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May 15, 2008

When is a space program something more?

Peter Brooks on Iran's budding space program: "Theoretically, if you can launch a ballistic missile that can place a satellite into earth orbit, you have the scientific wherewithal to hit a target anywhere on Earth with a warhead, including a weapon of mass destruction."

Iran's defence ministry plays a prominent role in the putative civilian space effort. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, which manages Iran's Shahab medium-range ballistic missile programme, is also involved. [snip]

One piece of intelligence showed that after 2003 Iran was involved in studies of multipoint detonation systems, the precise timing capability of which is critical for triggering a nuclear detonation.

Tehran continues to put more centrifuges online at its Natanz uranium enrichment facility, which could lead to the production of low-enriched uranium for reactor fuel or highly enriched uranium for weapons. [snip]

Tehran's budding space work could lead to the development of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of reaching all of Europe and the United States with a significant payload such as a nuclear weapon.

Iran would be the first Muslim state with a space-launch capability. Neighbours would be envious as Tehran propels itself toward leadership of the Middle East and the Islamic world.

It is also useful to be able to launch your own communications or scientific satellites, rather than having to relying on others to launch them for you. Russia launched Iran's only other satellite into orbit back in October 2005.

Iran would surely argue that it needs to be self-reliant for space launches, just like it (self-servingly) insists it needs to be self-sufficient in enriching uranium to produce fuel for its Bushehr nuclear reactor, despite Russian assistance. (continue reading)

Mr. Brooks article also ran in Janes defense magazine.

Read about the radicals in Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama's campaign here. Wonder how they will see Iran's missile and nuclear programs?

Senate committee adds amnesty for 1.2 million illegal agriculture workers to Iraq spending bill

Senate committee adds amnesty for 1.2 million illegal agriculture workers to Iraq spending bill -- PHONE NOW , from NUMBERS USA:

On a 17-12 vote this afternoon, the Senate Appropriations Committee added Sen. Feinstein's ag amnesty to the Iraq supplemental spending bill.

This bill could come up for a vote before the full Senate tomorrow.

Every phone of every Senator should be ringing off the hook as soon as I click SEND on this alert.

Please pick up your phone the minute you read this and call:

Call the offices of both of your state's U.S. Senators and tell them:

The Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday afternoon committed an outrageous act of disrespect for our men and women in uniform and to the citizens of this country by attaching an illegal-alien amnesty to the Iraq spending bill.

Urge the Senator to vote and work to strip the amnesty from the Iraq spending bill on the floor.

You - or the Senator - may already oppose this spending bill. But if the Senator is inclined to vote YES on the Iraq bill, ask the Senator to definitely vote NO and send it back to committee if the amnesty is NOT stripped.

There is no need for an amnesty to provide growers with workers. There already is an H-2A foreign ag worker program that provides growers with an unlimited number of temporary workers if the growers agree to pay a decent wage and ensure that they go home at the end of the season. Feinstein is just trying to protect the abysmally low wages and bad working conditions that farmworkers labor under.

Here are additional talking points (and the names of your two Senators, plus additional phone numbers):


Expect that many staffers will either have no idea what is going on or will be lying to you. Some of you were reporting to us that Sen. Feinstein's staffers were telling you that she had no intention of attaching an amnesty this afternoon at the precise time that the committee was voting on her proposal to attach!!!!!

Unless Senators see an outpouring of disgust and outrage similar to what you waged a year ago, they will interpret it to be safe to vote an amnesty this year.

Besides an estimated 1.2 million illegal alien ag workers, all the millions of illegal aliens in their families would apparently get an amnesty, also.

Good luck. You are the only force that stands between some semblance of the rule of law and massive rewards for illegal immigration.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email brianbonner90-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

Other reading:

ACLU: Judges Gave Us a Gift and How You Can Help Protect Marriage in California. at Stop the ACLU

Know what happens when you 'assume'?

You know what happens when you 'assume'? You make an a$$ out of yourself. But as Powerline says, "If the shoe fits. . ." and "To the charge that Obama is a remarkably naive, inexperienced, and unknowlegeable candidate to fill the position of Commander-in-Chief, we can add a count that he is unserious as well."

