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The Yellow Fever Pages
Posted by Andrew on Wednesday, February 08 @ 00:54:33 EST
Dating and Sexuality By Karen Eng
August 2002

Not long ago, I ran into an ex-boyfriend’s brother. This particular boyfriend — let’s call him Marvin — had moved to Japan five years ago, midway into our relationship. Things were never quite resolved between us, and I’d bitterly cut off all friendly relations after he backed way out after leading me very deeply in. Now I wanted to know what had become of him.

I panicked, but smiled. I managed to ask about the brother’s job, his music, his wife, their dog. Finally, heart pounding, I got up the nerve to ask him about Marvin. "Oh," he said brightly, as though he’d just remembered. "Marvin actually got married last week!"

I leaned against the counter, knees gooey, trying to keep the conversation politely rolling. I don’t remember what I asked next or how he answered — I was too busy fielding the bile that had started flowing. I also felt something like relief: Bitter though this news was, it was actually a many-years-wished-for resolution. It had been years since Marvin and I split, and I’m now in a happy, satisfying relationship. But the fact and the geography of his marriage confirmed something I’d always feared about our relationship — something, in fact, that I fear about all my relationships. Namely, that what men who are attracted to me really want is a Japanese woman.1

Before you tag me paranoid, digest this fact: Three of my previous boyfriends (the guy I lost my virginity with, my first out-of-college long-term relationship, and a fairly recent lover) had already married Japanese women — from Japan — by the time I heard the news about Marvin.2 The first was the one who instilled the curse in me, the only one nervy enough to actually say, during the course of our relationship: "You’re just not…Asian enough. I actually like Japanese features more." (Which just goes to show that visualization works — he now lives in Japan with his Japanese wife and kids.)

I believe that stereotypes of Asian women in general stem largely (and wrongly) from stereotypes of Japanese women. The fantasy Asian is intelligent yet pliable, mysterious yet ornamental. She’s also perpetually prepubescent — ageless and petite, hairless, high-pitched, girly — while simultaneously being exotic and wise beyond her years. Her breasts are small and round (the large-breasted Asian woman is a semifreakish commodity), and, as I once overheard someone saying, she’s "tuckable" under the arm. She comes from a culture where women traditionally serve men for a living one way or another, as a wife or geisha (I’ve often wondered who would have the better deal). Ads in the personals sections of alternative weeklies brim with this fantasy, as well as its counterpart, the Dragon Lady archetype: the ironic, iconic, bossy Asian dominatrix.

Why focus on the characteristics ascribed to Japanese women by lusty and ignorant white guys? After all, it’s not as though Vietnamese, Thai, Chinese, and Korean women aren’t targets of the same fantasies. But the Japanese thing seems prevalent, at least here in the States — the Asian stereotype in general seems to stem from it — and it’s the one that’s affected me most. (This may have something to do with the fact that even to most native Asians, I look Japanese; even men into Chinese culture aren’t attracted to me in the same numbers.) I think it’s because the first American mass-media exposure to any Asian culture was post—World War II, during the occupation, which coincided with the golden age of television. Our boys were over there sampling the wares of "comfort women" — mostly Japanese women forced into the sex trade to accommodate American GIs — and they brought their experiences home with them in the form of a caricature.

Whatever the origins of the fantasy, I’m Chinese-American, and the idea of Japanese-woman-as-Asian-ideal has been a source of letdown and neurosis all my adult life, mainly because I don’t think men who are magnetically attracted only to Asian women are usually conscious of their desires or motives.3 The "men are visually stimulated" theory would apply well to my experiences with the fellows afflicted with what I call Yellow Fever. I’ve found that if they’re Asian-inclined — no matter how latent/unacknowledged their desire — they pursue first and let who I actually am sink in later. Usually it’s too late: Then they’re vaguely disappointed in who I’m not, my ego is bruised because it wasn’t really me they wanted, and bad feelings set in all around.

I used to think my heightened sensitivity to Yellow Fever was born of too many viewings of M*A*S*H, Twin Peaks, Platoon — movies and shows in which female Asian characters are either easily exploitable by white men or in need of rescue by them, or both. Think Josie Packard on Twin Peaks, who flees the arms of her (white) sugar daddy for her (white) knight in shining armor: Actor Joan Chen is made to seem most glamorous in her most weepy, wishy-washy, and pliable states; worse, she bases her actions in reaction to how she might be victimized next.

