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Index of all archived news and commentary by month

November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006

From September 2001 -


November 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006
"Pope Benedict XVI..." (Patrick Hertzog, AP, 2006/11/30)
"Pope prays with cleric at Turkey mosque" (Brian Murphy, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/30)
"Saddam's forces filled mass graves with children" (Paul Schemm, AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/30)
"Disembowelled and murdered for teaching girls" (Kim Sengupta, Independent/The New Zealand Herald, 2006/11/30)
"Misusing History at Slate.com" (Fredric Smoler, American Heritage, 2006/11/30)
"Rumors and reporting in Iraq" (Michelle Malkin, michellemalkin.com, 2006/11/30)
"Winning Muslim hearts and minds" (Michael Burleigh, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/30)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
"The Veil Controversy" (Olivier Guitta, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/29)
"AP Editor: Military's Claims 'Ludicrous'" (Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, 2006/11/29)
"A culture of violence" (Evelyn Gordon, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/29)
"Iranian leader berates Bush on U.S. Mideast policy" (Irwin Arieff, The Reuters/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/29)
"Gunmen attack Internet cafes in Gaza" (Khaled Abu Toameh, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/29)
"Losing the Enlightenment" (Victor Davis Hanson, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/29)
"What is a 'moderate' Muslim?" (Irshad Manji, The Times, 2006/11/29)
"Sharia law is spreading as authority wanes" (Joshua Rozenberg, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/29)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"A veiled Somali woman holds a weapon during a protest rally..." (Reuters, 2006/11/28)
"Pope urges leaders to renounce violence" (Victor L. Simpson, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/28)
"En Garde! Belien vs. Peters" (Paul Belien, Politics Central, 2006/11/28)
"High school students carry weapons, assault and force sex" (Metro, 2006/11/10)
"Pope Rage in Istanbul" (Robert Spencer, FrontPageMagazine, 2006/11/28)
"How the imams terrorized an airliner" (Audrey Hudson, The Washington Times, 2006/11/28)

Monday, November 27, 2006
"Sending a Grim Message" (Bruce Bawer, The New York Sun, 2006/11/27)
"French police the target in urban guerrilla war" (Jon Boyle, Reuters, 2006/11/27)
"Turkish prime minister, pontiff to meet" (Benjamin Harvey, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/27)
"25 football fans arrested in Somalia watching Chelsea-Manchester United clash" (Muse Mohamed Osman, AIPS, 2006/11/27)
"Islamists mass troops on Ethiopian border" (Business Day, 2006/11/27)
"Letting suicide bombers speak for themselves" (Tom Tugend, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/27)
"Bring back Saddam Hussein" (Jonathan Chait, Los Angeles Times, 2006/11/27)
"Muslims oppose vast mosque plan" (Sean O'Neill, The Times, 2006/11/27)

Sunday, November 26, 2006
"Turkish demonstrators wave national flags and display anti-pope banners..."
(Murad Sezer, AP, 2006/11/26)
"Thousands in Turkey denounce papal visit" (Brian Murphy, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/26)
"Pope death threats put Turkey on high alert" (Malcolm Moore, The Sunday Telegraph, 2006/11/26)
"They Report, You Decide (with update from Mark Steyn)" (Mark Steyn, Power Line, 2006/11/26)
"Back to the Future" (Fouad Ajami, USNews.com, 2006/11/26)
"Quartet of ladies shows where we're headed" (Mark Steyn, Chicago Sun-Times, 2006/11/26)
"The law that lets women be raped changes... a little" (Christina Lamb, The Sunday Times, 2006/11/26)
"Loyalists of al-Sadr seize Iraqi TV station" (Hannah Allam and Mohamed al Dulaimy, The Seattle Times, 2006/11/26)
"Palestinian attacks go on despite truce" (Amy Teibel and Ibrahim Barzak, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/26)

Saturday, November 25, 2006
"Getting The News From The Enemy" (Curt, Flopping Aces, 2006/11/25)
"Israel, Palestinians agree to cease-fire" (Amy Teibel, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/25)
"MSM Terror Propaganda Roundup" (Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, 2006/11/25)
"Female activists mobilized" (Tim Blar, timblair.net, 2006/11/25)
"A tense time for a papal visit" (Tracy Wilkinson, Los Angeles Times, 2006/11/25)
"Islamic fears kill off children's thriller" (Murray Waldren and Jodie Minus, The Australian, 2006/11/25)

