had more nuclear weapons than anyone else. Yet USSR does. not exist anymore . It is about economic growth. Just like Pakistan in 1971, USSR in the 1990′s lost several republics with 100 million people. What would have Pakistan done in 1971, Kill all of Bangladeshis with Nuclear weapons. Bangladesh got independent because the army which controlled Pakistan, spent money mostly in army areas (Lahore to Abbotabad) and allowed 700,000 bangalis to die due to a major sea storm (cyclone) as there was no money spent to create advance warning. Bangladesh has a similar storm just a few years back and only 30,000 people died. So please do not blame others for division of Pakistan. We are responsible. In 1980, when I made the same speech at Karachi University, Fundamentalists were after me calling me enemy of the state and to save my life I had to leave Pakistan. Then (1980′s) if we criticized Saudi Arabia and USA, these fundamentalists in Army and Jammat) called us traitors. Today if we defend USA actions, we are still called traitors.Recommend

  • AnisAqeel
    May 18, 2011 - 1:46AM

    @Dr. Qadeer Khan
    Past glory of a scientist without mention of disgraced behavior, doesn’t have knowledge of past 20 years world history. Please revisit chapters from 1986-2006 on USSR, E.Germany, China, India, Pakistan and Taiwan. All either have A-bombs or under the shadow of it. Question…. what is their geographical situation from 1986-2006?
    If you answer right, you get 100.00 Rupees.Recommend

  • Venky
    May 18, 2011 - 4:09AM

    After reading this article, I wonder what kind of insight this guy has with regard to security. Infact, it is Pakistan which is blackmailing with the bum. Tell me any one war which was started by India.. Even then, after the war, all the territory captured were returned after ceasefire. Where is the question of redrawing the borders even before he made the bum . You lost half the country not because of India but because of your arrogance. How the nuclear bum is protecting in the current onslaught to the country from within or you still feel it is a conspiracy?Recommend

  • Waris
    May 18, 2011 - 4:28AM

    This is the same AQ Khan which sold Pakistani nuclear secrets to North Korea, Libya, and Syria and is the sole reason only Pakistan has a black mark on it’s nuclear capabilities.

    This is a self-serving article, because it was technically India setting off their own nuclear bomb, and Bhutto initiated the nuclear programme.

    Had AQ Khan not been so greedy, he wouldn’t have sold secrets all over the world. Now when anyone questions our nuclear safeguards they only mention AQ Khan and how because of him North Korea has nukes.

    Also, nukes don’t save anyone. Did 27,000 nukes save USSR from losing 1/3 of it’s countries? Did nukes save the US from being drawn into 3 wars?

    If we only need 10 to destroy India, why do we now have 90 and building more than anyone else? Why are we spending billions of dollars and become the fastest nuclear weapons producing country in the world if all we really need is 10?

    I’d rather we build up our schools, education system. Our roads and highways. Build new buildings, remove some of the bloated military and make Pakistan a place people aren’t scared to visit again.Recommend

  • Venky
    May 18, 2011 - 6:06AM

    Do you guys know who is the father Indian nuclear bomb? How many interviews he has given like this? Did any one of the Indian scientists say ” I saved the country from nuclear blackmail?
    In fact, it is Pakistan as country saved his trial in international courts?Recommend

  • Nadeem Ahmed
    May 18, 2011 - 7:38AM

    Dr. Khan also writes frequently in one of the Urdu Newspapers. I read those articles with interest and feel very sorry that I have found Dr. Khan a very unstable person. He has no respect for other nations, cultures and religions. He often uses racist terms and hateful words for others. He could be a good scientist, but as a human being he has many flaws. One thing which I dislike most is that he never recognizes the western society’s contribution to his scientific knowledge and to humanity. If that society had not helped him to achieve his goals, he would have been an unknown entity. Instead of appreciating those cultures and societies, he always utter disrespectfull words for them. He may have given us few bombs and other weapons but surely he has closed all doors for future muslim scientists in those countries. He is one of the reasons that western countries are hesitating to give access to young muslim scientists to their high tech institutes.Recommend

  • avanti
    May 18, 2011 - 7:38AM

    A 6-foot tall Pathan carrying an automatic gun can die of an infection from tiny bacteria or virus.

    Nothing can save you if you are weak internally. Look at the Swiss. Still surviving and thriving and they don’t have an army. If the Baloch want to secede, can the nuclear arsenal save the country? Why would the Americans even think of invading Pakistan or send drones if Pakistan were a peaceful country minding its own business?

