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14 point Tory lead in new Yougov poll

YouGov’s monthly poll for the Telegraph has been released. The topline figures, with changes from the last YouGov poll a week ago, has topline figures of CON 41%(+1), LAB 27%(+2), LDEM 18%(-2).
Unlike ComRes in the week, this poll does not suggest any great boost for the Conservatives from their victory in Norwich North. In fact, [...]

Tory “Norwich North boost” in new ComRes Poll

I was rather disappointed that this morning’s ComRes poll didn’t seem to include voting intention figures, so I’m pleased to report they’ve actually just held them back a day. The topline figures, with changes from ComRes’s last poll a week and a half ago are CON 42%(+4), LAB 24%(+1), LDEM 18%(-4).
This is the first [...]


Today’s Independent has a new ComRes poll on Afghanistan, rather a strange thing to commission considering their Sunday stable-mate commissioned very similar questions from ComRes just only a week and a half ago. Still, the rivalry between daily newspapers and their Sunday equivalents never fails to surprise me.
Anyway, ComRes found 75% of respondents agreed with [...]

A poll everyone missed?

Yesterday’s Sunday People had a new YouGov poll that, as far as I can tell, everybody missed. The topline figures, with changes from YouGov’s last poll, were CON 40%(-2), LAB 25%(nc), LDEM 20%(+2), Others 16%. It was conducted between the 21st and 23rd July, so was finished prior to the Norwich North result and any [...]

MORI monthly political monitor

Ipsos MORI’s monthly political monitor has been published and has figures of CON 40%(+2), LAB 24%(+3), LDEM 18%(-1). I don’t have the figures for “others”, but looking at the changes from their last poll we can assume that, like all the other recent polls, they are in decline.
In this case, it’s Labour who have [...]

New Populus poll

Populus monthly poll for the Times is out, rather later in the month than usual. Topline figures, with changes from their last poll, are CON 38%(+2), LAB 26%(+2), LDEM 20%(+1).
“Others” are down five points to 16%. We are seeing support for other parties falling from all the pollsters, but there is still no clear picture [...]