Friday, November 24, 2006
"The Gemayel warning" (Caroline Glick, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/24)
"New savage twist to violence in Baghdad" (Steven R. Hurst, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/24)
"What Can I Do to Make Your Flight More Uncomfortable" (Ann Coulter, FrontPageMagazine, 2006/11/24)

Thursday, November 23, 2006
"Handout picture released from the Hamas media office..." (Reuters, 2006/11/23)
"Grandmother in first Hamas suicide attack in two years" (Breitbart.com, 2006/11/23)
"3 IDF troops wounded by 64-yr-old female suicide bomber" (The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/23)
"Muslim jailed for killing British queen's swan to break Ramadan fast" (AFP/Middle East Times, 2006/11/23)
"Attack on Baghdad Shiite slum kills 160" (Thomas Wagner, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/23)
"SHOVE YOUR CIVIL WAR" (Hussein Malla, AP, 2006/11/23)
"Throngs mourn slain Lebanese official" (Zeina Karam, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/23)
"Allah’s England?" (Daniel Johnson, Commentary. November 2006)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
"Father Peter Dougherty, 65, left, and Sister Mary Ellen Gundeck, 55, right..." (Khalil Hamra, AP, 2006/11/22)
"New in Gaza: Priest, nun human shields" (Ali Waked, ynetnews.com, 2006/11/22)
"A Profiling In Courage" (Investors.com, 2006/11/22)
"Angry Muslim scholars return home" (Chris Kahn, AP/azstarnet.com, 2006/11/22)
"British MP warns Europe of 'new anti-Semitism'" (David Byers, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/22)
"Protesters occupying building detained" (Benjamin Harvey, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/22)
"Jordanian: British are enemies of Islam" (Shafika Mattar, AP/chron.com, 2006/11/22)
"Norway to Expel Former Leader of Iraqi Terror Group" (AP/FOX News, 2006/11/22)
"Rage against Syria fuelled by minister's assassination" (Nicholas Blanford, The Times, 2006/11/22)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"Minneapolis Airport Incident Update" (Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, 2006/11/21)
"Anti-Syria politician killed in Lebanon" (Sam F. Ghattas, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/21)
"Muslim birthrate worries Russia" (Michael Mainville, The Washington Times, 2006/11/21)

Monday, November 20, 2006
"Danes' Anti-Immigrant Backlash Marks Radical Shift" (Sylvia Poggioli, NPR, 2006/11/20)
"Belief in a better world should not become a casualty of Iraq" (Janet Daley, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/20)
"Fighting back: the city determined not to become al-Qaeda's capital" (Martin Fletcher, The Times, 2006/11/20)

Sunday, November 19, 2006
"Palestinian shields foil Israeli strikes" (Sarah El Deeb, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/19)
"Hezbollah urges mass protests in Lebanon" (Hussein Dakroub, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/19)
"Bomb Iran" (Joshua Muravchik, Los Angeles Times, 2006/11/19)
"Al-Qaeda's ‘best assets’ prime UK timebomb" (Sean Rayment, Sunday Telegraph, 2006/11/19
"Al-Qaeda's airport bomb plot" (Henry McDonald, The Observer, 2006/11/19)
"Muslim leader sent funds to Irving" (Jamie Doward, The Observer, 2006/11/19)

Saturday, November 18, 2006
"'Sex in the Park': The latest doings of the Danish imams"
(Henrik Bering, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/18)
"Afghan women commit suicide by fire"
(Alisa Tang, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/18)
"Church desecrated in Switzerland" (Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/18)
"Terror farce over refusal to unmask 7/7 suspect" (The Evening Standard, 2006/11/18)
"Dutch set to ban burka in public after election" (David Charter, The Times, 2006/11/18)

Friday, November 17, 2006
"Why Most Americans Hate the MSM: More Lies About Iraq"
(Brian Duffy, One Oar in the Water, 2006/11/17)
"Why Iraq Is Crumbling" (Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, 2006/11/17)

