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Archived news and commentary: November 13 - 19, 2006

2006/11/13 - 2006/11/19
2006/11/06 - 2006/11/12
2006/10/30 - 2006/11/05
2006/10/23 - 2006/10/29
2006/10/16 - 2006/10/22
2006/10/09 - 2006/10/15

From 2001/09/11 -


Sunday, November 19, 2006

News and commentary:

"Palestinian shields foil Israeli strikes" (Sarah El Deeb, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/19)
"BEIT LAHIYA, Gaza Strip - Hundreds of Palestinians serving as human shields guarded the homes of two top militants Sunday, a new tactic that forced Israel to call off missile strikes on the buildings and re-evaluate a mainstay of its aerial campaign in Gaza. ...

The standoff over the homes of the militants began late Saturday when Mohammed Baroud, local leader of the Popular Resistance Committees, was informed by the army that his house would be hit. The three-story building is home to 17 people from Baroud's family. Another militant from Hamas also received a warning.

Instead of fleeing, though, the two decided to stay in their homes and called in reinforcements. They were quickly joined by crowds of supporters, including dozens of armed men, who gathered on balconies, rooftops and in the streets outside.

"Death to Israel. Death to America," the crowds chanted. Local mosques and Palestinian TV and radio stations also mobilized supporters. ...

Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas stopped by to show support. "We are so proud of this national stand. It's the first step toward protecting our homes, the homes of our children," he said."

"Hezbollah urges mass protests in Lebanon" (Hussein Dakroub, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/19)
"BEIRUT, Lebanon - Hezbollah's leader urged his followers to prepare for mass demonstrations to topple the government if it ignores the militant group's demand to form a national unity coalition.

In a speech broadcast Sunday, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah railed against
President Bush's administration, calling Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice a "bloodsucker" and claiming the current Lebanese government is a puppet of Washington.

He did not set a date for the anti-government protests, which he said should be nonviolent. But he told supporters and political allies to get ready to take to Beirut's streets for days or even weeks to force the resignation of the government.

"We, all of us, must be psychologically and morally ready to take to the streets. It is one means for the required movement," Nasrallah said in a speech Saturday which was aired Sunday on Hezbollah's TV station Al-Manar."

"Bomb Iran" (Joshua Muravchik, Los Angeles Times, 2006/11/19)
"WE MUST bomb Iran.

It has been four years since that country's secret nuclear program was brought to light, and the path of diplomacy and sanctions has led nowhere. ...

After the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917, a single member of Britain's Cabinet, Winston Churchill, appealed for robust military intervention to crush the new regime. His colleagues weighed the costs — the loss of soldiers, international derision, revenge by Lenin — and rejected the idea.

The costs were avoided, and instead the world was subjected to the greatest man-made calamities ever. Communism itself was to claim perhaps 100 million lives, and it also gave rise to fascism and Nazism, leading to World War II. Ahmadinejad wants to be the new Lenin. Force is the only thing that can stop him."

"Al-Qaeda's ‘best assets’ prime UK timebomb" (Sean Rayment, Sunday Telegraph, 2006/11/19)
"British Muslims volunteering to fight against coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are being sent back to Britain to become al-Qaeda "sleeper" agents, The Sunday Telegraph has learned.

MI5 agents believe that young Asian men, who have been trained to take part in the so-called "global jihad" in al-Qaeda camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, are now regarded as too valuable an asset to be used fighting British and American troops.

MI5 and MI6 are working on the assumption that they are being ordered to return to their communities in Britain with instructions to establish secret, autonomous cells and to conduct independent terrorists operations without any direct input from al-Qaeda's high command."

"Al-Qaeda's airport bomb plot" (Henry McDonald, The Observer, 2006/11/19)
"A convicted al-Qaeda bomb-maker serving a jail sentence in Northern Ireland carried out dummy runs for a potential terrorist plot at Dublin and Knock airports, The Observer can reveal.

Last Tuesday the expelled Islamist cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed was seen exhorting young British Muslims in an online broadcast from Beirut to target Dublin because he incorrectly believed US troops used the airport as a transit centre on the way to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now it has emerged that key al-Qaeda bomb-making expert Abbas Boutrab visited both Dublin and Knock airports. Information on the airports was found at his north Belfast flat three years ago, according to evidence at his trial in Belfast Crown Court last November."

"Muslim leader sent funds to Irving" (Jamie Doward, The Observer, 2006/11/19)
"Islamic activist admits he donated cash to jailed historian who denied the Holocaust":
"One of Britain's most prominent speakers on Muslim issues is today exposed as a supporter of David Irving, the controversial historian who for years denied the Holocaust took place.

Asghar Bukhari, a founder member of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), which describes itself as Britain's largest Muslim civil rights group, sent money to Irving and urged Islamic websites to ask visitors to make donations to his fighting fund.

Bukhari contacted the discredited historian, sentenced this year to three years in an Austrian prison for Holocaust denial, after reading his website. He headed his mail to Irving with a quotation attributed to the philosopher John Locke: 'All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to stand idle.'

In one email Bukhari tells Irving: 'You may feel like you are on your own but rest assured many people are with you in your fight for the Truth.' Bukhari pledges to make a donation of £60 to Irving's fighting fund and says that he has asked 'a few of my colleagues to send some in too'. He also offers to send Irving a book, They Dare to Speak Out, by Paul Findley, a former US Senator, who has attacked his country's close relationship with Israel. Bukhari says Findley 'has suffered like you in trying to expose certain falsehoods perpetrated by the Jews.'"


Saturday, November 18, 2006

News and commentary:

"'Sex in the Park': The latest doings of the Danish imams" (Henrik Bering, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/18)
"First a bit of good news: As reported in the Jyllands-Posten, Sheikh Raed Hlayhel, who has been in Denmark since 2000 and was the prime instigator behind the cartoon protest, recently announced that he had had it with Denmark and was leaving to settle down in his hometown of Tripoli in Lebanon. "And I am not coming back," he fumed, as if depriving the country of some tremendous cultural asset.