Bernie of Planck's Constant asks:

If George Bush had said, "There are some people in this country that seem to enjoy eating chocolate-covered cockroaches," would Obama have thrown a hissy fit over the statement? Would he have thought that he was the object of the attack? Obviously not, unless Obama actually enjoys eating chocolate-covered cockroaches.


Crybabies That wet spot you see forming under the chair of Will Bunch, Michael D., and even the normally reasonable Joe Gandleman is a sure sign that the brand of diapers these people are using just ain’t cuttin’ it. Might I suggest “Huggies Super Absorbent” for those times – like now – when you need that extra protection against leaks and overflow?

What has many on the left squirming in their toddler seats due to the uncomfortable dampness in their tush was a speech made by our President to the Israeli Knesset celebrating the State of Israel’s 60th birthday. (continue reading)

Bush speaks against appeasement (Sweetness and Light)

“Some seem to believe that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along,” Mr. Bush said. “We have heard this foolish delusion before. As Nazi tanks crossed into Poland in 1939, an American senator declared: “Lord, if I could only have talked to Hitler, all this might have been avoided.” We have an obligation to call this what it is — the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history.”

The Obama campaign issued an angry response. In an e-mail statement to reporters, the senator denounced Mr. Bush for using the 60th anniversary of Israel to “launch a false political attack,” adding, “George Bush knows that I have never supported engagement with terrorists, and the president’s extraordinary politicization of foreign policy and the politics of fear do nothing to secure the American people or our stalwart ally Israel.”

Jenn of the Jungle says:

"Of course add to that the fact that he is endorsed by Hamas, Ayers, The Nation of Islam and other assorted terrorists. And he's surprised people would see him as soft on terrorist and their countries. LOL... Barack Hussein Obama is a joke."

Barack Obama says that he understands why top Hamas advisers support him for president. (here)

Obama referred to Israel as a "constant sore". (here)

The Palestinians are raising fund for Obama.

Obama's 2013 (My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy):

Obama’s premature withdrawal of troops from Iraq would lead to “devastating consequences,” according to our commanders in Iraq. As a result we could be re-entering a more chaotic situation in 2013 after an Obama Administration.

Stanley Kurtz in Jeremiah Wright's Trumpet, Weekly Standard, says, "To the question of the moment–What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it?–I answer, Obama knew everything, and he’s known it for ages. ... A careful reading of nearly a year’s worth of Trumpet Newsmagazine, Wright’s glossy national “lifestyle magazine for the socially conscious,” makes it next to impossible to conclude otherwise."

Obama and Farrakhan Share Cover of Rev. Wright’s Magazine -- Sen. Barack Obama’s face several times graced the cover of an anti-American magazine run by his longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., appearing on one issue alongside Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan. (more)

From Sticky Notes:



The Two Faces Of "Black Janus" Obama: A Man Who Will Say Anything To Get Elected To Carry Out A "Hidden Agenda"? Hyscience

Hamas spokesman Ahmed YouSuf said:

"We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections...I do believe [Obama] is like John Kennedy, a great man with a great principle. And he has a vision to change America, to [bring] it in a position to lead the world community, but not with humiliation and arrogance." (continue reading)

Crybaby Says What?

More in Obamastan, at Investors Business Daily.


McCain's 2013 "I Believe ..." Speech

The 2013 McCain speech is over and the results are in:   I was reminded of Larry the Cable Guy's skit "I believe ...."   "I believe ... by January 2013  ... everything's coming up roses for you and for meeeeeee!!!!!!"

Well, that's what McCain wants us to believe, but I'm not sold. Here's some reaction:

McCain's Speech Outlines Why His Base Will Stay Home On Election Day,

Michelle sums it up in saying McCain's problem is that he has allied himself, for the unprincipled, empty cause of "bipartisanship," with people and causes that move our country in the wrong direction.

As for me, I don't think I'll be wasting the gas it takes to get to the voting booth, on an Obama-lite. Unless, of course, he can be resuscitated along with the rest of the GOP by adopting GOP 2.0. In the meanwhile, McCain's present positions centering around trying to out Obama Obama - as evidenced in his speech today, are a significant turn-off for independents and conservatives alike. Apparently, he doesn't get it - he's not running for the Democratic primary.

