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How Sun readers vote

In one of the previous threads someone asked how Sun readers actually vote. Well, now I can tell you! MORI have rushed out figures from their aggregated data looking at just that.
MORI’s aggregated data for the last 9 months has voting intentions of CON 41%, LAB 26%, LDEM 19%. Amongst Sun readers though it was [...]

YouGov Daily figures – 37/30/21

The daily figures from YouGov are CON 37%(-3), LAB 30%(+1), LDEM 21%(+3).
Short term changes are slightly surprising – the Lib Dems appear to have gained rather than Labour – but I expect that’s down to sample variation. The bigger picture is that Labour have reached 30% and the Conservative lead is down to 7 [...]

Open thread on the Labour conference

The last thread seems to have very little discussion about polls and lots of partisan argument, so I thought it time for an open thread. Normal comment policy is suspending for just this thread, so feel knock yourselves out. Meanwhile, can we try and keep other threads on topic and free from party political bickering.

First reactions to Brown’s speech

YouGov have an instant reaction poll to Brown’s speech. This was a survey of 673 people who watched Brown’s speech.
The topline is that they liked it. 33% thought it was an excellent speech, 30% good, 22% fair, 11% poor and 4% bad. Their opinion of Brown has also improved since a few days ago, [...]

YouGov Daily Poll 40/29/18

YouGov’s daily polling figures are normally going up at 5.05pm each day, but today (and next Thurs) publication is being brought forward to before the leaders’ speeches to leave 5pm free for other things.
Hence we already have today’s figures, which are CON 40%(+1), LAB 29%(nc), LDEM 18%(-2). That surprising bump up into the high 20s [...]

MORI show Lib Dems in second place

The BBC is reporting a new Ipsos MORI poll with topline results of CON 36%(-7), LAB 24%(-2), LDEM 25%(+8!). So far I can’t find any mention of it elsewhere, and consequently don’t know the fieldwork dates (though I guess from the figures it must have been conducted at a similar time to the other polls [...]