But it’s not all celluloid: I’ve definitely seen one too many dorky white-guy musicians who play "Oriental fusion" music, wear their hair in a samurai bun, and have Chinese characters tattooed on their pecs — all in the interest of aligning themselves with "ethnicity" in some way. I’ve seen China-doll blindness that affects men to the point where no matter how many burritos you eat, no matter how many Young Ones videos you watch, no matter how many combinations of combat boots, 501s, and ratty Goodwill coats you wear, they still see a little Oriental flower. ("How come you never wear a kimono? You’d look really nice in one. Will you wear one so I can at least take a picture…?")

In my experience, the converse is that when the Asian woman in question doesn’t live up to one or the other of these specific clichés, it can be used as a defense or justification, as in, "Well, she’s Asian, but she’s a real ballbreaker" — which is sort of the intellectual equivalent of saying, "Well, she’s blond, but she’s really smart." That sort of reasoning feeds right into other, equally ridiculous stereotypes — like Ally McBeal’s Ling, an exotic-bitch cliché lauded by culture watchers as a breakthrough for Asian tv characters because she doesn’t conform to the "docile Asian" stereotype.4

But Yellow Fever is a phenomenon with symptoms and causes that, though they’re fueled by pop culture, run much deeper. The trouble isn’t so much that men with Yellow Fever are attracted to a physical type per se, but that they associate the type with behaviors or attitudes that may not exist in the object of pursuit. Typically blind romanticism becomes doubly problematic (not to mention unnecessary) when that idealization is deeply attached to perceived racial or cultural attributes. The thing is, it’s hard to discern because there’s a lot of gray area between sincere, personal attraction and superficial, prepackaged desire — and also between wanting to learn more about a culture and wanting to co-opt it, especially when it’s all mixed in with sex.

Until I had some experience, it was hard to tell whether someone was interested in me or in a culture I may or may not come from. Often it was a combination of both, but I wasn’t always equipped to size up the proportions of each. In my late teens, all I knew was that older men seemed intently interested in me in a way that high school boys weren’t. Their questions about my family background and what sorts of philosophies I subscribed to made me feel, for the first time, that I might be attractive, despite the fact that I didn’t fit into my Orange County surroundings in quite the way the bikini babes did. I finally accepted that I might possibly be a little cool, even though I was an awkward, breastless Asian girl. My ego responded — I blossomed with possibilities.

And then, very gradually, I began feeling icky. Out in the world, I started seeing patterns. Sometimes it would be someone wearing a t-shirt with an Asian motif or kanji. Sometimes it was some guy trying too hard to sound knowledgeable about what he imagined was an obscure Asian topic, such as how "the Japanese" really feel about "the Koreans." Often these men were skinny; lots of times they were middle-aged. Sometimes they were military — when I was 17, I once went to a movie with a Marine. Once. Almost always they were goofy-looking, middle-class, educated white guys.5 Usually the conversation would start out, "So where are you from?" When I’d answer, "New Jersey" (my birthplace), they’d persist and ask me where I was really from, sometimes smiling smugly as if to say, "I know better," or informing me that they’d "spent some time" in such and such an Asian country. In my early 20s, I worked at a bookstore dedicated to world religions and founded by a Tibetan Buddhist; it was a magnet for Westerners seeking Eastern answers, and they all wanted to talk about it — to me.6

My first accomplishment in quantitative defense was cutting off my nearly waist-length hair. It worked, immediately weeding out all those who would see Hair and make a beeline for me. Only the most hard-core would feel the pull without the visual stimulation of a curtain of hair. And if, with my now well-developed intuition, I sensed one coming, I’d just veer away — or strike up a conversation with the nearest person, cultivate an interest in a piece of lint, have to pee, whatever. If I got caught in a conversation with a victim of Yellow Fever, I’d just pretend not to know anything about what he was talking about. ("Oh, I don’t watch anime…") Over time, I also learned to recognize who had a genuine interest in me — but even then, I was occasionally fooled. I developed an admittedly crude test to determine to what degree the genuine-seeming person had ever been involved with Asian culture or an Asian woman. Into anime? Fine. Into kung fu flicks and Wong Kar-Wai movies? Cool. Taking an immersion course in an Asian language, plays two or more traditional Asian instruments, and hoping to go to Asia? Uh, maybe…. Last three girlfriends Japanese-from-Japan? See ya.7

In other words, I learned to cope. But there came a time a few years ago when I couldn’t take any more. A friend and I were on our way into a Lester Bowie show, and we ran into another old friend who’d worked at that bookstore with us back in the day. He was a gangly white boy who suffered from too nice/too romantic syndrome, which dulled any potential sexual edge, and he often cited this as the reason he could never find a girlfriend. When I would compliment him on his sweet and kind nature, he’d blush and make self-effacing remarks. I remember thinking, at the time, that what he really wanted was a nice Asian girl — by culture, not by race — who might appreciate such qualities in a man because they were so rare in her own patriarchal family (like mine). I also remember thanking goodness he recognized I wasn’t that girl.

