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School of Education at Johns Hopkins University - Graduate Education Programs:

Research and Development Centers

Center for Research and Reform in Education

The Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) works to improve the quality of education for children in grades pre-K to 12. Within CRRE, a federally funded research center, the Center for Data-Driven Reform in Education (CDDRE), was created to help low-performing schools meet their state's academic performance standards. CDDRE uses student performance data to determine effective plans for meeting state standards, to provide information on program effectiveness, and to evaluate the success of data-driven reform strategies. CRRE works with the nonprofit Success for All Foundation to develop, research, and disseminate reading programs in grades pre-K to 8. CRRE also developed the Best Evidence Encyclopedia (http://www.bestevidence.org ), which provides unbiased, practical reviews about the strength of evidence supporting a range of education programs.

Center for Technology in Education

The Center for Technology in Education strives to improve the quality of life of children and youth-particularly those with special needs-through teaching, research, and leadership in the use of technology. CTE combines the research and teaching resources of JHU with the leadership and policy support of Maryland State Department of Education. The center's emphasis on technology in education is based on the belief that children with special needs have a right to the best possible education in the least restrictive environment and the belief that technology can transform instruction so that all children can maximize their potential. CTE directs much of its work to expanding educators' awareness and skills so they are able to improve their practice and thereby increase student achievement.
