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Travel: Central America


What you should know before crossing Atlantic by cruise ship

If you're going to take a ride across the ocean, with eight sea days and four port days, you had better like being at sea and you had better like the ...

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Travel: Top 10

Driving through the desert.

Top 10 desert destinations

Beaches are hotting up but for real heat without the cooling influence of the sea, head for the desert or a city near one.

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Off The Map

Off The Map by Mark Stachiew
Mark Stachiew

Fear foreign languages no more

Certain people fear travel because they are afraid that they won't understand the language of the...

Off the Map

Ports & Bows

Ports and Bows by Phil Reimer
Phil Reimer

Capri, Sorrento and back in 12 hours

Maybe I overdid it. When the Carnival Magic pulled into Naples and docked at what turned out to be...

Ports and Bows Blog

Travel News



Air Canada Inc.'s president and CEO Calin Rovinescu

Low-cost airline needs buy-in: CEO

Air Canada CEO Calin Rovinescu acknowledged Thursday that winning support from the airline's employees is pivotal for his plans to launch a new subsidiary...

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France's Small Business and Tourism Junior Minister Frederic Lefebvre

New ranking crowns French ‘palace’ hotels

Eight deluxe French hotels were crowned with the rare distinction of "palace" status on Thursday, a new industry classification for luxury that goes beyond...

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Train travel in Germany

EU looks to promote rail by easing ticket buying

The European Commission announced plans on Thursday to make it easier for rail passengers in Europe to buy tickets and coordinate their travel plans by...

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A White rhino in Kenya's Nairobi National Park.

Kenya’s construction boom hurting unique game park

A construction boom risks destroying a game park on the Kenyan capital’s edge, where lions hunt in the shadows of skyscrapers, a wildlife official said...

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Travel Photo of the Day: Westminster Clock Tower in London
The British Isles consist of Great Britain and Ireland and are a treat for visitors.