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Celebrity Baby Blog

Revealed: Owen Wilson Names Son Robert Ford

John P Iblis/JPI

Will he be a little outlaw?

Owen Wilson and his girlfriend Jade Duell named their newborn son Robert Ford Wilson, PEOPLE has confirmed — not Ford Linton Wilson, as has been erroneously announced in some reports online.

The couple haven’t spoken publicly about their choice, though of course, in America, the name Robert Ford brings to mind the famous American outlaw who killed Jesse James in 1882.

Wilson, 42, and Duell welcomed the new baby late last week in Hawaii. This is the first child for the actor, who is currently starring in Little Fockers.

– Tim Nudd with reporting by Elizabeth Leonard

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Oh, I like it! It’s much better than Ford Linton.

- klutzy_girl on

I don’t think many American’s know about Robert Ford.

- Sarah on

They must have just filed the birth certificate!

Anyway, Robert is Owen’s father’s name so that’s a nice tribute!!

- Samantha on

How refreshing to have a traditional name in Hollywood. I think it shows that they are comfortable with their status and don’t need to resort to unusual names to show how “creative” they are. Awesome!

- kj on

I hope they did not name him after a known gangster and just really liked the name. Robert Ford Wilson is a wonderful name.

- Crystal on

What a nice classic name….very nice.

- Brooke on

Did his kid kill Jesse James? lol.

- Anonymous on

I’m an American who knew who Robert Ford was! I like the name.

- Karen on

I think you’re kinda reaching to drag up the reference to the man who killed Jesse James and “revealed” the name is a little pompous but it’s a nice name and one a little boy won’t have to defend on the playground.

- SusiQ on

That kid may get kicked out of Hollywood with sucha normal name like that…lol.

- Gigi on

Fianlly, a nice name…:)
It is getting old to name your baby like fruit and veggies or some other stupid made up name.

- Benilde on

I always did like the name Robert, it was my grandfather’s name. :) I’m not overly wild about the middle name Ford, but, like somebody else said, at least the kid won’t have to defend himself on the playground. It’s a very mature, grownup name that he can grow with.

- Sarah on

People name their kids Jesse James, so how is that different from Robert Ford? And I’m assuming his name is Robert Wilson, so no one will even make the connection.

- Tess on

The only Robert Ford heard about is the character on “One Life to Live”.

- Carrie on

How refreshing; a normal name!

- Cynlee on

What a nice TRADITIONAL name. I hate all these crazy names celebrities choose for their children. Cheers to the Wilson’s for choosing a nice normal name.

- Jules on

What a great name! Its nice to see a normal name in Hollywood.

- Jennifer on

That is a cracker jack of a name. What a lucky young man, and God bless the whole family!

- elysummers on

As soon as I saw the name I thought about “One Life to Live ” also.

- SS on

I wish they would have given him the first name Ford! My husbands name is Ford and I love it! Congrats to he and his girlfriend. I am hoping his life is going in the right direction now!

- Kristin on

nice name. robert is one of those solid names that will always be popular. i’m glad they didn’t name him Ford, i don’t like it, just makes me think of the car and i wouldn’t want to have the same name as a car :) but yeah, nice name.

- JM on

I like the name but it is also the name of a character on the soap opera One Life to Live….I really hope they choose the name carefully and if he was named after his grandfather that is a nice tribute.

- Shawna on

According to his bio, his fathers name is Robert. I would assume that had something to do with naming his son.

- lisa on

Ummm I was expecting something a lot different than Robert!!! Way to common. Should have used Robert as the middle name. That is what I did with my kids. Gave them family names as middle names!

- didiwags on

I Like the name! I wonder if they will call him Robert or Rob or Robbie, etc. Nice normal name for Hollywood!

- Allison J on

I thought of One Life to Live too!! Maybe Jade is a fan of the show haha.

I like the name I think it’s strong.

- Laura on

Ahhh, I nice normal name. Thank God.

