Confiscated items turned art

Confiscated items turned art

Oakland artist Michele Pred has upcycled the debris resulting from tightened airport security controls into iconographic work.

Fall art preview

Fall art preview

Auguste Rodin, Richard Serra and the splendor of India's Royal Courts — these are only the beginning of what promises to be as lively and varied an artistic fall as any.

Grief hewed in stone

Grief hewed in stone

The Mourners, alabaster sculptures completed in the 15th century and now on display at the Legion of Honor, speak across the ages.

Art Features

SFMOMA in transition

SFMOMA, like an increasing number of other museums, has begun producing its own multimedia tours.

Humans' impact on nature

"Invasive Horizon" at Swarm Gallery takes a peek in the creative and destructive potential of the marriage between humans and nature.

The mark she makes

Four years ago Bonnie Cunnigham, who studied film, decided to paint a piece for a pal for Christmas. "But I liked it, and it stuck."

Burning Man alternative

For art lovers unwilling to spend their time in the Nevada desert sans showers, San Francisco is home to its own playground of unique public art.

One very creative day

On Art Break Day, volunteers will have supplies available at five Bay Area locations so passers-by can create an instant work of art.

Art Reviews

'A Walk' with John Muir

If Oakland Museum's "A Walk in the Wild" causes its visitors to care more about looking at reality, it will have fulfilled its purpose.

Does it really exist?

Belgian architectural photographer Filip Dujardin's "Fictions" taxes plausibility just enough to trouble a viewer's eye.

Gone in a flash

Artists everywhere seem to be looking for things to do with photographic technology besides shooting pictures.

Golden age of art realism

Doubters of realism have only to see the dazzling "Dutch and Flemish Masterworks," at the Legion of Honor, to become believers.