But before the Danes get too relieved, intelligence experts cited in the Jyllands-Posten warned that the sheikh can still make mischief from the Middle East. In his last prayer in Denmark, Hlayhel denounced the pope, warned against repetitions of the cartoons, and threatened retaliation: 'We are people who love death and will sacrifice ourselves before Allah's feet. Do not repeat the tragedy, or else it will become a tragedy for you and the whole world.'" (See also: "Image of Muhammad" - News and commentary on the Danish cartoon affair.)

"Afghan women commit suicide by fire" (Alisa Tang, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/18)
"KABUL, Afghanistan - Blood dripped down the 16-year-old girl's face after another beating by her drug addict husband. Worn down by life's pain, she ran to the kitchen, doused herself with gas from a lamp and struck a match.

Desperate to escape domestic violence, forced marriage and hardship, scores of women across Afghanistan each year are committing suicide by fire. While some gains have been made since the fall of the Taliban five years ago, life remains bleak for many Afghan women in the conservative and violence-plagued country, and suicide is a common escape.

Young Gulsum survived to tell her story. Her pretty face and delicate feet were untouched by the flames, but beneath her red turtleneck sweater, floral skirt and white shawl, her skin is puffy and scarred.

More than a month after her attempt, her gnarled hands still bleed.

"It was my decision to die. I didn't want to be like this, with my hands and body like this," she said, sitting on a hospital bed in Kabul and hiding her deformed hands beneath her shawl.

Reliable statistics on self-immolation nationwide are difficult to gauge. In Herat province, where the practice has been most reported and publicized, there were 93 cases last year and 54 so far this year. More than 70 percent of these women die."

"Church desecrated in Switzerland" (Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/18)
"None of the boys is of Christian faith." As Tammy Bruce remarked to me yesterday when I did her show from here at the Restoration Weekend, a reliable way to know that the perpetrators of a given deed reported in news story were Muslim is the lack of any mention of their religion, or in this case, the assurance that they were not Christian. Hmmmm. Non-Christians from Serbia-Montenegro and Bosnia. Might they belong to a religion some of whose adherents, as Oriana Fallaci pointed out, have taken great pleasure in desecrating churches and monuments in Europe? Might this be an expression of Islamic contempt for those whom the Qur'an calls the "vilest of creatures" -- unbelievers (98:6)?

A translation by Mussi of "Kirche mit Kot beschmiert," a German-language article from Blick Online:

Muttenz, Basle – A bad joke or is there more behind this? The catholic church in Muttenz, Basle, has been repeatedly soiled with fecals for the last two weeks by teenagers.

A new day, a new shocker: They soiled the altar with excrements. They urinated into the baptism font, destroyed glassware on the donation table and destroyed vegetation.

The perpetrators: A gang of 12- and 13-year olds. One boy is Swiss (nationality), two are from former Serbia-Montenegro and two are from Bosnia. None of the boys is of Christian faith."

"Terror farce over refusal to unmask 7/7 suspect" (The Evening Standard, 2006/11/18)
"The war on terror has descended into farce after the Government refused to identify a July 7 suspect on the run from the security services.

The Home Office insists the British Muslim, who describes himself as a 'Holy warrior', is such a grave threat to national security he must be under a control order.

But, despite the 25-year-old committing a serious crime by repeatedly breaching the order and making himself a fugitive, John Reid will not take steps to lift his veil of secrecy.

The Home Secretary's refusal to act is in spite of fears the man is a possible 'missing link' to the London plot.

Investigators have linked him to two of the four bombers who claimed 52 innocent lives last year - ringleader Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer.

The Daily Mail knows his identity, his shocking links to terrorists and has a photograph, but is unable to publish."

"Dutch set to ban burka in public after election" (David Charter, The Times, 2006/11/18)
"A BAN on wearing the burka in public in the Netherlands moved a step closer yesterday, just five days before voters go to the polls in elections that had not until now focused on issues of race and immigration.

The country’s controversial Immigration Minister, Rita Verdonk, revived the idea of a ban, raising the pressure on the next government to outlaw full-face coverings.

Parliament has twice called for legislation on a ban to be formally drawn up and the minority Government finally agreed, Ms Verdonk announced last night. The burka would be banned by law in the street and in schools, trains, buses and the law courts.

Ms Verdonk, a leading member of the smaller government coalition party, has made the ban a personal crusade and yesterday announced support from the main ruling party, the Christian Democrats, led by Jan Peter Balkenende."


Friday, November 17, 2006

News and commentary:

"Why Most Americans Hate the MSM: More Lies About Iraq" (Brian Duffy, One Oar in the Water, 2006/11/17)
Via Patterico's Pointifications, who has much more on the alleged incident:

"I received an email this morning that completely refutes an article posted in the LA Times about an action conducted in Iraq, but what is more important, the response I have is actually from the guys on the ground. (This was given to me through the understanding that I protect the identity of individual involved.)

First the LA Times article describing the event:

Iraqi residents say U.S. airstrike kills 30 Victims include women and children, witnesses in Ramadi say. The military has no immediate comment.
By Solomon Moore
Times Staff Writer

November 15, 2006

BAGHDAD — A U.S. airstrike in the restive town of Ramadi killed at least 30 people, including women and children, witnesses said Tuesday. ...

U.S. military officials had no immediate comment on an airstrike in Ramadi. The military released a statement announcing that American troops in Ramadi killed 11 alleged insurgents in a series of attacks that appeared to be unrelated to an airstrike.

A Times correspondent in Ramadi said at least 15 homes were pulverized by aerial bombardment and families could be seen digging through the ruins with shovels and bare hands.

Now read the statement by a soldier who was present when the action took place. This is his letter to his family explaining his reaction to the LA Times article and the action as it actually happened:

The article [above] below is an example of why you simply cannot believe most media reports coming out of Iraq. The LA Time reporter, Solomon Moore, is not in Ramadi. He relies on an Iraqi stringer here who has ties to insurgents. In this article, Moore repeats almost verbatim, insurgent propaganda we have intercepted. The fighting in question occurred in my battle space within Ramadi and I was personally and intimately involved.

There were no air strikes anywhere in Ramadi on the day in question. ...

