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Austria News

Austrian News - the short news from Austria

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Violence and riot during opera performance in Linz

opera austriaThe performance “Phantom Of The Opera” in Linz, was overshadowed by an orgy of pure violence.

Not only the football sport has hooligans, who are using the event to cause troubles. Now it’s also becoming dangerous to visit opera performances in Austria.

The organiser is very concerned what happened. Many children were among the visitors. The young families had to escape out of the building, to get away from the vortex of violence.

The main reason of the riots was a mistake in the organisation. Some of the seats were sold two times, and the owners of the double sold tickets were not interested to share the seats with their fellow sufferers, and started to beat the living daylights out of themselfes.

Only a task force of the police was able to separate the rivalling opera visitors and restore the order. It is not known if they had to use truncheons or tear gas.

The opera performance was finished under big safety precaution.

picture © Mayangsari | Dreamstime.com

Football Euro 2008 should bring 11.000 new jobs

A new survey revealed that the Football Euro in Austria this year, should bring 11.000 new jobs. 6.000 of those jobs should stay permanent.
Most of the employments are located in the low wage sector of security companies.

The demand on the new jobs is huge. Many jobless people are interested.
Besides the security service, also the gastronomy [...]

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Carinthia: credit for broke Austrian football club

The broke Austrian football club “SK Austria Kärnten” has received a credit in the value of 500.000 Euro.
The club has to use this money to improve its infrastructure. It’s not allowed to buy new players!

“The money comes from a man which want to remain nameless”, says the Minister President of Carinthia Jörg Haider.
But 500.000 Euro [...]

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“Hurricane Paula” raged over Austria

The last weekend, was the weekend of “Hurricane Paula”.
Many parts of Austria were affected: obstructions in the rail traffic, 130.000 households without electricity, enourmous damages, and several casualties.

The hurricane had a speed of 150 kilometres per hour. The most affected part of Austria was the federal state of Styria.
Several people were hit by parts of [...]

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Vienna: so many fare dodgers caught as never before

162.000 was the total number of fare dodgers in Viennese busses, underground and tramways last year.
This is a record in the history of Vienna, and brought a fine of more than ten million EUR to the Viennese transport services.

The spokesman of the transport services told the reason about such an high number. “Not more people [...]

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Vienna: baby bones found in suitcase

Horrible discovery during construction work on a loft in Vienna.
Workers have found a dusty suitcase in a corner. When they opened the suitcase, they found a baby skeleton wrapped in a newspaper from the year 1976.

The workers called the police. Now they have to investigate who lived in that house 30 years ago.
The baby skeleton [...]

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Tourism in Vienna is doing fabulous

Vienna is a popular holiday destination.
The tourism industry in Austrias capital has no reason to moan or complain. Vienna is doing very good.

Last year the number of overnight stays increased by 3,4 percent up to 9,7 million.This is the fifth record in the last five years.
Vienna is popular like never before. Especially our neighbours from [...]

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Pupils in Lower Austria set school under fire

Pupils from the Lower Austrian town of Baden, which is located close to Vienna, caused an operation of their local fire brigade.
Some of them made a fire on the second floor with toilet paper.

35 fire fighters were in action. The whole school was full of smoke and all pupils were evacuated.
It was possible to prevent [...]

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Peoples Party wins election in Graz

The election in Austrias second biggest city has a clear winner.
It’s the Peoples Party with 37,64 percent, and a plus of 1,52. The Greens win 6,3 percent, and get 14,56 percent of votes.

Winnings also for the BZÖ (Alliance For The Future Of Austria) from zero to 4,43 percent, and the Freedom Party with 3,11 to [...]

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Carinthian couple: two lottery jackpots within 9 years

For the main population of Austria a lottery jackpot will always stay a nice dream until the rest of the life.
A couple from Carinthia is different, and seems to have a very good lucky charm. They won the lottery jackpot within 9 years two times.

It was in 1999 when the couple won the jackpot the [...]

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Austrian singles are the most demanding in Europe

A new survey showed that a single in Austria has the highest claims on her or his partner in Europe.
Especially the Austrian woman has very high claims how her partner should be and look like. The Austrian man is more shy than the Austrian woman.

Austrians who are not in a relationship are usually searching for [...]