From Right Wing Sparkle:

What is GOP 2.0?

What We Need  (Rhymes With Right)


Sadly, our party leaders have moved away from its values over the last few years.  And I agree with Doug Ross that the time has come for us to remind them that we, the grassroots, are the GOP -- and to push for the reestablishment of the party based upon our principles.  (continue reading)

Right, Wing-Nut says: 

                                            Well, yeah...                                                 


RNC's Web '2013' Ad Could Just As Well Apply To Obama

“I will ask Democrats to serve in my administration;” “Illegal immigration has been finally brought under control” (hahaha) says Michelle Malkin.


Bob McCarty Writes noticed that McCain's webmaster failed to provide a transcript of McCain's 2013 "I believe..." speech for quite some time, keeping folks waiting to actually see McCain's words in print.  Thanks to Noisy Room.net for the link.

The MSM who are clearly backing Barack Hussein Mohammad Obama, had their panties in a bunch over Huckabee sitting in front of some shelves that LOOKED like a cross, but they are silent on Obama who purposefully  uses a cross as a backdrop.

Bob Barr has thrown his hat into the ring and Ron Paul is still hanging on, with the only purpose to take votes away from McCain.

Bob Barr, a Georgia Republican congressman from 1995- 2003, formally announced his campaign for president on the Libertarian Party ticket on Monday, May 12. It was widely reported that his candidacy will take votes away from the GOP presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain, similar to the way Ralph Nader’s campaign will hurt the Democratic nominee.

Meanwhile in the world, terror continues.  Which presidential candidate is up to the task?

U.S. Oil Ship Hijacked in Niger Delta, crew kidnapped

Violence On Mexico US Border - Three Mexican Police Chiefs Ask For Asylum

Terror Attack In Jaipur India Leave 80 Dead Scores Injured - Four Being Questioned

20th Hijacker - US Drops Charges Against Saudi in Sept. 11 Terror Attacks

NOTE: Fred Thompson is back blogging at Townhall

PATIENT EVIL - An R.J. Godlewski / Right Truth Blog Exclusive - Chapter Three


An R.J. Godlewski and Right Truth Blog Exclusive


Chapter Three

Viper’s Lair,
Kerch, Ukraine

Muhammad crouched upon the floor, next to his odiferous mattress. Another day had passed without interruption; at least he considered it to be another day for he had slept soundly and felt quite refreshed. He had taken to a semblance of keeping track of time by casually adjusting his mattress in relation to the blocks comprising the walls but apparently his captors discovered his trick and it was not long before he found his ‘timepiece’ relocated quite noticeably. At least, this bit of interference proved beyond a reasonable doubt that someone was observing his actions carefully.

Proven observance meant that he was, after all, worthy of inspection. Why he had no visitors was left to the minds of the infidels; he was valuable and therefore someone at least was keeping track of his most innocent actions. This knowledge empowered him a bit, providing him with just enough incentive to ignore his nakedness and absence of furnishings.

He no longer needed to worry about his not having any visitors; that some unseen and unknown soul had been watching his every move, his every action, and no doubt his every belch seemed to dissipate the loneliness that encroached upon his thoughts every now and then. Muhammad was now surrounded by an undeterminable number of infidels and this provided him with a high level of incentive to defeat their objective – whatever it was.

Leaning slightly against the mattress to relieve stress from his lower legs, Muhammad tugged on his long, dark beard as he focused on his own goal – subjugation of the West. September 11th, 2001 taught him that the West – specifically the United States of America – could withstand just about any attack against it and it would roll off as more or less a minor interruption to their wicked ways. Therefore, he needed to formulate an attack that held no precedence; something so horrendous that not even the pathetically apathetic Americans could endure.

Grandiose plans of global mayhem were not foreign to Muhammad’s thinking. For years he planned to vanquish his own Middle East through the use of chemical weapons. He planned their use for he knew that almost all grown men within the region possessed facial hair making it decidedly difficult to don gasmasks and other protective headgear. He experienced this firsthand in his youth when he served in the Iranian People’s Army, or Basij militia, as they fought to retain control of the conquered Majnoon Islands during the Iran-Iraq War during the 1980’s for which Saddam Hussein’s military unleashed nerve agents upon the unprotected Iranians.