    All that the nukes have done is satisfied the ego. India has it. We have it. Why don’t Pakistanis think of the India’s other achievements and try to copy them? Because those require hard work, forward thinking, good education system, better governance, rational attitude, and equal opportunities for everyone – all that is missing in Pakistan, unfortunately.Recommend

  • no aman ki aasha nor war
    May 18, 2011 - 8:37AM

    “If you answer right, you get 100.00 Rupees.”

    ppl should understand that ABOMBs are not the solution for Pakistan’s all problems…..just like they wage proxy war within INDIA…other countries can create havoc within Pakistan if they wish to and can close this country once for all…but probably god has created more sensible ppl and hence all countries are exisiting even today…\

    one thing which i fail to understand is why Pak is so obsessed with the PASTRecommend

  • amarjamali
    May 18, 2011 - 8:39AM

    ofcourse dr sahib has defended pakistan from forgien aggression by making it nuclear power otherwise the name of pakistan would have been erased from the world map after the inception of so called war on terror.we are very thankful to dr abdul qadeer sahib.Recommend

  • BruteForce
    May 18, 2011 - 9:34AM

    1) AQ Khan must remember that Kargil happened AFTER Pakistan became a nuclear power and LOST the war.

    2) AQ Khan says borders will not be redrawn if you are a nuclear power. The question to be asked is who is seeking to redraw borders? India is a status quo power, if it wanted to redraw borders it would have done so in 1971! and needn’t have to wait till 1998.

    But, Pakistan’s borders have already been redrawn, not by any Country but by the Monsters Pakistan bred. Can any Pakistani go into Waziristan live there? Can any Punjabi go into Balochistan with confidence he will not be killed?

    Pakistan has no sovereignty over a large chunk of its area(Waristan), where the American kill at will. And, all this is happening despite Pakistan being a Nuclear Power.

    Pakistan developed nukes to deter India, but India is a status quo country, so the nukes have gone to waste! India did it because it recognized that it has the potential to be a Superpower, Pakistan did it for all the wrong reasons. The nukes have only prompted the Military into making foolish military adventures like Kargil and support Terror groups(who have again come back to haunt Pakistan) and not to forget the goodwill of the International community.

    Even North Korea has nukes(thanks to Pakistan once again) but they are also considered one of the failed states, just like Pakistan.Recommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 18, 2011 - 10:07AM

    I have heard all this before… Civil disobedience, lack of education, basic health care facilities. Yet all these literate illiterates don’t understand that one nuclear scientist cannot provide us with all that. Why we are behind the rest of the world in economic progress and reforms is not really his fault. His only fault is that he provided Pakistan with a bomb and during Bhutto’s era laid the foundation of Pakistan’s nuclear capability.

    Now, some elements just want to discredit him while they still cant figure out a logical reason to do so. And please don’t get me started on Supplying nuclear equipment to rogue nations and mumbo jumbo. Even an idiot knows that such a task can never be accomplished without military and intelligence backing. And Dr. Qadeer certainly wasn’t the sole benefactor from such deals.

    Dr. Qadeer did his job well, even after all the critical times Pakistan had to go through. And for that he is recognised as a Hero.Recommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 18, 2011 - 10:15AM

    @ Vish, Sonam, Subhan, Vinayak, krypt, Ahmed:
    You people need to revise your text book. U.S.S.R (old Russia) lost its territories due to internal problems, not by aggression from outside world. They had a weak economy, remained engaged in Afghanistan for too long; and upon that they only had India as one useless, opportunist and cash grabbing ally. That really was no help at all! The Russians actually led their territories go. Non of these territories were attacked or occupied by a foreign force. Compared to the Russians, Pakistan faces an entirely different situation. We always needed the bomb and you can always cry about it now that we actually have it.Recommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 18, 2011 - 10:16AM

    @ Anwar,
    Sir, I dont know who you are, where you from and why you like Grass that much. The rest of us eat good meals here. We would be dirt poor even if we hadnot developed the bomb. Thats just the way we are. Call it corruption or incompetence or whatever. But alteast we can say we are free to do as we like. We are independent and have a country of our own. You may have been listening a lot to Indians but know this that this bomb actually made it all possible.Recommend

  • Truthbetold
    May 18, 2011 - 10:36AM

    Good points. Add Bangladesh to that list. The Indians could have easily made Bangladesh an Indian state after they defeated the Pak army. So, it shows that Indians have no interest in occupying and absorbing the lands of their neighbors including Pakistan. On the other hand, it has been Pakistan who has been the aggressor every time. Even in 1971, the Indians sent their army into East Pakistan only after Pakistan bombed western parts of India. Indian support for BD was a payback to Pakistan’s attack of India in 1965.

