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This part of our site has articles about France. For other countries, please use the links below
  • France

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  • General Advice

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    Social Security

    The European Commission has published a guide entitled "Your Social Security Rights when moving within the European Union" which is available from the DSS Overseas Branch (call 0191 213 5000), or here in PDF form. (NB the file is enormous so if you have any problems accessing it, try going to the Social Security section of the European Commission website.)


    Revenu Minimum d’Insertion (RMI)
    The RMI is the French equivalent of the British Income Support. You are entitled to claim it if you are 25 years old and you have a Carte de Séjour. RMI is not transferable to the UK, and neither is UK income support transferable to France

    Unemployment Benefit (allocation chômage)
    If you are entitled to UK unemployment benefit and have been claiming this benefit for at least four weeks, you may continue to receive it for up to 3 months whilst you seek work in France. You should inform, at least 5 working days before you leave, the office where you are claiming unemployment benefit of your intention to look for work elsewhere in the European Community. Your local office will then advise the Overseas Branch who will send you a E303 form which you should take to the nearest ANPE office within 7 days of your arrival in France. For further details, please contact the DSS Overseas branch on the number above.

    If you are entitled to French unemployment benefit, the reverse procedure is also possible. For further information on French unemployment benefit, contact your local Agence Nationale Pour l’Emploi ( ANPE - National Employment agency).

    Family Allowance (Allocations familiales)
    If you work in France with your family, then Family Allowance is paid after the birth of a second child and until the child is 20 years old. You are entitled to British family benefits if the members of your family reside in the UK, provided you are insured in France. For further information on family benefits whilst in France, contact your local Caisse des Allocations Familiales (Family allowances department).

    Once working in France, you will pay contributions for a French state pension. From the age of 60, you will have to contact the Caisse Nationale d’Assurance Vieillesse or CNAV - old age pension department) in order to receive a pro-rata pension according to the time you have been insured in France.

    110-112 rue de Flandres
    75951 Paris cedex 19
    tel: 0033 140 05 51 10

    For details on how your contributions to the French pension scheme will affect your British state pension, please contact the DSS Overseas Branch.

    Please note that most UK benefits are not transferable, including Income Support, Housing Benefit, Child Benefit, Invalidity Benefit are not transferable. When applying for such benefits in France, a letter from your British Benefit Agency stating that you are not anymore receiving British benefits will be requested. French Benefits are granted only if you already have a Carte de Séjour. For more information, see Advice on moving to another EU country from the Department of work and pensions

    Please use the following links to our articles about France

  • Living in France: introduction

  • Travel in France

  • Look out for more articles about living and travelling in France soon.

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