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April 25, 2009
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Alzheimer's Disease Center

Information on Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive disease of the brain that is characterized by impairment of memory and a disturbance in at least one other thinking function (for example, language or perception of reality). Many scientists believe that AD results from an increase in the production or accumulation of a specific protein (beta-amyloid protein) that leads to nerve cell death. Loss of nerve cells in strategic brain areas, in turn, causes deficits in the neurotransmitters, which are the brain's chemical messengers. Read More About Alzheimer's Disease »

A - Z List of Alzheimer's Disease Topics

Alphabetized listing of articles related to Alzheimer's Disease

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With new treatment it’s more important than ever that you recognize early symptoms and get help as soon as possible. See more WebMD Videos »

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