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Cabbage Maggot Karen Delahaut, UW-Madison IPM Program Cabbage maggots (Delia radicum) are insects that damage cole crops by feeding on the roots and lower stem of the plant. Wounds produced by their feeding can allow an entry point for several diseases of cole crops.
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Having tomatoes and broccoli in your diet is the most effective way of fighting prostate cancer, according to a study conducted by American researchers.
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The information contained in these web pages has not been verified for correctness. Some of the information contained herein is hearsay and may not be correct. Use the information from these pages only at your own risk!
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ALTERNATIVE METHODS OF WEED CONTROL Tillage Using hand labour to thoroughly plough up the soil so as to expose as many of the roots and seeds of potential weeds. Timing Planting quick germinating seeds and vigorous growing plants, such as corn or potatoes.
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Keeping the soil productive is the main goal in organic gardening. It is important to continually restore the nutrients your plants use by adding organic matter (compost is the best) to the soil whenever possible.
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FOSS Plants and Animals Module © The Regents of the University of California Can be duplicated for classroom or workshop use. 177 LETTER TO PARENTS Cut here and paste on school letterhead before making copies.
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Cabbage Maggot Karen Delahaut, UW-Madison IPM Program Cabbage maggots (Delia radicum) are insects that damage cole crops by feeding on the roots and lower stem of the plant. Wounds produced by their feeding can allow an entry point for several diseases of cole crops.
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To grow your own transplants, sow seed directly in the garden in June. Seed will germinate quickly in the warm soil. Mark rows carefully so you dont accidentally till the seedlings under or mulch over them. Learn more from University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in Lancaster County.
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Host: Cole crops such as cabbage, collards, broccoli, cauliflower, and turnips are commonly infested. Cabbage loopers also feed on other vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, celery, parsley, beets, peas, potatoes, and tomatoes. Other hosts include alfalfa, soybeans, and cotton.
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Carrot (Daucus carota ) is a biennial plant: it completes its life-cycle in two growing seasons (within two years). Germination and vegetative growth take place during the first year, with food storage in underground parts of the plant for over-wintering.
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403 Effect of different active ingredients of fungicides on Alternaria spp. growth in vitro E. Survilien and E. Dambrauskien Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture, LT-54333 Babtai, Kaunas distr., Lithuania; e-mail: e.surviliene@lsdi.lt Abstract.
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Careful attention to the soil makes these Vitamin A-rich roots a snap to grow. Plant in deep, stone-free soil (a raised bed is great) with a fine surface. Thin and weed carefully, and mulch to keep soil cool.
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From 1971-1993, Statistics New Zealand's collection covers all farms irrespective of size or location, used or potentially usable for commercial horticulture, vegetable growing, cropping, livestock or forestry operations.
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Cauliflower is a cool season crop, closely related to broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips and mustard. It is more exacting in its climatic requirements than most other crops in this family. It grows best in a comparatively cool temperature with a moist atmosphere.
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The Gardener's Network provides information about varieties, days to maturity, sowing, insects and pets, and diseases in growing plants of the cabbage family (broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, chinese cabbage, and cauliflower).
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The information contained in these web pages has not been verified for correctness. Some of the information contained herein is hearsay and may not be correct. Use the information from these pages only at your own risk!
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Chinese Cabbage Robert K. Prange Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Atlantic Food and Horticulture Research Center Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada Scientific Name and Introduction: Brassica rapa L. (B. campestris L.) subsp. pekinensis (Lour.
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The higher plants are a key component (food source and air purification) of a Biological Life Support System (BLSS) - a link of vital importance for the space crews during future long-term manned missions (first to the Moon and Mars).
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This cool-season crop is most flavorful after it is kissed by frost. Keep plantings moist and well-mulched during the heat of summer, and you will be rewarded with sprouts until Christmas or beyond.
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