Muhammad held no qualms over destroying tens of thousands if not millions of his fellow Arabs if it meant personal glory; the fact that nearly all possessed beards and mustaches simply made it easier to use chemical agents upon them. For the infidels, however, something even more sinister had to be unleashed upon them; something that there was no known protection for the general population. Only then would the Americans capitulate over fear of further destruction.

He thought about standing up, of pacing around his small cell in order to flush more blood into his brain but decided that those watching him from the camera embedded high above would take notice of his change in demeanor so he elected to stretch out further into his mattress. It was a semblance of laxity that just might cover his train of thought.

Muhammad knew that to attack the Americans, he literally needed the power of God; that nuclear attack was perhaps the only option available that presented a quick and powerful strike without resorting to large amounts of chemical or biological agents. The problem rested not with the technology or even the know-how – these were available to almost anyone with at least a moderate degree of intelligence and access to the Internet – but with how to smuggle the device into the United States.

Fully understanding the porous nature of America’s borders, he could easily smuggle in a small device such as a suitcase nuke into the infidel’s homeland without anyone taking notice but therein remained another problem: Muhammad thought big. Really big. He didn’t want to unleash a nuclear attack upon the United States unless he could guarantee the unbearable, total annihilation of one of the Great Satan’s largest cities. No mere destruction of a small, outlying ‘heartland’ town as some of his followers wanted to do would suffice.

In fact, Muhammad had already chosen which city that he wanted to destroy; the same city that Islamists had been targeting virtually uninterrupted since the 1979 Iranian Revolution thrust the radical Islamists upon the world stage: New York City. He no longer felt that merely toppling office buildings would serve his expectations. No, he wanted New York City wiped clean off of the map. Then, perhaps, the infidel Americans would listen to him.

What he wanted was easy to imagine; how to impart it to his satisfaction was a totally different animal with which to deal. Muhammad was not so naïve as to believe that he could just walk into the United States with a hydrogen bomb and detonate it. First, he had to find a way past the nation’s security forces. Second, nearly everyone on the planet knew that most American citizens were armed to the hilt and would not take too kindly to another Muslim trying to destroy their country. Fortunately, for him, he knew full well that New York City was one of the few places in the United States where indigenous laws benefited the likes of him and not its own citizens. Third, Muhammed wanted more than just destroying as many people as he could; he wanted to cause as much financial and environmental damage as possible.

Crawling haphazardly over to the corner so as to relax up against the wall without attracting undue attention to his actions, Muhammad allowed a brief smile indicative of his sinister plans. New York City was the ideal target – a location which possessed tens of millions of people; the financial center of the Great Satan; and served as a major – and vulnerable – harbor. Perfect.

There could be no doubt that if he could orchestrate the total destruction of the entire city, America would be brought down upon its knees. The rest of the country would lose confidence in its security, suffer unimaginably through destruction of its primary financial center, lose the use of one of its main harbors through contamination, and beyond all else, take an emotional hit as New York City would be struck yet again. Yes, Muhammad thought, a major nuclear detonation from within the city would be his ultimate dream and ensure him of his place of honor within Greater Islam. What could be better?

Muhammad tugged at his beard: How can I get a large, megaton nuclear weapon within New York City? He considered the difficulties of getting past U.S. Customs and the probable need for heavy shielding to prevent detection. Besides the logistics involved, he thought about the need for capital – a significant amount of capital – as well as the technological and administrative support for such a massive undertaking.

While his exterior showed almost none of the thought processes that swirled throughout his mind, Muhammad’s consciousness drifted back into time when ancient Troy was leveled by the appearance of a ruse gift courtesy of the ‘departing’ Greeks. A wide grin made its appearance upon his otherwise stoical face. What better way to gain entrance into America than by having its citizens welcome their own destruction with open arms? New York City would be vaporized into non-existence and the Americans would have no one else to blame but themselves! Muhammad began a deep, sinister laugh for which he could care less if the entire planet had heard. His agile mind was beginning to plan out the ultimate in attacks and the only obstacle that remained was his eventual extraction from the Viper’s Lair.

