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Election sexism watch (episode 1)

by Cath Elliott    
April 8, 2010 at 11:17 am

Introducing a new, month-long series, where I’ll be keeping a watchful eye on the meeja* and picking out some of the sexist-shite coverage of the General Election campaign.

Episode 1
From Andrew Pierce in yesterday’s Daily Mail:

Ugly rumours may cost Cash the cutie dear

Joanne Cash, the Conservative Party Alister, has been tipped for Cabinet office if she wins the marginal seat of Westminster North.
Tatler magazine has named her as one of the ten Tories to watch and Vogue included her as one of the top 50 women of the age.
Small wonder, then, that Ms Cash is pre-eminent among the telegenic Cameron cuties whom the Tories will be hoping to wheel before the cameras in the weeks ahead.

Meanwhile, here’s Jan Moir in the same paper:
War of the wives: How did Sarah Brown and SamCam compare in the fashion stakes?

Together, this trio of attractive, clever, multitasking, modern, juggling, have-it-all career women make up the political First Wives Club.
For better or worse, it is their mordant destiny to be the life partners of our great leaders, reduced to totems at their sides…
….So scramble the helicopters, here come the girls!

And joy of joys, this one even comes with some pics:

“Sarah Brown on the campaign trail yesterday”

and Samantha Cameron wearing a smart jacket combination

Blimey, you’d have thought someone would have told them they still had the tags on their clothes…..

The Telegraph meanwhile has come up with a video:
General Election 2010: The battle of the leaders’ wives.

And in a classic case of you’ve got to be fucking kidding me! Labour Party stalwarts have decided it’s a good idea to stereotype all women under the age of 40, by labelling this targeted demographic: “Take a Break women”


*If you see any glaring examples of sexist shite during the  General Election campaign that you think I may have missed,  feel free to email them to me at cathryne_1999 at hotmail.co.uk

Crossposted from Too Much To Say for Myself

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· About the author: Cath Elliott is a regular contributor to Liberal Conspiracy. She is a feminist and a trade union activist. She works as a freelance writer, a TUC tutor, and part-time in local government. Cath is a committed pro-choice campaigner. Her main areas of interest are women’s issues; trade unionism; equalities and human rights. Also at: Comment is free

· Other posts by Cath Elliott

· Filed under: Blog , Elections2010 , Feminism , Media , Sex equality

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  1. Liberal Conspiracy

    Election sexism watch (episode 1) http://bit.ly/dqkuHV

  2. Daniel Selwood

    RT @libcon: Election sexism watch (episode 1) http://bit.ly/dqkuHV

  3. CathElliott

    Ok, Election sexism watch episodes 1 http://bit.ly/9kF9pc and 2 http://bit.ly/bpBQxB both up now at Liberal Conspiracy

  4. Trish Dever

    RT @CathElliott: Ok, Election sexism watch episodes 1 http://bit.ly/9kF9pc and 2 http://bit.ly/bpBQxB both up now at Liberal Conspiracy

  5. greenladywell

    Great post over @libcon by @cathelliott. 'Election sexist watch (episode 1)': http://bit.ly/bmKRgh. Focus on policies not their wardrobes!

  6. Jim Nicholson

    RT @libcon Election sexism watch (episode 1) http://bit.ly/dqkuHV

  7. Helen L

    Election sexism watch by @CathElliott http://bit.ly/dAYaDk (ep 2) http://bit.ly/dqkuHV (ep 1) #ge2010

  8. Phil Evans

    @bunchofsavages You'll like this: http://liberalconspiracy.org/2010/04/08/election-sexism-watch-episode-1/

  9. topsy_top20k_en

    Election sexism watch (episode 1) http://bit.ly/dqkuHV

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Reader comments

Grah. Must Smash.

Read the Moir/Mail article in growing disgust, can’t bring myself to read the rest. Oh Noes, Miriam “Clegg” (not her name) isn’t “supporting her husband” by taking time off from her own career.

Good for her, Clegg’s going to be swamped next few weeks anyway, getting elected is HIS job, not hers.

It’s not going to be a fun campaign on some things, is it.

And we’ve still got another 4 weeks to go? Just kill me now, please.

It gets worse Dunc – see episode 2 here:


I may need to take a very long holiday once this election’s over……

They’re doing the sexism wrong.

For better or worse, it is their mordant destiny to be the life partners of our great leaders, reduced to totems at their sides…

As everyone who’s read The Elementary Forms of Religious Life knows, women were forbidden from even looking at totems, since they were eternally relegated to the profane, let alone actually being allowed to become totems.

5. Matt Munro

The “attractive, clever, multitasking, modern, juggling, have-it-all career women” are a feminist invention, and despite the social chaos and economic cost of supporting this feminist fantasy they are are stil posited as the self-actualising peak of the fulfilled, modern woman, how can pointing them out be “sexist” ?

So far this election campaign has done little aside from insulting my intelligence.

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