Anyway, I hadn’t seen him for years, and tonight he had in tow a moon-faced Asian woman with yards of hair.8 As soon as he was out of eyeshot, my friend and I looked at each other and half smiled, half — I hate to say it — sneered. Then, looking around at the audience minutes later, we realized that we’d entered Yellow Fever country — it seemed that almost every other table was occupied by a gangly white guy accompanied by a pale, moon-faced Asian lady with yards of hair.9

The next day, as my eye wandered through the personals in the weekly paper, I noticed a trend in the Men Seeking Women section:

"Maganda Ka! Are you petite, full-breasted Asian sweetheart seeking life-long love? Passionate, marriage- minded blue-eyed guy, marvelously sensual lover will cherish you forever."
"Are you looking for me? If you’re an unattached, childless, intelligent, single Asian female, 35 to 40, you may be. I’m a heavy-set divorced white male, 49."
"Desire Asian woman, very attractive, playful, monogamous, spontaneous, sexy, trim, tomboy, prefer under 35."
"Dynamic single male seeking attractive, flexible, curious Asian female with heart. I’m 45, well-traveled, multilingual, interested in Buddhism, like to cook, play tennis, and ‘hang out.’ More interested in questions than answers."

There were 10 ads from white men seeking Asian women. Inspired by fury, I whipped out a pen; I circled all 10 of them, copied down all the adjectives, and strung them together to make an ad of my own.

"Petite, beautiful, tomboy Asian sweetheart (with heart), intelligent, and particularly loathes white men who hanker only after Asian babes. All need not apply."

I sent it in and waited for the dead silence or angry voicemails I was about to receive. The first person to contact me was the editor of the personals section. Before she even spoke, I could hear the glee in her breathing: "I just want to tell you that your ad is great!" she said. "It’s about time somebody did something like this. I hate those ads too. In fact, the ones you see aren’t even the worst of them. I refuse to print a lot of the ones that come in."

"They get worse?"

"Oh, much. But, listen, you’re going to get a ton of calls anyway. They’re not even going to get to the end of the sentence."

She was right. On the first day the ad ran, I checked my mailbox and had 20 messages waiting for me. Some of them were from Asian-American guys who either didn’t read the whole thing or didn’t get the joke at all, interpreting the message as simply a preference for nonwhite men. One black man left a message too, thinking the same. Perfectly understandable. Then there were the Asian guys who did get it, but not as a joke. Actually, they took it quite seriously, saying things to the effect of, "I like your ad and what it says. I’m Asian, let’s go out." But the biggest percentage of the callers were white guys who — as the editor had predicted — either didn’t read the whole ad, or didn’t get it. They sounded excited, clueless, and like everything I hated. In the two-week period the ad ran, there must have been 200 responses. I checked messages obsessively for the first few days, but the joke wore o¤ and it soon started to feel like hitting a bruise. The concept of people so lonely that they couldn’t get a joke weighed on me, and I felt almost guilty for getting their hopes up.10 I told myself I wasn’t obligated to listen, and let the messages sit there ’til they were automatically erased.

My conscience had taken a small beating during what I thought of as a crusade. Not only did I stop listening to the messages, I stopped talking about it with my friends.11 Turning on the tap of all those lonely people chastened me enough to trigger a little compassion, and in the face of it, my gripe seemed trivial. In the end, what did I prove? Just that I was right; the personals editor was right. It proved something we all already know: that many white guys have Asian-woman fantasies. But it didn’t show me whose fault it was, and it didn’t make the curse go away.

The unsurprising results of this experiment, as well as the unexpected ones, ended up helping me come to new terms with the YF phenomenon. It’s not an outward change but an inner one: Once my sympathy was activated, it worried me less at a personal level where people’s motives lay. Who am I to say how we should nurse our loneliness? Misguided the Asian fetish may be, and ultimately insidious: I don’t want to be regarded as a Josie Packard, and no one in the media’s out there telling my story in any way. Nevertheless, I find myself feeling less defensive and getting less hopping mad. Instead, I try to take opportunities to state in strong, simple terms how it feels from my end. If I can’t, I just smirk and think "I feel sorry for you" thoughts.

I still wish it didn’t exist, but at the same time I’m not about to leave this culture behind because of it. My ego still has to bear the brunt of what is: Hearing about Marvin’s marriage didn’t help; meeting my ex’s half-Japanese kids was a wistful reminder even as it was a delight, and so on.