Every target engaged was well within what our restrictive rules of engagement authorize. I am disgusted by the editorial slant of this article, by what passes from journalistic integrity at the LA Times, and by their complicity with our mortal enemies. My Soldiers fight with great precision and skill on a very difficult urban battlefield. The LA Times dishonors them and give aid and comfort to my enemies."

"Why Iraq Is Crumbling" (Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, 2006/11/17)
"Last month American soldiers captured a Mahdi Army death squad leader in Baghdad -- only to be forced to turn him loose on order of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Two weeks ago, we were ordered, again by Maliki, to take down the barricades we had established around Sadr City in search of another notorious death squad leader and a missing American soldier.

This is no way to conduct a war. The Maliki government is a failure. It is beholden to a coalition dominated by two Shiite religious parties, each armed and ambitious, at odds with each other and with the ultimate aim of a stable, modern, democratic regime.

Is this America's fault? No. It is a result of Iraq's first democratic election. The United States was not going to replace Saddam Hussein with another tyrant. We were trying to plant democracy in the heart of the Middle East as the one conceivable antidote to extremism and terror -- and, in a country that is nearly two-thirds Shiite, that inevitably meant Shiite domination. It was never certain whether the long-oppressed Shiites would have enough sense of nation and sense of compromise to govern rather than rule. The answer is now clear: United in a dominating coalition, they do not."


Thursday, November 16, 2006

News and commentary:

"Narcissism on Stilts" (Harold Evans, New York Sun, 2006/11/16)
Via Melanie Phillips: "At least one newspaperman grasps that, rather than fulfilling its historic mission to tell truth to power, the media now uses its enormous power to silence the truth.":
"When I spoke at the Hay-on-Wye literary festival a couple of years back and criticized newspapers that headlined suicide bombers as martyrs, I was told by two angry leading intellectuals that I had lived too long in America.

Something similar happened at this year’s Hay-on-Wye festival, sponsored by the Guardian, where a five-person panel discussed ‘Are there are any limits to free speech?’ One of the Muslim panelists said if anyone offended his religion, he would strike him. A lawyer, Anthony Julius, responded that Jews had lived as minorities under two powerful hegemonies, Christian and Muslim, and had been obliged to learn how to deal nonviolently with offense caused to them by the sacred scriptures of both. He started by referring to an anti-Semitic passage in the New Testament — which passed without comment. But when he began to list the passages in the Koran that denigrate Jews, describing them as monkeys and pigs, the panelists went ballistic. One of them, Madeline Bunting of the Guardian, put her hand over the microphone and said words to the effect, ‘I am not going to sit here and listen to any criticisms of Muslims.’ She was cheered, and not one of the journalists in the audience from right or left uttered a word about free speech — not hate speech, mind you, but free speech of a moderate nature."

"No Tears for Mama" (Filip van Laenen, The Brussels Journal, 2006/11/16)
"Last October 28th French Muslim “youths” arsoned a public transport bus in Marseille. A 26-year old female student from Senegal, Mama Galledou, sustained severe burns over 60% of her body when she was unable to get off the bus in time. Mama fought for her life in hospital and survived, though she will be marked for the rest of her life.

Only one (1!) demonstration has been held in support of Mama Galledou. How different this would have been if a Muslim “youth” had been the victim of, say, police brutalities or attacks by white hooligans. A mere 250 people marched in protest of the ordeal inflicted on this young black woman – most of them fellow students and teachers of the medicine faculty where Miss Galledou studied. The general indifference reminds us of the silence after last January’s murder of a black boy by Moroccans in Brussels. The murderers were never found and nobody seems to care either, because the murderers belong to an ethnic group which de facto rules the city. ...

The “youths” responsible for Mama Galledou’s injuries will probably also go free. Six minors were arrested following the incident – two of them 15 years old, one of them 16, and three of them 17.

Their friends and family deny that the boys are guilty. When French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy visited Marseille and demanded that “multi-recidivist minors of between 16 and 18 be punished as adults,” fifty youths staged a demonstration, following an appeal of the family of one of the culprits to protest 'Sarko’s Gestapo methods.”

For some, apparently, the fact that the police is trying to maintain law and order is considered to be an intolerable provocation." (See also: "Burning Buses: 'She was black but she looked white, her skin was peeled.'" (Nidra Poller, Pajamas Media, 2006/11/03))

"Sderot victim was a Muslim married to a Jew" (Noam Bedein, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/16)
"At 7:18 a.m. on Wednesday morning, six Kassam rockets slammed into Sderot, killing Fatima Slutsker, 57, and seriously wounding Maor Peretz, 24, a security guard for Defense Minister Amir Peretz.

Slutsker was a Muslim woman who came from the Caucasus Mountains in the Former Soviet Union just three years ago with her Jewish husband.

An eyewitness in a store nearby said she had crossed the road seconds before the rocket landed, and had been waiting for her husband, who was still on the other side of the street.

Avichai Yosef and Benny Libranti from Zaka, the rescue organization that rushes to the scene after terrorist attacks, described the bloody scene as looking like a suicide bombing on a bus.

They said it took hours to gather body parts, which were scattered in a 50-meter, and bones and legs were found on the top of the trees and on car windshields."

"Member states attack divorce law scheme" (Teresa Küchler, EUobserver.com, 2006/11/16)
"EU member states are lining up to attack a European Commission proposal to establish common rules for cross-border divorces which could - in an extreme scenario - see Iranian divorce rules applied in European courts in future.

The proposal - called Rome III and presented last July - sets out which national legislation should apply in the case of a couple of two nationalities or a couple living in their non-native country, such as an Irish and Finnish pair of EU civil servants living in Brussels. ...

In cases involving non-EU citizens or non-EU states, Rome III would also favour a legislature to which both spouses have a strong connection, with a Swedish justice ministry document plotting a potential scenario in which European courts have to deal with a dispute under Iranian law.

The Swedish view of Rome III imagines a Swedish woman who marries an Iranian man in Sweden and emigrates to Iran but after several years decides to leave both her spouse and his country and go home. "The proposal means that Iranian divorce law would be applied by the Swedish court," the justice ministry study states." (Hat tip: The Brussels Journal.)

