


Dolphins are capable sea chefs

Dolphins are the chefs of the seas, having been seen going through precise and elaborate preparations to rid cuttlefish of ink and bone to produce a soft meal of calamari, Australian scientists say.



Canada's isotope problem 'critical'

With international concern mounting over Canada's aging Chalk River reactor in eastern Ontario and its bomb-grade nuclear waste, the Harper government is being urged to explore new ways of creating medical...

New atom-smasher chief cautious

The new director of Europe's Big Bang machine signalled in an interview published Sunday that he will be more cautious than his predecessor, following a major breakdown that marred its multi-billion dollar...

Spring flowers

Spring will be a little early

Looking forward to spring? The good news is that it is coming two days earlier on average, but so are summer, autumn and winter, researchers said yesterday.

Global warming doubles tree deaths in western U.S.

Global warming and the resulting drought have likely doubled the tree death rate over the past 30 years in old-growth forests in the western United States, according to a new study.

'Microbots' to repair ateries by remote

In 1966, the movie Fantastic Voyage recounted the tale of doctors who are miniaturized along with a submarine and injected into the body of a Soviet defector, sailing up his bloodstream to destroy ...

Largest sea turtle on endangered list

Australia has listed the world's largest sea turtle, the leatherback, as endangered due to the threats posed by overfishing and the unsustainable harvesting of its eggs and meat.

Methane hints at life on Mars

Plumes of methane gas detected on Mars could be a sign of geological or biological activity -- and possibly the latest indication that life can be sustained on the Red Planet, according to a study.

First glimpse of exoplanet atmosphere

Two separate teams of scientists reported Wednesday the first-ever detection from Earth of the atmosphere of planets outside our solar system.

DNA has clues to "tiger" demise

DNA taken from the hair of two extinct Tasmanian "tigers" suggests the Australian marsupials last seen 70 years ago may have become too inbred to survive as a species, researchers have reported.

Dogs lap up soothing tunes

VANCOUVER - Skip Haynes and Dana Walden are all about making the world a better place for dogs, and their CD, Songs to Make Dogs Happy, is a hit with four-legged music fans.

Scientists discover levitation method

U.S. scientists have found a way to levitate the very smallest objects using the strange forces of quantum mechanics, and said on Wednesday they might use it to help make tiny nanotechnology machines.

Can love be reduced to a pill?

Could a pill or a squirt up your nose save your marriage? Maybe, according to a researcher who is studying the chemical basis of that most elusive of emotions -- love.





NFLers seek virtual championship

With just days until Super Bowl Sunday, a who's who of NFL players and celebrities are lined up for one of the hottest parties in Florida on Thursday -- the annual videogame competition, the Madden Bowl.



A screenshot from Fable II: Knothole Island (Lionhead/MGS)

Review: Fable II Knothole Island DLC

While Lionhead didn’t hit it out of the park with their first Fable II DLC, they definitely got on base.



Brendon Bartlett, 14, left, and brother Chad escape into the 3D-world of Nintendo's boxing Wii. The Wii's controller is a wand that reacts to a player's natural movements.

Dreaming of a Wii Christmas

When Nintendo's Wii debuted in late 2006, video game industry executives and observers scoffed, calling it a fad that would quickly pass.