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February 10, 2011

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Chicago Tribune
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Chicago Tribune [Kindle Edition]

by Chicago Tribune
3.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (19 customer reviews)

Delivered: Daily
Monthly Price: $9.99  & includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet

Kindle Edition now available on Kindle for Android reading apps.
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  • Your Kindle Newspaper is auto-delivered wirelessly when the physical issue hits the newsstand.
  • It's risk free - all Kindle Newspaper subscriptions start with a 14-day free trial. You can cancel at any time during the trial period. If you enjoy your subscription, do nothing and it will automatically continue at the regular price.

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Product Description

The color Kindle edition of Chicago Tribune is now available on the Kindle Reading App for your Android device. Download issues at no extra cost from Archived Items.

With the Chicago Tribune, you'll have everything you need to stay informed. Whether it's Chicagoland, national or world news--the Chicago Tribune has it all. The Chicago Tribune's Pulitzer-Prize winning journalists provide all of the coverage and features you need to start your day off right.

The Kindle Edition of The Chicago Tribune contains articles found in the print edition, but will not include some images and tables. Also, some features and sections such as Chicago Tribune Magazine, the crossword puzzle, Parade magazine, box scores and classifieds are not currently available. For your convenience, issues are automatically delivered wirelessly to your Kindle starting at 5:00 AM Chicago local time.

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3.8 out of 5 stars (19 customer reviews)
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Most Helpful Customer Reviews

92 of 94 people found the following review helpful:
3.0 out of 5 stars Good and hopefully getting better, September 21, 2008
This review is from: Chicago Tribune (Kindle Edition)
I have been a Chicago Tribune (print) subscriber for 10 years. I wanted to get the Tribune on the Kindle for a number of reasons (no paper to deal with, ease of delivery, etc.). While I'm very glad the Tribune is now available on the Kindle, there is certainly room for improvement.

The Kindle version of the Tribune is simply a 'dump' of the Tribune articles. For the most part, this is fine -- the reader gets all of the content (minus graphs, charts, comics, crossword puzzle) of the print edition. However, there are a number of flaws that haven't been corrected yet, including:
- Most columns do not have a byline (even after being told this would be corrected, it isn't 100%)
- Accompanying articles are out of order
- General formatting (e.g. lists)
- Occasionally items are clearly missing (e.g. 'Here are 5 items ...' and then the 5 items are missing)
- US/World blurbs do not identify the state or country

It's clear the formatting of the Kindle edition of the Tribune needs some work -- the Tribune needs to understand how the reader views the articles and format them accordingly. A simple 'dump' from the print edition isn't sufficient; additional formatting is necessary.

I have subscribed to the Chicago Tribune Kindle edition since it was first offered, and it has improved. Here's hoping that the Tribune continues these improvements to make the Kindle edition something worth my continued subscription.

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars On time delivery. All the important stuff is there., July 14, 2009
This review is from: Chicago Tribune (Kindle Edition)
What you get? ... Tons of articles. No pictures, comics, or puzzles. But then again... are you really reading the paper for a pictures and puzzles?? Seriously??

I'm happy to have all of my content (weather included). I'm up to date on the news right on time. I'm usually up and ready to read the paper by 6:30a. I'm not sure how early anyone who has not gotten their paper on time gets up....

I'm from Chicago. I like that how the Trib has a nice balance of local news and national news. The stories are well written (most of the time). I'd like to say it's pretty open minded for a newspaper. I don't really agree with everything.. and sometimes I want more info. But that's news, right? It's a fresh opinion before all the facts are out.

I also noticed that a lot of the bad reviews are kind of dated. Perhaps they've perfected their system? That's a good sign....

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Graphics update, November 5, 2010
This review is from: Chicago Tribune (Kindle Edition)
Well the Tribune finally has photos. They're kind of nice to have even if they make the file 5-10 times bigger (a hassle if you're in a war zone with crappy internet access). The thing is, since they now include graphics for the news stories there really isn't any reason not to include comics as well. I can get the Tribune online for the same price with the comics included, but the file is 5-10 times even larger than it is now. Again, only a problem where I'm at but even when I'm home I don't carry a laptop with me everywhere as I can and do with the Kindle.

For those who are wondering why I'm going on about the comics, look, the paper edition home delivery is the same price (approximately) as the online and Kindle editions. If you're not going to include certain features on the Kindle edition you should make the price much cheaper. I don't read the paper just for the comics, but if I'm going to pay for them I'd certainly like to have them available. And now there is no reason not to include them!

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Most Recent Customer Reviews

3.0 out of 5 stars Archived items on Kindle
Anyone out there give me a suggestion. I would also like to know how to delete the archived items on my kindle
Published 4 days ago by JACK BENN

5.0 out of 5 stars Easier to read and carry than the paper
I have been allergic to newsprint since the late 80's when they went soy-based. I love to read the paper but couldn't until now. Great format. -- Still would like some pics.
Published 4 months ago by Robin Russ

4.0 out of 5 stars Generally satisfied
When you subscribe to the Trib on the Kindle, you basically just get the text of the stories and that is pretty much it.
Published 5 months ago by Ryan Smith

2.0 out of 5 stars Great when it works, except when it doesn't
This is a great way to read the Trib, except when it fails to upload. I can more easily walk to the Tribune Tower a few miles from my home and pick up a hard copy in the time I...
Published 8 months ago by Cagey Bee

4.0 out of 5 stars Reading the Newspaper on the Kindle is a Terrific Experience
I was a subscriber to the Chicago Tribune a couple of years back, but had to cancel because the delivery times to my home were so unpredictable.
Published 12 months ago by Dr. Chris

3.0 out of 5 stars Not optimistic
I am going to give the trial a chance, because I feel a little out of the loop, having canceled the Tribune's home delivery about a month ago.
Published 21 months ago by R. G. Tichy

4.0 out of 5 stars Advertising free version
I'm originally from Chicago, now living in Florida, and it's nice to be able to get news from back home. The paper is a good read and brings back good memories from childhood.
Published 21 months ago by John A. Zuska

3.0 out of 5 stars Biggest Drawback - No Pictures
I am currently trying out the Tribune and the Wall Street Journal on the Kindle. If I switch from print (I'm currently a print subscriber of each) to Kindle on both, I go a long...
Published 23 months ago by Harry Carter

5.0 out of 5 stars Kindle edition of the Chicago Tribune
Wonderful transformation of a great newspaper. Read it every morning. Takes only 7 secs to download.
Published 23 months ago by Joseph Durham

1.0 out of 5 stars Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in!
This subscription has given me nothing but head aches. Thought it sounded cool right?, having the paper on my kindle first thing each morning but the truth is, it's just not the...
Published 23 months ago

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