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April 18, 2009
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Rosacea - Effective Treatments

The MedicineNet physician editors ask:

What kinds of treatments have been effective for your rosacea?

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Comment from: HappyJessJess, 25-34 Female (Patient)

I've found that my rosacea is closely related to my acne. I have never, ever, had acne before this year (I am 25). As my faced started turning red, I assumed it was simply just the rosacea. I got on doxycycline and ended up being allergic; the doctor gave me a different cream that did nothing. Eventually, I bought the AcneFree Redness Relief System on a whim. I cannot begin to express how much better my skin looks. I think most of my rosacea was actually just acne, and it has really, really helped. I feel much better about myself. All these rosacea websites scream not to ever use benzoyl peroxide, but that is what this product's main ingredient is, and it has worked wonders. You can buy it at any drugstore for $25. It lasts about two months. Published: November 19 ::

Comment from: tcam0678, 55-64 Male (Patient)

I suffered from rosacea for more than 10 years. Metrogel made my condition worse. Finally, I saw a dermatologist who prescribed Clindoxyl topical gel. It cleared up my rosacea after one to two months of use. After two years, my face is even better, and I seldom see any redness. I use it daily to keep my rosacea under control. Published: April 15 ::

Comment from: ffirgp, 55-64 Male

I am 55. My rosacea appeared at 35. My dermatologist had me try several topical treatments to no avail. Tetracycline was the only treatment that provided relief. At 50, I was working away from home for an extended period, and my prescription expired. The rosacea did not flare-up within a week, which it had done in the past. No serious flare-ups have occurred since. My dermatologist had explained at the outset that rosacea mostly affects men between the ages of 30 to 50. Hopefully, I have outgrown rosacea. Published: February 17 ::

Comment from: hopethishelps, 45-54 Female (Patient)

For me I think it has a lot to do with the gut and yeast. I can not consume sugars or yeast. Processed food a big no..no! (this really makes sense alcohol, is yeast and sugar). I truly believe using a premium strain of acidophilus with bifidus is very helpful.(a pro biotic) I have an allergist that is trying to rid me of Candida yeast.(using nystatin and yeast allergy needles) This yeast and my face flair up bad in the fall every year. I may not have dry eye either after reading this. Good to know. I also have a process called Accent done, it is for acne. All of this combined is starting to clear my face up considerably. Published: February 17 ::

Comment from: Jane, 45-54 Female (Patient)

I have suffered from rosacea off and on for over 20 years, and I have been on antibiotics about 3 times. Each time, I found it was not all that effective, and I didn't like having to take antibiotics for 3 months plus. Then, I had a huge flare-up when I was getting chemotherapy for breast cancer and the dermatologist at the teaching hospital in Geneva where I was being treated put me on a combination of antibiotics plus Rozex, a metronidazole gel. The simple combination was much more effective and now, whenever it starts to flare up again, I just use the Rozex again and it controls it. She also recommended a greenish cream made by a french company, Avene, which I use under make-up if it gets bad. They do a thick one called Diroseal and a quite nice moisturizer. (Other things I'd tried were a bit cloggy and made me look seasick). What a brilliant article, though. I might even try laser treatment now, after having read the comments. Published: February 17 ::

Comment from: Besma, 45-54 Female (Patient)

I am a 48-year-old female and was recently diagnosed with rosacea. I have been using Metronidazole and Elidel creams with little success. Besides the blushing and pimples, I also experience a lot of itching, almost as if tiny bugs were crawling on my face. My eyes are also affected. They become swollen and very itchy. Published: February 10 ::

Comment from: always hopeful, 45-54 Male (Patient)

I am 54 years old and have had rosacea for over 20 years. My condition has progressed to point that I am having difficulty with rhinophyma. I have tried every drug available and have undergone thousands of dollars of laser treatments, all to naught. While I do not suffer redness or telangiectasia (I hope that is spelled correctly), I do have cysts, papules and bumps and enlargement of my nose. I have found that simple milk of magnesia applied to the face at night has a beneficial effect and have been using it for some time. I read about this in a doctor’s collum in our news paper. I wash with a sulpha cleanser and apply Duac gel during the day and stay out of the sun and heat. Published: September 10 ::

Comment from: Bren, 35-44 Male (Patient)

I have had rosacea since I was 11, I am now 41 It has effected my life totally, especially my confidence. I have tried medication, creams and laser treatment. The laser treatment totally cleared up the visible veins and reduced the redness. I have quit smoking and drinking alcohol recently and also products that contain sugar. I just heard that tomatoes are suspected as being a rosacea trigger also. I had laser treatment 7 years ago. Now a lot of people are talking about the Genesis Laser treatment so I will try that soon. My skin situation sucks and I used to feel so sorry for myself, but I don't feel sorry so much any more as there are a lot of people with a much worse problems than me. Published: September 10 ::

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  • Photodynamic Therapy - Read about photodynamic therapy (PDT). PDT uses a photosensitizing agent and light source to treat cancers (skin, lung, esophageal, Barrett's esophagus), acne and rosacea. Source:MedicineNet
  • Acne (Pimples) - Complete medical explanation produced by doctors regarding acne, its causes, myths of causes, treatment on your own, and treatment by doctors. Source:MedicineNet
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