Just last week an otherwise lovely Italian man in my t’ai chi class — apropos of nothing — bowed, smiled, and said, "Arigato." I ignored him; he did it again. My blood didn’t boil, and I didn’t automatically conjure up the ghosts of every Japanophile boyfriend from the past. I just smiled a tolerant smile and started up a conversation with the guy next to me — who I hope wasn’t mentally casting me as the lead in one of his Jet Li T’ai Chi Master fantasies. 


1 Not Japanese-American, though. For reasons I’ve struggled to understand for years, it seems that men who want Japanese women are purists — only women from the old country will do. I’ve always suspected that part of John Lennon’s charm is that only he could be sweetly eccentric enough to adore the most obnoxious Japanese-American woman of all time. (For the record, I love Yoko, especially as she bore beautiful Sean.)

2 To tell the truth, Marvin’s brother didn’t say the new wife was Japanese. It’s an educated guess. He’s been living in the same place in Japan for five years, a tiny provincial town with a population that’s overwhelmingly Japanese. I know because I went there for the most visually stunning, expensive breakup of my life. Even before he moved to Japan, I had my suspicions: When I asked whether he was sure I was the person he wanted to be with (as the serenity and mystery he eventually sought from Japan would never be found within the Mongol horde that is my extended family), he paused an uncomfortably long time before meekly reassuring me.

3 What about me? A fair question. Except for a girlhood fling with a Mexican-American man and one tryst with an Asian (a half-Indian British male who’d convinced himself he was black), I’ve mostly dated white men of one persuasion or another. Some would say I’ve been with more than my fair share of ginger-haired men of Scottish descent. But you can stop wagging that finger at me now, because as far as I know my people don’t have any kind of history of trying to drug or nuke the Scots, and Asian women haven’t generally held up Scottish men as iconic sex-objects for hire. Furthermore, my fantasies don’t involve my taking a dominant/worshipful position over a red-haired laddie…or do they?

4 From my one viewing, I’d have to admit Ling is the first Asian woman on tv I could even possibly begin to relate to. I’d be more convinced if she were shorter, fatter, more neurotic and less invulnerable, didn’t know how to speak Chinese, and dared to wear short hair. But for now I’m just happy she’s not a drip.

7 This is not a foolproof method. Recently I befriended a reporter in the office adjacent to mine. He had that intellectual, skinny, alternative geek-hip look, and whenever we met at the water cooler we’d talk about music. He was white. He liked Japanese pop. He was studying Chinese. When he asked me out to coffee, I warned myself that all the red flags were there, but he didn’t look at me in the way that gives me the Fear. Over coffee, he mentioned that he planned to go to China to study Chinese intensively — and then mentioned his boyfriend, who is Chinese.

8 I ran into these two a few weeks ago. He proudly introduced her as his wife.

9 In the context of the San Francisco Bay Area, where interracial relationships happily abound, this probably doesn’t seem extravagant. On the other hand, there was no other interracial relationship in the room that night: no white chick—yellow guy, black guy—yellow chick, black chick—white guy—nothing. What that means I don’t know, but obviously it bugs me.

10 One man sounded like he was talking through a hole in his throat, saying he was very lonely and a good companion. It got my compassion worked up, but that soon dissolved when I realized he’d been calling again and again. At that point, I started to feel scared and stalked. But the best call was the one white guy who loved the joke so much he spent the $1.69 per minute just to laugh and laugh into my voicemail box.

11 Most of my friends enjoyed this story and cheered me on. But one didn’t — a man I’d worked with years before, who at the time seemed to have a case of Yellow Fever that I sometimes felt was aimed at me. His arguments against my experiment were no different from anyone else’s, but his tone was incredibly defensive. Still, I don’t hold it against him. Some of my own male friends have been similarly afflcted; I accept it as a part of their personality and simply proceed with caution. Or I nag them so much about my point of view that they proceed with caution.

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Yellow Porn

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Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Bober on Friday, October 05 @ 10:26:35 EDT
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Dear Krappyappy,

i believe that you are right to a certain degree but also misses a few points. Some crucial point.

i'm russian of korean descent. i dated men of different cultural origin, includind Christian Arabs, Muslims, Dutch, Korean and certainly many russian white men. i can't remeber that i felt out of my element or being singled out because i'm asian.

Possible that these men approached me with the intent to taste some exotics but somehow i didn't care nor do i do now. Because first i feel good about being Asian - Korean and second because i like men (I would like to date a black man).

