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The Opinion Pages

Op-Ed Contributor

Don’t Quit This Day Job

For female doctors, the decision to go part time isn’t just personal; it has consequences for patients and the public.

Riikka Sormunen

Newt Loves Callista

The good husband: A man who once called himself “the defender of civilization” is now just the defender of vacation. comment iconComment


The Uncertainty Tax

A few big, smart, bipartisan decisions by Congress on taxes and spending (and mortgages) could get the economy to start improving again. comment iconComment


When Food Kills

As we keep feeding our livestock antibiotics, we are creating a breeding ground for bacteria that can lead to untreatable ailments.


The Economy and D.C.: Renewed Weakness

The recent deluge of weak economic data has led to a guessing game among analysts. Is the weakness temporary? Or is there more bad news to come?


The Economy and D.C.: Republicans’ Tax-cutting Fantasia

High unemployment may be good for Republicans in the next election, which makes it disturbing that Republican leaders have blocked discussion of any job-creation proposals.

Op-Ed Contributor

Dying to Tell the Story

I was tortured. My colleague was killed. Pakistan’s government must act to punish intelligence officials who target journalists.

Op-Ed Contributor

The Day the Music Died

College radio is a critical part of its community, on-campus and off.

Op-Ed Contributor

Separation of Church and School

A federal court has properly ruled that New York City may restrict the use of public school buildings for worship services.

Op-Ed Contributor

Your 4-Year-Old Can’t Do That

Whatever their aesthetic charm, a 4-year-old girl’s canvases are hardly novel from a formal vantage, nor do they provide added meaning below the surface.

Op-Ed Contributor

Europe’s Arizona Problem

Reforming Europe’s migration rules is vital to blocking the far right.


Stuck in the Muddle

The Supreme Court makes a fourth attempt to make sense of a law for felons who illegally possess firearms. Congress should clarify the legislation.


‘The Waste Land’ by App

A classic poem gets modern touches, but the voices remain those of T. S Eliot.

Opinionator | Disunion

Missouri's War Within the War

By June 1861, Missouri was caught in a civil war within the Civil War.

Opinionator | The Thread

Reality Check

Enough Weiner, let's talk about Yemen.


Where Words Can Never Do Justice

When the Israelis and the Palestinians are involved, there are sure to be angry readers. comment iconComment

Op-Classic, 2008

50 Years of Filling in the Blanks

Leonard Stern, the co-creator of Mad Libs, on the 50th anniversary of the word game. Mr. Stern died Tuesday at 88.


Abuse of the Disabled: A System Fails

Maxwell Holyoke-Hirsch
Opinionator | Fixes

Out of Prison, Into a Vicious Circle of Debt

When state systems charge fees that burden ex-prisoners with debt, everyone loses.


The Reluctant Mormon

Is Jon Huntsman's Mormonism too much for today's Republican Party?

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