

Added to an increase to the basic personal amount that is exempt from taxation, and various measures directed at home owners and home renovators, Budget 2009 has some tax relief for everyone.
The Tories’ recession-fighting budget delivers tax relief to lower and middle-income Canadians by bumping up the thresholds on the lowest tax brackets. Added to an increase to the basic personal amount exempt from taxation, and measures directed at home owners and home renovators, Budget 2009 has some tax relief for everyone.


It’s a good time to bet on the loonie

Canadians who took advantage of our dollar’s period of parity with the greenback to beef up their U....


FP Weekend

There is a collective gasp when the six residents of the Terraces of Baycrest, a seniors complex in ...
Family Man Garry Marr has the lowdown on 'loaning' money to friends and family
Elizabeth remembers the time she bought three wedding dresses on eBay. She wasn't getting married. She...

Family Finance

TFSAs get better with age

One of the most appealing aspects of the tax-free savings account (TFSA) is how it behaves later in ...


How much do you think it costs to raise a child in Canada? The number may surprise you.
Last week the Supreme Court clarified that interest on investment loans is tax deductible, but that...
While the new tax-free savings account that came into effect Jan. 1 has garnered much of the media coverage...