Thursday, November 16, 2006
"Narcissism on Stilts" (Harold Evans, New York Sun, 2006/11/16)
"No Tears for Mama" (Filip van Laenen, The Brussels Journal, 2006/11/16)
"Sderot victim was a Muslim married to a Jew" (Noam Bedein, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/16)
"Member states attack divorce law scheme" (Teresa Küchler, EUobserver.com, 2006/11/16)
"Baghdad Shi'ite militant says fighting for all Iraqis" (Reuters, 2006/11/16)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
"Fundamental Islam linked to terrorism" (Jay Tokasz, The Buffalo News, 2006/11/15)
"Iraqi Researcher Living in Europe on Al-Jazeera TV: The Nobel Peace Prize is Racist; ‘Why Has the Prize Been Awarded to 167 Jews and Only 4 Arabs... All Considered Traitors?’; The Prize Stems from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (MEMRI, 2006/11/16)
"Qods (Jerusalem) Day in Iran: 'The Nation of Muslims Must Prepare for the Great War So As to Completely Wipe Out the Zionist Regime and to Remove This Cancerous Growth'" (MEMRI, 2006/11/15)
"Germany 'well on the way to becoming a Muslim state by 2050'" (Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 2006/11/15)
"Arabian Nightmares" (Ralph Peters, New York Post, 2006/11/15)
"In defence of the white working class" (Leo McKinstry, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/15)
"U.N. Says Somalis Helped Hezbollah Fighters" (Robert F. Worth, The New York Times, 2006/11/15)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"The 751 No-Go Zones of France"
(Daniel Pipes, danielpipes.org, 2006/11/14)
"Real or Satire?" (James Taranto, Best of the Web Today, 2006/11/14)
"My day in court" (Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, israelinsider, 2006/11/14)
"Gunmen kidnap up to 150 in Baghdad" (Christopher Bodeen, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"Iran pressing ahead with enrichment - IAEA" (Michael Adler, AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"Al-Jazeera prepares to launch in English" (Taieb Mahjoub, AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/14)
"Europe Is Finished, Predicts Mark Steyn" (Daniel Pipes, New York Sun/danielpipes.org, 2006/11/14)
"UK: Race-hate laws to be changed after BNP case fails" (Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/14)
"Germany’s Headscarf Scandal" (Stephen Brown, FrontPageMagazine, 2006/11/14)
"Iran plotting to groom bin Laden's successor" (Con Coughlin and George Jones, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/14)
"Al-Qaida plotting nuclear attack on UK, officials warn" (Vikram Dodd, The Guardian, 2006/11/14)

Monday, November 13, 2006
"Ahmadinejad in Kommersant's newly-located picture (left), and today (right)." (danielpipes.org, 2006/11/13)
"Ahmadinejad - Hostage Taker?" (Daniel Pipes, Kommersant/danielpipes.org, 2006/11/13)
"Ahmadinejad: Israel’s destruction near" (ynetnews/AFP, 2006/11/13)
"Call to bridge West-Muslim divide" (BBC News, 2006/11/13)
"A Perfect Storm?" (Michael Totten, michaeltotten.com, 2006/11/13)
"Rumsfeld and the Realists" (Michael Rubin, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/13)
"Taliban-style 'ministry of virtue' in Pakistan" (Isambard Wilkinson, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/13)

Sunday, November 12, 2006
"Democrats say will push for Iraq withdrawal" (Tabassum Zakaria, Reuters, 2006/11/12)
"U.S. must prove it's a staying power" (Mark Steyn, Chicago Sun-Times, 2006/11/12)
"A vicious monster rises in Iraq's sectarian war – 'the Shia Zarqawi'" (Colin Freeman and Aqeel Hussein, The Sunday Telegraph, 2006/11/12)
"Hezbollah’s missiles back in Lebanon" (Uzi Mahnaimi, The Sunday Times, 2006/11/12)
"Lebanon Talks Collapse as Shiites Vacate Cabinet" (Michael Slackman, The New York Times, 2006/11/12)

