


Earth-hunter telescope prepared for launch

NASA unveiled a modest telescope on Friday with a sweeping mission -- to discover if there are any Earth-type planets orbiting distant stars.

36 minutes ago

Distant planet is an orbiting hell

Astronomers have observed a planet some 200 light years from Earth that, for a few hours, becomes 700 degrees Celsius (1,300 degrees Fahrenheit) hotter every time its elliptical orbit brings it close ...

Ashes of "Star Trek" creator and wife rocketing to deep space

Ashes of "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry and his actress wife will blast toward the far reaches of the cosmos in keeping with the show's famed opening line "Space, the final frontier."

Is that two moons around Saturn I see?

Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.


Japan launches satellites, eyes space business

Japan launched a satellite on Friday to monitor greenhouse gases along with seven smaller satellites in a mission that could boost business for the country's cash-hungry space program.

Mars polar water is pure: study

A large ice cap found at Mars' northern pole is "of a very high degree of purity," according to an international study reported on Tuesday by French researchers.

Lunar rover to travel inaugural parade route: NASA

A prototype of NASA's Lunar Electric Rover will make the journey along Washington's Pennsylvania Avenue Tuesday in honor of Barack Obama's presidential inauguration, the space agency said Friday.

Heavens above: International Year of Astronomy is launched

Astronomers from around the world on Thursday gave the ceremonial launch here to the International Year of Astronomy, aimed at spurring interest in skygazing and questions of the cosmos through thousands...

Space shuttle is moved to Florida launch pad

NASA moved space shuttle Discovery to its launch pad on Wednesday for a planned February 12 launch that will kick off the U.S. space agency's last full year of shuttle missions before the fleet is retired...

Europe earmarks major projects in Year of Astronomy

The European Space Agency (ESA) on Wednesday spelt out an array of top-line projects, including new orbital telescopes to peer into deep space, that would be launched in 2009, the International Year of...

The earth's magnetic field impacts climate: Danish study

The earth's climate has been significantly affected by the planet's magnetic field, according to a Danish study published Monday that could challenge the notion that human emissions are responsible for...

Black holes may precede galaxies, astronomers say

Black holes -- those massive, invisible objects that suck in everything around them -- may have appeared before the galaxies that host them, astronomers said on Wednesday.





NFLers seek virtual championship

With just days until Super Bowl Sunday, a who's who of NFL players and celebrities are lined up for one of the hottest parties in Florida on Thursday -- the annual videogame competition, the Madden Bowl.



A screenshot from Fable II: Knothole Island (Lionhead/MGS)

Review: Fable II Knothole Island DLC

While Lionhead didn’t hit it out of the park with their first Fable II DLC, they definitely got on base.



Brendon Bartlett, 14, left, and brother Chad escape into the 3D-world of Nintendo's boxing Wii. The Wii's controller is a wand that reacts to a player's natural movements.

Dreaming of a Wii Christmas

When Nintendo's Wii debuted in late 2006, video game industry executives and observers scoffed, calling it a fad that would quickly pass.