    Khan is not right when he says “Don’t overlook the fact that no nuclear-capable country has been subjected to aggression or occupied, or had its borders redrawn”. The Soviet Union with 10000 or more warheads was broken up and went bankrupt.

    Why would any sane Indian want to absorb Pakistan with 150 millions of radical Muslims and all the problems we see today? Makes no sense.Recommend

  • Vinayak
    May 18, 2011 - 12:50PM

    @Nabeel Khalid:

    They had a weak economy, remained engaged in Afghanistan for too long;

    Hmmm now which other country has a similar story. Let us see if history will repeat itself with Pakistan.

    and upon that they only had India as one useless, opportunist and cash grabbing ally

    You need to revise your text-book here. Following were USSR allies –

    East Germany
    Albania (expelled 1968)

    Yugoslavia (until 1953)
    North Korea (until 1966)
    China (until 1966)
    Somalia (1977-78 only)Recommend

  • SSPanzer
    May 18, 2011 - 12:52PM


    Munir Ahmad Khan’s contributions are a matter of record and history and your slanderous ravings won’t change the fact that PAEC set up over 20 labs and projects during his 19 years as Chairman from 1972-91. These include the complete nuclear fuel cycle and the weapons program. The Khushab plutonium production reactor, heavy water plant, New Labs reprocessing plant, uranium production complex at Dera Ghazi Khan (which produces the UF6 as feedstock for enrichment without which the centrifuges at Kahuta would be enriching “air” instead of uranium), the Chaghi test sites, the Kundian nuclear fuel complex, the National Development Complex (which produces Pakistan’s Shaheen series of missiles) and over 24 cold tests of different nuclear weapon designs were the product of Munir Khan’s vision and dedication to Pakistan. The Kahuta project was manned by PAEC manpower, which incidentally A Q Khan did not bring with him in a plane from Holland. Do some decent research before hurling accusations against the benefactors of the nation who did not claim credit for themselves and died unsung.

    Had Munir Khan not done anything, how did he manage to survive as Chairman of PAEC under diametrically opposed governments for over 19 years? As for your claims that he was a Qadiani (which he was not), they (Qadianis) are non-Muslims by Pakistani law and could never have been allowed to remain as head of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission and head of the nuclear program after 1974. Only Prof. Salam was Qadiani, but everyone respected him for his scientific credentials. It is very convenient to label people Qadianis just to tarnish their image and reputation in the eyes of the gullible Pakistanis who take such things are the gospel truth. Without providing solid evidence about someone’s personal beliefs, accusations such as these are simple hogwash and are enough to label the source of such misinformation as a liar. Munir Ahmad Khan was a Sunni Muslim and a patriotic Pakistani who served the nation with impeccable honesty and built the nuclear infrastructure which today has enabled Pakistan to deter aggression. Only history will judge who was a true hero and a villain.Recommend

  • Chacha
    May 18, 2011 - 1:19PM

    @Nabeel Khalid: You say about USSR – “They had a weak economy, remained engaged in Afghanistan for too long” – sounds like Pakistan now does it not ?Recommend

  • bahraini
    May 18, 2011 - 3:28PM

    Qadeer Khan you brought shame on the country as a result of your activities in terms of proliferation. The trust in Pakistan dropped to rock bottom and you can see the affects even now.Recommend

  • Adeel
    May 18, 2011 - 6:07PM

    @TD….i am not a Qadiyani and even if Dr. Munir was (which he wasnt) i consider his contributions 1000 times more than Dr. Q only `cause i have read about our nuclear history in detail, which you havent….So easy to label anyone you dont like as “Qadiyani”Recommend

  • Thinking
    May 18, 2011 - 7:14PM

    Yes, Dr. Khan has managed to help Pakistan blackmail the rest of the world especially the US and India.Recommend

  • May 18, 2011 - 11:07PM

    A nuclear smuggler and black marketer can only boast his achievements in a country like Pakistan only. He is neither an expert in nuclear science nor inventor of nuclear arms but only a smuggler of secrets from France and sold (smuggle) them to different countries for money with the support of the then Pak military generals who later saved him from international trial and prosecution. Such persons are treated as traitors in other countries, but respected as a Hero in Pakistan because our culture is different.Recommend

  • Truthbetold
    May 18, 2011 - 11:34PM


    Good points but the following is not true:
    “…..India did it because it recognized that it has the potential to be a Superpower,….”