Though i can understand the motivation and grounds of the asian girl-wants-to-date-white-guy i haven't been hit by the phenomenon - the guys i dated were

i recall the first date with the arab guy (in Egypt) (i made a first step), he was much shaken after being cruelly dumped by a very beatiful white girl. When he offered his girlfriend to move his business to russia for to be iwth her the girl's answer was , 'In russia people do not like black men'. i told him that i never viewed his as black. it just always simmered in him. to my deep perplexity and his ignorance he once called me white too.

i gave such this anecdotal experience to support my view that it's not so much about asian-white or asian-black or black-white thing. it's though always about the the ability or inability to respect yourself, estimate your culture, feel positive about the world and be really open-minded. then you will not stumble into shallow men and women.

i strongly disagree that the white majority subtly promote their own agenda i think it has more to do with little communication between asians themselves, asian ethnicities, peoples. I'ts easy to blame the white guy or blame anyone at all when you are not firm in understanding yourself, your identity, beleifs and values.

i do agree, however, that it's hard to detach yourself when you are in the minority (till grade 12 i was the only asian (or as students called me non-white in my school), my korean sister once said that she wuld never marry korean. It hurt me, my russian-korean identity (which mingles just nicely :)) and the feeling of justice and divine order in this world. she marries russian soon.

The author doesn't go far from my little sister though. She is definitely experiencing some identity conflicts, which i think are projected on the white-asian relations.

The phenomenon is due to the confusion about the origin, esteem and probably the deeply-hidden and deeply-rooted desire to relate to you asian heritage

as i'm writing this it strikes me that in this ever globalising world which transcends all possible cultures and languages the isue is becoming more acute and i hugely suspect it is only gaining momentum.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by princessamy2000 on Wednesday, February 08 @ 05:26:26 EST
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I think she actually likes being considered a thing to be chased by white men looking for a "leetle oriental blossum", or else she wouldn't turn her nose up at Asian guys, who would see her as a woman and person, not just an Asian. Date white guys, but don't act all surprised if they ask you to wear a cheongsam or kimono while spouting off derogatory phrases in a fake Asian accent....or think that they're not asiaphiles and see you as an "individual" when they say hateful things towards Asians but "make an exception for you"
I'd like to know why she's never dated Asian but is surprised why most white guys only see her as just an Asian.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by sir_humpslot on Wednesday, February 08 @ 09:20:32 EST
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WTF? how's the article supposed to be empowering? we need more julia ohs and missmels instead of this whoriental bitching about her sordid private life of being the whoriental tool she is of YT's fetish.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by ric on Wednesday, February 08 @ 14:49:21 EST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.xanga.com/ric2
Why don't these types of AF just STFU already.


Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by OmegaSupreme on Wednesday, February 08 @ 15:08:25 EST
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Wow I'm in awe, what an inspiring story. Stay "strong" my "proud" asian sister. I'm sure one day you will find the white saviour (who loves chinese girls) that will give you the fairy tale ending you've been looking for.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by bwfish on Wednesday, February 08 @ 22:20:15 EST
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This Karen Eng White pole rider whoriental is a genuine JLC Feminist:

One of the hidden, unspoken goals of AF JOY LUCK CLUB feminist empowerment is to confront Asian fetish behavior, in order to remove the pathologies that exist between the Asian Female and White male, so that they can MOVE ON to enjoy normal relations with the White Male, while basically ignoring the Asian male side of the equation and leaving them to their own fate.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by SugarShark on Thursday, February 09 @ 00:00:59 EST
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all the better to determine which category to put a person


how many times does a person have to hit their head against a wall to find out it hurts?
hope she's happy that she has finally found a "good" one. oh wait she's still probably trying

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Montyp on Thursday, February 09 @ 02:11:53 EST
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This was a really interesting article-until I found out she was a self hater. My god woman, if you don't want to be seen as a China doll, why date white men? Stupid stupid woman.

The Message vs. The Messenger (Score: 1)
by aelward on Thursday, February 09 @ 10:06:19 EST
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.aznhealth.com
The author brings up a lot of valid points regarding the subjectification that Asian American Women experience, and she has a nice delivery in her writing style.

Too bad she is just as guilty of stereotyping Japanese women as her Yellow Fever-stricken would-be-suitors are of stereotyping AAFs. Add her fetish for Scottish men and she is still perpetuating the CCB stereotype.

My take: great message, but kill the messenger!

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by dac on Friday, February 10 @ 01:05:43 EST
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Another self-hating Asian woman.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by brok on Friday, February 10 @ 01:09:38 EST
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I just don't get these women, who are they writing to? My guess is maybe other white worshipping asian girls?

