Technology & Science



Conficker virus begins to attack PCs

A malicious software program known as Conficker that many feared would wreak havoc on April 1 is slowly being activated, weeks after being dismissed as a false alarm, security experts said.

4 hours ago

With celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Oprah Winfrey helping fuel Twitter mania, the micro-blogging website is soaring to stardom around the world, according to Hitwise.
3 hours ago
Yahoo! said Thursday it will close its GeoCities service that provides people a free online locale for home pages.



The Best of YouTube: Week 16

Here's a look at the latest YouTube videos making the rounds this week

4 hours ago

Pocket projector handy for business presentations

I use a projector regularly at work and have come to realize it is an important business tool. I've never tried one at home, but I know with the proper...


Bosses do read blogs

When an employee is rude and insubordinate to a manager, continued employment can be untenable, which is why blogging about your workplace is often cause...


This remote better do it all

After I set up my home entertainment system I realized that I was into a remote overload situation. I had a remote for the TV, one for the DVD player, ...


Financial Post Investing

BlackBerry still leader in smartphones

Sales of its iPhone continue to beat expectations, but Apple Inc. (AAPL/NASDAQ) still has a long way to go to overcome the lead position Research In Motion Ltd. (RIM/TSX) has in the increasingly competitive smartphone market.

4 hours ago


Adam Wilson

This is your brain on Twitter: College student creates brain wave-Twitter interface

Twitter, the social networking tool that asks, "what are you doing?" of millions of users every day, is now directly connected to your brain - at least if you use a system created by a biomedical engineering doctoral student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.



Facebook plans to give 3rd-party developers more access: source

Internet social media company Facebook plans to allow outside developers access to core parts of the website so they can build new services, a person familiar with the situation said.

3 hours ago


Cache of mummies unearthed at Egypt's Lahun pyramid

Archaeologists have unearthed a cache of pharaonic-era mummies in brightly painted wooden coffins near Egypt's little-known Lahun pyramid, the site head said on Sunday.

3 hours ago


'Lucky escape' for Australian coral reef

A section of Australia's Great Barrier Reef, which scientists have warned could be killed by global warming within decades, has regenerated itself in record time, a scientist said Thursday.



Colossal new space oddity baffles scientists

Astronomers on Wednesday announced the discovery of a massive and mysterious gas blob of the type that can be precursors to galaxies, which they dubbed Himiko.

3 hours ago




Nintendo's Game Boy turns 20

Twenty years ago Japan's Nintendo Co. launched the Game Boy, the iconic handheld video game player that spawned characters from Super Mario to Pokemon and sold 200 million units worldwide.



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Toy maker boosted by Halo deal

Shares of Mega Brands Inc more than doubled on Tuesday after the toymaker said it had signed a global licensing agreement with Microsoft Game Studios to make construction toys for its Halo Wars video game.



Seniors play a game on the Nintendo Wii game system. From video games that claim to sharpen concentration to brain gyms offering mental circuit training, consumers are jumping on the "use it or lose it" notion of brain health.

Nintendo Wii shipments top 50 million since launch

Nintendo has shipped more than 50 million units of its Wii game console since its launch three years ago, becoming the fastest-selling console ever, the company's president said on Wednesday.



KillZone 2, it's not

You are a flower petal -- or rather, the petal in a potted flower's dream. You float over a meadow, reinvigorating yellowed grasses and blackened trees with your touch. As you try to steer toward red and yellow flowers, you guide the course of the breeze by tilting and twisting the controller. You discover you can make it blow harder by pushing any button other than select or start.


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