"Baghdad Shi'ite militant says fighting for all Iraqis" (Reuters, 2006/11/16)
"BAGHDAD, Nov 16 (Reuters) - They call him the "Shi'ite Zarqawi", a torturer with a passion for power tools, a sectarian warlord bent on driving Sunnis from Baghdad, a man whose shadowy legend has grown with recent narrow escapes from U.S. forces.

But the elusive militia commander known as Abu Deraa says he has just been misunderstood, turned by the media into a bogeyman when in fact he loves Sunnis as his brothers in Islam and wants only to protect his city's poor and drive Americans from Iraq.

"I find those allegations really odd," he said in interview this week with an Iraqi journalist working for Reuters.

"As for using electric drills, I would never mutilate a human being because Islam prohibits mutilation, even for dogs.

"Sunnis are as much my brothers as Shi'ites. My only enemies are the occupiers," he said during the encounter in Sadr City, the sprawling Baghdad slum where U.S. and Iraqi forces have been hunting him as, effectively, Public Enemy No. 1 for months. ...

Dubbed the "Shi'ite Zarqawi" by some media who compare his taste for violence to that of the late Sunni al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Deraa said such labels did not bother him: 'We all know that the media who call me this name themselves created Zarqawi and the media are a mouthpiece for the occupation.'" (See also: "A vicious monster rises in Iraq's sectarian war – 'the Shia Zarqawi'" (Colin Freeman and Aqeel Hussein, The Sunday Telegraph, 2006/11/12))

Added today:
"Fundamental Islam linked to terrorism" (Jay Tokasz, The Buffalo News, 2006/11/15)
"Vive le Califat" (Jeremy Rabkin, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/11)


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

News and commentary:

"Fundamental Islam linked to terrorism" (Jay Tokasz, The Buffalo News, 2006/11/15)
"Dr. Tawfik Hamid nearly boarded a plane decades ago on an eventual path to holy war with the United States.

Instead, he took an opposite route and now travels throughout Europe and North America warning about what he experienced firsthand as a member of a jihadist group run by Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current second in command of al-Qaida. ...

Hamid worries that Westerners have become too politically correct, refusing to accept that current Islamic teaching - not poverty, not Israel and not the war in Iraq - is the root cause of Muslim terror.

"I believe Islam can be taught in a peaceful manner," he said. "But it's unfair to say the current dominant form of Islamic teaching, which is salafi Islam, taught in mosques and universities, is peaceful." ...

Among other teachings, salafi Islam calls for the killing of apostates, considers Jews subhuman, encourages the beating and enslavement of women and urges war to convert nonbelievers, said Hamid.

"These are fundamentals of Sharia law. This is what they teach in the mosques and the universities," he said. ...

Even in the United States and Europe, Hamid believes moderate Muslims are in the minority.

Hamid accused Muslims in the West of feeding into the radicalization of Islam by not forcefully confronting fundamentalist Islamic teachings." (Hat tip: Jihad Watch.)

"Iraqi Researcher Living in Europe on Al-Jazeera TV: The Nobel Peace Prize is Racist; ‘Why Has the Prize Been Awarded to 167 Jews and Only 4 Arabs... All Considered Traitors?’; The Prize Stems from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (MEMRI, 2006/11/16)
"The following are excerpts from an interview with Samir 'Ubeid, an Iraqi researcher living in Europe, which aired on Al-Jazeera TV on October 31, 2006.:

Samir 'Ubeid: "If you are a traitor to your country, and a heretic, who curses his Prophet, you deserve a Nobel Prize. ...

"Why has the prize been awarded to 167 Jews, and to only four Arabs out of 380 million Arabs - and all four are considered traitors? For example, Al-Sadat got the prize during the normalization process, and as a price for Camp David, together with Begin, who carried out the Deir Yassin massacre, and who was in the Hagana gangs. ...

"Are we Arabs not included in the transfer of the scientific genetic code? We, the descendants of Al-Khawarizmi, Al-Jahez, Al-Razi, Avicenna, and Ibn Al-Haytham - are we all born idiots? Is there not a single scientist among us? Are we not included in the genetic code? Is intelligence not transferred down among us Arabs?"

Interviewer: "Scientific creativity occurs in freedom and democracy, brother."

Samir 'Ubeid: 'Democracy does not explain how it was awarded to 167 Jews, from among those 15 million scattered around the world, while abandoning 1.5 billion Chinese, a billion Indians, and 380 million Arabs. This is racism.'"

"Qods (Jerusalem) Day in Iran: 'The Nation of Muslims Must Prepare for the Great War So As to Completely Wipe Out the Zionist Regime and to Remove This Cancerous Growth'" (MEMRI, 2006/11/15)
"On October 19, 2006, the conservative daily Kayhan, which is close to Iran's Supreme Leader 'Ali Khamenei, published an article on the occasion of Qods (Jerusalem) Day":

"Hizbullah stood fast in Israel's 33-day war against Lebanon, and proved that the destruction of Israel was easier [work] than some of the Arab governments think - [namely,] that the destruction of Israel is impossible.

In the 33-day war, the Lebanese Hizbullah destroyed at least 50% of Israel [and therefore] half the path to the liberation of Jerusalem equals 33 days. Now, only (at most) 50% of the path [to Israel's destruction] remains. This remaining 50% is easier than the 50% that was already accomplished. Now, in the face of the degree of fear and lack of confidence that has been deeply implanted in [all] parts of the Zionist regime, the Muslim peoples of the region, and particularly the four Arab countries neighboring Palestine [i.e. Israel] - Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon - are full of hope and confidence, and they have no doubt, that they will be able to very quickly overcome the Zionist regime...

According to this description, just as in one 33-day war more than 50% of Israel was destroyed, and the hope of its supporters for the continued life of this regime was broken, it is likely that in the next battle, the second half will also collapse.

On that day... Jordan will not be able to prevent the Jordanian Islamists from operating through the long Jordan-Palestine border, and the millions of Egyptian Islamists... will not let the Sinai-Israel border remain quiet, and the Syrian Golan Heights will not remain as a [mere] observer of the battle. That day is not so far off."