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Seraphfire on Friday, February 10 @ 12:33:26 EST
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Yep, we have here proof of JLC Feminism. See the definition/comments on what is JLC Feminism:

"There is a CRITICAL COMPONENT missing from the JOY LUCK CLUB feminism of Kristina Wong and her ilk. Her protest against white male fetish of Asian females addresses only the white male vis-à-vis Asian female aspect of the matter. But what about the Asian male vis-à-vis Asian female aspect? This portion remains untouched! Many Asian males harbor deep suspicions about Asian females because of the huge and omnipresent IR disparity. Is this not important also? Or is it irrelevant to the unspoken goals of JOY LUCK CLUB feminism? That's what I meant by the treatment of AMs as irrelevant, not ME personally, but the AM in the rhetorically general sense. The book written by Kim Wong Keltner displays this same gapping hole. She refers to Asian female/culture fetish of White males as 'the hoarding of all Asian' but her protagonist ends up with a White dude nonetheless. This does not happen only in books or screenwriter's scripts but in real life as well. You don’t know how many times I've seen personal ads in Craigslist or other dating websites where an AF goes to lengths to write stuff in her ad that amounts to saying 'no fetishists need apply' but goes on to say WM wanted, period. See for yourself if you don’t believe me. Am I the only crazy person or this just plain strange and nonsensical?

One of the hidden, unspoken goals of AF JOY LUCK CLUB feminist empowerment is to confront Asian fetish behavior, in order to remove the pathologies that exist between the Asian female and White male, so that they can MOVE ON to enjoy normal relations with the White Male, while basically ignoring the Asian male side of the equation and leaving them to their own fate.

Wonderful stuff! And at the same time, the AM is expected to be a 'bigger man' and a good sport about the whole thing. BULLSHIT!

Amy Tan and her ilk attempt to remove only the pathologies between Asian women and white men and they glaringly omitted the Asian male/Asian female dynamics. I think this omission is intentional and by design. Their movement has nothing to do with Asian American Unity/Empowerment and everything to do with personal empowerment at the expense of Asian men. JLC type feminism relies upon deficient images of Asian men to use as a foil against the "White Knight". Hence there's no impetus for addressing problems between the genders of our race. If anything there's a need for these issues to continue or even deepen, exemplified by their choice to stereotype Asian men using the most damning of misogynistic archetypes. These women literally bank on Asian men being the worst men they can be, it "proves" their point.

As JLC feminists rail on Asiaphiles it gives them an aura of false credibility for the AA cause. But what they do and advocate actually undermines healthy interaction between Asian men and women. This of course does nothing for AA empowerment issues, if anything the effect is detrimental. It just amounts to personal gain at the expense of one's race.

What absolutely kills me is the copious amount of righteous indignation directed when Asian men don't display reverence for their "cause".

Asiaphile behavior on the part of White males bothers all conscientious Asian brothers, believe me. That is why all of us here rant on 'Memoirs of a Geisha", "Last Samurai", "Shogun", etc. However, AFs’ concern with the Asiaphile is BASICALLY AN AF TO WM DIALOGUE. What most AMs are also thinking is why these same AFs don’t also address equally important issues such as Asiaphobia on the part of JOY LUCK CLUB feminism AFs? That would have been an AF to AF AND AM dialogue.

I view feminism as a method/movement where the ultimate goal is to eliminate the inequalities held by men, thus making women equals. It's the pathological way of thinking which is being attacked and eradicated, not the actual people behind it. When feminists chose to confront and attack

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Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Ebony_Hime on Monday, February 13 @ 22:48:30 EST
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Wow! I am not and Asian female, nor am I asian, so, I guess this explains my suprise at finding out that one of my most beloved films (The Joy Luck club) is not well received here in the Asian community.

That being said, I can totally feel the pain of being desired solely for the color or lack there of of your skin. African American females have been dealign with this bias for many years now. The worst thing is that is is usually from within rather than outside influences. Light versus dark ect. It's truly sad to think that there are those who can not see beyond the exterior to appreciate that people are simply people regardless of ethnicity.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by sweetazn9 on Sunday, February 19 @ 15:28:50 EST
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Another thing that frustrates me is that whenever someone sees an AF and a WM, they always say, "when will you be getting married? You're so cute together." They invite the couple to dinner, activities, and other events, in hope of helping to escalate the relationship.

"what's Jack up to these days? Oh, he's dating this Chinese girl. Let's invite them over for drinks!"

However, when they see an AM with any kind of female, many of the white support group will alienate them from society.

