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Notable Lesbians

by Lyndsey Darcangelo

This week’s Notable Lesbian is:

Angela Yvonne Davis
Born January 26, 1944

Angela Davis is an American socialist organizer, professor who was associated with the Black Panther Party. She Angela_davis_afro.jpgfirst achieved nationwide notoriety when she was linked to the murder of judge Harold Haley during an attempted Black Panther prison break; she fled underground, and was the subject of an intense manhunt. After 18 months as a fugitive, she was captured, arrested, tried, and eventually acquitted in one of the most famous trials in recent U.S. history. She is currently Professor of History of Consciousness at the University of California and Presidential Chair at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She works for racial and gender equality and for prison abolition.

Interesting tid bit:
Davis is a founder of the anti-prison grassroots organization Critical Resistance. In 1972, John Lennon and Yoko Ono released the song “Angela” about her and the Rolling Stones released “Sweet Black Angel,” both of which chronicled her legal problems and advocated for her release. The 1976 film Network features a parody of her in its character Laureen Hobbs.

“It is both humiliating and humbling to discover that a single generation after the events that constructed me as a public personality, I am remembered as a hairdo.” ~ Angela Davis

If you have a suggestion for a Notable Lesbian, e-mail me at or use the contact form above and I’ll highlight her in an upcoming post.

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One Response to “Notable Lesbians”

  1. Deb Says:

    Angela Davis, what an interesting person. I would like to know more about her. Thanks for the posting.

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There’s no reason to beat around the bush, so to speak. Let’s get it all out in the open, basically - Lez keep it real. Real opinions, real discussion, real stories. Writer and professional people watcher, Lyndsey D’Arcangelo, will keep you up to speed with information and educated opinions on current news, politics, sports, entertainment, gossip, lifestyle, coming out and everything else concerning the gay and lesbian population five, fun-filled days a week!

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