Saturday, November 11, 2006
"This is the picture published by US News..." (Bruno Stevens, Lightstalkers, 2006/11/11)
"The Lebanon "garbage dump" story: complete explanation" (Bruno Stevens, Lightstalkers, 2006/11/11)
"Christian population falls in Holy Land" (Brian Murphy, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/11)
"Vive le Califat" (Jeremy Rabkin, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/11)
"Compare bloodshed. Saddam is then the moral victor, not Bush" (Kevin Toolis, The Times, 2006/11/11)
"Duckman sides with catmeat" (Tim Blair, timblair.net, 2006/11/11)
"Islamic hip-hop artists are accused of indoctrinating young against the West" (Sean O’Neill, The Times, 2006/11/11)
"Netherlands moves toward total ban on Muslim veils" (Dan Bell, The Guardian, 2006/11/11)

Friday, November 10, 2006
"Al-Qaida in Iraq claims it's winning war" (Christopher Bodeen, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/10)
"Khamenei calls U.S. elections a victory for Iran" (Reuters, 2006/11/10)
"Everybody's Happy" (Tim Blair, timblair.net, 2006/11/10)
"Al Qaeda May Be Plotting Holiday Attacks" (Farhan Bokhari and Sheila MacVicar, CBS News, 2006/11/10)
"Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse" (Adam Zagorin, TIME, 2006/11/10)
"Terrorists are recruiting in our schools, says MI5 boss" (Philip Johnston, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/10)

Thursday, November 9, 2006
"Have we hit bottom yet?" (U*2, No Pasarán!, 2006/11/09)
"French troops almost fired at Israel jets: minister" (Francois Murphy, Reuters, 2006/11/09)
"Mubarak warns against hanging Saddam" (Nadia Abou El-Magd, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/09)
"Iraq corruption 'costs billions'" (BBC News, 2006/11/09)
"Beheaded girls were Ramadan 'trophies'" (Stephen Fitzpatrick, The Australian, 2006/11/09)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006
"No Retraction For Indie's False Uranium Libel" (HonestReporting, 2006/11/08)
"Rumsfeld, Webb—and Being careful about what you wish for" (Victor Davis Hanson, Work and Days, 2006/11/08)
"Rumsfeld resigns as secretary of defense" (Robert Burns and Katherine Shrader, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/08)
"Will America save the world?" (Yuval Steinitz, The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/08)
"Hamas to Muslims: Attack US targets" (AP/The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/08)
"Israel kills 18 in Gaza, Palestinians vow revenge" (Nidal al-Mughrabi, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/08)
"Suicide bomb at Pakistan army base kills 42" (AFP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/08)
"Europe and the Ambiguities of Multiculturalism" (Bat Ye'or, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/08)
"Congress Gets Muslim" (Corruption Chronicles, 2006/11/08)
"Democrats Reclaim House; Control of Senate Pending" (Dan Balz and Debbi Wilgoren, The Washington Post, 2006/11/08)

Tuesday, November 7, 2006
"A Question of Security: Violence against Palestinian Women and Girls" (HRW, November 2006)
"HRW Report: Palestinian women victims of violence" (AP/The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/07)
"Confessed al-Qaida operative gets life" (AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/07)
"Plans to wreak havoc buried deep in deleted computer files" (Adam Fresco and Sean O’Neill, The Times, 2006/11/07)
"The video made five months before 9/11 attacks" (Sean O’Neill and Adam Fresco, The Times, 2006/11/07)

Monday, November 6, 2006
"A police handout photograph..." (Reuters, 2006/11/06)
"Man to be sentenced in British bomb plot" (David Stringer, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/06)
"The Press at War" (James Q. Wilson, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/06)

Sunday, November 5, 2006
"Former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein..." (David Furst, AP, 2006/11/05)
"Shiites praise, Sunnis protest verdict" (Qassim Abdul-Zahraap, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/05)
"Saddam, 2 others sentenced to death" (AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/05)
"MSM Silence on “Wild West” in the Paris Subway" (Augean Stables, 2006/11/05)
"Bishop attacks 'victim' Muslims" (Christopher Morgan, The Sunday Times, 2006/11/05)

Saturday, November 4, 2006
"From Suez to Iraq: how to weaken the will of the West" (Charles Moore, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/04)
"Muslim 'wanted new 9/11'" (The Sun, 2006/11/04)
"Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear" (Richard Beeston, The Times, 2006/11/04)

