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Are the Conservatives any closer to the centre ground?

A key part of David Cameron’s strategy has clearly been to move perceptions of the Conservative party towards the centre, to dominate the centre ground of politics in the same way that Tony Blair has for the last decade. The full tables from YouGov’s monthly poll for the Telegraph contain a set of questions on [...]

ID Cards

Further results from YouGov’s monthly poll for the Telegraph suggest that people largely agree with the arguments against ID cards, but continue to support them. Overall 52% of people support the introduction of ID cards with 37% of people opposed. This is almost identical to the proportions supporting and opposing ID cards after YouGov’s last [...]

Brown vs Cameron

A new ICM poll in the News of the World asks a number of questions comparing Gordon Brown and David Cameron. As with recent YouGov polls, Brown is preferred to Cameron in a straight choice of who would make the better PM, though he has a larger 12 point lead. This is likely to be [...]

Two Prime Ministers?

According to YouGov’s monthly poll 47% of people agree that it looks as though Britain currently has two Prime Ministers – Gordon Brown and Tony Blair – and they don’t seem to like it. The seems to be strong support for Blair going sooner rather than later – 36% of people thought that Tony Blair [...]

After the honeymoon…

David Cameron’s honeymoon as Conservative leader seems to be coming to a close – there is criticism of his strategy from the Thatcherite old guard and murmurs of disquiet from party donors, at the same time the media have started to ask questions rather than bathe in the glory of the Tory wunderkind. So, what [...]

David Cameron and the environment

Another question in ICM’s poll appears to be exceptionally good news for the Conservatives – David Cameron is now seen as the best Prime Minister for the environment. A grand coup for the Tories? Perhaps not.
If you look at the wording of the actual question though it’s not so good for Cameron. Most people answer [...]