    India developed nukes after Chinese invasion of 1962 to act as defence against future Chinese invasions and nuclear blackmail.Recommend

  • UM
    May 19, 2011 - 12:34AM

    Every country makes friends based on their needs. US and west is friends with almost all dictatorships in the world and sell weapons to them. He did it for his country. US attacked Iraq not because they thought Iraq has WMDs , but because they knew he does not have them now. Wonder why US did not attempt to remove Saddam in first gulf war when he was known to have WMDs and why US will never go after N Korea. And that only went after Qaddafi once he got rid of his WMD program. He was evil even when he had WMDs but it was not safe to after him then.Recommend

  • humayun ilahi
    May 19, 2011 - 6:06AM

    SO far so good . BUT what about science and maths. PAKISTANIS cannot still make any thing more sophisticted than bicycle chains. WE need sea change in the country . I am only hopeful that the youngest generation will bring a change. HAVE written off the present lot which has brought onlyshame to the country. .Recommend

  • humayun ilahi
    May 19, 2011 - 6:11AM

    YOU did save your country . BUT it is again in trouble because it has neglected science and maths and is being humiliated. ITS leaders are at each others throat and lack vision and integrity .STill hopeful that the youngest generation will pull up the countryand follow its FOUNDER .Recommend

  • ghairatmand
    May 19, 2011 - 7:47AM

    @All who justifies that nuclear possession helps secure border. – Citing example of USA attack on Libya and Iraq is irrelevant even if they had nukes. Simply speaking, their nukes would not reach USA to harm USA. USA is one of the three countries which has tactical and strategic nuclear assets across the globe and it would be just a fool’s dream to challenge it in an open war. So even if Iraq and Libya would have had nukes they would have been doomed, on the contrary this battle would have been far ugly for their innocent citizen. Pakistan have nukes, did it prevent USA entering their airspace in stealth and conduct raid in it’s territory ? Now thankfully the raid was for OBL. Doesn’t this episode give you a thought that those stealth drones / copters could have easily carried nukes which could have silently deployed and vanished without anyone even realising it until they start vaporizing. With such high tech on your oppenent’s hand what can you do even if you have millions of nuke ? So all the claims of nuke protecting nation is just blunder. Pakistan has a right to define it’s deterrence vis a vis India and for that it can create any number of nukes it feels comfortable with. But practical and wise thinking would be just let them be a medium of deterrence and not to be used. And also not to be in false pride that it could save / protect a nation. A nuclear suicidal Pakistan spells doom for India. Cause we don’t have luxury of distance the USA enjoys. We are next door neighbor. Razing your house will, even under best of scenario, weaken our foundations. Dr Khan did good for Pakistan to the point of making it a nuclear capable country. But cannot call himself farishta since he also irresponsibly put the tech in hands of few loony tunes in the world. That said, peace to India and Pakistan and hopefully none of our and our future generations have to face the wrath and dread of nuclear war.Recommend

  • BruteForce
    May 19, 2011 - 9:20AM


    Yes, that too, but deep down inside I think India did it as it wants to be a big player. Initially it may have been China which prompted India to start the program but later on the reason went beyond that, especially during the 1990s.

    Look at India now, on its way to become on of the largest economies in the World and has already become the fastest growing Economy in the World(according to IMF). NSG was formed in response to India’s program but today we are de facto members of that very same group. All the small states which had Nuke programs dont have that privilege. Nukes are advantages to big nations with big economies.

    Pakistan did it for the wrong reasons. They imagined a threat from India when there was none. Nukes are infact a liability to small countries not an advantage. North Korea, Pakistan and Israel are examples for that.Recommend

  • May 19, 2011 - 10:12AM

    @Uzair Javaid:Everyone does not get his due watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wTrxRNmWdARecommend

  • Faisal
    May 19, 2011 - 10:44AM

    Hats off for Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan. You are a true hero of the nation and we respect you a lot. Now after having full nuclear capability and reliable deleivery systems India will not even think to attack Pakistan in future.Recommend

  • Anwar
    May 19, 2011 - 11:45AM

    @Nabeel Khalid: I am a Pakistani crying for the state of affairs in my country. We are eating eating grass by our own free will.Recommend

