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The Digital Economy Bill: who did what by Jim Jepps

The public whip tells us that the parties voted the following ways on the Digital Economy Bill.

Astonishing that just nine Tory MPs (less than one in twenty) bothered to vote on such controversial legislation.

Alan Greenspan and the death of libertarian economics by Carl Packman

US Economist Alan Greenspan has been giving his testimony before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, criticised for failing to implement rules that would have curbed an overstretched banking system.

For a man otherwise known for his strong libertarian, anti-governmental regulation and pro-laissez-faire views, his testimony came as a shock.

Responding to the BNP’s claims in Peckham by Guest

contribution by Tom Chance

A new BNP presence mobilised local anti-fascists in Bermondsey recently by delivering a spiteful leaflet.

It warned that immigration might lead Bermondsey to “end up like Peckham and Camberwell”. How should people respond?

Is NI a ‘tax on jobs’? Evidence suggests otherwise by Chris Dillow

Do NI contributions really affect jobs? In 2003, the Finnish government wanted to boost employment in the northern part of the country. So it abolished some equivalents of our NI for firms in northern regions.

Did this create jobs?

Tory “efficiency savings” would cancel their school reforms by Don Paskini

Either the Tory proposals to make efficiency savings by cancelling all new government IT projects don’t add up, or they are going to have to abandon their entire schools policy. Something tells me they haven’t quite thought this one through.

Election sexism watch (episode 1) by Cath Elliott

Introducing a new, month-long series, where I’ll be keeping a watchful eye on the meeja* and picking out some of the sexist-shite coverage of the General Election campaign.

Today it’s the Daily Mail edition.

If Conservatives win; women’s rights will suffer by Dave Cole

While the political parties don’t officially have a line, it is clear that the Conservatives are more in favour of restricting abortion than Labour.

But what is the likely chance they can? Will they have the numbers? I’ve crunched some numbers.

Penalised for being young, we have every right to feel apathetic by Laurie Penny

In its final week, the government used the Town and Country Planning Order to undermine young people, students, migrant workers and adults who can’t afford their own homes.

Can anyone blame us for feeling uninspired by the upcoming election?

‘Big society’: not cohesive Conservatism by Dave Osler

Contemporary British politicians rarely adhere to any cohesive set of ideas, yet for some reason feel compelled to pretend that they do.

And if their ostensible philosophy can be condensed into a two-word soundbite for the benefit of headline writers, so much the better.

Tories get excited about ‘air superiority’ against Labour by Sunder Katwala

I’m struggling to see any sense at all in some over-excited Tory Boys at campaign HQ boasting to The Times about establishing “air superiority” in the campaign over Labour.

“We’ve got more executive jets than you” is their rather testosterone-fuelled boast, contrasting their fancy campaign toys with Gordon Brown’s plan to let the train mostly take the strain.

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A compassionate campaigner for good? Really? by Septicisle

As predicted, Gordon Brown appeared alongside Linda Bowman yesterday in their entirely deceitful attempt to suggest that Mark Dixie wouldn’t have been caught under the Tories’ plans for changes to the way the DNA database is maintained.

It was Alan Johnson though that really stole the show:

Linda Bowman is a remarkable and brave woman who has suffered the most unspeakable tragedy yet still manages to be a compassionate campaigner for good.

Quite so.
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»  Yurrzem! posted on Drugs advisor quits! 'Little or no discussion' on drug

»  Matt Munro posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  oldandrew posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  Larry Teabag posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  oldandrew posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  oldandrew posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  septicisle posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  DisgustedOfTunbridgeWells posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  FlyingRodent posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  oldandrew posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  Jimmy posted on Responding to the BNP's claims in Peckham

»  FlyingRodent posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  oldandrew posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  septicisle posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

»  ukliberty posted on A compassionate campaigner for good? Really?

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Blogging and PCC Regulation - A Collective Response
(454 replies)

Racist Daily Mail cartoon equates immigrants with animals
(339 replies)

Against multiculturalism
(319 replies)

Against the ban on minarets
(303 replies)

Women advised: stay sober to avoid rape
(246 replies)

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