"Germany 'well on the way to becoming a Muslim state by 2050'" (Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 2006/11/15)
"If demographic trends continue. "German Population Plunge 'Irreversible,' Federal Stats Office Admits: Expected that one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025," by Gudrun Schultz for LifeSiteNews, with thanks to David:

BERLIN, Germany, November 9, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Germany’s downward spiral in population is no longer reversible, the country’s federal statistics office said Tuesday. The birthrate has dropped so low that immigration numbers cannot compensate.

“The fall in the population can no longer be stopped,” vice-president Walter Rademacher with the Federal Statistics Office said, reported Agence France-Presse.

Germany has the lowest birthrate in Europe, with an average of 1.36 children per woman. Despite government incentives to encourage larger families, the population is dropping rapidly and that trend will continue, with an expected loss of as much as 12 million by 2050. ...

Germany has one of the largest populations of Muslim immigrants in Western Europe, with a Muslim community of over 3 million. That trend is expected to continue, leading some demographic trend-watchers to warn that the country is well on the way to becoming a Muslim state by 2050, Deutsche Welle reported.

The Brussels Journal reported last month that one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families by 2025. There are an estimated 50 million Muslims living in Europe today--that number is expected to double over the next twenty years."

"Arabian Nightmares" (Ralph Peters, New York Post, 2006/11/15)
"With political correctness permeating our government and even the upper echelons of the military, we never tried the one technique that has a solid track record of defeating insurgents if applied consistently: the rigorous imposition of public order.

That means killing the bad guys. Not winning their hearts and minds, placating them or bringing them into the government. Killing them.

If you're not willing to lay down a rule that any Iraqi or foreign terrorist masquerading as a security official or military member will be shot, you can't win. And that's just one example of the type of sternness this sort of fight requires. ...

Our "humanity" is cowardice masquerading as morality. We're protecting self-appointed religious executioners with our emphasis on a "universal code of behavior" that only exists in our fantasies. By letting the thugs run the streets, we've abandoned the millions of Iraqis who really would prefer peaceful lives and a modicum of progress.

We're blind to the fundamental moral travesty in Iraq (and elsewhere): Spare the killers in the name of human rights, and you deprive the overwhelming majority of the population of their human rights. Instead of being proud of ourselves for our "moral superiority," we should be ashamed to the depths of our souls."

"In defence of the white working class" (Leo McKinstry, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/15)
"Anti-racism has become the central theme of today's political culture, yet the obsessive concern for racial sensitivities rarely seems to be applied to the white working class. This is the one ethnic group that it is perfectly acceptable to insult and ignore. ...

This kind of repellent snobbery and prejudice was captured in an extraordinary outburst from newspaper columnist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown. Condemning white working-class Britons as "either too lazy or too expensive to compete" in the new era of multi-racialism, she wrote that "tax-paying immigrants past and present keep indolent British scroungers on their couches drinking beer and watching TV".

Such comments are not only offensive, but also factually incorrect, since levels of unemployment and welfare dependency are actually much higher in certain immigrant communities. According to the Office of National Statistics, 35 per cent of Muslim households have no adult in employment, more than twice the national average, though no liberal columnist would dream of ever writing about "Muslim scroungers". ...

The celebration of diversity is a one-way street, with every culture treated with reverence except the traditional British one."

"U.N. Says Somalis Helped Hezbollah Fighters" (Robert F. Worth, The New York Times, 2006/11/15)
"More than 700 Islamic militants from Somalia traveled to Lebanon in July to fight alongside Hezbollah in its war against Israel, a United Nations report says. The militia in Lebanon returned the favor by providing training and — through its patrons Iran and Syria — weapons to the Islamic alliance struggling for control of Somalia, it adds.

The report, which was disclosed by Reuters on Monday, appears to be the first indication that foreign fighters assisted Hezbollah during the 34-day conflict, when Israel maintained a tight blockade on Lebanon.

The report also says Iran sought to trade arms for uranium from Somalia to further its nuclear ambitions, though it does not say whether Iran succeeded."

Added today:
"Europe Is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn" (Daniel Pipes, New York Sun/danielpipes.org, 2006/11/14)


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

News and commentary:

"The 751 No-Go Zones of France" (Daniel Pipes, danielpipes.org, 2006/11/14)
"They go by the euphemistic term Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones, with the even more antiseptic acronym ZUS, and there are 751 of them as of last count. They are convienently listed on one long webpage, complete with street demarcations and map delineations.

What are they? Those places in France that the French state does not control. They range from two zones in the medieval town of Carcassone to twelve in the heavily Muslim town of Marseilles, with hardly a town in France lacking in its ZUS. The ZUS came into existence in late 1996 and according to a 2004 estimate, nearly 5 million people live in them.

Comment: A more precise name for these zones would be Dar al-Islam, the place where Muslims rule." (Hat tip: Dhimmi Watch.)

"Real or Satire?" (James Taranto, Best of the Web Today, 2006/11/14)
"Here's a left-wing item so absurd we have to wonder if it's not a right-wing joke, à la the entire content of The Nation. First is a diarist from DailyKos.com by one "LondonYank" (hat tip: Dean Barnett):

Saddam [Hussein] had achieved almost universal adult literacy and Baghdadi meant "wealthy"in Arabic slang when his administration became a target for devastating sanctions and war. Lebanon had rebuilt a vibrant economy, drawing large numbers of sophisticated young professionals, when it was bombed back to the stone age this summer. Iran's educational progress and economic scale now invite our wrath and destruction.

Iran must be attacked soon to prevent it becoming an examplar [sic] of economic progress and a regional power, and the plan is to permanently impoverish Iranians by stealing their oil wealth. . . .

Iran has invested its oil wealth in universal education, healthcare, infrastructure bringing clean water and electricity to more than 98 percent of its people, and economic progress. . . . The social and economic achievements of the revolutionary regime in Iran in the past 25 years look quite progressive in reducing poverty and social inequalities. . . . Compared to rising inequality in the United States and Israel, ranked numbers one and two for social inequality among developed nations, the Iranians look pretty damn good.