- Kim on

Reminds me of Robert Wilson, the director and playwright.

- soph on

Much better than Ford Linton! I like it!

- Mary on

the reason that this boy has a NORMAL name is cuz his mom is NOT famous !!! Hourra for him :P

- blanka on

Nice name…Finally normal baby name in Hollywood

- Natasha on

A different website says he wanted to name him after his father, Robert. As for the man who killed Jesse James? I had no idea who he was or what his name was so I’m guessing other are likely not to make that reference perhaps.

- Annie on

i love that name it is so nice to hear a normal name :)

- christina on

I love the name!! Very strong and manly name!

- Kimmy on

Very nice name — not kooky like so many of these Hollywood types. It’s a name he won’t get teased about.

Kudos to you and your girlfriend, Owen, on picking a decent name for your child. I am sure he will thank you when he gets older.

- Sandy on

I think Sandra Bullock will be pleased with the name.

- Lo on

No Pilot Inspektor, Zuma, or Bumblebee Tuna!?! I’ve always liked the name Chef Boyardee, myself…

;) Congrats, guys!

- Kerra on

I seem to be the only one who does’nt like ”normal” boring names ! But..not my kid, so who cares !!

- Corie on

blanka and Natasha: what did Nicole Kidman JUST name her daughter? Faith Margaret, about as normal as it gets. Geez.

- soph on

Love the name Robert and love owen-hes awesome. its ironic that people noted how the name was erroneously announced before. the only time ive ever heard that word used was on wedding crashers-when Vince Vaughn shouts erroneus on both counts.

- guest on

I like the name. It is very normal, but its so professional. I think if Audio Science was up for the same job as Robert Ford, they would choose Robert merely on a name basis lol. I think normal names are the new weird names cuz weird names took over. He may be the only Robert in his class nowadays! lol

- Mina on

That is my name!

- Robert Ford on

all 3 Wilson brothers have the middle name Cunningham-which sounds like a last name. Does anyone know if thats a family name-maybe on the mothers side- and maybe thats the same way they came up with Ford.

- guest on

Nice that the baby is named after Owen’s dad. I wonder if they will have a girl next and name her Laura, after Owen’s mother. As a journalist, I also wonder what the story is behind the release of the wrong name originally. There is a story there.

- Judy Pokras on

Robert Ford Wilson, very dignified name. Maybe he can be Bobby as a young boy; and become Rob or Robert as a young man. Anyway, I like it since it’s so refreshing to hear a name from the past.

- Sarah S. on

Well that’s very nice of him to honour the great city of Toronto Canada by naming his first born son after the mayor of this fine city. Robert Ford is the name of the new mayor of Toronto. A fine choice Owen!

- T.O. on

Robert Ford is a strong, handsome name that future prospective employers can pronounce without having to pitch the resume in the trash. As my former boss used to say, “If I can’t say them, I can’t pay them.”

- Feiger on

great great. big congrats. from inner turmoil to making a baby. so smart. brilliant. good luck little baby. poor kidz born into the hollywood culture of no accountability, make a baby for attention, and do some other silly stuff for attention, and maybe you may end up the most undignified poster boy for bad movies, not getting your head on straight, and in the middle of all that, make a kid.

- rica on

Hate the name Robert, reminds me an old man…

Ford I dont like either.

Anyway, congrats to them.

- Macy on

Sarah S., that was exactly my thought when I named my oldest son Robert. We call him Bobby now but when he can be Robert, Rob, Bob, whatever suits him best when he’s older. Same thing for his new baby brother Daniel. Cutesy names only work while you’re young, most of your life you’re going to be an adult!

- Katie on

Sounds like a future president’s name! President Robert Ford Wilson! :)

- Carrie on

Start a trend . . . end the bad baby names. Robert is a classic, masculine name.

- Feiger on

Robert? What a boring name! But whatever floats your boat.