It's a soft form of genocide.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by chinmoku on Thursday, March 02 @ 10:32:55 EST
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I hate twinkies (not as much as white boys). I know people in NYC who don't fit these stereotypes white people from the boonies have. the asians i know are all f*ck*n gangsta

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by acerba on Friday, March 24 @ 00:25:38 EST
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this was an interesting read... raised my eyebrows a few times, laughed a couple of times (nice joke)... an unsophisticated but honest rant. what disturbs me are the very rude comments from others on this page. i thought this was an asian empowerment site? a space to learn, share, express oneself, encourage, grow? your harsh, judgemental remarks aimed at the author are not serving "the cause" at all. by blaming this individual for not being a perfectly enlightened asian intellectual, you're kind of missing the point... racial discrimination and the opression of minorities (and the many many manifestations and consequences of this, including being victim of yellow fever) is a complex societal problem. we may experience oppression at an individual level, but the underlying causes go far beyond person to person interactions. the actions of an oppressor or of an oppressed person are not always conscious... but that's why we have these sites, so we can learn and grow by having stimulating discussions. i'm not saying there's no room for criticisms - thinking critically needs to be one of the imperitives of sites like these - but we need to STOP THE HATING!

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by tk1 on Saturday, April 01 @ 23:24:14 EST
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I think you are missing the point. This is a simple situation. In life, I find that life is very very rarely complex. Any perceived complexity in this situation, I assure you, comes from an asian girl trying to make her preference for dating white men as being an acceptable behavior.

Here we have an asian girl post about how she realised that many of the white men she dated were asiaphiles, who saw her as nothing but a sex object. Yet despite this revelation she continues to seek out white men hoping to find the one that isn't driven by a perverted motive. It's insulting to asian men because this girl with her post is encouraging other asian girls out there to stay strong and keep on looking for a that one white man who is not an asiaphile. There is absolutely no mention of the possibility that she might want to try dating an asian man.

This is a pro-asian site. Not a site to encourage others to abandon their own kind and be more sympathetic to the white race.

It's about time that the asian community started standing up to these asian girls.

On "America next top model" an asian american contestant named gina claimed that she wanted to represent proud asian women but then she said she didn't date asian men for a stereotypical reason, asian men are short. This is a ridiculous comment for an asian girl to make. Why? because in every race the men are taller than the girls and here we have an asian girl geneveralizing that men are shorting than the girls. It's obviously a cop out comment. Tyra and others on the show told her that she went full circle with that comment. They said that she claims to want to represent the asian community in modelling but she only wanted white boys. They told her off. I think this was the first time that this ever happened on TV. It's what we need more of.

We need to point out that this behavior is not acceptable. If you are going to date only white people and never give asian people a chance then you are perpetuating the same racist behavior that this site is trying so hard to fight.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Krappyappy on Thursday, April 06 @ 11:20:30 EDT
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this entire discussion is laughable.

why does everything have to deal with asian-white relations? why does no one even consider dating latinos and blacks? those of you up-in-arms about white guys with yellow fever or 'sellout' asians aren't half as enlightened as you think you are.

the only criterion for dating should be whether the two people get along. instead, it seems like half the people here are concerned with skin color first and foremost. who's the real racist? this thin-skinned preoccupation is sad, and ass-backward.

it angers me to see white girlfriends of asian men labeled as 'trophies,' as if there was no possibility of there being a real connection between them. interracial dating is difficult enough in and of itself, without the additional baggage thrust upon it by the people here.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by tk1 on Friday, April 07 @ 19:34:45 EDT
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You come here to an asian empowerment site and tell asians how they need to be considerate of other races when it comes to relationships? You realise asian empowerment sites are supposed to be putting asian first, right?

It's so disturbing how on sites like this you always have some non-asian males (very rarely a female) coming and trying to teach us all how they are not racist and that we should be more like them and be considerate. nevermind the fact that in the us, whites are the majority so they can subtlely promote their own agenda by telling people that they need to be inclusive. Such comments only benefits the majority, the people in power.

But it's funny how such comments always pops up, just like whenever somebody try to claim that cell phones causes cancer or that global warmer is happening. there always seems to be a response that tries to ensure that the opposing side's views are presented. I would not be surprised if this is an organised response from an messed of group of people.

If I am wrong and you are a lone man. then why don't you just go to a bar and hit and every freakin asian girl. I am sure one will wove you wong time. Hey I don't think you are racist. you just like asian girls and reject your own kind and encourage asian girls to reject their own kind and claim that this is not racist. I agree it's not racist at all. not by a wong shot.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Krappyappy on Wednesday, April 12 @ 15:42:14 EDT
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OmegaSupreme Wrote:
"Ok whatever. If you yourself are "half as enlightned" and not concerned with skin color "first and foremost" blah blah, then why mention latinos and blacks in the first place?. STFU already, hypocrite."

i mention latinos and blacks because asians can be some of the most racist people anywhere. they constantly ***** and moan about how white people take their women and how asian men can't be seen in society as sexually viable. but then they turn around and discriminate against darker skinned peoples, especially older generations. how many of you high school or college aged kids would find receptive parents if you brought back a black date? how many of you here have actually dated black people or would do so if given the choice? to be a hypocrite is to say one thing and do another, and that is the utmost manifestation of hypocrisy. i'm not going to call you anything else because with such witty comebacks as "STFU" it's plainly obvious what you are.