Wow. This is the kind of thing left-wingers used to say about communist countries, but at least in that case you can put it down to the triumph of hope over reality. Here we have a lefty praising one of the world's most reactionary regimes for being progressive, at least when compared with America and Israel. Or someone pretending to be a lefty making a pretty funny joke."

"My day in court" (Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, israelinsider, 2006/11/14)
Via Jihad Watch: "In "My day in court" in Israel Insider, Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, the persecuted journalist in Bangladesh, discusses the proceedings against him yesterday.":
"The judge, Mohammed Momin Ullah, asked the Public Prosecutor to read the charge in front of me. He came and read, "By praising the Jews and Christians, by attempting to travel to Israel and by predicting the so-called rise of Islamist millitancy in the country and expressing such through writings inside the country and abroad, you have tried to damage the image and relations of Bangladesh with the outside world. For which, charges under section 295-A, 120-A, 124-A, 105-A and 108-A are brought against you. Are you guilty or not"? he asked.

I replied, "I am not guilty." By advocating inter-faith dialogue, supporting relations between Bangladesh and Israel, I have not done anything wrong. Regarding the existence of Islamist radicals in this country, the matter is already endorsed several times by country's press, leaders, administration and judiciary. Continuation of this false case will open the doors for JMB criminals, whose death penalty issue is now in the higher court, in getting legal benefit. I firmly stand on my position'. Then my lawyers told the court that they will challenge this decision to the higher court.

The angry judge, a radical, then asked the Public Prosecutor to call the witnesses on 22nd Janaury 2007." (See also: "The abandonment of the brave" (Melanie Phillips, melaniephillips.com, 2006/11/02))

"Gunmen kidnap up to 150 in Baghdad" (Christopher Bodeen, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"BAGHDAD, Iraq - Gunmen dressed as police commandos kidnapped scores of staff and visitors in a lightning raid on an education ministry office Tuesday in one of the biggest mass abductions since the start of the U.S. occupation. Five senior police officers — including the neighborhood police chief — were arrested, the government said. ...

Alaa Makki, head of parliament's education committee, interrupted the legislative session Tuesday morning to say that between 100 and 150 people, both Shiites and Sunnis, had been abducted in the 9:30 a.m. raid at the ministry offices, calling the kidnapping a "national catastrophe." ...

Witnesses including a visiting female professor said the gunmen forced men and women into separate rooms, handcuffed the men, and loaded them aboard pickup trucks. She said the gunmen, some of them masked, wore blue camouflage uniforms of the type worn by police commandos.

Illegal groups, including Shiite militias who have widely infiltrated the police force, are known to wear stolen or fake police and army uniforms.

The mass kidnapping is among the largest since the start of the U.S. occupation in 2003, though abductions have been increasing in scale in recent weeks, with about 50 people kidnapped near Latifiyah on Saturday.

The abductions come amid a series of attacks on Iraqi academics that has prompted thousands of professors and researchers to flee to neighboring countries."

"Iran pressing ahead with enrichment - IAEA" (Michael Adler, AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"UN nuclear inspectors have found new traces of plutonium, a possible weapons material, in Iran, the UN atomic agency said in a confidential report that was unable to confirm that Tehran's nuclear program is peaceful.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report, obtained by AFP, also detailed how Iran is pressing ahead with research levels of uranium enrichment -- a process the West fears could be diverted to make a nuclear bomb.

Despite the threat of UN sanctions over Tehran's refusal to hold back its nuclear program, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced Tuesday that Iran eventually planned to install tens of thousands of uranium-enriching centrifuges to produce nuclear fuel.

The IAEA report said the agency is investigating traces of plutonium found in containers at a waste storage site at Karaj in Iran."

"Al-Jazeera prepares to launch in English" (Taieb Mahjoub, AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"DUBAI (AFP) - The English-language version of Al-Jazeera's news channel launches after a year-long delay, bidding to become one of the big boys in global broadcasting as it takes on the long-established BBC and CNN. ...

The channel only changed its name from Al-Jazeera International to Al-Jazeera English late Tuesday, less than 24 hours before going on air.

The rebaptised channel said it hoped to reach a potential audience of 80 million viewers by cable and satellite, mostly in Asia, Africa and Europe, but announced it would not be available on cable in the US. ...

Big name Western journalists have been recruited by the channel, such as award-winning former ITV and BBC broadcaster David Frost, who will present a current affairs programme called "Frost over the World".

"Al-Jazeera International is uniquely positioned to reverse the information flow from South to North and to provide a voice to under-reported regions around the world," the network said in a statement issued before the name-change."

"Europe Is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn" (Daniel Pipes, New York Sun/danielpipes.org, 2006/11/14)
"Mark Steyn, political columnist and cultural critic, has written a remarkable book, America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It (Regnery). He combines several virtues uncommonly found together – humor, accurate reportage, and deep thinking – then applies these to what is arguably the most consequential issue of our time: the Islamist threat to the West. ...

Arriving at a time of demographic, political, and cultural weakness, Muslims are profoundly changing Europe. "Islam has youth and will, Europe has age and welfare." Put differently, "Pre-modern Islam beats post-modern Christianity." Much of the Western world, Mr. Steyn flat-out predicts, "will not survive the twenty-first century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries." With even more drama, he adds that "it's the end of the world as we know it." ...

America Alone deals at length with what Mr. Steyn calls "the larger forces at play in the developed world that have left Europe too enfeebled to resist its remorseless transformation into Eurabia." Europe's successor population is already in place and "the only question is how bloody the transfer of real estate will be." He interprets the Madrid and London bombings, as well as the murder of Theo van Gogh in Amsterdam, as opening shots in Europe's civil war and states, 'Europe is the colony now.'" (See also: "Vive le Califat" (Jeremy Rabkin, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/11))

"UK: Race-hate laws to be changed after BNP case fails" (Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/14)
"I have no love for the BNP. Its strength is an indication of the wholesale abdication of responsibility on the part of the mainstream British parties, none of which seem able to discuss the jihad threat to Britain in any useful manner. (Yes, my British friends, the same thing is true of the mainstream parties in the United States.)

