5 things to do in September in Bay Area

San Francisco: The Presbyterian Blue Hose will be coming out from South Carolina to start a new rivalry with the California Golden Bears. See...

Don't be cross, it's all in the name of home decor

I'm not sure where I saw it. Might have been in the movie, "Frida," or perhaps in an article about Madonna's home decor. Could have been in a...

Six great Bay Area sardine dishes

A few years ago diners rarely saw sardines on a restaurant menu because of their assertive flavor and downscale reputation. However, with the...

Artist Dorka Keehn on heritage, decor, environment

Dorka Keehn's one-story home is a mail-order box hiding behind a Victorian front on Bush Street. The interior isn't mail order, and it isn't...

San Francisco designers cater to manly tastes

One man's trash may be another man's treasure, but how that is defined is rapidly changing. That's because what's hot might just be a heap of...

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