i'm not denying that there is racism toward asians in the dating scene, i have been the target of that racism myself. but i find all this "asians can only date asians" stuff to be pure bollocks. it's exactly the kind of thinking that prevents people of all races from overcoming barriers.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Krappyappy on Thursday, April 13 @ 14:22:43 EDT
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OmegaSupreme wrote:
"Open your eyes. Asian-white relations are the main focus here (as opposed to black and latinos) because the vast majority of Asian IRs ARE between asians and whites. You should take your cry baby speech over to asianwhite.org instead."

hey thanks for proving my point. and why do you suppose that the majority of asian IRs are asian-white? can you attribute it all to 'black women finding asian men unattractive?'

obviously, a part of the reason for asians dating whites by an overwhelming majority is that they don't want to date blacks and latinos. but they're too busy victimizing themselves to notice this, and instead spend their time crying that 'white men are taking our women.'

i looked through every article in the dating section here. if there were any accounts of interracials between anything other than an asian and a white, i didn't see it. don't be ashamed to ackowledge your racism, because your petty, desperate attacks on what i've said highlight a deep-seated insecurity. the truth is, asians are as racist as everyone else. i'm not afraid to say it, but most asians are.

a crybaby speech? i'm not the one crying, unlike so many commenters on this site. i've gone out as an asian male and have dated girls of every color [including asian girls, of course]. but when i see that people here label interracial daters as 'sellouts' and the non-asian girlfriends of asian men as 'trophies' i have to speak up. those labels are demeaning and bigoted, and if you support that kind of attitude then you are a hinderance to 'asian empowerment.'

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by hanh on Thursday, October 12 @ 15:55:02 EDT
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Nice article. It was well organized. Other than that, what a moron. I'm all for finding other races attactive , and it's a nice "cume-ba-ya" world these WMs are living in, but this girl clearly ONLY dates white males, that's why I have to agree she's a whitephile; likewise, all you WMs out there that is dating mostly only AFs, what you don't see is the hypocrisy of identifying yourself as a group of people (Asian) but can still say," I don't date asian male/female." You will never understand or know what is wrong with this picture because you personlly don't experience this everyday. We're not bashing her fer being seen as a china doll, we're bashing her for putting herself in a situation that being seen as a china doll is inevitable. I don't think she really likes herself.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by fersnugriniffle (myname@noone.com) on Monday, February 12 @ 12:11:35 EST
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Aigu. The way I figure it, why the hell would you want to be with a guy who was with you because you were Asian and then decided you weren't "Asian enough." Those are the pricks who try to turn around and think they are Asian or something. Ya she had an emotional attachment to the guy, sad. But when there's this kind of pattern, duh, something's going on.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by WCStar on Friday, May 18 @ 15:36:05 EDT
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After reading this, all I got to say go ***** to someone who cares. Asian women like these are part of the big problems within the Asian American community. They want validation of whites of them as women yet they have no problem turn their back on Asian men. I hope she finds her "white" knight to protect her when she encounters racism. Women like these should not come back to the Asian community for support. They need to examine their own racist attitude toward men of their own race before they question why white men are so stereotypical and racist.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by Anego on Monday, October 22 @ 02:00:14 EDT
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I don't think this girl ever learned.

WMs are overrated. She's missing out by not dating AAMs...

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by mentaldrift on Monday, February 18 @ 05:30:51 EST
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LOL whatever ****.

Re: The Yellow Fever Pages (Score: 1)
by quinn on Thursday, September 18 @ 01:28:48 EDT
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As a product of a marriage between a Japanese woman and a white man, I can only say that if this individual has trouble finding a white guy who can desire her for who she is, the fault lies with her. She's like those women you read about who have married 10 times. You'd think after the 2nd marriage failed, it would be time to conclude that marriage isn't right for her.

Likewise, if an Asian female keeps attracting white guys with yellow fever, it can only be because she gives such a vibe to these types of men. Otherwise, how can you explain it?

And if it bothers her that much, date other races of men and forget about white men because she can't attract decent ones. That means she fetishes them as much as she claims they do her. Especially her attempt to rationalize dating men of Scottish descent--"It's not like they're the ones all the Asian girls are talking about." What the hell was that?

It was bothersome to read how every weirdo white guy she met seemed to be able to talk her into a date or going out for coffee but similar offers from Asian or black men are so completely dismissed that she doesn't even bother mentioning that she dismissed them. It simply goes without saying.

That made me hate her.

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