This case shows just how out-of-focus the British approach to the jihad threat really is. Nick Griffin calls Islam a "a wicked, vicious faith," and is charged with race hate. What race is Islam? ...

And if Britain is now going to criminalize criticism of an ideology, does that mean that it will soon be illegal in Britain to call Nazism a wicked, vicious" political ideology? Does the religious content of an ideology exempt it from criticism, such that if Adolf Hitler had declared himself a prophet and Mein Kampf a divine revelation, it would be illegal to criticize him? Or if Nazism had not been held by Germans but by Pakistanis, it would be illegal to criticize it?

"Race-hate laws to be changed after BNP case fails," by Andrew Norfolk and Greg Hurst in the TimesOnline, with thanks to Fjordman:

NEW laws to clamp down on racism are being prepared by the Government after the leader of the far-right British National Party was cleared of stirring up racial hatred by attacking Islam.

Gordon Brown swiftly pledged to bring in tougher powers to raise the chance of convictions in similar cases, calling the BNP’s statements offensive.

His intervention came after an all-white jury decided that Nick Griffin, the BNP chairman, broke no law when he condemned Islam as “a wicked, vicious faith” at a secretly filmed meeting."

"Germany’s Headscarf Scandal" (Stephen Brown, FrontPageMagazine, 2006/11/14)
"What a woman wears on her head may literally cost you your head in Germany.

That is what German politician Ekin Deligoz discovered recently when she called upon Muslim women in Germany to take off their headscarves. Deligoz, who is Turkish-born, has long expressed her opposition to the scarf’s wearing and wants Muslim women in her adopted country to lay it aside, believing it is a symbol oppression and patriarchy. There are more than three million Muslims in Germany and about two million are Turks or of Turkish descent.

“You live here, so take your headscarf off,” said Deligoz in a German newspaper.

But unlike the veil controversy in England where the Leader of the House of Commons, Jack Straw, wanted Muslim women to go about with uncovered faces, Deligoz, a member of the leftist Green Party in the Bundestag, has received numerous death threats as a result of her comments. Ninety per cent of the threats, the Green politician said, were from men. Also unlike Straw, Deligoz now has joined the lengthening list of European writers, editors and politicians, among others, who have to accept police protection in their own countries due to threats from Muslim extremists." (See also: "End of free speech?" (Pieter Dorsman, Peaktalk, 2006/11/01))

"Iran plotting to groom bin Laden's successor" (Con Coughlin and George Jones, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/14)
"Iran is trying to form an unholy alliance with al-Qa'eda by grooming a new generation of leaders to take over from Osama bin Laden, The Daily Telegraph can reveal. ...

But intelligence officials have been most alarmed by reports from Iran that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is trying to persuade al-Qa'eda to promote a pro-Iranian activist to a senior position within its leadership.

The Iranians want Saif al-Adel, a 46-year-old former colonel in Egypt's special forces, to be the organisation's number three.

Al-Adel was formerly bin Laden's head of security, and was named on the FBI's 22 most wanted list after September 11 for his alleged involvement in terror attacks against US targets in Somalia and Africa in the 1990s. He has been living in a Revolutionary Guard guest house in Teheran since fleeing from Afghanistan in late 2001."

"Al-Qaida plotting nuclear attack on UK, officials warn" (Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, 2006/11/14)
"British intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is determined to attack the UK with a nuclear weapon, it emerged yesterday. The announcement, from an officially organised Foreign Office counter-terrorism briefing for the media, was the latest in a series of bleak assessments by senior officials and ministers about the terrorist threat facing Britain.

UK officials have detected "an awful lot of chatter" on jihadi websites expressing the desire to acquire chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons.

Asked whether there was any doubt that al-Qaida was trying to gain the technology to attack the west, including the UK, with a nuclear weapon, a senior Foreign Office counter-terrorism official said: "No doubt at all."

The official explained: 'We know the aspiration is there, we know the attempt to get material is there, we know the attempt to get technology is there.'"

Added today:
"Taliban-style 'ministry of virtue' in Pakistan" (Isambard Wilkinson, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/13)
"A Perfect Storm?" (Michael Totten, michaeltotten.com, 2006/11/13)
"Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon" (Uzi Mahnaimi, The Sunday Times, 2006/11/12)
"The Lebanon "garbage dump" story: complete explanation" (Bruno Stevens, Lightstalkers, 2006/11/11)


Monday, November 13, 2006

News and commentary:

"Ahmadinejad in Kommersant's newly-located picture (left), and today (right)." (danielpipes.org, 2006/11/13)
"Ahmadinejad in Kommersant's newly-located picture (left), and today (right)."
(danielpipes.org, 2006/11/13)

"Ahmadinejad - Hostage Taker?" (Daniel Pipes, Kommersant/danielpipes.org, 2006/11/13)
"Soon after his election as president of Iran, on June 25, 2005, pictures of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emerged showing him as a hostage-taker. ...

A new picture located by Kommersant re-opens this issue, providing new evidence that Ahmadinejad was not some backroom political type but in fact was a automatic gun-wielding hostage-taker. The person pictured here differs from the one in the Associated Press photograph, but should Ahmadinejad's identity as hostage-taker be established and accepted, it has two implications at this particularly delicate moment in U.S.-Iranian relations.

First, it brings back, especially for Americans over forty years old, the powerful and enduring humiliation of the 1979-1981 embassy takeover, with the likely consequence of hardening U.S. attitudes toward an Ahmadinejad-led government building nuclear weapons. The present alarm over his intentions will be fueled by a renewed mistrust.

Second, although Ahmadinejad is a powerful and dynamic politician, he has many domestic opponents and this evidence provides them with new evidence of his extremism, rashness, and unsuitability to govern the country, which they may be able to exploit.

Given the tepid reception to the picture that surfaced in June 2005, however, I expect that the information in this photograph will also be finessed. The machinery of international politics will likely find it too inconvenient for this unsavory history to be assimilated."