  • May 19, 2011 - 12:27PM

    allah saving the people of pakistan and proof khanRecommend

  • Anwar
    May 19, 2011 - 3:06PM

    What do we need nuclear bombs for? We have nothing to defend. We have no oil, no minerals, no technology, no industries, no infrastructure. All we have is a bunch of fanatics and the cotton crops. I don’t think any nations wants to attack a nation with nothing.Recommend

  • Truthbetold
    May 20, 2011 - 12:00AM

    Good points. You may want to add that the presence of rabid terrorists and extremists are more of a deterrent than the nukes for any country wanting to take over Pakistan. Who in the right mind would want to invade and take over Pakistan infested with all these violent extremists? So, the presence of these terrorists and state sponsorship of them can be viewed as a very good strategic deterrent to would be aspirer’s for Pakistani land.Recommend

  • May 22, 2011 - 8:50AM

    @Adeel: I second your view as to pay tribute to Dr, Muneer Khan. Musharaf could never hand him over to US or IAEA, because by doing it would expose the whole network and mechanism to how we primarily gathered the stuff from around the world to make our weapon and secondly the installations, its locations and we do things. He has to be protected at all costs. Mush dint do him any favours. He would have had a kick on his butt had he not protected him. Its the max he could do to bring him shame and put him into a guarded house arrest like a used prostitute who would than lose its demandRecommend

  • Tariq Aziz Khan
    May 24, 2011 - 8:03AM

    It seems like that Mr. A. Q. Khan has been old enough to loss his capability of thinking about the reality in the PRESENT and reality of the PAST. USA doesn’t have a dam care of Pakistan’s so called nuclear capability(!!) to draw military operation in order to kill Laden inside Pakistan’s territory ignoring Pakistani SOVEREIGNTY . Taliban/Al-Quaida Terrorists comfortably attack on Pakistan’s military-strongholds by laughing at Pakistan’s so called nuclear capability. USA DRONES draw Air-Raid wherever and Kill whoever USA wish at any time whenever USA desires by mocking at Pakistan’s so called nuclear power. So, What differences THE NUCLEAR CAPABILITY are bringing to Pakistan????
    It seems like that Mr. A. Q Khan can’t leave the cupidity for former East Pakistan(Now Bangladesh)after 40 Years of his Country’s shameful defeat. Conveying My Compassion for Poor A. Q. Khan !!!
    Now Listen Mr. A. Q. Khan, Its true that If Pakistan had had Nuclear Capability before 1971 then they would not loss the half of their country, but loss FULL of their beloved COUNTRY. MuktiBahini, Liberation Forces and the People of Bangladesh would rob the VICTORY over Pakistan just like the past with having dam care of their Nuclear Strength as like as USA/Taliban/Al-Quida.Recommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 25, 2011 - 1:28AM

    @ Tariq Aziz Khan

    “So, What differences THE NUCLEAR CAPABILITY are bringing to Pakistan????”

    Well, for one, it keeps India at bay…. and frankly thats all required of it. To keep foreign interests away! Nuclear Power is not meant to kill Terrorists or local culprits in one’s homeland and it certainly cannot tackle hit-and-run tactics as done by U.S.
    Please, even a 6-year old would know that.

    I hope you understand that i would not reply to your curse-filled lame comments. I have a lot of work to do besides answering jibberish. So, please dont bother commenting. ThankyouRecommend

  • Nabeel Khalid
    May 25, 2011 - 2:12AM

    @ Vinayak

    One, we are not engaged in Afghanistan. We don’t have our troops stationed there. And we don’t have 8-12 consulates operating in that country. Hmm…. Now which other country does that remind you off? But of course….India

    I don’t have time or energy to correct 63 years of stupid media and govt. induced campaigning on all retarded Indians. Please, one day, you’ll have to do it yourself.

    Perhaps that fortunate day, you will also learn the difference between dependent states, reluctant neighbours, troubled isolated areas and occupied territories.
    Any idiot would know that most of the territories you mention (particularly Eastern European and Central Asian countries) were Russian dependencies and had little or no sovereignty/ independence of their own. China was a reluctant neighbour and had frequent border disputes with Russians. Cubans and Vietnamese were busy in their own troubles with USA, and Afghanistan was an occupied territory. But sadly, INDIA cannot be included in any of the mentioned categories. Besides maybe with Afghanistan to a certain extent. You see, India remained a blood sucking ally of U.S.S.R; and along with Afghans proved to be the reason of Russian demise…. sucking away all the resources leaving its prey impotent and useless.

    Thank you INDIA and Afghanistan.Recommend