Friday, November 3, 2006
"Neo Culpa" (David Rose, Vanity Fair, 2006/11/03)
"Burning Buses: 'She was black but she looked white, her skin was peeled.'" (Nidra Poller, Pajamas Media, 2006/11/03)
"Hamas Urges Women, Children to Shield Gunmen in Mosque" (Julie Stahl, CNSNews.com, 2006/11/03)
"Backing a bigot" (Andrew Bolt, The Australian, 2006/11/03)
"Hilali seeks 'jury' verdict on sermon" (Dan Box, The Australian, 2006/11/03)

Thursday, November 2, 2006
"Britain's Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall..." (John Stillwell, AP, 2006/11/02)
"Islamic teaching could resolve world problems -- Prince Charles" (Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 2006/11/02)
"Aus Muslims fight back" (SA/news24, 2006/11/02)
"Turkey: Muslim vows to 'strangle' Pope" (AP/The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/02)
"Saudi court sentences rape victim to 90 lashes" (DPA/The Jerusalem Post, 2006/11/02)
"AFGESLACHT" (De Telegraaf, 2004/11/03)
"Theo van Gogh" (Pieter Dorsman, Peaktalk, 2006/11/02)
"Muslims arrested in Old Bailey demo" (Duncan Gardham, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/02)
"The abandonment of the brave" (Melanie Phillips, melaniephillips.com, 2006/11/02)
"Vicar Sets Himself Alight to Protest Islamization of Europe" (Paul Belien, The Brussels Journal, 2006/11/02)
"Moroccan wins Iran's Holocaust cartoon" (Reuters/The Age, 2006/11/02)
"Paris airport bars Muslim staff" (Clive Myrie, BBC News, 2006/11/02)
"Youths challenge the French state" (David Rennie, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/02)

Wednesday, November 1, 2006
"Cleric: Criticizing Islam threatens peace" (Selcan Hacaoglu, AP/Yahoo! News, 2006/11/01)
"France 2 TV crew attacked with iron bars" (Reporters sans frontières, 2006/11/01)
"End of free speech?" (Pieter Dorsman, Peaktalk, 2006/11/01)
"Men 'provoked' into sex assaults: imam" (Amanda O'Brien, The Australian, 2006/11/01)

Copyright © Watch 2001-2006.
Copyrights of quoted materials belong to their respective owners.




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When people accept futility and the absurd as normal, the culture is decadent. The term is not a slur; it is a technical label."

Jacques Barzun

Articles of the week

"Handout picture released from the Hamas media office..." (Reuters, 2006/11/23)

"Losing the Enlightenment" (Victor Davis Hanson, OpinionJournal, 2006/11/29)

"Allah’s England?" (Daniel Johnson, Commentary. November 2006)

"'Sex in the Park': The latest doings of the Danish imams" (Henrik Bering, The Weekly Standard, 2006/11/18)

"Narcissism on Stilts" (Harold Evans, New York Sun, 2006/11/16)

"Terrorists are recruiting in our schools, says MI5 boss" (Philip Johnston, The Daily Telegraph, 2006/11/10)

AOTW Archive

From the archives

"Italian veteran journalist and writer Oriana Fallaci..." (AP, 2006/09/15)

Oriana Fallaci, R.I.P.

"The Rage, the Pride and the Doubt" (Oriana Fallaci, The Wall Street Journal, 2003/03/13)

"How the West Was Won and How It Will Be Lost" (Oriana Fallaci, The American Enterprise, from the January/February 2003 issue)

"On Jew-hatred in Europe" (Oriana Fallaci, dennisprager.com, 2002/04/13)

"Anger and Pride" (Oriana Fallaci, dennisprager.com, 2001/12/19)

Weekly archive

2006/12/04 - 2006/12/10
2006/11/27 - 2006/12/03
2006/11/20 - 2006/11/26
2006/11/13 - 2006/11/19
2006/11/06 - 2006/11/12
2006/10/30 - 2006/11/05

From 2001/09/11 -

Monthly index

December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006

From September 2001 -

Author index

Ajami, Fouad - Johnson, Paul
Kagan, Robert - Ye'or, Bat

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