"Ahmadinejad: Israel’s destruction near" (ynetnews/AFP, 2006/11/13)
"According to the Iranian media Monday, Iranian President Mahoud Ahmadinejad declared that Israel was destined to ‘disappearance and destruction’ at a council meeting with Iranian ministers.

“The western powers created the Zionist regime in order to expand their control of the area. This regime massacres Palestinians everyday, but since this regime is against nature, we will soon witness its disappearance and destruction,” Ahmadinejad said."

"Call to bridge West-Muslim divide" (BBC News, 2006/11/13)
Note that BBC's article on the report fails to mention Islamic terrorism at all, but instead, as usual, focuses on Israel, Western interventions and Western "double standards.":
"A cross-cultural group of 20 prominent world figures has called for urgent efforts to heal the growing divide between Muslim and Western societies.

They say the chief causes of the rift are not religion or history, but recent political developments, notably the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ...

The Alliance of Civilisations, which includes Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former Iranian President Mohammed Khatami, dismisses the notion that a clash of civilisations is inevitable, but says that swift action is needed. ...

They say that the critical symbol of discord is the Israeli-Palestinian, which, along with Western military interventions in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, contributes significantly to the growing sense of resentment and mistrust that mars relations among communities.

"Moreover, the perception of double standards in the application of international law and the protection of human rights is increasing resentment and the sense of vulnerability felt by many Muslims around the globe," the report said." (See also the report [PDF]: "Alliance of Civilisations - Final Report" (BBC News, 2006/11/13))

"A Perfect Storm?" (Michael Totten, michaeltotten.com, 2006/11/13)
"A perfect storm may be brewing in Lebanon. ...

The Lebanese government says Syria and Iran aim to overthrow the elected government in Beirut and reconquer the country. Whether they are actually trying to do this right now or not is unknown. There should be no doubt, though, that if they don’t have a plan to execute now it’s because they want to do it later instead.

Meanwhile, a group that calls itself “Al Qaeda in Lebanon” appeared from Lord-only-knows-where and directly threatened to destroy the March 14 government. “Al Qaeda in Lebanon” may or may not exist as a wing of bin Laden’s Al Qaeda. If they do, they’re serious. If they don’t, they’re a Syrian proxy. Either way, it doesn’t look good. This is not a prank phone call. ...

f this isn’t gruesome enough, Syria and Iran have reportedly replenished all Hezbollah’s destroyed arsenal stocks. Hezbollah, according to the Times of London, now has more rockets than they had before the most recent Israeli invasion. If this is, in fact, true, UNIFIL ought to just go home right now. These foreign soldiers are useless except as human shields." (See also: "Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon" (Uzi Mahnaimi, The Sunday Times, 2006/11/12) and "Lebanon Talks Collapse as Shiites Vacate Cabinet" (Michael Slackman, The New York Times, 2006/11/12))

"Rumsfeld and the Realists" (Michael Rubin, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/13)
"Realism promotes short-term gain, often at the expense of long-term security. With hindsight, it is clear that Mr. Rumsfeld's handshake with Saddam backfired. While it may have constrained Iran in the short-term, its blowback in terms of blood and treasure has been immense.

Why then do so many progressives then celebrate the return of realism? The reasons are multifold. First, having allowed personal animosities to dominate their ideology, they embrace change, regardless of how it impacts stated principles. Hatred of Mr. Rumsfeld became a principle in itself. Likewise, the same progressives who disparage John Bolton seldom explain why they feel forcing the U.N. to account for its inefficiencies or stick to its founding principles is bad. They complain not of his performance, but rather of his pedigree. ...

Both realism and progressivism have become misnomers. Realists deny reality, and embrace an ideology where talk is productive and governments are sincere. While 9/11 showed the consequences of chardonnay diplomacy, deal-cutting with dictators and a band-aid approach to national security, realists continue to discount the importance of adversaries' ideologies and the need for long-term strategies. And by embracing such realism, progressives sacrifice their core liberalism. Both may celebrate Mr. Rumsfeld's departure and the Baker-Hamilton recommendations, but at some point, it is fair to ask what are the lessons of history and what is the cost of abandoning principle."

"Taliban-style 'ministry of virtue' in Pakistan" (Isambard Wilkinson, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/13)
"Hardline Islamist politicians in Pakistan have passed a controversial bill to create a Taliban-style department to "promote virtue and eliminate vice" in what they hailed as the first stage in the introduction of Islamic law throughout Pakistan.

Members of Pakistan's conservative North West Frontier provincial assembly, which is ruled by an Islamic coalition, voted to set up the department to enforce Islamic morality. It will be run by a cleric with control of a police force. ...

"This bill will encourage steps for the Talibanisation of the province," said Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani, an assembly member from Pakistan's ruling Muslim League-Q party.

The proposed accountability department is perceived by its critics as being reminiscent of the feared Vice and Virtue police of Afghanistan's former Taliban regime, which barred women and girls from school and work and banned nearly all forms of entertainment under its strict interpretation of Islamic laws."

See the archive for earlier news and commentary.


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Articles of the week

"Handout picture released from the Hamas media office..." (Reuters, 2006/11/23)

"Losing the Enlightenment" (Victor Davis Hanson, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/29)

"Allah’s England?" (Daniel Johnson, Commentary. November 2006)

"'Sex in the Park': The latest doings of the Danish imams" (Henrik Bering, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/18)

"Narcissism on Stilts" (Harold Evans, New York Sun, 2006/11/16)

"Terrorists are recruiting in our schools, says MI5 boss" (Philip Johnston, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/10)

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"Italian veteran journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci..." (AP, 2006/09/15)

Oriana Fallaci, R.I.P.

"The Rage, the Pride and the Doubt" (Oriana Fallaci, The Wall Street Journal, 2003/03/13)

"How the West Was Won and How It Will Be Lost" (Oriana Fallaci, The American Enterprise, from the January/February 2003 issue)

"On Jew-hatred in Europe" (Oriana Fallaci, dennisprager.com, 2002/04/13)

"Anger and Pride" (Oriana Fallaci, dennisprager.com, 2001/12/19)

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