At the Patient Evil Homepage the Synopsis, Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, and each chapter will be available in pdf after they are published here at Right Truth.

Synopsis at Right Truth
Prologue and Chapter One at Right Truth, Chapter Two at Right Truth

Now available: Patient Evil t-shirts for men and women at CafePress Available in Black, two shades of Blue, and Charcoal


This article is posted at Real Clear Politics, your votes are appreciated.
Sharing the book and Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary's Thoughts, Cao's Blog, third world county, Conservative Cat, The World According to Carl, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

May 14, 2008

Dayton Ohio Under Siege from Hams and Radical Muslims

This weekend Dayton Ohio will be under siege by two different groups:  1.  Radical Muslim  Khalid Yasin will be lecturing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio on May 16th, sponsored by Dayton’s Masjid-at-Taqwa; and 2.  Amateur Radio Operators (including hubby) attending the 2008 Dayton Hamvention.  Hams and Muslims crowding into the same hotels and restaurants?  Should be interesting.

Khalid Yasin is one of the most notorious Islamic hate sheikhs in the world today. He had been widely condemned from the US to Britain to Australia for his virulent Wahhabist extremism, his intense anti-Americanism (despite the fact that he is an American-born convert), his justification of Islamic terrorism, his wild-eyed conspiracy theories, and his outright racial and religious bigotry. And an Australian news investigation found that Yasin had claimed academic degrees that the schools had no record or, and also discovered that he had engaged in outright fraud in his building his international Islamic media empire.

So it is troubling to see that Khalid Yasin will be lecturing at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio on May 16th, sponsored by Dayton’s Masjid-at-Taqwa.

For example, consider some of his stated positions and activities:

• Yasin was in Saudi Arabia on 9/11 soliciting the support of Al-Qaeda front Al-Haramain Foundation, which was designated a terrorist organization in 2004 by the US government, to help finance his Islamic Broadcasting Company,.

• Yasin says that the US government was behind the 9/11 attacks.

• Yasin claims that AIDS was invented at a US government lab and spread by Western governments through UN agencies and Christian missionaries.

• Yasin advocates for the death penalty for homosexuality.

• Yasin justified the terrorist bombings in Bali because of years of Western oppression.

• Yasin says that the Quran permits wife-beating and that equal rights for women is a “delusion” and “foolishness”. • Yasin calls the beliefs of Christians and Jews “filth”.

• Yasin says that Muslims cannot have non-Muslim friends. •

Yasin rejects any separation between Islam and the state and openly advocates for the reestablishment of the caliphate.

• Yasin visited Jemaah Islamiah terrorist leader Abu Bakar Bashir in prison.

• Yasin has lectured with Hizb-ut-Tahrir hatemonger Omar Bakri Mohammed, who was banned from the UK in 2006.

• Yasin was in Saudi Arabia on 9/11 soliciting the support of Al-Qaeda front Al-Haramain Foundation, which was designated a terrorist organization in 2004 by the US government, to help finance his Islamic Broadcasting Company,.

It is difficult to overstate the hatred, bigotry, misogyny and malicious conspiracy theories spewed by Khalid Yasin. So despicable is his warped ideology that he had been made a pariah by the international media and his views have been condemned by numerous government officials.  (continue reading at FromtPageMag)

At the Hara Arena you will find Hams of all ages, male and female, enjoying the flea markets, forums, manufacturer exhibits, and good clean fun.Come meet your friends, make new ones and remember.  As the Dayton Hamvention website says:   "If you can't find it at Dayton, you'll never find it!" 

Only in America!



Crescent shapes with and without Islamic intent: the Obama logo example

Crescent shapes with and without Islamic intent: the Obama logo example, thanks to Error Therapy

Blogburst logo, petition

The two most widely recognized symbols of Islam are the crescent and the sword. Kind of amusing that Barack Hussein Obama’s campaign logo can be seen to feature both a crescent and a curved Islamic scimitar:

Obama logo animation, crescent and scimitar

The crescent shape in Obama’s logo has the round part on top, just like a traditional crescent shaped mihrab (the Mecca direction indicator around which every mosque is built). The animation shows the two most famous mihr