- kls on

@soph since you’re using her as an examnple, what did nicole kidman name her first kid? that’s right, Sunday. i admit it’s no ‘sparrow’ or ‘apple’ or ‘boatanchor’, but it’s also no ‘faith’.

- Ella Jay on

Linton is the girlfriend’s father’s name, so I guess Owen won out.

- Me on

Congrats! That’s wonderful! I’m Happy for you Owen, enjoy being a dad and cherish every moment. They grow fast! XO

- Anonymous on

LO- ROFLOL! Anyway, I like the name. Just goes to show that you can’t believe everything you read (in regards to some media outlets incorrectly listing the name as Ford Linton at first.)! :)

- CelebBabyLover on

Just as most Americans don’t realize the correct plural of Americans is indeed minus the apostrophe.

- Rebecca on

Robert Ford Wilson is a nice name ….. Hopefully we will get to see a picture of him sometime in the near future ….. I wondered if they released the name or if they filed the birth certificate and someone else released the name? Either way Congratulations to Owen and Jade on baby Robert Ford!

- Bancie1031 on

I love the name, but I’m a bit prejudice. My 17 year old son’s name is Ford, actually it’s part of his middle name, and he thinks it’s cool. There is no one else in his school who has his name and believe me there are plenty of kids who have the same name. (3 Taylors, 3 Jordans, 2 Katelyns all in his class). Whatever they decide to call him, he will stand out among all the Hollywood names. Kudos to Owen and his girlfriend. Congrats!!

- Michelle on

It’s a nice name but then Charlie Sheen named HIS kids Bob and Max, which are also nice “normal” names and he turned out to be a wonderful parent (not).

Harlow and Sparrow are Nicole Richie’s kids’ names (unusual) and she (by all accounts) is a great mom.

So a name is just a name is just a name …

I have a feeling that Owen might just be rolling with this now (especially since it has become public) but he might not let it slow him down in the long run.

Hope I’m wrong …

- AJ on

Ella Jay- I’m pretty sure that all Soph was trying to say is that Nicole Kidman announced the birth of her “normally” named daughter a few days BEFORE Owen’s son’s name was revealed, so saying “finally a normal baby name in Hollywood” is not really accurate!

Carrie- I agree! And I think it’s interesting that not only does the name sound like it could be a president’s name, but it contains two names that are linked to presidents in one way or another (Wilson and Ford were, of course, the last names of presidents Woodrow Wilson and Gerald Ford respectfully. Plus, Ronald Reagen’s middle name was Wilson.). Couldn’t get much more presidental if you tried! :)

- CelebBabyLover on

Macy, I have never seen you like a name.
Lo, HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jill on

Oh, and for the people that were saying in the birth annoucement posts that it seemed odd to them that there were no photos of Jade during her pregnancy….There’s one in PEOPLE’s latest photo Album, 2011: The Year of the baby. It doesn’t appear that Jade was very far along at the time, but it DOES appear that she was pregnant when the photo was taken! You can see it here: http://www.people.com/people/celebritybabies/gallery/0,,20458970,00.html#20900876

By the way, I hadn’t seen a picture of Jade before, and after seeing this one….I have to agree with the other people who have said they’ve seen pictures of her and she’s beautiful. She really is! :)

- CelebBabyLover on

Actually, @Ella Jay, Nicole Kidman named her first born Isabella.

- Meghan on

celebbabylover – Well, you’re wrong about Jade not being very far along in that picture. It was taken on January 8 (as part of the Star/National Enquirer stories that forced Owen to reveal that they were even having a baby in the first place, and People just reprinted it). She was due on January 11 and delivered on January 14. So that picture was taken THREE days before she was due AND that was the ONLY time Jade was photographed pregnant. So please don’t act like Owen all of a sudden became such an open book.

- Jonna on

I love that name :) My dad’s name is Robert, and if I have a son, Robert is definitely among my top choices. It’s classic and professional.

- Lindsey on

I have seen other pics of her….and him before she was pregnant. Beautiful!

- IMO on


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