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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Austrian chancellor Gusenbauer hosted a party for 2.500 guests

alfred gusenbauer“It’s time to celebrate”, said the Austrian chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer and hosted a big party for 2.500 people.

Gusenbauer wanted to celebrate the political change of powers in Austria. His chancellorship brought the Socialdemocratic Party back into the government.

The chancellor told the participation of his party in the government is good for Austria and good for Europe. “The Socialdemocrats enable a good partnership for other countries of the European Union”, he said.

Gusenbauer promised to increase the support for young people in Austria. “Because they are our future”, he confirmed.

Protest with blood for animal rights infront of the parliament

An almost naked man shed his blood infront of the Austrian parliament yesterday afternoon, to protest against animal factories.
The protester wants to see the establishment of animal rights in the Austrian constitution.

The man was equipped with a scale in his right hand, and an aluminium sword in his left hand. His friends gave out pamphlets [...]

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Mobile phone TV for Austria comes in 2008

“The way for watching television on mobile phones in Austria is free”, says media minister Doris Bures from the Socialdemocrats.
“My goal to have television on mobile phones for the Football Euro 2008 in Austria is becoming true”, says Bures.

The Socialdemocratic media minister was able to achieve a mutual consent between both governmental groups. “In this [...]

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Number of British tourists doubled in Zell am See

The number of British tourists in the “Europe Sport Region” of Zell am See doubled in the past 8 years.
Every fifth tourist of Zell am See comes from United Kingdom. There were 160.000 over night stays of British tourists last summer.

Such an delighting development results of a better airway connection between Austria and Britain. Budget [...]

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Female cyclist from Germany wanted to fight with Viennese policemen

A female bicycle rider from Germany crossed the road by red traffic light in Vienna.
When police stopped her and wanted her to pay a 7 EUR fine, she refused to pay, got rough, and slapped one policemans face.
The aggressive woman was arrested with handcuffs. Now she went to the media and complains about the rudely [...]

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Shootings in St. Pölten: Turks vs Chechens

There seem to be a war between immigrants from Turkey and Chechenia in Lower Austrias capital St. Pölten.
Since Monday both population groups battle eachother merciless. It started with a rumble in a Turkish pub on Monday evening. Yesterday the conflict relocated from the pub to the street in the city centre.

This time also guns were [...]

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Local politicans of Styria quarrel about Arnold Schwarzenegger

The former Hollywood actor and current governor of Califormia, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born in the Austrian province of Styria, was and still is the person of stimulation to quarrel for Styrians politicans.
When Arnold Schwarzenegger arrived in Austria on Sunday to visit his birth place, it was the starting shot again for political discussions about [...]

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Every second marriage gets divorced in Austria

The importance of marriages in Austria is still going down. 2006 was a record year of divorces.
Vienna is the top leader in the Austrian divorce statistics. 65,85 percent, almost two of three marriages, get divorced.
The two best provinces in Austria to be married are Tirol (37,55 % divorces) and Upper Austria (39,50 % divorces). 20.336 [...]

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Van der Bellen about Socialdemocratic promises

The leader of the green party, Alexander van der Bellen, wants to know if chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer is still for the exit from the Eurofighter contract or not.
The former government between Peoples Party and BZÖ signed a contract to buy the new European combat aircrafts “Eurofighter”. The election campaign of Alfred Gusenbauers Socialdemocratic Party promised [...]

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Culture War in Carinthia: Green Party vs Orange Party

The Carinthian members of the green party are upset about their federal government. Yesterday the federal spokesman of the Greens declared a “culture struggle” against Jörg Haider, who is ruling the province with his orange BZÖ-party.
“Haider want to destroy our free cultural scene in Carinthia“, says the spokesman. “Now we are going to fight back! [...]

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Hollywood actor Bruce Willis: searching apartment in Vienna?

The 52-year-old Hollywood actor Bruce Willis is in Austria. There are rumours he is searching for an apartment in Vienna.
Bruce Willis wanted to visit the Albertina museum yesterday, but too many women have heard about his plans. When he has seen the bulks of Viennese women waiting for him around the museum, he turned around [...]

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Gusenbauer wants transparent party donations in parliament

“I want to support the discussion about transparent party donations in parliament“, says the Austrian chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer.
Gusenbauer believes this would be the right way for a better monitoring. “We should take a closer look and see if there are possibilities to avoid transparent party donations”, says Gusenbauer.

Last year Gusenbauers party was blamed for the [...]

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“Festival Of Regions 2007″ in the Southern part of Upper Austria

Two years after the last festival in the Northern part of Upper Austria, the “Festival Of Regions 2007″ is going to start this weekend on the 23th June in the Southern part of the federal state Upper Austria.
This years festival has the title: “Exits and dead ends on location”.
The festival lasts from the 23th June [...]

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Vanilla is Austrias most favourite ice cream

The heatwave these days in Austria increases the demand for ice cream.
The latest survey of GfK shows the ice cream preferences of the Austrians.
25 percent of the Austrians prefer vanilla ice cream. People from Vienna eat the fewest amounts of ice cream, compared to the Austrians of other federal states.

The ranking of Austrias most popular [...]

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Too much crime in Vorarlberg: police recommends to carry arms

After the two rapes last week in the Vorarlberg town of Dornbirn, and the increasing crime, the police of Vorarlberg recommends their citizens to carry arms.
During a radio program yesterday on “Radio Vorarlberg” a member of the Vorlarlberg police forces tells the listeners to carry pepper spray. “Pepper spray is a good instrument against criminal [...]