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85-year-old woman was killed by leeches

The 85-year-old woman from Lower Austria wanted to make “leech therapy”.
Her doctor fixed 20 leeches on the body of the old woman. Leeches should help against impaired circulations.

On the next day the 85-year-old was dead. She died because of acute anaemia. The leeches took too much blood from her.
Now the female doctor has to face [...]

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Hospitals in Vienna need security forces

The violence in Viennese hospitals gets out of control.
Nurses and doctors get attacked by violent patients with fists and knifes. The Austrian news magazine “Profil” is writing about “dramatic conditions in Viennese hospitals”.

Now security forces should help to protect nurses and doctors from savage patients.
Especially during the night duties the situation for the hospital staff [...]

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Austrian actor and director called Carinthians “dumb”

The 60-year-old man from Vienna who is working as an actor and director in the Austrian movie scene, seems to have a serious problem with Austrias federal state of Carinthia.
During a TV show he called the inhabitants of Carinthia “dumb” and “cretins”.

Now he has to face an action at law from a 16-year-old Carinthian boy [...]

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Austrians don’t like to visit cinemas anymore

The cinemas in Austria have more and more problems to survive.
Also in the past year the number of visitors decreased. The statistics for the whole country of Austria show a loss of 8 percent visitors.

The most popular movie in 2007 was the hollywood production “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” with [...]

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Sleeping with burning cigarette on the sofa: dead

A 66-year-old woman incinerated when she was sleeping with a burning cigarette on the sofa.
The passionate smoker fell asleep and forgot to put out her cigarette.

In the first instance the fire stayed undetected. Finally she was found 4 days after the misfortune.
The neighbour called the police because her newspapers were not taken infront of the [...]

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Aid organization: ethnic cleansing in Carinthia

The aid organization “Aspis” defined the deportation of several Chechen asylum seekers out of Carinthia as “ethnic cleansing”.
Some of the Cechens were involved in a savage street attack in the town of Villach on a young Austrian couple some days ago. The Austrian man was heavy maltreated by the Cechens.

The minister president of Carinthia, Jörg [...]

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Carinthia is the poorest province of Austria

According to a research of the institute called “Makam Market Research”, Carinthia stays Austrias poorest federal state.
Styria and Burgenland are also not one of the richest provinces in Austria. They are barely infront of Carinthia.

The richest regions of Austria are accordingly Vienna, Salzburg and Vorarlberg. The biggest increase of wealth was found in Lower Austria, [...]

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Too little pocket money: son wanted to kill parents

A 16-year-old boy from a town in Styria had to appear in court, because he declared to kill his parents.
The reason of his anger was the little amount of pocket money.
He asked his parents for more financial support. The parents refused. The 16-year-old started to riot in the house, destroyed doors and the mobile phone [...]

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Salzburg: Hepatitis scandal in Austrian supermarket

Horrible news from the city of Salzburg.
13 customers of a supermarket in Salzburg were infected with the hepatitis A virus (jaundice), because they bought meat from the supermarkets delicacies unit.

The circulator of the disease was the butcher of the supermarket, which is located in the Salzburg district of Schallmoos.
The supermarket had to close immediately, after [...]

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Website advertisinginaustria.com: Advertising in Austria

There is a new website about the creativity of Austrias advertising industry.
The main target of the project is the advertising on hoardings and billboards in Austria. It should be a virtual introduction of Austrias advertising creations to the world.

The first advertising of advertisinginaustria.com is an election campaign poster of the Socialdemocrats in November 2002. “Every [...]

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Terrorist group of mobile phone lovers blow up callboxes

A terrorist group of supposable mobile phone lovers in the Upper Austrian province, destroy public callboxes by blasting.
In the past days already 6 callboxes were blown up by those terrorists.
Maybe the same committers also blew up a bus shelter in the Upper Austrian village of Unterweitersdorf.

The motive for this kind of crime is still unknown. [...]

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Turkish/Kurdish conflict in Linz: supermarket burned down

The conflict between Turkish and Kurdish immigrants in Austria escalates slowly but surely into a civil war.
After the street battles between both groups two months ago in Innsbruck, a Turkish supermarket burned down in Upper Austrias provincial capital of Linz.

Witnesses saw two people smashing a shop window and throwing a molotow cocktail into the supermarket. [...]

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