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Too talkative: grandchild killed grandmother

A 35 year old man killed his grandmother in the town of Asten, which is located close to the city of Linz, because she was talking too much.
The grandchild lived with his parents and grandparents in one house. The committer had a room in the cellar, his parents lived on the ground floor, and the [...]

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Spying accusation: Russian man in Austrian prison

A russian man was taken into prison because Austrians think he is a spy.
Even a protest note of the Russian foreign ministry does not change the mind of the Austrian public prosecution department. The man called “Wladimir Woschschow” has to stay in prison.

A speaker of the public prosecution department says: “Our reproaches are on solid [...]

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Police of Tirol becomes more female

The share of women in the Tyrolean police forces increases more and more. In the last ten years the amount of female police officers redoubled.
Already ten percent of the patrol police is female, but this is just the beginning. The female percentage in the police school of Tirol amounts 40 percent.

The Tyrolean chief of the [...]

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Former Austrian president Kurt Waldheim died in the age of 88

Kurt Waldheim, who was Austrian president between 1986 and 1992, died yesterday midday within the family circle.
His most successful years were between 1972 to 1981, when he was the president of the United Nations. His term in office as Austrian president was controversial, because he was a soldier in the German army during the second [...]

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Austrians love mobile phones more than cars

The mobile phone is becoming more and more important for the average Austrian.
Eleven percent of the Austrians can imagine to live without a television set, 6 percent without a car, but only four percent can imagine to live without a mobile phone.
89 percent of the Austrians always have a mobile phone in their pocket, if [...]

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Japanese tourists paid 300 EUR for a free concert in Vienna

Several tourists from Japan paid 300 EUR for a concert in the “Schloss Schönbrunn“, although there was no entrance fee. The Austrian newspaper “Der Standard” reports.
A tourist office in Japan offered travels to the concert in Vienna. The concert ticket was not included in the price. The tourists had to pay 48.000 Yen extra, about [...]

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Drunken man in Styria strangled police dog

A 31-year-old drunken man hit the headlines in the Eastern Styrian district of Weiz.
First he attacked his girlfriend. Then he tried to attack a policeman and strangled his police dog.
The 43-year-old woman called the police because she was threatened and beated by the drunkard.

The police came and tried to protect the woman from the drunker. [...]

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8-year-old boy was laughing too loud: shot

No day without a shooting in Austria it seems.
Yesterday a 8-year-old boys was shot by a sniper on a play yard in Viennese district of Favoriten. The reason is unknown. The police assumes the boy was laughing too loud.

The Turkish boy was brought to hospital by a helicopter and survived. The sniper escaped.
© Photographer: Garret [...]

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Where people from Vienna prefer to spend their holidays

The most popular holiday destinations of the people from Vienna are Greece, followed by Turkey, Spain and Tunesia. Thereby they prefer last minute offers.
Tourism experts see a trend reversal. Travels to Spain and Greece are decreasing. Egypt is catching up more and more.

The most popular holiday destinations for the Viennese in Austria is the federal [...]

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Drunken man wanted to shoot a mole in Leibnitz

A drunken man from the Styrian town of Leibnitz was so upset about molehills, that he had to take a shotgun and shoot on them.
Worrying neighbours called the police. The Austrian police task force “Corbra” had to come to calm down the angry man and take away his shotgun.

The 43-year-old mole hater now also lost [...]

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15-year-old boys played with small bore rifles: wounded

One 15-year-old boy was wounded after playing with small bore rifles in the Lower Austrian town Neunkirchen. Several 15-year-old boys were involved in the gunfight.
The young guys found the guns in a refuse bin. The arms were loaded and the boys started to play a gunfight.

A shot hit one 15-year-old directly in his breast. He [...]

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Devastating criminality in Viennese district Ottakring

The 16th district in the Western part of Vienna has to suffer under a massive increase of crime.
Now the latest statistics show what the people of Ottakring already suspected. There is an increase of crime of 40,9 percent! This makes the second rank of crime in Vienna, behind Viennas crime leader Hernals.

Local politicans demand a [...]

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One more time confusion and rage about HC Strache

The party leader of the Austrian Freedom Party HC Strache made it once again to upset his political competitors.
In a public speech he denounced the Islamic religion being the fascism of the 21th century. “Minarets are ths signs of Islamic occupation of Austria”, Strache added.

The answer wasn’t long in coming. Korun of the Greens says: [...]

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24-year-old man raped 42-year-old man in a park in Leoben

Unusual kind of rape in the Styrian town of Leoben. This time a man was the victim. Raped by a man.
It happened on Whit Sunday about midnight in a park. The 42-year-old man was on his way home.
Suddenly he was attacked from behind, teared into a shrub, and raped by a 24-year-old man. Afterwards the [...]

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Testimonials: the most sympathic human advertisers of Austria

The Austrian economy magazine “Wirtschaftsblatt” published the 20 most sympathic advertisers in Austria.
Which Austrians can bring the best popularity for your product?
Last weekend Austrias biggest newspaper published a fee of 6.000 EUR per day for Armin Assinger, to make advertising for the Football Euro 2008 in Klagenfurt.

01st Armin Assinger, 50,70 %
42 years old, former [...]

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Three baby corpse found in Innsbruck

There is still no trace about the background of the three baby corpse, who were found last week in a cellar in Innsbruck.
The babies were burried in a cellar some years ago, and come from the same mother, shows result of the investigators. Now the police has to find out which persons had access to [...]

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